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-   -   [Concluded] FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8b (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=150205)

qrrbrbirbel 01-11-2019 08:54 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
i have exhausted all of my tournament juice.

GG D4, it's been a pleasure ALMOST getting top 8 for once haha

dashoe93 01-11-2019 09:03 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
I did it.

GhostieGoBoo 01-11-2019 09:06 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
alright gg's everyone, was a fun tourney :D

reuben_tate 01-11-2019 09:10 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Sorry, in the tub right now! But that's it folks! I'll be updating the D7 scores and announcing the D2 tiebreaker momentarily as well as an official end tournament post

Charmoeleon 01-11-2019 09:15 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
D2 was dumb this time around, lol.

In any case, thanks for the tourney, penguin. Been fun to get back in the game, and inch closer towards D3 during the past few days.

Totoxri 01-11-2019 09:16 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
That was really fun! Thank you for hosting the tournament penguin =)

Andrew WCY 01-11-2019 09:27 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Thanks for the fun tourney!

Araket 01-11-2019 09:35 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Thank you for the tourney Reuben! I had a lot of fun and this was just what I needed to get back into the game! <3

Rapta 01-11-2019 09:39 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Thank for hosting, I had fun in D5 playing index, I am happy with getting 11th place

flashflash account 01-11-2019 09:41 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
first place flex
I'm the best loser there is

LeftyRighty 01-11-2019 09:41 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
thanks so much for hosting this tourney ben, it was a lot of fun!! you really threw some curveballs with these song choices so it was pretty challenging for me but it gave me a chance to derust a bit! :D

Thegaminggenius 01-11-2019 10:00 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
What a fun tourney, still can't believe i hit D5 by the end.

reuben_tate 01-11-2019 10:23 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Excite Bike Spon Con Results!

Below are the scores that were submitted for the spon con. Congrats to the 1st and 2nd place winners (bolded) below! I'll be sending out the credit prizes sometime tomorrow and will send out a PM regarding the other prizes for 1st place winners. If there was any tie, it is broken by whoever submitted first.

1.7, devonin
0.25, flashflash account

2.3, Araket
2.05, Charmoeleon

2.0, beeattack

2.9, TheLegendofPie
2.85, usMath

2.8, mewtikz
2.75, Seoulslayer
2.0, Antori


3.65, SputnikOwns
3.6, dashoe93

3.5, storn42
3.4, SputnikOwns
3.35, AMD
2.5, ositzxz369
2.45, benny58624

3.9, SubaruPoptart
3.7, Deamerai

3.65, gold stinger
3.6, Funnygurl555

3.5, SK8R43
3.0, LeftyRighty

5.0, Matthia
4.4, 11brendon

4.2, SoFas

reuben_tate 01-11-2019 10:31 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8

D2 Tiebreaker (for 1st place): Szamar Madar (62)

The tiebreaker will end Friday, January 18th at 9pm server time.

reuben_tate 01-11-2019 10:46 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Congratulations to the winners of the tournament below! I will be dealing with prize distributions tomorrow hopefully, so please hold tight!

1st: devonin
2nd: 1Kick234
3rd: timk

D2: (currently under tiebreaker for 1st)
1st or 2nd: Neko_Atsumaki
1st or 2nd: Solarlake
3rd: Araket

Due to multiple complaints, I am currently doing a bit of investigation. The official winners for D3 will be annouced after the investigation has concluded.

1st: dashoe93
2nd: CDCan
3rd: Twisue

1st: Deamerai
2nd: Andrew WCY
3rd: _Fluttershy_

1st: suicidaln00b
2nd: DarkZtar
3rd: V-Ormix

1st: 11brendon
2nd: TheToaphster
3rd: SoFast

reuben_tate 01-11-2019 10:54 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Also, I appreciate all the thanks and compliments everyone has been sending my way. At the same time, I can't run a tournament without people, so y'all are awesome for sticking around! With that said, I'm updated the dashboard to only include those that have submitted for every round. So if you're name is up there, you will receive a participation credit prize as a token of my appreciation. There's also the chance to win the Steam gift card as a participation prize; I'll write more about the gift cards some time tomorrow.

Anyways, I had a really fun time organizing this tournament and I'm glad to see that everyone else had a good time as well. For more of a good time, please keep your eyes peeled for my next tournament! The next tournament will be my third installment of a rates tournament so if that sounds like your cup of tea, please be sure to join when I get that tournament up and going :)

qrrbrbirbel 01-11-2019 10:54 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8

Originally Posted by reuben_tate (Post 4664796)
Congratulations to the winners of the tournament below! I will be dealing with prize distributions tomorrow hopefully, so please hold tight!

1st: devonin
2nd: 1Kick234
3rd: timk

D2: (currently under tiebreaker for 1st)
1st or 2nd: Neko_Atsumaki
1st or 2nd: Solarlake
3rd: Araket

Due to multiple complaints, I am currently doing a bit of investigation. The official winners for D3 will be annouced after the investigation has concluded.

1st: dashoe93
2nd: CDCan
3rd: Twisue

1st: Deamerai
2nd: Andrew WCY
3rd: _Fluttershy_

1st: suicidaln00b
2nd: DarkZtar
3rd: V-Ormix

1st: 11brendon
2nd: TheToaphster
3rd: SoFast

2nd and 3rd place please PM me here and I will get to you all as soon as possible. Please also keep in mind I work 50 hours a week, but my goal is to have everyone shipped and taken care of within 2 weeks.

Congratulations everyone!

Avoiding double post edit: can someone make me a top 9 banner

flashflash account 01-11-2019 10:59 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
I got better but policy in the sky is still impossible to clear /shrug

TheLegendofPie 01-11-2019 11:47 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Thank you for hosting Reuben! Was a good derust for me and I learned I'm better at handling 65+ files than I thought.

Def wondering what you're investigating in D3, but I'm sure you'll tell us once you've made a conclusion.

DeltaNein 01-11-2019 11:50 PM

Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace pastebin.com/tvm28W8
Thanks for the host my dude! I'm disappointed with my final placing but I'm glad I got to do something competitive again.

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