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-   -   New to FFR? Say Hello Here! (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=116784)

Wind0ze 10-1-2016 09:19 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey, just posting here for my 1 post.

Probably going to do a real introduction later.

Dinglesberry 10-1-2016 11:23 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Wind0ze (Post 4480309)
Hey, just posting here for my 1 post.

Probably going to do a real introduction later.

LOL dude what in the world is that avatar o_O Arizona tea behind mario , with a windows logo.

Is that vapourwave? :p Sup bro, welcome ;D

riktoi 10-29-2016 09:38 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Kawaii025 10-29-2016 09:57 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by riktoi (Post 4488460)

Howdy & welcome~ :)

TheFFRPerson 10-29-2016 12:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome newbies! You're well on your way to becoming a professional! :)

Byste 11-1-2016 02:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi I'm a n00b, I almost never make introductions but then again I don't really use the forums either. I stumbled here while taking a break from FFRing (my fingers hurt...) so I might as well say hi!

...Well, to say I'm a n00b is a bit of a lie. I've played FFR on and off for years, probably since 2007? The main reason I made an account was because I missed being able to play songs that got locked away to longstanding players. Feels cheated, man. I always played as a guest but suddenly I need to have 70k credits to play Final Fantasy Last Battle Festival? What gives?! D:

But I was never especially elite at the game, getting a AAA is something I've only done on songs like Counting Snow and getting FCs is really hard for me because I have no desire to play songs in the 0-40ish difficulty range and songs that are 60+ are usually just too fast/complex for me to actually FC.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing the really hard songs! Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.

I guess I'll wrap up my intro with a few fun facts.

- My favorite song is Cosmic Orchestra, and I think the step file for it is AMAZING. Super fun!
- My hardest FC is Epidemic of Unexpected Relapses, which clocks in at 64. Imho that song does not deserve to be ranked so high, but hey, I'll take it.
- The hardest song I can actually digest (I can see everything I'm supposed to do to AAA it) is Blooddrunk, but of course I can't FC that shit.
- My favorite genres are Arcade and Rock.
- I was introduced to FFR by my brother, he lost interest shortly after I surpassed him which took very little time :D

Ristyy 11-12-2016 11:16 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello Here!

LHB 11-13-2016 11:46 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey there. Just started playing SM for the first time in a looooong time so I'm basically a newbie here. Is there a Discord group for this site, or anything else that would facilitate more immediate communication than on the forums alone?

PrawnSkunk 11-14-2016 12:08 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome to FFR! :)

Celirra 11-14-2016 01:08 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by LHB (Post 4493364)
Is there a Discord group for this site, or anything else that would facilitate more immediate communication than on the forums alone?

If you dont mind some shitposting,

If you prefer serious FFR talk,

LHB 11-14-2016 10:34 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Thanks you two. Both of those invites read invalid for me though...?

tallyanni 11-14-2016 01:19 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Osu! Has trained me for ffr and can already play 70-80

Dinglesberry 11-15-2016 07:54 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by LHB (Post 4493484)
Thanks you two. Both of those invites read invalid for me though...?


ShAiOnEiX 11-15-2016 07:19 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey I'm really new hear guyz I hope to be a prominent member of FFR

DrVibez 11-21-2016 10:41 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi everyone, I've been a member for only 2 monthes now but there are so many nice people here who made me feel welcome. So thanks 8D

CJsaysGUAH 11-21-2016 11:23 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
suh dude

DroppingFire 11-22-2016 12:53 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Dinglesberry 11-22-2016 08:12 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by DroppingFire (Post 4494894)

When's the new mixtape droppin fam?


tallyanni 11-22-2016 11:22 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi, anyone want to play mutliplayer. I am new but osu! made me really good at these games

ifeelit 11-22-2016 11:38 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by tallyanni (Post 4494927)
Hi, anyone want to play mutliplayer. I am new but osu! made me really good at these games

it says your join date is 2014 tho lol

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