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-   -   TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=143935)

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 01:34 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Oh wait

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 01:34 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410405)
I didn't even think about that tbh.

Yeah I didn't misunderstand

This is juicy

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 01:35 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4410407)
Yeah I didn't misunderstand

This is juicy

I gotchu

Man I'm good at this game

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 01:43 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410343)
botchi, if you legit have nothing to say against Charu and YoshL, it can only mean that you're a wolf too and grouped with them for fun last night.

I don't really care about your content or intents, but when you post with them like that, it's incredibly detrimental to you.

this is not a good way to think if you're town. does this mean you think charu's a wolf? I must have missed this because this is news to me


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410345)
I still have cards to play before I suicide myself and I want to play them first.

I also need chaos because there's no way I'm going to win an argument over veterans no matter how right I am and no matter how much evidence I throw in my arguments. Their way with words and twisting reality will always win against me so, I feel forced to pmuch out myself, throw everything, die and let the game proceed. It seems like I'm too bad at this game to make people trust me and follow my boat so, I'm doing the only reasonable thing left, dying while doing something productive so you guys don't need to deal with me being "potentially something".

It sucks because I thought this game was interesting, but the game is starting to go into Mafia's favor and if I don't do this, it will mostly likely continue to do so. Feel free to prove me wrong on this.

why are you trying to suicide

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 01:44 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410367)
DFR, I've read you wrong and I apologize for jumping to conclusions with you. I no longer intend to vote for you and I'm giving you a Town read from now on. I just think you made yourself look silly as a Town, but the more I read you, the more I realize I have no reason to target you. I just sheeped Vendetta and it seems like he derped this game in terms of accurate reading therefore, you're clear for me now.

I'd love to hear about your input about whatever you want. I'll try to respond to it as best as I can.

why do you think DFR's town now?

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 01:45 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410381)
DFR, I was considering you as scummy at first because of your posting style, but then I realized it's really how you post in general.

tiloco's post are incredibly accurate and well-timed/convenient. They're not as natural as I thought them to be. Vendetta's input confused me when he said that his posts didn't look fabricated to the point that I'm legit starting to reconsider his alignment.

Ironically, I spent the entire Day 1 pocketing him hard and telling everyone how right he is and now I'm starting to realize that it was a bad idea and that I should have just played my own game instead of hiding behind him to do all the Town work.

I'm considering the entire Charu/YoshL/Botchi to be 3 wolves baiting me.

do you have a 4th wolf suspect?

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 01:47 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I'll reread D1 at some point before EOD, not feeling well so I'm going to take a nap

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 01:47 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
4th wolf would obviously be you because Zenith never came back to explain why he wasn't a wolf.

I actually hate voting him for that tho. It's really frustrating to deal with.

botchi246 02-24-2016 01:48 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 4410394)
start proving your innocence instead of trying to move the spotlights to someone else

Im just responding to others questions here scin.
I could care less about the "spotlight". Personally, I dont really see one. The reasons to lynch me are pretty vague.

I am trying to help direct a good plan for finding scum, and trying to implement it myself. I am still working in this game to find the wolves. In other words, don't worry about me.

I am that town person that stays in his house and never comes out. That person who everyone thinks is a witch or a heathen, but is really a good person trying to see the others without too much outside influence.

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 01:49 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I legit want to believe he had a mix of personal reasons outside of the game, terrible in-game coincidence (like me/xelnya) trying to get him mad for a reason and other "out of this world circumstances" that made him get framed as a wolf.

I really want to believe he's Town, but I'm failing to get that going.

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 01:52 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
AA, there's still room for you to heavily change this entire game. It depends on how hard you're willing to try.

Charu 02-24-2016 01:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410397)
You tell me.

I don't understand the accusation that apparently you have. Backpack does though, so...

Honest, when I saw who died and by who and didn't see a wolf kill, I instantly thought it was a medic save.

But after thinking for a minute after that post, I went, "Oh wait", and said there could've been another possibility (the vest).

Charu 02-24-2016 01:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Hell, backpack came with the same conclusion too before realizing

Charu 02-24-2016 01:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
So how exactly does that make you know that I'm a wolf?

