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Re: League of Legends [v2]
look the kids are fighting
Re: League of Legends [v2]
http://sufficientblogging.blogspot.c...ge-part-2.html Quote:
I thought since you were discussing this, you had actually bothered to educate yourself beforehand, but clearly I was wrong. I'll remember to spoonfeed you everything in the future. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Now that I have more data, I'm more convinced, as the posts you linked offered very specific statistics that do seem to cover what I was looking for. I have changed my mind based on the sufficient evidence I'm given, like I said I would. Next time we have a discussion I'll be sure to assume you've read every study/analysis/statistic related to the issue at hand. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
In other news, I've finally had a chance to watch today's matches. LMQ vs Dignitas was such a fucking good game. Crumbzz is a god... XWX didn't look like himself in this game. But dat Aphro on the moo was beyond godlike. Both those games were so fun to watch. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
if you ever have lux in ofa have 1 person on your team go full tank, the shields make you invincible xD
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Re: League of Legends [v2]
I thought the troll OFA Lux strat was to build Hurricane so you can pop everyone's passive super fast :P
Re: League of Legends [v2]
that might have been a good last item in my build xD
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I have like 90%+ win ratio in that mode playing with mina, and our mmrs in that mode are near the top, playing with the same people almost every game. we've been discussing strategies and stuff almost every game, so here are some super secret tryhard tips for anyone that wants them
generally speaking, you almost always want at least one tank on your team, even if the champion doesn't have cc. to have someone be able to absorb damage means you can apply pushing pressure, and this leads to taking out towers. the rare exceptions to this rule are certain champions like rumble, maybe fizz, etc aura items are especially gold efficient and valuable. make sure your team communicates and buys them as soon as possible after very fundamental core items. avoid having everyone build the same items. even if champions have slightly different items/utility, that's way better than having two champions do exactly the same thing for a lot of champions, exerting pressure in the very beginning of the game is essential, most notably ranged champions. if you don't push up hard, you'll be pushed into your tower, and you won't be able to regain control of the lane, and they'll slowly whittle your towers down don't forget that players will build differently. just because 2 enemy champions are both draven doesn't mean that each one has the same priority to focus down. check item builds constantly with tab to see which players are the ones that pose the most threat and be aware of their role for certain champions, planning out particular strategies can make or break a game: Lucian - lucian has an extremely strong AP ratio on his W which makes it great for harassing, as well as an ult ratio. setting one (or even two) lucians on your team to ap gives you immense poke strength, utility that AD champions can't buy (ie frost queen), and adds variation to damage Shaco - it's a very good idea to have 2+ people starting with targon's, giving gold to the team while quickly dispatching boxes. preferably, these should be the non-ap players, since the ap players probably want chalice for lane dominance and harass. in addition, you should have one tank and a mix of ap and ad. this particular team comp works best when the game is inevitably pushed to mid/late Vayne - think about skill mechanics as well. if you're playing vayne, have everyone focus a single enemy target, as the silver bolts will stack from every player, nuking champions very quickly. Singed - poison acts as a debuff, so it doesn't stack. if you run through the poison of 5 enemy singed players, you'll only take the highest damage one. this means that while early on offensive/sustain items are necessary for lane dominance, transitioning into mid/late game, you need to start building very tanky with auto-attack modifying items like lich bane or muramana. once the players on your team reach a certain threshold, you can start backdooring towers without little regard to the enemy team. they will literally be unable to kill you while you rip the structures down and this is the kind of thinking you need when planning out the game. because of the nature of this mode, strategy makes a HUGE difference to your team's performance, far more so than on summoner's rift at the moment because people don't know how to play yet. proper planning can win you the game even if your team is not as mechanically strong as for champ picks, generally speaking ranged champions are not as fun as melee champions. melee forces engagements, while ranged poke is VERY prone to snowball out of control |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
wat rank r u
Re: League of Legends [v2]
arguing About special Modes like Special people
Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol jeebus christ wat a fuccen try noob hard
Re: League of Legends [v2]
lost plat 1 promos for the 90th time in a row
never be diamond rip |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
(aka we"re all glarbage) |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
also TO all long posts above i can refute with 2 words
get good |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
ur trash kid get good |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
lmq vs c9 was really hype
also i'd like to add ur trash u'll never be as good as me |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
thats the sSpirit
Re: League of Legends [v2]
friendly abam 5v5, but damn this build is so much fun to play though.
