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hi19hi19 01-27-2014 06:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4067028)
LOL so I decide to come back and play provisionals hoping to get my plat back since I decayed to gold. Go 8-2 in provisionals, remain gold???? I am assuming my record for the most part in provisionals didn't mean anything and they were going to place me in gold regardless. Oh well gg

You're lucky, better than the Plat MMR players who got put in Silver 5 despite playing plats/diamonds in all their games, or the Gold MMR players who were put into bronze.

ReikonKeiri 01-27-2014 08:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Getting placed how you were supposed to is not "lucky". The 1% that got fucked were just unlucky

lumphoboextreme 01-28-2014 04:22 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Well my MMR is still mid plat I just decayed down to gold, I thought it went by MMR, but it clearly doesn't lol.

albaneenesk8r 01-28-2014 04:45 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Don't worry lumph after reaching gold 1 i decayed back into silver after not playing for a tad bit over a month. Just gonna try to get myself into bronze and have some fun with the game :l

lumphoboextreme 01-28-2014 04:51 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
See my plan was to either get Plat back in provisionals or quit but with being G1 I'm so close that I'm really tempted to grind out 1 division :(

darklordsarumon9 01-28-2014 02:25 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
༼ つ◕_◕༽つ bronzil ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

DarkZtar 01-28-2014 02:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Actually getting off my ass and doing placement games cause the fuccen ranked team is making me show up as silver II >.>

ReikonKeiri 01-28-2014 02:47 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
git rekt git rekt

(or you know you could just leave the team)

DarkZtar 01-28-2014 03:39 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Nah I just needed motivation to do my placements. solo queue is terror

PriestREA 01-28-2014 04:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by DarkZtar (Post 4067596)
Nah I just needed motivation to do my placements. solo queue is terror

This is how I feel every time I play Solo Queue. I want to get better, I want to play a lot and I want to improve, but I have a huge problem with being "that guy" who fed bot lane and lost us the game. I'm just really afraid of royally screwing up and then everyone just harping on you for the next 30 minutes. That fear often has me shiver or get really nervous when the game starts. Losing is going to happen but it's hard when your mistakes were a large part of the loss. Naturally, I'd just mute them but sometimes people are telling you something specific about what to do next teamfight and you completely miss it and screw up yet again. I know the idea of getting better is to keep practising. I practiced a lot in Starcraft II and got from Gold to Masters pretty quickly, but its a 1v1 game so nobody will comment on your mistakes and it's very easy to pinpoint your mistakes.

I want to hit Diamond this season, or even Platinum V - and I've been told by a few players that I have the potential to become a player at that level (in terms of being invested in the game, learning about champions and mechanical skills), but the hours I put into the game aren't sufficient. This is completely due to my fear of being that feeder in game.

Anybody have tips on how I can overcome this? I'm currently Silver III - if that helps at all.

I've played other team games a lot - Like Counter-Strike. When I first started playing I was utter trash and was afraid to queue up into any competitive game/lobby. I was just afraid people would hate me for being bad. As a result, I always grouped up with friends and played public servers (I also commonly queue with 5 when I play Normals), because we're all friends and the environment is far less hostile. Playing normals and public matches in League and CS respectively only brought about little to no improvement. Eventually, after countless years of playing public matches I started to get better at the game, and started to venture off into competitive matches where I saw a drastic improvement in skill. Obviously I'm no longer afraid of competition in CS because I'm fairly skilled at the game now and I know that. I just don't want to have to take the same path of playing so many normals to get decent and then finally going into ranked. I could've hit higher ranks in CS had I played competitive from the start. Now I have around four or five thousand competitive matches played on ESEA and I've gotten to the top leagues, but I played around five or six thousand normal games before I even started playing competitive.

I've been playing league for about 5-6 months now and even after 300 normal games (50% w/l) I've improved slightly. I'm talking about Silver V to Silver III. Seems like an extensive amount of games to play for a small improvement. I feel if I played 300 ranked games I could have a good chance of hitting Gold V.

I duo a lot with Jesse and most of my ranked games last season were me duoing with him. Jesse generally goes on a smurf and I end up getting first pick so I secure his ADC and he gets me support. Although I gain elo playing with him it's because he wins the lane and it's not really related to my contributions. Playing solo queue and winning makes me feel like I did well, but just like every one of us I've had games where I completely lost the game for my team (be it throwing, feeding, bad call) and with the anonymity of League people will definitely let you know about it. If I wasn't cut out for this game I would've quit but people have told me I can do well with practice.

TL;DR: Want to play ranked and get good but too afraid that'll I screw up and have other players angry at me. I want tips on how to get better and drop this fear.