Because it really shouldn't, hee hee hee

Charu 02-24-2016 01:58 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

I think I'm looking through your mind right now.

Hee hee hee

You idiot

So you're proposing that me, a wolf, would say out loud about a medic save but then quickly change when I realized something else?

Is THAT it?

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:01 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
lol, bye Charu. I think it's even better if I don't explain.

Charu 02-24-2016 02:03 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Then you're USELESS

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:03 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
..and being useless is what makes me useful.

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
cool, haku does look good w/ the absolutely disgusting current mindset - tunneling on a group of 3 (!!) people (#rule of threes) with very little reasoning that I can see

i do implore you, haku, to not turn into zenith. refusing to read and understand where other people are coming from is exactly how you play bad at this game. Reading and understanding the pov of other players is how you catch wolves.

besides the fact that you're like "ok i know the wolfteam it's w/x/y/z for sure obviously" is kinda sad to watch happen. If you're going to have reads, supplant them with actual reasoning. If you want to further your case on me, go ahead, however everything you have said regarding me and my reaction test on you is pretty much absolutely wrong, and doesn't even make sense logically.

also throwing a hissy fit and getting angry at being reaction tested, then later claiming "oh i'm never going to beat any veterans at arguments" or whatever that tantrum was gets you, and more importantly, town absolutely nowhere.

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by botchi246 (Post 4410415)
Im just responding to others questions here scin.
I could care less about the "spotlight". Personally, I dont really see one. The reasons to lynch me are pretty vague.

I am trying to help direct a good plan for finding scum, and trying to implement it myself. I am still working in this game to find the wolves. In other words, don't worry about me.

I am that town person that stays in his house and never comes out. That person who everyone thinks is a witch or a heathen, but is really a good person trying to see the others without too much outside influence.

just trust him, people
because he said so
you smell like you've got hair in your teeth

Charu 02-24-2016 02:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Backpack, since Mr. "Waah-I'm-gonna-suicide-and-replace-out-threat" isn't going to give a concise reason, you do.

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:05 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
i'm actually sorely tempted to keep my vote as policy for turning into zenith

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:06 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
That's what I mean by "not standing a chance against fighting a veteran".

There's no way I can even argue with you YoshL because you can convince everyone that I'm a Potato and they will believe you before I convince them of anything.

Charu 02-24-2016 02:07 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
That's when you refute back with something to defend

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:07 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
anyways, i'm kinda seeing dfr as ok right now, given that it feels like he's actually trying, despite not knowing really what to say. We'll see because I think he's leaning towards the town side for me, but i'm definitely not staying complacent in this read

i can't read charu for the life of me and i'm not going to bother

botchi actually looks incredibly verbose and sensible compared to previous games. It actually worries me - in the previous twg i played, it reminds me a lot of storn's wolf play. Even though botchi and storn aren't the same people, I kinda have lumped them together in terms of playstyle, and storn showing up with some insightful stuff was pretty much a byproduct of being scum, regardless of "town play". Gut says that something's wrong here as well with botchi right now

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:07 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
btw, I will totally turn into Zenith if I conclude that it's better for Town.

Charu 02-24-2016 02:09 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Please don't

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:10 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Hakulyte, I pointed out what your argument against me was. It essentially boiled down to "i'm being attacked and someone's reaction testing me, therefore he's a wolf"

literally, all you had to do is take one step further, be like "oh, people reaction testing to gain information about other people so that they can read others better, that's something that a ______ would do".

Why do you think i was reaction testing you? So that I could immediately shove onto your face and be like "THIS GUY'S A WOLF LETS KILL HIM" no matter what you said? Have you also not noticed that everyone and their mom is currently townreading you right now, and that me being the only person shaking a stick at you shouldn't have mattered, and that I'm coming into this game like 3 phases late, and still require a lot of information?

etc. etc. etc.

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
idk if you've noticed that everyone and their mom is townreading you and that you're being a fuckass right now

Charu 02-24-2016 02:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Yo, Backpack, can you explain why you're voting for me? Y'know, just in case you glanced over my other post.

You did the same thing you butt!