1700 damage nuke on your R that applies muramana and SotEL burn on a 25 second cd peacemaker > net (applies mm and sotel) does half of a squishy's HP then use dat youmuu's to go ham and auto people ![]() |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
A similar build is really fun on Ashe.
That W poke every 2.4 seconds with an arrow every 48, very fun. Especially on Howling Abyss where you basically can't miss an arrow. Also Ashe stacks tear like a boss because any Q auto counts. The Genja is real. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
skill shot
Re: League of Legends [v2]
dlift viewercount doe (even w/o viewbots)
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Got to Gold 1 nami only. Solo que.
The hype. almost to plat :3 I have had an 80% winrate past 20 games. ![]() |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
i like how the league section of twitch is full of white noise streamers being viewbotted
Re: League of Legends [v2]
ok nigs story time
ranked game time felt good, fingers working great, no game freezing gg sure i got this yasuo top against renek nbd i'm stronger lvl 1-2 lvl2 all-in him since he's lvl 1 ignite fuck don't get the kill shit i lost lane because of that he had tp and i lose the cs adavntage as i am chunked to half with no pots and he tele'd back with 3 fuck had to recall miss cs as he aggressively pushed like he should i die to nocturne gank twice and solo undertower renekton buys thornmail first item like wtf u srs thankfully i maxed e first because i actually know how to play yasuo but fuck shit fuck can't do consistent dmg get sshiv but spike too late can only farm 0/3 18 cs down early game fuck this game isn't going good my poppy jungle is d/c'ing all over the fucking place shit not looking good diana ends the game with like 20/5 ya she was fuccen wrecking our ori mid teamfights all over the place we get first drag but other drags and 1st baron are lost without any contest from our side get solo kill on jinx twice so i'm not trash but mna could have done better ori lands 2 ultis which i ulti'd on the entire game 1st time was bot but i was chunked at like 10% health so i ulti'd and immediately died FUCK 2nd time is where shit gets real when i talk come back i mean fuccen com back about 9.5k gold down and 13 kills or something stupid 2nd time ori uses ulti she did it like fucking during a nocturne ulti second baron contest 34 minutes in only me and her had vision of the shockwave, she lands two, i press r like an idiot fucking die in like 1.9 seconds we kill diana and karma though so that's good unfortunately only thresh lives mid inhib is already gone they just finished pushing the wave jinx,renek, and noc head to baron thresh pings to go to baron this fucking thresh toxic as shit all game fuck this ***** we're not gonna win that fight he keeps going i spawn, homeguards, lucian spawns earlier than me he thinks the same as me and goes for mid lane minions thresh lands a hook on jinx at baron, doesn't go in i use e aggressively on minion wave to try and make it to thresh/baron fast this is a fucking bad idea i shouldn't go thesh lands a hook on jinx again holy shit he's gonna go in fuck fuck can i make it he q's in HITS FLAY ON ALL 3 I ULTI OH FUCK SWISH SWOOSH SWISH SWOOSHSWASH DURING THAT ONE SECOND IN THE AIR I'M THINKING 'HOLY SHIT HOYL SHIUT WE JUST FUCKING WON, WE JUST FUCKING WON' ORRYEGATONNNNNN DELETE JINX WIND WALL OVER BARON PUT FUCK U KARMA WRECK NOC KILL RENEKTON 5V2 BARREL DOWN MID LANE TAKE TIER2 TAKE INHIB TUIRRET TAKE INHIB CATCH DIANA HOYL SHIT HOLY SHIT WE WON FUCK YES 9.5K DEFECIT SHIT LOAD OF KILLS DOWN god damn. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
the best part is he doesn't realize that nobody cares, and if you try to point it out to him he'll say you're bad
Re: League of Legends [v2]
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Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
wtf jarvan
Dont feel like writing a wall of text so ill put it relatively short. Pros: -Amazing tank stats -Two initiations with AoE cc -REQ+autoattack deals at least 1000 damage (burst on a tanky dps!). -No need to build DPS whatsoever with his ridiculously high base damage and passive (% hp in magic damage with a cd of 6 secs on the same target) -No need to build anything other than gold/5 til mid game, lol, ull still be tanky. -Built fully tank, does damage on par (fix'd) with malphite galio or rammus (most damaging tanks) -Reduces armor (meh) -Godly laning phase mid and late game -Brush checking ability -Shield, that also slows -3 forms of CC -Pretty decent jungler but in the lane hes better -Forgot to add, one of his gap closers also serves as an ESCAPE. and it goes through walls Cons: -melee (?) seriously tho, name some cons for J4? kite-able? nope 2 gap closers + aoe slow focus fire? he has tank stats, he might aswell be the tank. u cant ignore him because he puts decent dps too. tldr: Even after the nerfs, this guy is completely ridiculous. no real downsides to a perfect kit that stands out even when compared to Irelia or Renekton. Want to win games? play Jarvan. How do you counter him? answer! STILL LOOKING FOR BRAVE PEOPLE THAT TELL ME HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY COUNTER HIM! |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
