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TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 02:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Like if that is a true claim, I'll be so tilted.

why the HELL would you not peek someone being innactive (perc/mellon/even pazzaz) over someone who you ALREADY HAVE PEEKED..

i legit can't fathom this.

roundbox 11-24-2016 02:50 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4495178)
Like if that is a true claim, I'll be so tilted.

why the HELL would you not peek someone being innactive (perc/mellon/even pazzaz) over someone who you ALREADY HAVE PEEKED..

i legit can't fathom this.

It's dumb but it makes it more believable

unless there's another player out here who wants to claim an investigative role, I think he's our town investigative role

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 02:59 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4495179)
It's dumb but it makes it more believable

unless there's another player out here who wants to claim an investigative role, I think he's our town investigative role

are we guarenteed to have an investigative role?

i thought the roles/characters were just randed at the start of the game?

ShadoWolfe 11-24-2016 03:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Yeah it was a big risk, but it actually worked out better that way (luckily)

I had sent in the order on Xel while contemplating taking a risk on watching gold. The way I saw it, it was either me or gold dying (because it was confirmed that the cop was one of us). What I hadn't taken into account was the probable existence of a heal staff that would make wolves target wabby.

Point is, if I died, then my order was pointless. If gold died, I'd know who killed him. I changed my order on him 10m before night ended.

The reason we're lucky it happened that way is because a red resort on Xel would've made comfortable enough to hard claim, which wouldn't have changed the mislynch, but would've gotten me killed.

roundbox 11-24-2016 03:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4495180)
are we guarenteed to have an investigative role?

i thought the roles/characters were just randed at the start of the game?

fair point

ShadoWolfe 11-24-2016 03:06 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
As for breadcrumbs, check out my reads from D0 (Golf stinger check softed HARD), D1 (GS+ roundbox), no shifts d2, got inD lynched by pushing my red D3, no softs D4, and here we are.

ShadoWolfe 11-24-2016 03:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm gonna stop responding cause I'm driving, but yeah.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 03:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
btw don't mind me basking over here in my #clear status.

cause if you think i'm w/w/w with tokzic and mellon, well.. I don't even know what to respond with about that except a hearty LOL.

and if you think i'm w/w with shado, then lol that also, cause he threatened shooting me, and has been pushing/trying to lynch me, and I've been just about his only naysayer the whole game.

I'll take my participation metal now. :)

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 03:12 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
(yes, most of that is me tooting my own horn)

(but it can't hurt to remind you guys that i'm all but confirmed town [or at least confirmed not a wolf fypov])

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 11:03 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Ike (Post 4490564)
Would you fire Emblem?

No win-condition will change after the game has begun.
There is no fool, and no role that wins if town sleeps instead of lynches during a phase.
There are no roles that flip as anything other than their actual role.
Parity works as normal.
There is no dreamer-type role.
There is no thief-type role that can swap roles with another player, or steal another player's role.
Should third-parties be present, they shall exist in small numbers.

from the OP

i think the eliminates the chance that there is 2 neutrals or 1 neutral and 1 wolf remaining.

a) if it was 2 neutrals remaining, 3 neutrals and 4 wolves aren't what i would call 'small numbers'

b) if there was 1 neutral and 1 wolf remaining, we wouldn't be in mylo or lylo (i'm pretty sure) cause they could kill each other/for parity purposes it would be 4/1/1 (which isn't mylo)

so I think that there is EXACTLY 2 wolves.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 11:06 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
*i guess it could technically be mylo in the 1 neut 1 wolf scenario if they both have KP*

For example, if the neutral only had a 1 time kill or had been hiding their KP this whole time.

which, if they were hiding their KP... well wtf are you doing with your life.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 11:08 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
FTR, i still don't really believe the claim very much.

and another possible world popped up in my mind.

Shado/mellon w/w

shado pushed HARD to not get mellon lynched the last couple days.

and if he claims cop and gets her lynched, even if he doesn't die tomorrow, it'd be hard to actually lynch him there.

this is kinda just a paranoid world more than anything, but I think it has some merit to it.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-24-2016 11:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
MFW pazzaz was here, and then just peaces out without saying anything.


roundbox 11-24-2016 12:40 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
6 wolves? Are you high dude?

roundbox 11-24-2016 12:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Shado is legit and town is kinda underpowered without a role like his

I refuse to believe that the roles are "truly" randomized and it's instead a pool in a similar vein that my Phoenix Wright setup (town can get a few potential roles, wolves have potential roles).

Gonna do some rereading of our flips.

roundbox 11-24-2016 12:51 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Seriously, look at the wolf powers and tell me they could have been rolled town

Dfr has an arrow that kills and one that makes someone seer red
V has master wolf status
Indhearts role has one linked to DFRs character name

roundbox 11-24-2016 01:08 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
We either have one wolf and one third party or some silly role that functions similar to mine and wrecks parity

Pazzaz 11-24-2016 02:31 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4495217)
MFW pazzaz was here, and then just peaces out without saying anything.


sorry, was eating
roundbox - niiiiiiiceeee, confirmed town
Shado - Well, I believe shadows claims, seems plausible, good guy etc.
neeee - suspicious of you, but mellon is still number 1 scum for me.
Pazzaz - ha
mellonxcollie - scum, lynch plz
Precarious - too late to lynch you for inactivity but please, post more


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4495203)
b) if there was 1 neutral and 1 wolf remaining, we wouldn't be in mylo or lylo (i'm pretty sure) cause they could kill each other/for parity purposes it would be 4/1/1 (which isn't mylo)

so I think that there is EXACTLY 2 wolves.


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4495225)
6 wolves? Are you high dude?

Roundbox, you implied there being 6 wolves in total is unlikely. To me, dummys reasoning seems pretty solid. Am I missing something?

roundbox 11-24-2016 03:03 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
FFR has pretty much consistently always stuck to a 4:1 town:wolf ratio. 8 players 2 wolves, 12 players 3, etc. At 20 the most we can reasonably expect is 5. Any more, it approaches wolf favored setups through numbers

ShadoWolfe 11-24-2016 06:43 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Losing signal in the mountains. Panicked cause I thought there was no way to get it, this gas station has wifi so I'll vote now. Mellon.

Please please read through my D0 and D1 reads if you dont believe my role. Reread D3 to see guilty on inD. I'm cop, and have been softing openly to cause wolves to question if I was providing cover or wifoming intentionally as cop.

Get real. Mellon is confirmed red. Vote her.

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