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-   -   TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151148)

MixMasterLar 08-13-2019 01:35 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692676)
you can sheep reads, as well
like, you can sheep someone thinking that someone is town

Adding on to this, it's not a super good idea to sheep someone else's game; ya gotta bring your own reasoning to the table.

I'm more or less telling a joke at my expense that I agree with SunFan pretty hardcore on the issue tho

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 01:43 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Sorry, literally crashed out on my couch from not sleeping well lately. Still kinda getting used to the game again as well. I mentioned before that Antori was suspect to me, I still feel that way. I have to dig through posts, and all the youtube ones don't help there ya know >_O lol

xiz always wolf

the sun fan 08-13-2019 01:45 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692678)
xiz always wolf

y tho

SubaruPoptart 08-13-2019 01:46 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Aight y'all gn! Gonna catch up in the morning assuming I don't wake up at like, 1:00 like I somehow do.

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 01:51 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Gonna start way back with shadow and go from there.


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4691728)
Also did Enquisite really just drop two posts and disappear into the void? What the fuck dude.


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4691758)
There's literally only one person who concerns me the most at this point in time, and that might be Enquisite. Lack of posting and vanishing without a trace seems really off to me. I'll wait and see what happens in a bit though. We had someone play like this last game and they rolled wolf.

Maybe it's possible again?

Spent a lot of time pushing on Enquisite (subaru now) feels like a cheap way out. Could be a distancing technique but I feel more like it was just an easy way to get a townie kill and be like but but they were being inactive blah blah


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4691811)
Iirc he did this in the last game, and he got destroyed we all figured out he was a 3p sk. I really don't think Antori is so unlucky as to roll that two times in a row though.

Antori I was already suspect because of another post I'd mentioned earlier I have to find it again but this only makes me more suspect.

On to the next person

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 01:52 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692679)
y tho

Just cause it's xiz (I still need to read xiz)

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 01:59 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4691822)

i am trying to develop reads on people, but it's always rough for me in the first day phase. there's too much non-game related conversation lol.

one thing that did stand out to me was your choice of voting for mml. idk about mml yet, but your justification for the vote seemed like you were genuinely trying to solve the game and gave me town vibes.


Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4692130)
I would like to come forward as the N1 watcher that coincidentally chose to watch DBP last night. DBP was acted on by both zenith and dragonmegaXX. One of them must be a wolf.


Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4692136)
at least we have a 50/50 chance of executing a wolf. dragonmega now would be the time to defend yourself.

Haven't played with jessiebessie before so not sure how they generally play. A little sad to see they haven't posted since the 10th being that these seem pretty solid to me. Not thinking any of this was a big ploy or anything so town lean on jessiebessie

So as of this post

jessie - town lean
subaru - town lean
antori - wolf lean

continuing on

Xiz 08-13-2019 02:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Finishing up some work i'll try to get to this game tonight if not tomorrow morn

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 02:14 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4691797)
oh ok then, should be fine

Dammit there's no other quebec player this time around so I can't use my usual opening move

That also means I'm wolfing

Admitted wolf right here, must be wolf


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692078)
To be fair, this was his best wolf play so far

Also fucking dammit the guy has rolled wolf like 90% of the time

When is it gonna be my time

Hmm.... the whens it gonna be my time, I think it is your time.


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692090)
No actually, I almost entirely agree with you.

However, it definitely doesn't clear Enquisit for the rest of the game. Even if shadowgod isn't a busser, doesn't mean wolfchat didn't tell them too.

Like, I could imagine a wolf Xiz being like "yo, bus one of us, it'll make us look good". Or even you in anticipation of making this post to clear Enquisit.

Of course this is not worth digging on too much, but that's why Enquisit cannot be cleared imo.

I get the reasoning but this feels really off to me.


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692111)
tbh most towniest was probably me. I was the least likely to bus, even vs dbp, since there was no apparent strategy with my game. They probably went to dbp to avoid being doctor'd, as they prolly thought a doc would be on my ass.

I dunno how you call yourself the towniest when you've not really been contributing a whole lot to conversations on people.


