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flashflash account 04-29-2020 10:13 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728134)
Tell me why I would vote DBP, who had sound reasoning and valid suspicions that some of you AGREED WITH ti lynch Xiz over someone like FFA who somehow hit fucking jackpot on being right dispite it makingno sense and ia now being all holier-then-thou about it.

I thought xiz was a wolf too, I'll own up to that

funnygurl was right, and some of the wolfiest wolfbros of all time were pushing xiz when we had a mechanical path to avoid a mislynch

vote dbp

MixMasterLar 04-29-2020 10:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728141)
I thought xiz was a wolf too, I'll own up to that

funnygurl was right, and some of the wolfiest wolfbros of all time were pushing xiz when we had a mechanical path to avoid a mislynch

vote dbp

You didnt owe up to it doing the phase so saying that means jack shit

I am never voting DBP, especially if the case is "Xiz threw the game and FFA used his crystal ball to somehow magically know lynching was a bad idea"

I vote FFA over DBP here, if it comes to it

Back to Apex

flashflash account 04-29-2020 10:45 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Just personal preference maybe, but non-themed, known setup games with very few PRs are not only a snooze-fest, but they take a lot of skill out of the equation too. Mafia skill isnt just about blind reads. That plays an obvious part, but part of the skill in being scum in more advanced setups is making your own believable fake claim, or deciding what to do with the limited (or no) info on what the town PRs are. Part of the fun and skill of town in advanced setups is figuring out the setup too. Removing those things actually limits skill in my view, and it's a main reason why this type of setup is usually only found in newbie games on most dedicated mafia sites. Yes, there is RNG in what role you get in role madness games, but that's also part of playing mafia. It takes skill to win with a subpar/$#@!ty role and skill to not lose the game with a good one. Even bad situations can be salvaged by good players, and that's the only real way to separate people imo. Putting a bunch of VTs against a couple goons in a known setup is as basic as it gets and limits the plays people can make. I personally dont like it much.

Hakulyte 04-29-2020 10:52 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm tempted to afk this phase.

1. Everyone town read me.
2. doesn't look like mass claim is a thing.
3. I'm curious what DBP does, but it's not too important.
4. FFA called a red check.
5. If DBP town, FFA is dead next phase.
6. My opinion is trash.

flashflash account 04-29-2020 11:02 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728144)
I'm tempted to afk this phase.

1. Everyone town read me.
2. doesn't look like mass claim is a thing.
3. I'm curious what DBP does, but it's not too important.
4. FFA called a red check.
5. If DBP town, FFA is dead next phase.
6. My opinion is trash.

hopefully dbp lolcats so I don't have to hardclaim

Funnygurl555 04-29-2020 11:09 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

flashflash account 04-29-2020 11:16 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I think that's the highest fps gif I've ever seen

MixMasterLar 04-29-2020 11:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728145)
hopefully dbp lolcats so I don't have to hardclaim

If you have a recheck on someone fucking hardclaim?

If you don't stop wasting time on a DBP lynch

leetic 04-29-2020 11:25 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
So right now we have nine people alive, there doesn't seem to be an SK, so we only have two safe lynches. I'm suspicious about this supposed red check on DBP - if it's fake, then that would be another mislynch that is easy to push through and leaves town in a bad place on MyLo. I think DBP is town because he was voted a lot at the beginning of the phase. Scum is in such a good position right now that they don't need to bus, and unless all of DBP's voters were town it is doubtful that DBP is scum. I'm going to vote Mikey because besides this redcheck nonsense I feel he was very opportunistic regarding Xiz, saying that he was likely a wolf but not taking a hard stance towards lynching him until it became opportunistic for him to do so.

leetic 04-29-2020 11:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
So Mikey, Haku, Dusk, and Bolth. Two of jessiebessie, ShadoWolfe, and MixMasterLar would have to be scum if DBP is scum. If Mikey's checks are true, that would leave DBP, Shadow, and jessie as the most likely scum team. The question is are these three compatible as partners?

MixMasterLar 04-29-2020 11:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728150)
So Mikey, Haku, Dusk, and Bolth. Two of jessiebessie, ShadoWolfe, and MixMasterLar would have to be scum if DBP is scum. If Mikey's checks are true, that would leave DBP, Shadow, and jessie as the most likely scum team. The question is are these three compatible as partners?

Shadow and Jessie have a very low amount of interactions so they pair up with almost anyone.