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
the first part of the above statement was directed to hakulyte
the second part of the above statement was directed to chapu

Charu 02-24-2016 02:13 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4410440)
idk if you've noticed that everyone and their mom is townreading you and that you're being a fuckass right now

I'm just trying to know the reason, you fuckass!!!

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:13 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I bet you're just mad because I'm right and you totally know that you outclass me when it comes to arguing and clearing yourself~

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:14 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I ironically would have been happy to argue with you in a game with cardflips: ON.

Xiz 02-24-2016 02:16 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by botchi246 (Post 4410372)
Well charu is still a very light scum lean to me, just cuz that slip. But his townie posts are so overpowering idkkk.

That sounds familiar...


Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4410103)
...However, there have been so many towny things that charu has done to make me "Happy", that he is completely removed him from my lynch pile today


Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4410067)
I know it's not "Black or White" but I think you should get out of the tunnel. It's a very towny playstyle to me.

Especially when you just posted this...

Originally Posted by botchi246 (Post 4410039)
so you are saying that charu has a different playstyle this game? isnt this another redflag? im trying not to tunnel here, but everything charu is catching my attention.

And whats most interesting is you just find me as null, not strong town.

Xiz 02-24-2016 02:17 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Also I stand with Haku

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:18 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
lol i don't have my reaction gif folder but

"you're going to need a bigger bait"

in any case, you're still not bothering to look behind any of my posts, given that i literally just explained to you why you're wrong

anyways, skg yo i've never played with you, how's the husband and kids

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:19 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
also xiz, i'm curious as to your scum pile currently

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:20 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
The husband and kids are complaining about all the noise outside

Charu 02-24-2016 02:21 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4410447)
Also I stand with Haku

And does that mean you see the reason too?

Explain to the dumb bird/snivy what this magical reason is.

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:21 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
This yoshl+charu yaoi fanfiction is the most aggressive defense I've seen as of yet

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:22 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
k moving on, xiz is gone

dabackpack, i actually haven't held a conversation with you yet

i'm curious as to what you think of me right now (and i guess in general), because i'm sitting really comfortable with you currently

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:22 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410443)
I'm just trying to know the reason, you fuckass!!!

it's... not really for me to say

I know that's really shitty, and I DO think it's possible that you are town... but I do want an explanation for your fixation on the medic

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:23 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
sorry skg i refuse to do anything unless it involves shipgirls

a.k.a. sorry charu you're too much of a fuckass

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:23 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
let me say that there is one thing I actually consider myself really good at in this game

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:24 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
this game being twg

Charu 02-24-2016 02:24 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4410456)
it's... not really for me to say

I know that's really shitty, and I DO think it's possible that you are town... but I do want an explanation for your fixation on the medic

Because it was the very first thing that popped in my head.

I mean, that's as simple as it gets.

There's no deeper meaning behind this.

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:25 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
give us your thoughts about the medic then, charu

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:25 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Charu 02-24-2016 02:25 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4410457)
a.k.a. sorry charu you're too much of a fuckass

You wanna go and say that again!?

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:26 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
fyi, my job is pmuch to set up the stage to make things happen. Don't expect me to solve the entire game on my own.

Charu 02-24-2016 02:26 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4409627)
me too

both options have equal probability I think though

Let me remind you, you did the same thing

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4410454)
k moving on, xiz is gone

dabackpack, i actually haven't held a conversation with you yet

i'm curious as to what you think of me right now (and i guess in general), because i'm sitting really comfortable with you currently

I hate no-cardflip games because it's really easy to hijack by the wolves

but all things considered we are in a good place atm

I think you're fine atm but I haven't really been paying attention to you (sorry bro)

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410465)
you did the same thing


Charu 02-24-2016 02:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410464)
fyi, my job is pmuch to set up the stage to make things happen. Don't expect me to solve the entire game on my own.

It's a nice setup, but I see some cracks on some floorboards.

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410465)
Let me remind you, you did the same thing

I'm giving a lesson now but when I get back, I will try to get to the bottom of this

Charu 02-24-2016 02:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 4410467)

The post I just quoted.

