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gold stinger 11-21-2016 11:20 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494757)
mellon's reads were attrocious and her activity has not improved.

link me to reads por favor

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:25 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494288)
btw, precarious asking us 'who should i vote' right before EoD and then NOT VOTING is hilariously wolfy.


mellon still wolfy, I don't know why gold is getting 0 scumreads (afaik)

theknightsofneeee(mad dummy)

shadowolf (there is one reason for this that I don't want to talk about, but this might change later)
Pazzaz(someone said he had a claim? if that is wrong he would be lower.


XelNya (i guess? this is mostly a tone/activity read tbh)


inDheart (i liked some of his posting near EoD, but he voted for someone who was NOT vendetta when choosing between the two[like i did but still]) if mellon were to flip wolf i would clear him tho.


goldstinger - no one is scumreading gold when imo there isn't a whole lot going for them. when I feel that way, a large % of the time, they turn out to be wolves because other wolves dont want to push them, and villagers are just tunneled into whoever they think is wolfy, and ignore them.


Mellon - i already talked about that awwwwwwwwwful tokzic read she gave at length, but missing EoD when she was a pretty universal scumread is also not a good look either.

Precarious - lack of content, asked us who to vote/if they should vote, and then just didn't vote.. ?????????? having to ask to vote, and then not even doing it is so hilariously wolfy that I just can't compute it.

yesterdays reads.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:27 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
the 'reason why i have him here' for shado is i thought he was the cop with a green check on me.

if he isn't, and im pretty sure he isn't at this point, then he can go to wolf leans.

Pazzaz 11-21-2016 11:39 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Dummy: "Reads were atrocious"
Stinger: "Link reads"
Dummy: Links own reads


TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:41 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
ohi thought she meant mine lol


TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4493765)
This game just has pages and pages of people who are already dead talking to each other. It wasn't too bad to catch up compared to other games I've played actually. I’m going to look into what each player were saying but for now I’m going to focus on people who are still alive

Scum leans:

Precarious - Scum lean. The way that he has been absent doesn’t look good but the low effort posts he has been making look worse. This post in particular

Seems particularly out of character for him.

In the last game we played together, he was quite adamant about using more than just gut instinct in reads. His posts also generally seemed very well thought out and he gave off majorly town vibes immediately. He was thinking hard about the game and his scum-hunting instinct was clear.

This game seems like the complete opposite from him. It seems like he is putting in the lowest amount of effort possible and trying to blend into the background. His posts seem a lot less thought out. In the posts he does have, it seems like he is not scum-hunting in this game

Andy - The whole way that his claim happened and basically everything he said was super fucking sketchy. Shadow was the one to bring up the fact that he had a knife before Andy did so I’m not sure how that clears him? Maybe I need to re-read this interaction but to me it looks hella wolfy. It seems like he is trying to play the dumb card which can be a very good winning strategy. It’s not angle-shooting to acknowledge that the way he is speaking is extremely suspect and seems like an intentional distraction

Town leans:

Shadow, Xel and indheart. I originally pegged Xel as potential scum after reading just a bit of last phase but after reading most of the game he seems like townish Xel to me. Roundbox has a slight town read but seems like he is putting in minimal effort


Tokzic - I didn’t like his opening post and the way he just voted for Storn off of a gut read. This seems like he just wanted to get a vote out there to avoid suspicion from not voting, without any actual reasoning behind it. This would not be super suspicious on Day 1 normally but it was weird because he popped in and did that but didn’t come back until EOD. And he’s been largely absent ever since. However this doesn’t seem too out of character for Tokzic

Wineandbread - I like his reads generally and he seems to have good logic. But I just haven’t seen him posting enough to get a good idea of where he stands in the game

Gold stinger - I kept forgetting about him when doing my reading which doesn’t give me a good feeling.

This post is kind of fair but also kind of what??? Seems like an excuse to just ride along until the end of the game without putting effort in

V where the hell are you, seriously

I know I forgot a few people. my reads and thread-read is not 100% complete but I have to get going now just wanted to post this. There are definitely wolves in my ??????/inactive category.

these are her reads.

she has NO explanation at all for her town reads (and never gave any even after I called her out on it)

and her read on tokzic seems like she had tmi that he was a wolf, cause all of the bold is negative, and then that last blue statement was enough for her to not put him in the wolf pile?