DarkZtar 01-28-2014 05:17 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA (Post 4067613)
This is how I feel every time I play Solo Queue. I want to get better, I want to play a lot and I want to improve, but I have a huge problem with being "that guy" who fed bot lane and lost us the game. I'm just really afraid of royally screwing up and then everyone just harping on you for the next 30 minutes. That fear often has me shiver or get really nervous when the game starts. Losing is going to happen but it's hard when your mistakes were a large part of the loss.

First step is to just get over the fear of losing. Sounds easy, but a lot of ppl have the same fear. Just gotta go into every game with the mindset that you're gonna put forth your best effort. Theres a lot of unnecessary rage and frustration in ranked games, but thats just the nature of ranked. People are gonna get frustrated when shit doesnt work out, but you've gotta play your own game. Play calming music, turn off nameplates, blockout any distraction that makes you associate yourself with your name and other players with theirs. Everyone gets frustrated, that comes naturally with the desire to win. Knowing that, remember that every game is a new one, any shit that happened in the previous game means absolutely nothing (having this mindset prevents prolonged tilting/loss streaks). Yeah yeah you're gonna get ppl from your previous game from time to time, I recommend waiting like 5-10 mins in between every game after you finish. Watch some funny video or something, play FFR between games idk just avoid spam queuing.

2 most important tips for climbing ranked:

1. Play shit you're comfortable with. Doesn't matter if X Fotm champ is open, don't feel pressured to play it if you aren't comfortable.
2. Play to improve yourself as a player. Analyze what went wrong in games that you lose, figure out what you could have done better in games you win, etc. Perfect games are impossible for an individual. There is ALWAYS something you can be doing better.

Other random tips:
If you're tilting hard, just take a break, do something to calm yourself down. Frustration usually leads to more frustration: stop the rage train before you forget where the brakes are.

Everyone has bad games, yelling at them won't help any. If you've got feeders, just gotta suck it up, try to take leadership of the team and make the most out of bad situations. (ex having feeding ppl splitpush/distract while the ppl that matter take objectives)

Ranking is just some arbitrary title/rank given to ppl to give a rough idea of skill. Your goal shouldnt be Diamond/plat/whatever rank. It should be to keep improving.

Oh and buy wards.

Edit: this is all super-general stuff, knowing what to do in specific situations just takes experience which comes naturally as you play the game more and more.

PriestREA 01-28-2014 05:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by DarkZtar (Post 4067630)
1. Play shit you're comfortable with. Doesn't matter if X Fotm champ is open, don't feel pressured to play it if you aren't comfortable.
2. Play to improve yourself as a player. Analyze what went wrong in games that you lose, figure out what you could have done better in games you win, etc. Perfect games are impossible for an individual. There is ALWAYS something you can be doing better.

These two were actually extremely relevant to me. I have had an issue with picking Kassadin whenever he's open. Am I good at Kassadin? No, definitely not. I do have comfort champs, but I think more of my problem can stem out from lack of experience. I can play three roles and have a list of champions I'm comfortable with but I can not play Jungle or Top lane. Usually when I get these lanes I get destroyed hard because I'm not at par with other Silver top/jungle players.

I have a problem of playing to improve ELO in every game. Starcraft was always about the promotion, CS was about the promotion and League is about getting promoted. I guess I really do lose track of the real reason behind ranked queue.

I feel like a problem I might also have is assuming I can get good quickly at league because it happened in one or two other games - I have to eliminate the superiority complex and start from the basics.

Some people have recommended playing roles you suck at in ranked because its likely your opponent is trying to the best of their ability. Do you recommend playing jungle/top lane in ranked or should I practice in normals?

DarkZtar 01-28-2014 05:58 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA (Post 4067634)
These two were actually extremely relevant to me. I have had an issue with picking Kassadin whenever he's open. Am I good at Kassadin? No, definitely not. I do have comfort champs, but I think more of my problem can stem out from lack of experience. I can play three roles and have a list of champions I'm comfortable with but I can not play Jungle or Top lane. Usually when I get these lanes I get destroyed hard because I'm not at par with other Silver top/jungle players.

I have a problem of playing to improve ELO in every game. Starcraft was always about the promotion, CS was about the promotion and League is about getting promoted. I guess I really do lose track of the real reason behind ranked queue.

I feel like a problem I might also have is assuming I can get good quickly at league because it happened in one or two other games - I have to eliminate the superiority complex and start from the basics.

Some people have recommended playing roles you suck at in ranked because its likely your opponent is trying to the best of their ability. Do you recommend playing jungle/top lane in ranked or should I practice in normals?

