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YoshL 11-8-2016 02:14 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4491245)
historically i beg to differ. weaker players and wolves are more likely to jump onto a push made by a stronger player.

i'm not talking about history at the moment'

i'm saying literally when you chimed in emotionally about newer players getting lynched and w/e, was there any danger of there being a bandwagon forming on andy
was there any indication that anyone else was agreeing with me

the difference between "out of 20" is that you still need a majority of all the players, even those who haven't even posted or done anything for a lynch. Establishing a good baseline reads level for a new player is stupid important because quite a lot of at least FFR twg revolves around player meta, even though it's not the end-all-be-all.

storn42 11-8-2016 02:15 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491242)
that furthers my point. I'm saying there was little to no real pressure or danger of being lynched, or even any semblance of a bandwagon forming

which makes your current emotional outburst pretty big

tbh you were going on andy pretty hard, and if we were sitting here at EoD and nothing happens on D0 he could end up being the lynch based off of your arguments.

YoshL 11-8-2016 02:19 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4491248)
tbh you were going on andy pretty hard, and if we were sitting here at EoD and nothing happens on D0 he could end up being the lynch based off of your arguments.

do you believe after all that has been said in this thread that he's your top scum right now?

danceflashrevo 11-8-2016 02:21 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491247)
i'm saying literally when you chimed in emotionally about newer players getting lynched and w/e, was there any danger of there being a bandwagon forming on andy
was there any indication that anyone else was agreeing with me

Yes and no. Yes because traction could have easily accrued, which is why I said the historically mark. And no because there wasn't immediate danger. However, I simply just didn't agree with your push. If I had the intention of saving him, I wouldn't have waited for you and him to finish. I would've jumped straight in and been like "HOLD UP HOLD UP HOLD UP" but I didn't. Likewise I don't think people would let me save people. I'd probably get brushed off as the resident dumbass as I feel happens a bit already. No one was a agreeing with you but I disagreed with you and I felt like I should note that I did at the time and back it up with reasoning.


Establishing a good baseline reads level for a new player is stupid important because quite a lot of at least FFR twg revolves around player meta, even though it's not the end-all-be-all.
I understand what you're saying here, but I feel like you're trying to establish a meta for him. Let him develop his own meta and play the way that he learns how to play. Probing a newer player, sure. Asking his or her input, sure. Putting them in an uncomfortable situation intentionally to where a lot of people regardless of alignment crumble, bad, because it happens a lot regardless of alignment.

_Zenith_ 11-8-2016 02:25 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491166)
Zenith, what do you mean by "inquisitive and intentions are very pure", since as i stated above, i didn't actually question anything, it was almost purely analysis that i did on andy

Oops, I merely skimmed what you and andy were talking about at the start of the conversing between you both.

Regardless, I still feel good about you right now, and apply the "intentions are pure" towards your analysis then because I'm not getting bad feelings about it in general.

storn42 11-8-2016 02:26 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491250)
do you believe after all that has been said in this thread that he's your top scum right now?

no, but thats like showing me a picture of 100 ducks and instantly asking me to choose my favorite.

YoshL 11-8-2016 02:29 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
you're seriously blowing a single early d0 push out of fucking proportion currently.

if you're going to continue to bring up history, you should also check my history of d0 instigation.

and quite honestly, i don't really care about "new person is new so should feel bad lynching him early because easy target" because that's seriously just an excuse to stop playing the game properly.

If he's unable to string together a coherent argument off of a very strange initial push onto AA, then I'm going to point that shit out, because it's weird. When he's unable to coherently elaborate on his argument, and then resorts to "oh ok pick on the new guy ok that's fine you'll just thin the numbers" then I can also point that out and be dissatisfied with the response.


essentially, you disagreed with a push, and resorted to extreme emotion to convey it, in the form of a very awkward post.

The magnitude of the cause and magnitude of the reaction are severely unbalanced, and you look really fucking weird doing it, regardless of any prior reason, or history, or whatever.

YoshL 11-8-2016 02:33 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4491253)
no, but thats like showing me a picture of 100 ducks and instantly asking me to choose my favorite.

analogy does not work in the slightest.

if he's not your top scum, then who is

storn42 11-8-2016 02:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491256)
analogy does not work in the slightest.

if he's not your top scum, then who is

dbp. because thats the quality of read i can give right now. and yes the analogy does work.

YoshL 11-8-2016 03:04 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
if you modified it a little to be something like:

i gave you 20 ducks, and spent a lot of time making one of them quack, and pointed at the particular one and asked "is that one the worst quacker" then the analogy would be valid, and even then, you could still give somewhat of an answer based on the quality of the quacks, and the other random quacks from the ducks surrounding that weren't the center of focus.

i do analogies. don't tell me an analogy works when it doesn't.

danceflashrevo 11-8-2016 03:15 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491255)
you're seriously blowing a single early d0 push out of fucking proportion currently.

