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leetic 05-3-2020 01:35 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Yeah, Dusk was the only one to stay on. Bolth and Haku were like "I don't want anything to do with this"

leetic 05-3-2020 01:36 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4729326)

Why did you vote DBP after Mikey "outed" him and after Haku also voted, and why did you leave just as quickly?

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 01:37 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4729242)
Ullea/Wolfe: I have struggled to read this slot all game. Ullea was a straight null for me, their points made a lot of sense but also Leetic’s catch on Ullea’s post also made a lot of sense. Wolfe has come in strong and been saying a lot of things that make sense, and seems to have put effort in solving. I was quite skeptical of how quick he was to sheep Dusks read on me, and this phase has given me the impression again that he is following people (Leetic, this time) rather than coming out with his own thoughts.

I feel like he's been saying what he thinks in general honestly.

Following leetic is just the natural thing to do at this juncture.

Bolth mannn 05-3-2020 01:37 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I literally answered this question just before when haku asked

Bolth mannn 05-3-2020 01:38 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 01:39 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Pretty sure Bolth had the same reflex as me here.

"I don't want to insta at the beginning of the phase without others having a chance to talk etc."

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 01:40 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I feel like this game is going to be about solving Bolth vs ShadoWolfe while Duskfall/Jessie goes rip.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 01:44 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I secretly want to town read Bolth over having a similar game as me, but idk if Bolth having a similar game is a good thing or not for Bolth.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4728032)

Keep this post in mind, Dusk is definitely going to have to answer to this.

Bolth at least was the first to unvote, a little before Mikey had pointed out that they were at L-1, so that's something.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:46 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728024)
Dusk is 100% town Bolth.

You die 50 times before him.

And Haku, you need to answer to this.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:49 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Dusk even posted after it was at L-1 and didn't unvote. Scummy AF.

There was a second time DBP got to L-1 but no wolf finished him off. Maybe I should look into that.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:52 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4728067)
MixMasterLar, leetic, DaBackpack, Hakulyte, Bolth mannn, ShadoWolfe, jesse, ffa

ffa and leetic cop claimed, why leetic is alive is a big ?? for me though

so mml dbp haku bolth wolfe jesse

we are always in one of these worlds assuming claims are legit:

1) Goon + Roleblocker + Godfather, Serial Killer (Investigation Immune OR 1-Shot Bulletproof)

2) Goon + Roleblocker + Godfather

dbo red check means we have these remaining:

mml haku bolth wolfe jesse

with 2-3 scum depending if we have a serial killer or not

so all of these players actually come in about 50 percent chance of being scum just based on odds alone

haku is probably town i think? mml is green checked so despite the fact scum have a godfather we dont lynch today because it is more likely he is town than others

bolth wolfe jesse: is todays lynchpool, probably first 2 have been the worst this game and you are welcome for carry boys good luck

Another ridiculously scummy post from Dusk.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:53 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4728069)
wait im retarded the lynch is obviously dbp

His post after the previous one. Note that he had already voted DBP at this point. This may be a slip if he knew DBP was town.

leetic 05-3-2020 01:55 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4728074)
Ok but if dbp flips town we are lynching you tomorrow

Yeah, I can keep quoting posts but I think it's obvious at this point that Dusk looks bad. The lack of resistance when his name pops up does worry me a little though.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 01:57 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4729336)
And Haku, you need to answer to this.

I felt a lot more confident town reading Dusk's wishy washy posts than Bolth's more reserved game at that point.

I also sheeped Xiz on that because Xiz usually have really good reads.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:03 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Xiz is like the 80% win rate guy while I'm one of the weakest TWG players on this site.

My ability to convince and push wagons is subpar even if I think I may or may not be right about something.

Pls keep that in mind here. People tend to town read because they generally know that I'm one of the easier players to solve.

It's very standard for me to both be constantly town read and to make it to F3 because town have an easy time solving me and wolves really want my poor decision making in a mylo scenario.

Just sayin' because I think it's your first game with me.

leetic 05-3-2020 02:05 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728421)
Aaaaaaaahahaha17wusjw8wuwuwus8iwiwiwiwuw DBP FUCK

Well i guess if DBP pocketed me hard it was the easiest damn pocket because all he had to do was point out how fucking silly everyone sounded.

I'll stand by, in post game, that Xiz losing his cool and claiming at pressure from Haku really just dicked everyone over.

But i reas thread and I have reasons to believe FFA might be the truthful one here as satisfying as it would be to have him wolf. But hey, DBP flips anything not red you're getting insta-lynched with extreme prejudice fucker

Duskfall looks a little better for nor wanting massclaim
Bolth and Jessie need to play the game

He does this and and i will make 5 posts voting him with various spellings of his name and then AFK

This is the post that once again put DBP at 4 votes (Mikey, Dusk, me, MML). Here's the problem.

Haku was there. Bolth was there. Even jessie was there. If any of them would've wanted to end DBP, and it would have been worth it as scum since Mikey would be the obvious choice to lynch, they would have done it. This is why I doubt DBP. If he's town, that narrows it to Duskfall, Shado, and MML as the team. Any other combination and he would be dead.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:09 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I don't think a wolf would confidently hammer here right in the middle of a phase.

They would almost always die the next phase.

Bolth mannn 05-3-2020 02:11 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Leetic keep in mind Jessie wasn’t caught up with the thread according to her and she was supposedly rereading shit from ages ago by the time people unvoted from DBP

leetic 05-3-2020 02:11 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4729346)
I don't think a wolf would confidently hammer here right in the middle of a phase.

They would almost always die the next phase.

No. Mikey would die because of the fake cop check. It would be a no risk move.

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