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Lights 06-14-2021 12:59 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4762591)
*cough* uh I literally just said that I don't use said system so.....
It is cheating and it's literally against our rules for you to do what you're saying you're going to. You'd end up bumped up in the tournament, or removed from it entirely. You do realize that there's going to be people at the bottom of a division no matter what right? It's a competition, we probably shouldn't have divisions and it just be a battle of the best of a best like most games. I can't believe I literally have to say this every year. We're one of the only games that gives an opportunity for people of all skill levels to have a chance.

Then this isn't the tournament for you. This is our major tournament for the year. We're strict on our rules for it. You can unlock any of the event tokens in any other event run on the site. The only things you cannot get are the V0 token and the tokens for D7/D8.

I've been the scraped barely into D5 person for like idk how many years now. I couldn't compete at my peak and I surely cannot compete now as my skill has dropped to a D3 level. It sucks, but I also know this is a competition and is meant to be as such.

tldr: This is a TOURNAMENT, it's not meant to be easy. If you want to win prizes you need to fight for them. I'll also warn you now because you are fully aware of it being cheating if you're caught doing so still the punishment will likely be more severe then a bump up in the tournament or just removal.

Just withdraw me from the tournament please. Im not interested in competing anymore.

psychoangel691 06-14-2021 01:04 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by Lights (Post 4762592)
Just withdraw me from the tournament please. Im not interested in competing anymore.

What's funny is based on looking at your stuff and looking at where my cutoffs are you'd likely have been D5 anyway. But you want to give up before it's even begun. *shrugs* removing as requested.

kmay 06-14-2021 01:07 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
It would have been fun to compete with lights as well since they are a similar skill to me at my best it probably would have pushed me more. Let’s see who is be at the top of D5 to push us now

Lights 06-14-2021 02:05 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4762593)
What's funny is based on looking at your stuff and looking at where my cutoffs are you'd likely have been D5 anyway. But you want to give up before it's even begun. *shrugs* removing as requested.

At this point its a matter of principle. I dont feel like being under your microscope so you can arbitrarily decide if im sandbagging or not, ill play the game on my terms and enter a tournament later if i wish. Moreover, you could have made that clear prior to this point, but it doesn't seem like you were trying to assure me a fair bracket and/or provide support as much as you were trying to lay down the law. Shouldn't be any mystery as to why I'm no longer interested in playing.

@kmay feel free to play multi with me sometime. shoot me a message of discord if and when you'd want to do so.

Gradiant 06-14-2021 03:30 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by Lights (Post 4762602)
At this point its a matter of principle. I dont feel like being under your microscope so you can arbitrarily decide if im sandbagging or not, ill play the game on my terms and enter a tournament later if i wish. Moreover, you could have made that clear prior to this point, but it doesn't seem like you were trying to assure me a fair bracket and/or provide support as much as you were trying to lay down the law. Shouldn't be any mystery as to why I'm no longer interested in playing.

Nothing here has been arbitrary. Placements are not even out yet so there's not much use in complaining about them yet, and if you really cared, you would've listened to the several people at this point that responded to you about the situation. Making psycho out to be the bad guy here isn't a good move.

psychoangel691 06-14-2021 03:33 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
I'm used to being the bad guy, it's fine. I am the one to "lay down the law" as you'd like to put it. You very clearly were speaking selfishly and speaking about cheating in our biggest event of the year. I don't have tolerance for that. Had you come to me privately and expressed concern that wasn't centralized around "well I don't wanna try I just want prizes" it would have been a much different response.

psychoangel691 06-14-2021 03:47 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
We've talked privately, all is better understood now.

Sooooo who's excited about the live streams? I can't wait to start doing them again.

BigHayden1 06-14-2021 04:09 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
is it gonna be on sundays like last time?

psychoangel691 06-14-2021 04:12 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by BigHayden1 (Post 4762613)
is it gonna be on sundays like last time?

That is the plan with the exception of the first one, since the Sunday prior to first round lands on July 4th I will be doing that preview on Monday evening instead.

psychoangel691 06-16-2021 05:02 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
We're still under 200 sign-ups, where is everyone?

badman7772 06-16-2021 05:21 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
I can always make fiffer babies. They just have to be 13 right? 13 seconds?

_DJ Vinyl_ 06-18-2021 12:22 AM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
Can I just say... nice to see you all again

XtraFestive 06-18-2021 01:42 AM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
14th official cookout time woooooooooo

Skayles 06-18-2021 01:44 AM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
you can't post until the 15th ot

thank you

mi40 06-18-2021 03:31 AM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4762746)
We're still under 200 sign-ups, where is everyone?

good question
i think a lot of people are physically on vacation for the summer

psychoangel691 06-18-2021 12:35 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by mi40 (Post 4762846)
good question
i think a lot of people are physically on vacation for the summer

Summer is our typical OT time though, usually get around 350.

themastergrant 06-18-2021 01:18 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
Can’t wait for the Reveal Streams! Gonna be a lot harder in D3 this time around but I’m ready to skillboost :) last year made me a much better player and there’s so many great people who enter. Can’t even be upset if I lose.

mi40 06-18-2021 03:52 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4762856)
Summer is our typical OT time though, usually get around 350.

regardless of tournament participant size thank u guys once again for hosting

Funnygurl555 06-18-2021 05:46 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4762746)
We're still under 200 sign-ups, where is everyone?

i'd love to play but this stupid laptop has to break first so i can get another one

edit: what i'm trying to say is i can't properly participate in tournaments

gold stinger 06-18-2021 10:45 PM

Re: 14th Official Tournament
maybe 1.4.0 engine release before Official Tournament?? :0)

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