fucking nathan
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Aphro stream makes me wet |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
the best you can do is theorycraft and try to win a circlejerk argument, but honestly that doesn't even matter since you still can't perform anyway. the only people concerned with defending against your accusations for someone having less knowledge of the game than you, are also only McBaddies who are self-concious about their own lack of ability because everyone else who knows they're good don't have time for your shit i shared my story because it was super hype for me and i wanted tos hare the piece with ffr, just as i shared it with the other individuals i play with in raidcall, mumble, skype, etc. everyone loves a good comeback story and unfortunately the only comeback you should have had in your life was when your mother didn't take it in the mouth and instead conceived you. seriously go smoke or something because your shit-posts are not even funny, no one really cares about the argument you spew, and does anyone from here even play with you because you seem like a fucking downer to play with?????? |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
calling for early gank wud be great if u have like a lee jungle otherwise ur fucked |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I just wish you'd refrain from making EVERY POST some variation on "ur a shitter" It gets tiring having to ignore half the thread because you've clogged it up making the same post over and over again. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
pretty sure you just proved him right mane |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
i think both litodude and hi19 need to unbunch their panties, this thread is 2 serious.
these "Don't touch me, you filthy casual" mindsets are getting out of control |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
the funny part is these guys actually think skill is defined in summoners rift when the only thing that clearly matters is the crystal motherfucking scar
get good |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
dont talk to me unless ur mmr is 2000 or higher
k bye |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
it's more like, why d fuck r u even talking like ur good .... if you're not good?? hopefully u understand what i mean. you can't be frontin. i play for fun, w friends, solo dolo q and everything all the time and that's koo cuz this game is fun to play but if you start toutin like ur good ur gonna get called out on rly simple |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
you're like the arch0wl of competitive gaming
Re: League of Legends [v2]
wow choof can u be more hurtful christ man
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I say shit like this: Quote:
I had never played with a Galio that had that kind of game impact prior to that game. If you disagree with something I say, try explaining why like a polite human being instead of assuming "lol ur bad im better" covers it. Honestly I would like to learn. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
respect is mutually given, aye
Re: League of Legends [v2]
holy shit the cancer in this thread is real
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
tbh i see nothing wrong with talking about the game in general... but i'll say one thing. posting scores in a moba is as retarded as posting a sc2 "end screen" score; vids make it much more meaningful. there's a few exceptions... maybe the game ended in like 10 minutes in a ranked game in summoner's rift in a 5v5 scenario where no one dc'd. stuff like that where it NEVER happens is really funny to see a SS of but other than that seriously dudez limit them because i don't wanna open this thread to see a hugeass picture for a score that i really don't understand because 1) its a normal so i dont see what skill level your allies or your enemies were at to understand why being "25/3" is awesome and 2) at any elo there's stomps so honestly they'll never make sense to me even if i knew the skill level of you and your allies. o and if you play with a popular personality or a pro player that's always cool to SS so that's not in this definition
i mean if you wanna post them go for it but just for your realization and revelation when it comes to this game: they're p much meaningless o and this game is filled with egotistic bastards (much like any other online game) so be sure to hear that you're bad and this or that (just like in any other online game) |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I suppose now's a bad time to mention that Lindsay Elyse is streaming LoL with fellow cosplayer Jessica Nigri?
http://www.twitch.tv/lindsayelyse |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I came in here because someone on skype told me there was some cancer in here.
