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DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726087)
If Bolth/Duskfall are wolves, they made it very clear that they don't want to win.

I think it's easier to assume that this is bait.

I think bolt/dusk interaction is NAI

it's just homoerotic shitposting-- if anything W/T

Hakulyte 04-24-2020 08:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726228)

Except that even that theory is wrong because they were all here 30 minutes before that time at the very exact same second except Ulli who got here like 2 minutes later.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726091)
The ideal play here is to do the above as town and realize that both sides were T/T to PoE into a wolf vote later on because the more you find towns, the smaller the wolf pool becomes.

tl;dr: Chaos is great, but it has to be done right.

Haku, sometimes it's easier to just see the things as they are, right in front of you, instead of going 20 nodes down the search tree and orienting yourself on random outcomes

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:32 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726232)
Except that even that theory is wrong because they were all here 30 minutes before that time at the very exact same second except Ulli who got here like 2 minutes later.

really? did you see this yourself? at any rate I wouldn't trust the bottom tab but it's good to know if it's true I guess

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 08:32 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Xiz not gonna front that avatar change kinda a dick move bro


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4726166)
the fuck you think I've been doing poking lar

he just doesn't want to engage me because he knows he'd lose

Oh yes like all the other times youve bested me in verbal combat or whatever


Originally Posted by Ulleabhara (Post 4726178)
I do agree that lynching inactives is generally a good strategy (the information they're NOT giving the town is counteracted by their flip and the fact that we no longer have them as a distraction/easy out for wolves in later Days), and am generally inclined to lynch. My interpretation of Hakulyte's no-lynch advocacy strikes me as concerned town that has been burned by some bad past games. (Honestly, Haku, I feel like the solution to that particular conundrum is just for the PRs to play smarter.)

Ulleabhara has successfully pocketed me d0


Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4726190)
We've already got to the point where people are suggesting we lynch inactives. Nice. I still have yet to see a game in which lynching an inactive in D1 was a good idea.

Literally pick any game we've played in like the last six month, realistically longer. There, you've seen a game were voting the inactive was a good idea.

Hakulyte 04-24-2020 08:33 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726235)
really? did you see this yourself? at any rate I wouldn't trust the bottom tab but it's good to know if it's true I guess

Look at the timestamp of the posts. They legit all popped in the same 5-10 seconds. I was in the middle of previewing one of my posts when it happened.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:33 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4726102)
Yeah actually lets just discuss this now

I know when someone doesn't show at all (not saying DBP will do this, but it's happened a few times) everyone tries to avoid dealing with the slot because "lol it'll get replaced"

We've had that kind of shit blow up in our face enough times to not do it again yeah?

Like it's d0, we gonna probably miss anyway. if someone legit is under 5 posts then instead of the long parade of replacements that also need replacing we should just clear up the slots and not wait until MYLO this time

I know the subject here is me but I don't disagree with this policy

however given that we still have 24 hours we shouldn't rest on our laurels

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726237)
Look at the timestamp of the posts. They legit all popped in the same 5-10 seconds. I was in the middle of previewing one of my posts when it happened.

no I mean, the "they were all here 30 minutes beforehand" part

Hakulyte 04-24-2020 08:36 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
12:24 to 12:25 pm.

The way they posted, it looks like all 3 of them didnt read the thread beforehand either.

See post #54,55,56.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:36 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726103)
I'm seriously considering no lynch D0 because I think it will help PRs stay in the game longer and do more night actions.

this is wrong

also, I would be more inclined to think that the ACTUAL low-posters aren't PRs on average

I think I'd rather not risk getting myself killed, and would be more invested in the game bc of a sense of responsibility

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:40 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4726107)
Tbh I’m not a huge fan of hunting inactives. I’d rather execute someone based on information (even if it’s minimal information) rather than a lack thereof.


we have this talk every game it feels like. I would rather us all coalesce on inactive players (if there are any) as opposed to some vacuous notion of "information" that happens on a first lynch.

flashflash account 04-24-2020 08:40 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 08:41 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Liking this DBP/Haku interaction


Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4726209)
The active townies would be killed off by scum anyway, leaving the active wolves to keep picking off easy targets. Trust me, I've been there before.

I don't trust you

If you want to refer to experience, again, go check FFR's backlog. There's a real chance town has lost more ganes to replaced-and-still-inactive wolves here then you've played in your whole career.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:42 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4726113)
Hi my name is lar, I’m going to get my town read for the day by not thinking, please town read me, see look, I’m voting like I always do: without rhyme or reason.

Did I mention you should town read me for poking lar like this?

You should! I always do this. I always flip town.

I am town, read me as town please.

I'm at the point where all advocating for inactive lynch is NAI-- MML is doing a good thing by pushing it, but there's no town points there anymore

if he doesn't put UP on top of that, he's suspicious

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 08:42 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726242)

we have this talk every game it feels like

Bro welcome to my world

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:43 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726115)
I used to play like that, but it never really helped me much.

Even info can be detrimental if a player wasn't going in the right direction.

"I used to play like that. It never helped."

"hey guys let's no-lynch this phase."


Bolth mannn 04-24-2020 08:43 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Listening to my gut, I don’t want to vote for haku or MML this phase

Dbp, dusk and ffa are also trending towards town for me

Everyone else is fair game tbh

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 08:44 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726245)
I'm at the point where all advocating for inactive lynch is NAI-- MML is doing a good thing by pushing it, but there's no town points there anymore

if he doesn't put UP on top of that, he's suspicious

There was never town points in it lmao
Ive neen mislynched for pushing it before I'm pretty sure, although that was a good ways back

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 08:45 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4726112)
bad idea. if you are town this methodology is anti-town.

No-lynch is only good in a final 4 situation


this whole fucking time I thought this was Xelnya

literally didn't notice it until somebody quoted you and I thought "huh, I must have missed this xiz post"

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