Considering you voted me after I showed reasoning for my discontent I don't think so.


and quite honestly, i don't really care about "new person is new so should feel bad lynching him early because easy target" because that's seriously just an excuse to stop playing the game properly.
I know you out of anyone don't care and I don't expect you to.


If he's unable to string together a coherent argument off of a very strange initial push onto AA, then I'm going to point that shit out, because it's weird. When he's unable to coherently elaborate on his argument, and then resorts to "oh ok pick on the new guy ok that's fine you'll just thin the numbers" then I can also point that out and be dissatisfied with the response.
When there's nothing to go off of, couldn't anything be perceived as strange or forced, etc. At least he did something. He got the ball rolling, no? And to that oh ok pick on the new guy. What do you expect him to say or do? I'm genuinely curious.


essentially, you disagreed with a push, and resorted to extreme emotion to convey it, in the form of a very awkward post.

The magnitude of the cause and magnitude of the reaction are severely unbalanced, and you look really fucking weird doing it, regardless of any prior reason, or history, or whatever.
Fair enough I suppose, however don't you dare say I resorted. Resorted implies that it was a last ditch effort, some sort of poor effort, and even worse, a negative one. Especially resorting to extreme emotion, because I'm not attempting to use emotions and sob stories to change your mind, but I am trying to express opinions that I have over a subject that I care about.

danceflashrevo 11-8-2016 03:16 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491260)
i gave you 20 ducks, and spent a lot of time making one of them quack, and pointed at the particular one and asked "is that one the worst quacker" then the analogy would be valid, and even then, you could still give somewhat of an answer based on the quality of the quacks, and the other random quacks from the ducks surrounding that weren't the center of focus.

i giggled like a japanese school girl

R.E. Aryxi 11-8-2016 03:21 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491260)
if you modified it a little to be something like:

i gave you 20 ducks, and spent a lot of time making one of them quack, and pointed at the particular one and asked "is that one the worst quacker" then the analogy would be valid, and even then, you could still give somewhat of an answer based on the quality of the quacks, and the other random quacks from the ducks surrounding that weren't the center of focus.

i do analogies. don't tell me an analogy works when it doesn't.


Charu 11-8-2016 03:26 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
This just in, players don't like the way YoshL goes about the game!!!

YoshL 11-8-2016 03:26 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4491263)
Considering you voted me after I showed reasoning for my discontent I don't think so.

reasoning makes 0 sense. I'm saying you overreacted to a push onto andy, and i'm not seeing any true justification for the magnitude of response for the magnitude of the original push.


When there's nothing to go off of, couldn't anything be perceived as strange or forced, etc. At least he did something. He got the ball rolling, no? And to that oh ok pick on the new guy. What do you expect him to say or do? I'm genuinely curious.
are you ignoring everything i said? When a player, new or not, takes the guy with 2 posts and says "this guy is scum" completely seriously, that's reason to push. doing "something" does not mean a player is giving a very strange read, that becomes quite obvious that they're not able to elaborate on. I expected him to either, A) have actual reasons that he could easily elaborate on to dispell any issues, or B) not have actual reasons, whereupon he did eventually re-examine his read on AA and retract it. I decided to continue to talk because it's nice having a solid base of interactions.


Fair enough I suppose, however don't you dare say I resorted. Resorted implies that it was a last ditch effort, some sort of poor effort, and even worse, a negative one. Especially resorting to extreme emotion, because I'm not attempting to use emotions and sob stories to change your mind, but I am trying to express opinions that I have over a subject that I care about.
You're now trying to place a negative connotation on "resort" that was never intended in the first place. It's what you did. you resorted to emotionally bursting out, instead of whatever else you could have possibly done in that situation.

Charu 11-8-2016 03:27 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Honestly I dig YoshL super aggro approach. It's not too blunt, but it has that level of being under the magnifying glass that makes me shiver in joy.


YoshL 11-8-2016 03:27 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

back to placeholder

YoshL 11-8-2016 03:27 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

back to placeholder

Charu 11-8-2016 03:31 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4491269)
You're now trying to place a negative connotation on "resort" that was never intended in the first place. It's what you did. you resorted to emotionally bursting out, instead of whatever else you could have possibly done in that situation.

Next question would then be, is a completely new emotional outburst post-y response from dfr that has not been done much and comes after seeing you vs andy as being faked?

Because if so, then that's why I say I'm trying not to emotion read this game, hee hee hee.

AragakiAyase 11-8-2016 03:34 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
yoshl is probably town lol

exam in 25 minutes yay

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