(i've harped on all of this at length if you want to iso me, i'm not gonna go through it all again for the 4th time)

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
and she had inDheart as town, and had andy as scum.

it almost looks like she intentionally flipped all of her reads to put the wolves in town and ? ?? and villagers in scum.

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
k have to head out for a thanksgiving thing at my job, bbi 3 hours or so

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 11:51 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
also, just thought of this right now, but if mellon is a lost wolf, she wouldn't have been able to contact tokzic to get him to play the game.

(this is in response to round's thing that they are good friends and she would have made him post if he was getting scum read and they were wolves together.)

roundbox 11-21-2016 12:22 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494771)
also, just thought of this right now, but if mellon is a lost wolf, she wouldn't have been able to contact tokzic to get him to play the game.

(this is in response to round's thing that they are good friends and she would have made him post if he was getting scum read and they were wolves together.)

If our cop (presumably alive) has results on at least two living players you should claim. If you haven't, ima bop you hard in post game.

roundbox 11-21-2016 12:29 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Or we could just ask Shado who he was told the cop is or if they're still alive. I think I know who it is but I cannot say with firm certainty. Of we really do have a living and walking cop, I'm confused why wolves didn't try to aim for them over wabby.

roundbox 11-21-2016 12:32 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I have a bad feeling about an incoming echo chamber with myself, shado, gs, and neeee. Lame.

Pazzaz 11-21-2016 12:54 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
mello I see you, please post.

mellonxcollie 11-21-2016 12:54 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4494779)
I have a bad feeling about an incoming echo chamber with myself, shado, gs, and neeee. Lame.

I'm sorry T_T I feel bad


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494767)
she has NO explanation at all for her town reads (and never gave any even after I called her out on it)

and her read on tokzic seems like she had tmi that he was a wolf, cause all of the bold is negative, and then that last blue statement was enough for her to not put him in the wolf pile?

I had a bad read on Tokzic, I'll admit that. I let his personality cloud my judgement in the game when it should have clear to me.

I didn't really have explanations for my town reads tbh. They were mostly based on gut instinct and how the person was acting in the thread. I hadn't even read the entire thread when I made that list, I skipped a lot of the first day and skimmed a lot of posts from dead players. It wasn't half-assed but it wasn't as comprehensive as it could've been either


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4494768)
and she had inDheart as town, and had andy as scum.

Looking at it now I can see that I misread some situations but that was my perspective at the time. It's easy now to look back and see where I was wrong now that we have some flips.

Andy looked terrible based on what I was reading and inD, at that point, seemed town to me based on my first impression. That reads list is a few days old

mellonxcollie 11-21-2016 12:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4494778)
Or we could just ask Shado who he was told the cop is or if they're still alive. I think I know who it is but I cannot say with firm certainty.

I think I know too but I'm very interested about this too


Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4494784)
mello I see you, please post.

I like this nickname ^^ I've never seen it before

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 01:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
is that really all you had to say before you popped back out mellow?


TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 01:57 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
you half heartedly defend yourself against an accusation that i've been saying for 2+days, and probe for who the cop is?

please tell me more about how mellow isn't a wolf..

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 02:06 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

there is no effort to try and solve the game from mellon.

she only spit out that reads list that i just quoted after MUCH CAJOLING from the peanut gallery.

and i have yet to see any reads that are even remotely updated from her in the past 2 game days.

nothing about where she stands currently (even though she was just in the thread)

she responded to my accusation, and then did no work in deciding who was scum, in fixing her reads, in explaining where she sits in the game.

she didn't even vote.

so, i repeat, Why aren't we lynching mellon?

TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 02:09 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
when people defend or don't push wolves wolves (inDheart, tokzic, vendetta) and push villagers (andy), and objectively are not being towny, the most likely explanation is that they are a WOLF.


TWG Mad Dummy 11-21-2016 02:54 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

pretty sure mellon was just reading and then chose not to respond..


*i hate using these reads which is why i go invisible, but if people don't want to i'm gonna use the information*

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