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-   -   TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151148)

the sun fan 08-10-2019 11:28 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
n1 watcher should probably claim, even if they have no real information

Hateandhatred 08-10-2019 11:29 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692084)
n1 watcher should probably claim, even if they have no real information

Inb4 no n1 watcher

Hateandhatred 08-10-2019 11:30 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
or inb4 it was shadowgod or dbp

the sun fan 08-10-2019 11:30 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
I haven't gone back and given the first phase a thorough read, I will at some point
Will lyk what I think of Enquist when I do

the sun fan 08-10-2019 11:31 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692085)
Inb4 no n1 watcher


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692086)
or inb4 it was shadowgod or dbp

I'd be totally fine with any of these outcomes
its one of the worst roles for town out of all the possibilities, I think

Hateandhatred 08-10-2019 11:33 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Svaz (Post 4692082)
I guess my question really is, from the thin-slice of wolf-s_g that we have, how likely is it that he'd blame a fellow person in their dying breath? I really feel like he's probably not one to bus, and this at least clears Enquisit to some extent, but perhaps others feel differently, and I'd be interested in hearing different takes here.

No actually, I almost entirely agree with you.

However, it definitely doesn't clear Enquisit for the rest of the game. Even if shadowgod isn't a busser, doesn't mean wolfchat didn't tell them too.

Like, I could imagine a wolf Xiz being like "yo, bus one of us, it'll make us look good". Or even you in anticipation of making this post to clear Enquisit.

Of course this is not worth digging on too much, but that's why Enquisit cannot be cleared imo.

Svaz 08-10-2019 12:10 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
I agree that it's not an absolute clear and worth later re-examination, but I'm fine with looking elsewhere for today I suppose, though I feel like maybe MML would have a pretty drastically different take here given his chagrin towards Enquisite and fg yesterday.


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692090)
I could imagine a wolf Xiz

I'm actually interested a lot by this, he did make a few posts and like, actually vote (for sunfan, so interested to hear if he has any reflections there if any)

he has:
a role guess of DBP mixed with a nice cocktail of suspecting sunfan and funnygurl (the latter putting him in line with MML's read of the game so far)
a clearing of Xelicopter (but it ain't that serious)
and some yiffy stuff

I could see it for sure, I'd give him a null at best for now though


Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4692090)
Or even you

I will say this much for now: my role would have been more useful for a wolf Svaz

DaBackpack 08-10-2019 12:15 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Svaz 08-10-2019 12:44 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
hey wait did DBP call this whole thread a buncha furries with that post

whatever, I wanna be the dragon I guess

MixMasterLar 08-10-2019 12:54 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Svaz (Post 4692072)
what a boring d1 kill, "oh no I'm afraid of people that post about animation!"

DBPwould have been the most confirmed town ever. He had a choice between me, SunFan, and Shadow God and still got the wolf.

Just playing the number game, I almost want to give a pass to SunFan because fate giving DBP a 2 in 3 shot of a wolf seems like too much, but we'll see how it goes.


Originally Posted by Svaz (Post 4692080)

I wonder, since s_g was accusing Enquisit around the time of his passing, where do we stand on her(?) now?

If you ISO her I do believe her output is literally two post of "game start what now" and then waiting the entire day phase until the moment I actually place a vote on Funny in which case she pops in, votes me, and tries to defend it as weakly as I've ever seen anyone defend anything. It's very clear she had no idea what was happening in thread or any context.

Some of that could be new players being new but I think the timing along with her seemingly only knowing that I voted Funny and LEGIT NOTHING ELSE point to being coached in wolf chat.

It also recontextulize when Funny voted me way back. Remember, my vote was on Enquisit first and Funny straight snapped to a vote, only offering reasons after the fact and when pressed for them.

If that's a coincidence then fuck me immarite


Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4692095)

I hate how accurate this is

the sun fan 08-10-2019 12:55 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
lar, I think you should think that I'm town because I voted for Shadow_God before anyone else
not because of... whatever reason you're talking about

Xelicopter 08-10-2019 12:55 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]


Xelicopter 08-10-2019 12:56 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692101)
lar, I think you should think that I'm town because I voted for Shadow_God before anyone else
not because of... whatever reason you're talking about




the sun fan 08-10-2019 12:59 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4691627)
he be not the same



Originally Posted by Xelicopter (Post 4691693)





I win, Xel

MixMasterLar 08-10-2019 01:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
That was a lot to post from bed. It's still way to early for this shit (shit in this context being life; it's too early in the morning for life)

I'll be the hypocrite and say that I want to see more from SunFan anyway dispite the number game

But obviously my vote is going between Funny and Enquisit probably unless someone has something really compelling to point out about it.

Did anyone get modkilled or did everybody make min post req? Too....eh..."busy" to check atm

Xelicopter 08-10-2019 01:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692104)


I win, Xel



Xelicopter 08-10-2019 01:01 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4692105)
That was a lot to post from bed. It's still way to early for this shit (shit in this context being life; it's too early in the morning for life)

I'll be the hypocrite and say that I want to see more from SunFan anyway dispite the number game

But obviously my vote is going between Funny and Enquisit probably unless someone has something really compelling to point out about it.

Did anyone get modkilled or did everybody make min post req? Too....eh..."busy" to check atm



MixMasterLar 08-10-2019 01:01 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4692101)
lar, I think you should think that I'm town because I voted for Shadow_God before anyone else
not because of... whatever reason you're talking about

Oh yeah, I swear I knew that before.

Still wanna see more from you tho but I'll concede that even if you had a history of bussing people that probably didn't happen here ever

MixMasterLar 08-10-2019 01:02 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Before bed*

You know what fuck it imma eat breakfast

Hateandhatred 08-10-2019 01:09 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4692100)
DBPwould have been the most confirmed town ever. He had a choice between me, SunFan, and Shadow God and still got the wolf.

tbh most towniest was probably me. I was the least likely to bus, even vs dbp, since there was no apparent strategy with my game. They probably went to dbp to avoid being doctor'd, as they prolly thought a doc would be on my ass.

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