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4691846)


vote me for this idk


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692294)

I really want to point out that hate just so happened to perfectly land both wolf votes with no other votes? (Unless I totally overlooked it) Really really feels like a "watch this guys I'm gonna be on both wolf kills so I look least suspect" but in reality with lack of contribution this looks highly suspcious to me.


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692489)

I mean I aint even mad at being voted but care to actually say something? Ask me something? Rather than trying to go for an easy townie kill due to "lack of activity" please give me something to debate on

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 02:25 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Xelicopter (Post 4692504)









1. the sun fan
2. Xiz
3. MixMasterLar

4. roundbox
5. SubaruPoptart
6. XelNya/Xelicopter
7. HateandHatred
8. Antori
9. jessiebessie
10. Precarious
11. psychoangel691



I mean out of everything from Xel really all I've got to look into is this claim here. I feel it unlikely to be a fake claim for now.

Percarious I can't really say anything on yet because little to no info avail. Hoping to see more there soon.

Just gonna keep putting my list down so I don't lose track.

Sun Fan - still evaluating
Xiz - still evaluating
MML - still evaluating
roundbox - still evaluating
Subaru - town lean
XelNya - FUCKING WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL (town lean for time being)
Hate - wolf lean
Antori- wolf lean
jessie - town lean
Precarious - not enough info

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 02:27 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Actually antori

dropping this here for now I wanna hear more from this person

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 02:39 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4691770)
didn't you post a ton in your jtwg though?

I've never really bought too many claims about wolf coaching since there's no real way to prove it

why do you think they'd be told not to post?

Solid questioning on shadow


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4691958)
anyone else find this scummy now that he hasn't posted anything else



fair re: MML

Here also finding hate's vote odd, thinking seems simliar to mine.

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4692564)
first take: subaru is very much not a wolf

I don't love the super confident feeling of "very much not" but another that aligns with what I've been thinking so far.

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4692649)
might be other posts like this, but lar claiming he didn't shoot fg implies that he assumes zenith was the wolf kill

could be a useful factoid in the future

I really like this being pointed out here, I'd probably have completely missed it. How would MML know which was the wolfkill in this situation? I do still have to read MML's posts so perhaps it's explained there and I just don't know it yet, so take this with me having no info from MML's side currently.

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4692669)
as for the players I didn't cover yet:

antori - null, no posts other than early posts sussing xel and "I'm sad you cut me off"
xelicopter - I'm getting flashbacks to last game when you were describing the different powers you could use in the night, and the last time I lynched you I was fucking wrong. town lean
h&h - shadow_god vote was too strong, first impressions too weak. town
jessie - not wolf after cocoa's death. town
precarious - null, literally 1 post and cloud_wine was ???
psychoangel - I don't think her posts on D0 were as eyebrow raising as some people think, so I got a rather null impression at first. now, I think the random reflection she had on shadowgod and his post re: fencing talk seems to be wayyyy too specific of a callout to be retroactive distancing. town lean


sunfan - town
MML - town lean
Subaru - town

I want to see how xiz is feeling
I get your points sunfan, but I still don't know what his expected answer and/or payoff was going to be

alignment cop STILL hasn't claimed, so I'm hoping that they weren't tossed out/killed and one of the nulls comes in and stomps some faces

Attempting to put some thoughts into everyone in the game. I can't really say anything as of right now stands out as super suspect from roundbox for me.

Sun Fan - still evaluating
Xiz - still evaluating
MML - still evaluating
roundbox - town lean
Subaru - town lean
XelNya - town lean
Hate - wolf lean
Antori- wolf lean
jessie - town lean
Precarious - not enough info

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 02:41 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
I'm gonna need a little time when it comes to Sun, Xiz and MML with all the posting. I figure there likely has to be one wolf in there somewhere and then one between antori or hate though. Just because it'd be really odd to me if there weren't at least one super active wolf, lol.

MixMasterLar 08-13-2019 03:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692688)
I really like this being pointed out here, I'd probably have completely missed it. How would MML know which was the wolfkill in this situation?

I assumed so because otherwise wolves killed someone who at least had 2 people sussing on them and then a Vigi shot a counterwagon to a confirm town

Which would have been silly

....SunFan assumed the same thing ain't nobody busting his nuts over it. Go read the interaction when SunFan assumes that Poptart is about to say he shot Funny. I don't see the hang up with this assumption especially when it turned out to be false and more then one came to the conclusion.