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:29 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I don't see how that's the same thing

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:29 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
@hakulyte - you can't solve a game if you can't prove that you are able to think at all

SKG, i'd like to know what you're thinking as well about this game, just some general thoughts about whoever you feel like. dabackpack, did you even see my question

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:29 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
fuck work posting this is so slow and i'm missing things disregard backpank

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:31 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4410473)
@hakulyte - you can't solve a game if you can't prove that you are able to think at all

Haku can't think. #hot read

Charu 02-24-2016 02:32 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 4410471)
I don't see how that's the same thing

rzr said:


Originally Posted by rzr (Post 4409620)
already there charu

how do you know the medic did good ay?

And then I said:


Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4409622)
I don't, it was just the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw only the SK going off and killing someone.

And backpack said soon after:


Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4409627)
me too

both options have equal probability I think though

Like come on SKG

Charu 02-24-2016 02:33 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410475)
Haku can't think. #hot read

You better tell me the reason before EoD, buddy

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:33 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I can't because I can't think~

Charu 02-24-2016 02:35 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410480)
I can't because I can't think~

Well aren't you absolutely useless then.

SKG_Scintill 02-24-2016 02:37 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4410473)
SKG, i'd like to know what you're thinking as well about this game, just some general thoughts about whoever you feel like.

1. I'm still trying to figure out where the "fun" is
2. don't trust anyone
3. you and charu are packing fudge and defending eachother
4. don't conspire against haku with "ad hominem" attacks (thanks whoever clarified that when I did it myself)

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:39 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
don't like destroy charu while i'm gone

i know what haku is thinking and the only way to see if he's right is to find his mindset

haku is near-useless now (not quite tho) but sd'ing is not going to help imo

DaBackpack 02-24-2016 02:39 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
charu's mindset*

botchi246 02-24-2016 02:40 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
its a shame you joined a game without cardflips scin. but it will make your next game with cardflips, that much more satisfying and fun. This game is paranoia +10

Charu 02-24-2016 02:41 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Is that a demand for reads I see?

Charu 02-24-2016 02:41 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4410483)
don't like destroy charu while i'm gone

i know what haku is thinking and the only way to see if he's right is to find his mindset

haku is near-useless now (not quite tho) but sd'ing is not going to help imo

@This post

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:42 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
The whole point of this whole posting segment was not about me, but about how others interact with me. I'm playing aggressive/useless to force others to get reactions at me.

botchi246 02-24-2016 02:48 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4409663)
The only self-proclaimed wolf meta I will say and always say is I love to use wifom and create wifom situations because it's extremely fun as a wolf, everything you spewed is false (I also have said in the past I use insults when I'm mostly a wolf, but I've done it simply as town).

This is like the only thing i can find from zenith that is interesting. He explains his wolf meta. I think its a diversion because he might have been trying to change his meta before replacing out, and it wasnt working for him, so he got angry and just left.

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:50 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 4410482)
1. I'm still trying to figure out where the "fun" is
2. don't trust anyone
3. you and charu are packing fudge and defending eachother
4. don't conspire against haku with "ad hominem" attacks (thanks whoever clarified that when I did it myself)

1. oop
2. fine
3. pretty sure the only thing i've said about charu is that i can't read him for jack shit
4. it's not ad hominem when "not thinking and using logic" can be equated to "dumb". There's also the fact that i don't think anyone's reading him as scum currently. also, i was the one who posted the ad hominem thing lmfao

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:51 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
getting reactions is fine.

take the next step and try to help out with your reactions. you can get reactions from anyone but it doesn't mean they help out at all

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 02:56 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I don't know if your eyes slipped on the "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread", but I'm stuck with my 3 hypothetical wolves, DBP and Scintill and they all pmuch said what they wanted to say.

I'm afraid we're having a "not enough players online" issue. If I talk too long with you guys, I'm just going to start tunneling hard and I don't think much progress will happen.

Like I'm probably already tunneling way too hard for no reason.

That being said, I suggest a policy lynch on Zenith if we can't agree on anything.

botchi246 02-24-2016 02:57 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
i went to iso xiz, and i was surprised that I only had one page to read. so in that regard, i decided not to iso and just read his posts as they came up in regular threadtalk. I definitely didnt find anything implicating. I trust xiz as a town now. I just wish he were more active...

