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DaBackpack 02-23-2016 12:06 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I agree with you that a kamikaze would be really bad if they already lost a wolf

but it could still be possible that his reveal of confidence was accidental

DaBackpack 02-23-2016 12:07 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
there was something I wanted to ask xiz when he gets back

thesunfan 02-23-2016 12:08 PM

Vote Count
Votes from post 977 to post 1160
Night in 34:53:24

  • Votes -- Lynch -- Voters
  • 2 -- _Zenith_ -- DaBackpack (47), Xiz (14)
  • 1 -- Vendetta21 -- _Zenith_ (26)
  • 1 -- Hakulyte -- rzr (28)
  • 1 -- botchi246 -- SKG_Scintill (4)
  • 10 -- not voting -- botchi246 (8), cedolad (0), Charu (45), danceflashrevo (0), Hakulyte (4), Red Blaster (5), reuben_tate (0), Sinistrosuede (0), tiloco217 (0), Vendetta21 (0)

Charu 02-23-2016 12:08 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
But in the event that he doesn't make a case, I'm actually gonna help him out. Hee hee hee


All of what I've posted so far is if the likely scenario in which Zenith is a wolf is actually happening.

If that is NOT happening. Well... I'mm-a scream at Zenith some more, but anyways:

The wolves would have no motivation to out the SK since they all know who it is since they're kill was blocked regardless. So ignoring Zenith at the moment and pretending he never ever posted what he did, not outing the SK and giving nothing in return to the thread is the smartest thing to do.

In fact.

I do hope that if Zenith is not a wolf here that they at least talked about it somewhat in their little secret corner. Because I can't imagine the wolves talking about it if Zenith did what he did and IS a wolf, hee hee.

Charu 02-23-2016 12:09 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I hate having down time at the library, but goodness can I focus on TWG so much better at work, hahahaha.

DaBackpack 02-23-2016 12:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4409822)
Charu is suffering through huge confirmation bias on my read as a wolf

Hey Charu, news flash, you'll never be able to confirm until post-game what I am and I am town, so do you want to be in mylo faster than you expected?

this... doesn't sit right with me

Charu 02-23-2016 12:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

I'm reconsidering my stance right now.

I can see a wolf Zenith here, but I can see Zenith being dummy and posting something absolutely disgusting that it would make the actual wolves go "what an idiot!"

DaBackpack 02-23-2016 12:12 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4409853)

I'm reconsidering my stance right now.

I can see a wolf Zenith here, but I can see Zenith being dummy and posting something absolutely disgusting that it would make the actual wolves go "what an idiot!"

I think I agree with this for the moment

I want to hear more about botchi

Charu 02-23-2016 12:12 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4409852)
this... doesn't sit right with me

The mylo part?

Yeah, I was gonna poke fun at him for it, but I decided not.

Playing with food is rude, y'know

Charu 02-23-2016 12:16 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Another plot thought out.

What if...

Zenith was the SK?

Charu 02-23-2016 12:17 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
But his responses thus far don't really give me that vibe, so I guess not.

It would be interesting though.

Charu 02-23-2016 12:19 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Oh... but it could be a reaction due to getting hit by the wolves.

Zenith the SK might go "Oh man, what do I do now? I got hit and they know it's me, what do I do!?"

"I know, throw shit at V, take him with me!"

_Zenith_ 02-23-2016 12:27 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4409799)
Alright, with all that said, I think I know what's happening.

Zenith is most likely a wolf here, like really REALLY likely. He's got a pretty huge hole to dig out of and I don't see him succeeding unless something even stupider happens this phase.

They would want to get rid of the SK ASAP, so they're willing to trade one of them to get at the SK. This means none of the wolves are dead as it's in my opinion that's extremely bad for them to waste if they already have one down.

V is most likely our resident SK due to this, but of course he can't say that because well... mechanics again. We're not lynching him this phase though, we will have the wolves do that for us. Unless... they have something else in mind? Mmhmmhmm

I mean, I guess I could see another scenario where it would be bad for humans, but I have good faith the wolves won't have that specific scenario play out because it's bad for both sides and not just humans.

I can agree with the majority of this but I'm not a wolf.

I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK, yes, because it would be extremely bad and wrong for a wolf to confirm the SK by going suicidal.

I always want to try to kill the SK first because they are harder to find because it's only one person with a factional kill, not x amount of players who share the same alignment and collectively have a factional kill (along with other abilities). imo killing the SK first is key to not rapidly approach a mylo in a fucking no-cardflip game where there is no fact on what someone is or isn't besides natural instinct and intuition.

That's why I'm doing what I'm doing, take it as you would normally I guess

Charu 02-23-2016 12:31 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4409860)
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK
I am doing the wolves job by locating and killing the SK

And after I tried to save face for you.


You must really want to die

_Zenith_ 02-23-2016 12:32 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4409861)
And after I tried to save face for you.


You must really want to die

If that's all you took out of that post you're fucking pathetic Charu I seriously feel the need to replace out so I don't commit suicide.

Charu 02-23-2016 12:39 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4409862)
If that's all you took out of that post you're fucking pathetic Charu I seriously feel the need to replace out so I don't commit suicide.

I don't need to look at the rest, but I did anyways.

Killing the SK first when you saw, as the day started, that WOLVES GOT NO KILL should've made it pretty loud and clear that one of two things happened.

A block happened or they hit a vest.

Probability dictates it's highly likely they hit the vest.


We humans don't need to do this. The wolves will do it for us unless they really do go through with the scenario that's bad for both sides.

Charu 02-23-2016 12:40 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4409862)
If that's all you took out of that post you're fucking pathetic Charu I seriously feel the need to replace out so I don't commit suicide.

And you should know better, using a threat like "replacing out" or "committing suicide" is kind of frowned down here.

Just, for future reference, hee hee hee.

Charu 02-23-2016 12:41 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Or at least I frown at it.

thesunfan 02-23-2016 12:44 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Makilaz has replaced tiloco217 as of now

Charu 02-23-2016 12:46 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Shirt boy is gone?

Damn, I was hoping I would tango with him again.

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