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Pazzaz 11-17-2016 12:42 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Nice plan there dummy "my wolf buddy is probably gonna die, lets say I'm a cop and no one will suspect me when he flips red" and then you even redacted your claim, don't try any of this stupid #clear shit Dummy

Wineandbread 11-17-2016 12:42 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
freezin, mml, do some death posts too!

Wineandbread 11-17-2016 12:43 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I think Precarious's post was pretty genuine honestly

So I'll narrow it down to mellon/v/dummy for now

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:44 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4494085)
Uh, yeah. That doesn't clear you. It's a little thing called **BUSSING**

Why do you think I was asking you to confirm that I'd be hitting red 100%? So that if you confirm, I shoot you, and then get the lynch on tokzic as confirmed scum by your flip.

Real cop's probably gonna die tonight once wolves go through posts for the identity soft, so thanks for that. LOL you.


okay, so, look. I understand you don't know me, so thats fine.

but I don't bus. Period. I just won a 40 person game as a wolf with only 2 wolves dead out of our 9 on day 5 (and there were ita's in that game)

I take the quickest path to my wincondition as a wolf, always.

And I sure as shit don't bus my PR's.

I'd be more than willing to link you some wolf games of mine if you'd like.

I don't tell you to shoot my bro there. After faking a redcheck on him. Literally NEVER.


inDheart 11-17-2016 12:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
can we make actual wagons though

i'm reluctant to join a nee wagon after that exchange, i think shado looks worse coming out of it even though he hit red tbh just because of how frustrating negotiating that was

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
would i say 'ya lets vote tokzic,' and then come up with some reason to vote someone else when it mattered? sure i would, thats part of the game.

but telling you POINT BLANK to blast my wolfbro.


ShadoWolfe 11-17-2016 12:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494092)

okay, so, look. I understand you don't know me, so thats fine.

but I don't bus. Period. I just won a 40 person game as a wolf with only 2 wolves dead out of our 9 on day 5 (and there were ita's in that game)

I take the quickest path to my wincondition as a wolf, always.

And I sure as shit don't bus my PR's.

I'd be more than willing to link you some wolf games of mine if you'd like.

I don't tell you to shoot my bro there. After faking a redcheck on him. Literally NEVER.


Yeah, I'll read them in the 15 minutes we have left.
lol I don't believe in bussing either, but like 80% of wolves do it.

roundbox 11-17-2016 12:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't think mad dummy dies today

Precarious 11-17-2016 12:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
For what it's worth, I am here right now. If there's something useful that can be done with my vote, let me know.

roundbox 11-17-2016 12:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
shado "could" be bussing but idk

I still think we should flip V

ShadoWolfe 11-17-2016 12:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
VC, please?

What's insta at? 7?

unvote til I know VC

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Precarious (Post 4494098)
For what it's worth, I am here right now. If there's something useful that can be done with my vote, let me know.

imo vote mellon.

but you do you boo

TWG Ike 11-17-2016 12:48 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
V (2)- gold stinger, round
dummy (2)- andy, pazzaz
mellon (1)- dummy
precarious (1)- indheart
unvote (2)- wine, shado

Wineandbread 11-17-2016 12:48 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm not really feeling either mellon or v right now gutwise urgh

Also I'm tired of looking through Shado's posts about that thing I bolded, I guess I'll do it over the weekened

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4494099)
shado "could" be bussing but idk

I still think we should flip V

agreed (tokzic was inactive, so bussing for credit there is something some wolves would do).

i don't think we deal with possible shado bussing until final 3.

for now we just look into the PoE.

roundbox 11-17-2016 12:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Wineandbread (Post 4494104)
I'm not really feeling either mellon or v right now gutwise urgh

Also I'm tired of looking through Shado's posts about that thing I bolded, I guess I'll do it over the weekened

your preliminary skim might not have found the information you wanted, but if he actually had this information, we'd have a dead cop

Wineandbread 11-17-2016 12:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't really want dummy to die either right now

I'll try and quickly skim mellon/V's posts

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:50 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
interesting that no one wants to push gold at all.


i still like mellon more, but gold would probs be my second maybe? either gold or V probs.

ShadoWolfe 11-17-2016 12:51 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
K I'm cool with flipping V for today, but I still think dummy+inDheart potential scumteam.

Also for someone who can post 800-1000 posts a day, he sure didn't post shit today until he got some pressure on him. Let's keep that in mind, yeah?

TWG Mad Dummy 11-17-2016 12:52 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4493765)
This game just has pages and pages of people who are already dead talking to each other. It wasn't too bad to catch up compared to other games I've played actually. I’m going to look into what each player were saying but for now I’m going to focus on people who are still alive

Scum leans:

Precarious - Scum lean. The way that he has been absent doesn’t look good but the low effort posts he has been making look worse. This post in particular

Seems particularly out of character for him.

In the last game we played together, he was quite adamant about using more than just gut instinct in reads. His posts also generally seemed very well thought out and he gave off majorly town vibes immediately. He was thinking hard about the game and his scum-hunting instinct was clear.

This game seems like the complete opposite from him. It seems like he is putting in the lowest amount of effort possible and trying to blend into the background. His posts seem a lot less thought out. In the posts he does have, it seems like he is not scum-hunting in this game

Andy - The whole way that his claim happened and basically everything he said was super fucking sketchy. Shadow was the one to bring up the fact that he had a knife before Andy did so I’m not sure how that clears him? Maybe I need to re-read this interaction but to me it looks hella wolfy. It seems like he is trying to play the dumb card which can be a very good winning strategy. It’s not angle-shooting to acknowledge that the way he is speaking is extremely suspect and seems like an intentional distraction

Town leans:

Shadow, Xel and indheart. I originally pegged Xel as potential scum after reading just a bit of last phase but after reading most of the game he seems like townish Xel to me. Roundbox has a slight town read but seems like he is putting in minimal effort


Tokzic - I didn’t like his opening post and the way he just voted for Storn off of a gut read. This seems like he just wanted to get a vote out there to avoid suspicion from not voting, without any actual reasoning behind it. This would not be super suspicious on Day 1 normally but it was weird because he popped in and did that but didn’t come back until EOD. And he’s been largely absent ever since. However this doesn’t seem too out of character for Tokzic

Wineandbread - I like his reads generally and he seems to have good logic. But I just haven’t seen him posting enough to get a good idea of where he stands in the game

Gold stinger - I kept forgetting about him when doing my reading which doesn’t give me a good feeling.

This post is kind of fair but also kind of what??? Seems like an excuse to just ride along until the end of the game without putting effort in

V where the hell are you, seriously

I know I forgot a few people. my reads and thread-read is not 100% complete but I have to get going now just wanted to post this. There are definitely wolves in my ??????/inactive category.


and try and tell me that its not W/W.

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