YoshL 02-24-2016 02:59 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410493)
I don't know if your eyes slipped on the "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread", but I'm stuck with my 3 hypothetical wolves, DBP and Scintill and they all pmuch said what they wanted to say.

I'm afraid we're having a "not enough players online" issue. If I talk too long with you guys, I'm just going to start tunneling hard and I don't think much progress will happen.

Like I'm probably already tunneling way too hard for no reason.

That being said, I suggest a policy lynch on Zenith if we can't agree on anything.

tone is feeling more calm, sweet.

can you give a really quick recap on why your 3 hypothetical wolves are your 3 hypothetical wolves, and why all of them in relation to each other

i'm pretty sure i glimpsed something about tiloco's posting earlier, so i know there's some thought there

Charu 02-24-2016 03:00 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
1. rzr

Been pretty chill for the most part this game. Prodded some basic questions and is going about in his usual playstyle. I say this duder is town for now, but of course he can change on the fly. rzr is really easy to read guys. Just make him mad, and if he goes all out about defending himself and throwing garbage and words, he's probably town.

You're welcome.

2. Red Blaster

Barely posted, have nothing on him. Very mellow and has prodded very little. He's null

4. Vendetta21

Going in his mind and understanding he does indeed have a hectic work schedule, his posts make sense. Even though some of it is not super concise, all of his reads have been pretty much coming from instant reactions and first impressions. He's even changed some reads as the game kept going. He's town here due to my tainted read on Zenith/AA. Though I suppose this can be subject to change, but I don't know if I'll change it.

5. XelNya Killed by Serial Killer n1

I don't think this was a wolf, even after what happened last night. Xel came out pretty strong and was posting in his usual way. V kind of saw that as a wolf lean though, which I think the SK took at heart and just fired. He's town here.

6. Xiz

Has overreacted to some posts that Haku made on Day 1 and has since been forever in my town pile. I don't know if he's starting to suspect me, but I still am reading him town regardless.

7. DaBackPack

When V and Backpack were going back and forth. Backpack got really REALLY heated with V which is primarily why I'm placing him in the town pile. Nothing really much else. Concerning he's agreeing with Haku, but after that heated stuff, I can't see it.

8. Hakulyte

Is being extremely coy and is doing basic defense while crying wolf. There are a plethora of other reasons of reading him town, but this is pretty much what's taking the cake. He's town here despite him claiming he's got me.

9. cedolad

Posted something today surprisingly, hasn't posted since and has only posted the first day in the first phase. Completely and utterly null and I hate you for it.

10. botchi246

I have no idea what your mind is right now, but it screams to me that you're just trying to off me because you saw how I was posting and probably went "Oh shit, Charu is doing shit and looks good, I need to do something!!!" Wolf lean right here, bucko, how's that?

12. reuben_tate

Hasn't said anything and did some pretty sketch stuff at the end of the first phase. Wolf lean.

14. tiloco217 Makilaz Yoshl

I couldn't read Tiloco, but YoshL came in pretty strong and confident imo. First impression town read, but can change probably. Who knows.

15. danceflashrevo

Still kind of awkward, was slight town at the end of the first phase, placed back at null now with me not knowing how to read.

16. helphelp11 Lynched d1

Players are saying he's a wolf and I'm just going "why?" His posts scream extremely basic as if he doesn't know how to form a concise opinion without sticking to hard words posted by other players. That screams to me like a novice TWG player that doesn't know what to do and is human. So... human here.

17. Sinistrosuede

Ben mentioned at the end of the night that this person would post some info this phase. I have yet to see this person in thread and as such is very much null. This is the reason why Ben is wolf lean to me.

18. _Zenith_ AragakiAyase

Forever town and I can't say why, sorry.

19. SKG_Scintill

Is town because keeps on trolling and doesn't know how to go about the game. Was very apparent when the second day phase hit and was still acting like he is. Signifies no coaching was done to teach him the game a little better. Human here.

Charu 02-24-2016 03:01 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I have a lot of human reads now that I typed that out, holy moly.

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