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Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Assume Jessie used the 1-shot mafia cop role on Bolth.
I guess DBP would be able to say he roleblocked Bolth without town knowing if Bolth was a PR or not.

I had a bit of wolf read on Bolth because I thought DBP would roleblock a wolf partner to not have to deal with an hypothetical counterclaim.
I tend to believe that world because wolves didn't really NK PRs until MML.

I'm just wondering if Duskfall is really as clear as he should be.

ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 05:46 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
On that note, I'm off for the night. It's nearly 3am and I gotta be up in a few hours.

I'll try to be on when I can thru tomorrow, but it's gonna be an intense day so don't expect too much of me.


ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 05:49 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4730037)
Assume Jessie used the 1-shot mafia cop role on Bolth.
I guess DBP would be able to say he roleblocked Bolth without town knowing if Bolth was a PR or not.

I had a bit of wolf read on Bolth because I thought DBP would roleblock a wolf partner to not have to deal with an hypothetical counterclaim.
I tend to believe that world because wolves didn't really NK PRs until MML.

I'm just wondering if Duskfall is really as clear as he should be.

"I thought DBP would roleblock a wolf partner to not have to deal with an hypothetical counterclaim."

Can you explain this thought in some depth for me please?
anytime is ok. I'm going to bed now so I won't see your response til later (prolly lol) anyway. thanks

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:49 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I've been probably wrong in every possible way in this game. It's kinda funny.


It's almost 6 am here too. rip.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:54 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4730039)
"I thought DBP would roleblock a wolf partner to not have to deal with an hypothetical counterclaim."

Can you explain this thought in some depth for me please?
anytime is ok. I'm going to bed now so I won't see your response til later (prolly lol) anyway. thanks

Well, DBP said he didn't roleblock anything N1, blocked Bolth N2 and Dusk N3 right ?

If Bolth was a town PR and his action succeed N2 that could have been a problem.

You could probably be like; "but Haku, he's probably wolf roleblocker, he could have roleblocked Bolth".

The thing is; if MML roleblocked DBP while he was roleblocking town PR Bolth then he could technically get caught.

That's mega unlikely, but why take a risk when there's a 100% safe scenario.

I'm not saying stake the entire game on that theory, but it's a thought.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 06:01 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
It's like a reverse problem.

A wolf needs to find a VT to fake a roleblock on them because the VT doesn't get informed that they are roleblocked.

It's a way to recycle the 1-shot ability if it fails.

I think that slightly up the odds of Bolth being town, but not by much because DBP could just yolo roleblock wolf partner.

I just feel like wolves don't like faking night actions on partners when they're at risk of dying earlier.

ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 06:08 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4730041)
Well, DBP said he didn't roleblock anything N1, blocked Bolth N2 and Dusk N3 right ?

If Bolth was a town PR and his action succeed N2 that could have been a problem.

You could probably be like; "but Haku, he's probably wolf roleblocker, he could have roleblocked Bolth".

The thing is; if MML roleblocked DBP while he was roleblocking town PR Bolth then he could technically get caught.

That's mega unlikely, but why take a risk when there's a 100% safe scenario.

I'm not saying stake the entire game on that theory, but it's a thought.

I think the premise makes sense but everything else is wrong 'cause I'm like 99% sure DBP said he blocked FFA N2

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 06:11 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Fine, I'll go sleep..


ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 06:12 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4730044)
Fine, I'll go sleep..


Same tbh

Duskfall 05-6-2020 06:29 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4730032)
Dusk I just wanna say from now if the beef with DBP was invented and y'all end up being partners, then major props to you both on the grade A plan & execution

it was not!

Duskfall 05-6-2020 06:32 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
LOL people really considering me wolf with dbp

Makilaz 05-6-2020 10:44 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
bolth mannn has been replaced by fatfuck42

day continues as normal

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 11:02 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Hey gang

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 11:04 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Since this game is close in length to the AC game and that one took me two full days to reread, I'm gonna be realistic and only read the EODs here. Then if any important conversations come up in the process I'll go and read those too.

Duskfall 05-6-2020 12:47 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4730056)
Since this game is close in length to the AC game and that one took me two full days to reread, I'm gonna be realistic and only read the EODs here. Then if any important conversations come up in the process I'll go and read those too.

I don't think it is possible for you to not get lynched at this point, honestly you are going to f3 guarenteed as guiltiest player with the only other mafia player being outted.

There is not really a play you can make to not get lynched anymore, at least in me eyes. Getting subbed in at this point is a major feelsbad but I do think your slot is kind of screwed so just heads up

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 01:10 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4730062)
I don't think it is possible for you to not get lynched at this point, honestly you are going to f3 guarenteed as guiltiest player with the only other mafia player being outted.

There is not really a play you can make to not get lynched anymore, at least in me eyes. Getting subbed in at this point is a major feelsbad but I do think your slot is kind of screwed so just heads up

Oh shit, who's the outed mafia player? And how come my slot is screwed?

Duskfall 05-6-2020 01:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4730064)
Oh shit, who's the outed mafia player? And how come my slot is screwed?

Dbp is outted because his claim of blocker is proven impossible in our setup

You voted yesterday in mylo on me, with the two other scum and no town on town, while the rest of the players vote mafia

Also your slot has been the most wildly scumread all game of the slots in poe even before dbp and jessie were proven mafia

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 01:51 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4730065)
Dbp is outted because his claim of blocker is proven impossible in our setup

You voted yesterday in mylo on me, with the two other scum and no town on town, while the rest of the players vote mafia

Also your slot has been the most wildly scumread all game of the slots in poe even before dbp and jessie were proven mafia

Sounds like I've got my work cut out for me, lol.

What was MML's block history? All I remember is he said he blocked haku, and that was the night nothing happened. What ended up happening there? And what did dap say his block history was?

And as far as the jessie vote goes, a wolf absolutely bussed there.

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 02:00 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I read the EODs, now I'm gonna check the voting history and such to see which dap/jessie/X combo makes the most sense.

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 02:56 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
How have MML, leetic, and shado read haku throughout the game? And how has haku read dusk and dap?

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