Only reasons I ever visit this thread and I'm being truly honest, apart from that time that I mentioned I tried the game and didn't like it, but you get the idea. Could we all calm down we're arguing over a video game thread Thank you. x_x; |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Where is the love? =(
Re: League of Legends [v2]
i mean considering humans have killed eachother by the hundreds of millions in the name of various fairy ******s in the sky im pretty nobody fucking cares if people argue on the internet about who sucks at video games
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I like this thread :)
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
It's been a pleasure playing with you all. I'm happy to admit that you all have surpassed me in skill. I'm so proud :')
Re: League of Legends [v2]
and its about fuckin time too god damn
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
are we talking hydraulic or electric retarder ´??
Re: League of Legends [v2]
rest in piece arch0dude
Re: League of Legends [v2]
u donnt even play league ofl egneds choof wtf go away
Re: League of Legends [v2]
jsut like go away, ,, with the wind ok?
Re: League of Legends [v2]
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Re: League of Legends [v2]
i'd hit itt
Re: League of Legends [v2]
So patch 4.10, patch of the Marksmen...
you know I'm hype here comes the return of all AS based carries (Dagger buffs means SS, PD, Greaves buffs); caster carries could use a break from being so dominant this meta I like the BF Sword buff and the return of 3% lifesteal to Doran's Blade, should be interesting |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Yo is it just me or will the proposed changes to dagger take Kayle from already being very strong to just full retard broken?
Wonder if they'll address the changes to her and other non-ADCs that use attackspeed (Jax pls) Also wonder if they'll revert the nerfs to lifesteal runes now that they are making lifesteal more widely available. IMO the chances of Riot actually doing that is... low. EDIT- also they were complaning about BT being "whoever gets it first wins" item, but won't the new passive on BT make it more punishing if you don't get it first? Laning if you get BT first vs not just becomes auto X minions to build up shield -> automatically win trade -> repeat. It'll also have interesting ramifications for assassins in sieges, depending on how big the shield is it could make engaging on a mispositioned ADC in a siege waaay harder because you can't burst them nearly as much. ALSO if Riot is so damn concerned about everyone rushing BT because you need sustain, wouldn't just making Executioner's Calling not a complete joke also accomplish this? It would be cool to see Executioner's Calling somehow reworked into a BT-tier item that sorta countered the enemy who went BT first, without being broken in teamfights. |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
I'm pretty sure life steal runes will be beyond useless after Doran's changes unless they buff them drastically. 3% is plenty to sustain in lane with.
Also opinions on Nidalee changes? |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Or would it be that even if they were buffed a lot, nobody would take them anyway because you'd rather have the AD/AS to get more from your Doran's lifesteal? Thematically the new Nidalee kit is super badass, I always thought she should work kinda that way. Gives a reason to shift from cat to human a lot and feels very hunter-y. No idea how it will work out in practice tho, I'm not a nid player. EDIT- If a common build path becomes something like Dorans -> Dorans -> BF sword -> IE, won't that make laning phase a lot more RNG-dependent, which is something Riot has stated they hate? LoL's pseudo-RNG makes the crit mechanic a lot less streaky once you have substantial crit, but in lane with only 25% (or 15% from cloak) might make ADC trades really RNG dependent, which would suck. lol I just have so many questions about what this will do to the game... |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Hopefully the changes test out good, certainly needed a better incentive to cat form other then to run away.
Re: League of Legends [v2]
Re: League of Legends [v2]
3% lifesteal is basically 2 quints, lol...
not that anyone even uses those anymore attack speed and damage all the way |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
also waiting for riot to post BORK numbers, interested in that change too
Re: League of Legends [v2]
dat map remake tho
gromp is a cutie |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
wow riot has the time to balance a map but not fix the ever lasting problem of elo hell???
gg im uninstalling |
Re: League of Legends [v2]
whew doran back to 3% lifesteal
Re: League of Legends [v2]
maybe i just cant take change but personally i think the new vu looks fucking awful
Re: League of Legends [v2]
i seriously dont get the people bitching that it looks like dota lol
Re: League of Legends [v2]
because it does
Re: League of Legends [v2]
demoted to gold 1
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