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gold stinger 11-19-2016 07:38 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't get it

Pazzaz 11-19-2016 07:43 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4494552)
I don't get it

Of course not, it's missing a piece dummy.

gold stinger 11-19-2016 07:45 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Still don't get it

inDheart 11-19-2016 08:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

roundbox 11-19-2016 08:51 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

insta, keep in mind my 3rd party list

TWG Ike 11-19-2016 09:11 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
heart (6)- gold stinger, dummy, shado, pazzaz, inDheart, roundbox

insta has occurred

TWG Ike 11-19-2016 09:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
inDheart had died

inDhearts role PM is as follows

inDheart, you are Makalov. You are an inexperienced-but-talented Sword Knight. You are a gambling addict with a serious losing streak, and a much more serious mountain of debt to shady organizations. You have been offered an exceedingly large sum to work for Daein, as well as provide any information you have regarding the Greil Mercenaries to interested parties. Your affinity for gambling follows you, and are willing to risk the lives and well-being of others just for the sake of some action. Your one soft-spot is for the Bow Knight, Astrid.
Each day phase, so long as more than one hour remains in the phase, and so long as Astrid is alive, you may wager your vote. There will be a 50/50 chance between your vote counting double for the phase, or not at all. You will be PMed the result of the gamble, should you decide to use it.

Night 4 will last a little over 24 hours ending at 11:59 PM Server time, Sunday, November 20th.

Night 4 begins now

TWG Ike 11-21-2016 01:00 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
In the night...

wineandbread has died

wineandbread's role PM is as follows

wineandbread, you are Calill. You are an exceedingly talented Sage, and the lover of the Berserker, Largo. You don’t talk about yourself much, beyond rambling about how great and talented you are, but one thing is for sure, you and Largo enjoy each other’s company.
You are masoned with [REDACTED], who is Largo. You may discuss whatever you want with them in your private chat, which may be anywhere, so long as I may be present as well. You may discuss here only. You should discuss with one another using whatever means you wish where you want this private chat to be during the pregame phase.

Day 4 will last 48 hours ending at 11:59 PM Server Time Tuesday, November 22nd.

Day 4 begins now

roundbox 11-21-2016 01:01 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
wabby was killed because he was the most likely to have an item

roundbox 11-21-2016 01:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
According to Shado, the cop is still alive, which means there should be some good results.
Not saying to claim, but if you have the final answer, you should probably say something.

There's a chance our last target is a lone wolf.

ShadoWolfe 11-21-2016 01:05 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4494672)
According to Shado, the cop is still alive, which means there should be some good results.
Not saying to claim, but if you have the final answer, you should probably say something.

There's a chance our last target is a lone wolf.

I second this entirely. If you have the final answer, you should definitely say something.

Pazzaz 11-21-2016 01:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Why did inD selfvote??

roundbox 11-21-2016 01:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4494674)
Why did inD selfvote??

The fact he didn't concede tells us there might be a lone wolf

ShadoWolfe 11-21-2016 01:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Roundbox, why'd you insta last phase?

roundbox 11-21-2016 01:19 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4494676)
Roundbox, why'd you insta last phase?

if you suspect me of being anything, you're wrong

it was clear people like mellonxcollie and Precarious weren't showing up, so I just got it over with

ShadoWolfe 11-21-2016 01:27 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4494678)
if you suspect me of being anything, you're wrong

it was clear people like mellonxcollie and Precarious weren't showing up, so I just got it over with

I don't (except for one insane tinfoil theory that nobody needs to hear).

I only ask because, since phase shifts revolve around midnight server time, I didn't see the point in silencing town for an extra four hours of night.

roundbox 11-21-2016 01:53 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4494680)
I don't (except for one insane tinfoil theory that nobody needs to hear).

I only ask because, since phase shifts revolve around midnight server time, I didn't see the point in silencing town for an extra four hours of night.

nobody was here :/

ShadoWolfe 11-21-2016 02:00 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
@roundbox yeah no biggie, just had an idea for EoD. all good though, at least we hit red.


Kay, I guess now we wait..

Gold Stinger, whenever you get in here, mind telling us what you think about XelNya and Mad Dummy?

ShadoWolfe 11-21-2016 02:18 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
In the meantime, XelNya

Where you at, cuzzo?

roundbox 11-21-2016 03:16 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm gonna laugh if Xel is the last wolf and I successfully pinned him day1

I don't think so though, we'll wait and see when our other thread friends respond

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