Also I can promise you Hate is probably town, wolves gotta be next tier stupid to buss like he would have with roles that check alignment running about. I simply don't feel it's worth considering unless he somehow makes it to F3 with SunFan lol

MixMasterLar 08-13-2019 03:03 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4692691)
I assumed so because otherwise wolves killed someone who at least had 2 people sussing on them and then a Vigi shot a counterwagon to a confirm town*

Wolf* obviously

Point stands

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 03:48 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4692691)
I assumed so because otherwise wolves killed someone who at least had 2 people sussing on them and then a Vigi shot a counterwagon to a confirm town

Which would have been silly

....SunFan assumed the same thing ain't nobody busting his nuts over it. Go read the interaction when SunFan assumes that Poptart is about to say he shot Funny. I don't see the hang up with this assumption especially when it turned out to be false and more then one came to the conclusion.

Also I can promise you Hate is probably town, wolves gotta be next tier stupid to buss like he would have with roles that check alignment running about. I simply don't feel it's worth considering unless he somehow makes it to F3 with SunFan lol

Hey I did note I didn't read all yours yet :P I'm still working through everyone and just noting things as I go. Easiest way for me to process plus hey now I've got your thinking right here too which helps me going through all this stuff. Sometimes I get lost.

Hateandhatred 08-13-2019 04:33 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692671)
anyone that has less posts that the host that is alive and isn't you or precarious (because you two replaced in)

what about me

Hateandhatred 08-13-2019 04:46 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
wow ok


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
Admitted wolf right here, must be wolf

Gonna write this off as a joke, but finally someone is onto me


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
Hmm.... the whens it gonna be my time, I think it is your time.

Yeah I wish lol


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
I get the reasoning but this feels really off to me.

Can't do anything about that I'm afraid.


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
I dunno how you call yourself the towniest when you've not really been contributing a whole lot to conversations on people.

People read me town all the fucking time while I try to look antitown. Thank you really for doing it right, keep reading me wolf. People, stop convincing her of otherwise. It makes her pressure me and that's a good thing. Make your own opinions from there, most of you know what's going on.


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
I really want to point out that hate just so happened to perfectly land both wolf votes with no other votes? (Unless I totally overlooked it) Really really feels like a "watch this guys I'm gonna be on both wolf kills so I look least suspect" but in reality with lack of contribution this looks highly suspcious to me.

Ok serious talk, if I wanted to do that as my first wolf play, I'd take a few town games to prep for this shit. However when I play town, I litterally play town, I don't like to waste someone else's spot because I wanted to be a wolf. Lots of players here can vouch for that. Granted I've been quite inactive this time around, but I plan on stepping up a bit sooner than later. Possibly today, if not, definitely starting tomorrow.

I've parked my first vote on shadowgod on every game I've played that he was in (excluding the Anime North live game, in which I was high out of my fucking mind and luckily seered at wolf which meant I could say at the beginning of the day I had nailed a wolf and then got sacrificed at night so I could head back to my room as I felt fucking GIANT BUTTERFLY WINGS sprouting out of my back. Too much weed was too much lmao.


Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4692685)
I mean I aint even mad at being voted but care to actually say something? Ask me something? Rather than trying to go for an easy townie kill due to "lack of activity" please give me something to debate on

No, in fact I just went along with sunfan. I had 0 reads on you personally up to that point and it was just to get people talking.

Hateandhatred 08-13-2019 05:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4692691)
Also I can promise you Hate is probably town, wolves gotta be next tier stupid to buss like he would have with roles that check alignment running about.

You mean genius since you don't suspect shit. Kayla was right. Unlikely that alignement roles would waste their checks on me too.

Also lmao @ this promise "I can promise you Hate is probably town"

ily lar

the sun fan 08-13-2019 09:42 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692695)
what about me

I dont want to kill you
I want you to post more
I hope u understand that the only reason I'm not voting u is bcuz u voted for shadow

U.have usually been townie outside of ur pushes and this game u havent been that way even a little bit

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