Actually Jessie is who I need to see more of, she needs to start taking hard stances on issues and make effort.

MixMasterLar 04-29-2020 11:36 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm starting to question my unfunded gut read of Haku

I don't know how to particularly solve him.

leetic 04-29-2020 11:45 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Right now I'm digging up things from jessiebessie's end to see if she is a potential member of the scumteam.


Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4726516)
I’m interested to hear what Xiz has to say to defend themselves. I agree that we will learn a lot about DBP if we pay attention to how Xiz v DBP plays out.

This was during D1, well before any of the drama regarding Xiz being a vig. This is more of an offhand remark, considering it is a reply to Mikey discussing the same thing, so it doesn't really tell me anything.


Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4726520)
So Xiz’s response to DBP’s accusation was sarcasm?

@Xiz if you’re town and someone is accusing you of not being town-aligned, I don’t think sarcasm is the route to take to help town solve the game. You’re just making us all more confused by not directly addressing DBP’s point. It would help if you replied with a more substantial response plz.

Acting as a backup for DBP here. I don't really think that's something that a partner would do, so some points against being teamed here.

I notice a lot of her posts last day were shading Haku, MML, and Bolth, and most of her D1 interactions are with people who have flipped town. Just something interesting.

Okay, looking through her ISO, she doesn't interact with Ulle/Shado at all, she barely interacts with DBP, I see a lot of minor pushes on users but not really committing to anything, and she isn't even commenting on some important thread events. jessiebessie reads like a scum who is comfortable with the direction the thread is heading in and is content to let town destroy themselves.

flashflash account 04-29-2020 11:51 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728148)
If you have a recheck on someone fucking hardclaim?

If you don't stop wasting time on a DBP lynch

but wine

flashflash account 04-29-2020 11:53 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728149)
saying that he was likely a wolf but not taking a hard stance towards lynching him until it became opportunistic for him to do so.

I get that you have a lot to do but this just isn't true
I wanted to lynch xiz day 1, stopped when they claimed PR, and stopped again yesterday when I realized we literally didn't have to lynch the slot to resolve it

leetic 04-29-2020 11:58 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Ulleabhara (Post 4726390)
I think so!

Ulleabhara committed to the DBP town read.


Originally Posted by Ulleabhara (Post 4726569)
Sure thing.


I think 517 is a misrep (Backpack specifically explained why it was important) and 534 is one of the lamest excuses for not giving your own angle I've ever seen. Even if you think it's useless to sway Hakulyte, why rebuff an opportunity to see if, I dunno, one of the 11 other players might have a more useful response? And "it's so unimportant that it shouldn't be a read"...no, it really isn't. You had your Role PM by then, yes? Then it's usable.

*Note: Edited out URLs since this site won't let me post them

I find it interesting that both of them were using DBP to help their pushes. Considering Xiz was town, it could be that they wanted to take advantage of a town player's incorrect reads, or maybe it was a more coordinated move. Considering no wolves have died yet, I wouldn't ignore the possibility of a coordinated wolf team.

A lot of other posts from them were tunneling me, Xiz, and psychoangel to a lesser extent as well as clashing with Mikey. No mention of jessie. I am like 90% sure jessie and this slot are wolf partners but I'll look at Shado's ISO before making further conclusions.

Bolth mannn 04-29-2020 11:59 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I think Jess is the perfect utr scum partner so I’m fine with a lynch there

Are we going to be able to resolve the dbp/ffa thing here? Is there any pro town reason why ffa would fake a claim like that? If its true then we need to vote dbp, but why the hesitancy to hardclaim a red check? That’s what I don’t understand

Hakulyte 04-30-2020 12:05 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4728157)
I think Jess is the perfect utr scum partner so I’m fine with a lynch there

Are we going to be able to resolve the dbp/ffa thing here? Is there any pro town reason why ffa would fake a claim like that? If its true then we need to vote dbp, but why the hesitancy to hardclaim a red check? That’s what I don’t understand

...to see how people react to it.

Bolth mannn 04-30-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728159)
...to see how people react to it.


So how’s that different to what xiz did?

flashflash account 04-30-2020 12:10 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4728157)
I think Jess is the perfect utr scum partner so I’m fine with a lynch there

Are we going to be able to resolve the dbp/ffa thing here? Is there any pro town reason why ffa would fake a claim like that? If its true then we need to vote dbp, but why the hesitancy to hardclaim a red check? That’s what I don’t understand

to make wolves wine on whether or not I have a red check or just got lucky

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