If you can play 3 roles comfortably, then heck stick to those. No need to force yourself into uncomfortable territory in ranked. And yeah the superiority complex is a problem like prolly 95% of the league population faces. A bunch of people are unable to admit their own mistakes and are too proud to learn from others. Remember that there is always gonna be someone out there who is better than you. Treat losing as a learning experience, figure out why you lost vs certain people/teamcomp matchups. You don't learn anything from stomping people. Understanding matchups and team comps is critical once you climb the ladder to a certain point, and all of that knowledge comes from experience. I could tell you on a case by case basis what does well vs well, but that won't help you any. You've gotta see it with your own eyes and understand the reasoning on your own, and learn to cover team weakness, capitalize on team strengths etc.
At the end of the day if you really wanna get good at this game, and you put in the honest time and effort, you will.

PriestREA 01-28-2014 06:13 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by DarkZtar (Post 4067648)
Treat losing as a learning experience, figure out why you lost vs certain people/teamcomp matchups. You don't learn anything from stomping people. Understanding matchups and team comps is critical once you climb the ladder to a certain point, and all of that knowledge comes from experience.
At the end of the day if you really wanna get good at this game, and you put in the honest time and effort, you will.

Your posts were really helpful. I really appreciate this, I'll keep this in mind whenever I go to play a few ranked games. Thanks for taking the time to give me a few pointers.

Litodude 01-28-2014 07:15 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
u think ur good but you're not

ur trash kid

ur shit in sc as well i+others have watched you play

watch replays shitstain

quit being a bitch nd play more

WolfXhunter 01-28-2014 07:16 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
im a baddie ;c

Litodude 01-28-2014 07:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
difference between u and priest is that u admit it therefore you're gonna get better

if ur scared to play cuz ur gonna lose then ur just too scared to admit da truth

hi19hi19 01-28-2014 07:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Yo what are you supposed to do against Swain mid as a low range caster if your jungle can't camp your lane (the standard response to Swain)

I assume you just farm it out under the tower? Because going anywhere close to him is clearly not an option...

lumphoboextreme 01-28-2014 07:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
whoops forgot to ss but I got back to plat.

PriestREA 01-28-2014 09:03 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4067689)
difference between u and priest is that u admit it therefore you're gonna get better

if ur scared to play cuz ur gonna lose then ur just too scared to admit da truth

Don't see how any part of my post even hinted at being better than where I am, there was a point made that I have the potential to get better if I put the time in. Asking for advice on how to overcome a fear in solo queue is my admission that there's a problem with how I play/don't play right now. Your attitude sucks.

Litodude 01-28-2014 10:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
stop whining

PriestREA 01-28-2014 10:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4067805)
stop whining

Stop being a bitter prick.

TC_Halogen 01-28-2014 10:15 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Priest -- you're not helping the situation any by responding that way.

Lito: knock it off -- there's no reason to berate a player looking for advice, and telling them that they are shit is completely unnecessary. If someone says and believes that they have potential, it's up to them to prove themselves, and not up to other players to say that they can't.

DarkZtar 01-28-2014 10:19 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Dat kobe tho. And yay finished placements. ^.-

Litodude 01-28-2014 11:43 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen (Post 4067817)
Priest -- you're not helping the situation any by responding that way.

Lito: knock it off -- there's no reason to berate a player looking for advice, and telling them that they are shit is completely unnecessary. If someone says and believes that they have potential, it's up to them to prove themselves, and not up to other players to say that they can't.

fuck your shit; wtf is the point of babying everyone? just because you can't handle sharp criticism doesn't mean others can't - i know how to scathe and the limits of it so stop getting your panties in a bunch

adlp 01-29-2014 12:06 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4067856)
fuck your shit; wtf is the point of babying everyone? just because you can't handle sharp criticism doesn't mean others can't - i know how to scathe and the limits of it so stop getting your panties in a bunch

your dota roots are showing <3

Litodude 01-29-2014 12:14 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
it's the reason why they're shit, they never got properly broken in

you know how it is

everyone -good- knows how it is

Litodude 01-29-2014 12:35 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
like god i really want you to turn off league of legends for a day and try out HoN, a real man's game

if u think my level of flaming gets your face burning then you'll definitely want to kill yourself after playing that game

but sorry bro, if you can't handle it then you might as well stop playing now cuz you're never gonna be good if u can't take idrA level shit-talk

lumphoboextreme 01-29-2014 09:06 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
My mmr is too high lmao. if I keep winning I'm gonna skip as far as possible. p5 mmr is d5.

Xiz 01-29-2014 05:55 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I haven't laughed so hard in weeks

lumphoboextreme 01-29-2014 06:01 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
LOL that has to be bronze

ReikonKeiri 01-29-2014 07:14 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
trundle did some attack moving on his way out so has to be silver at least. wp elise jones

lumphoboextreme 01-29-2014 10:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I would flame those kids so hard if that happened in one of my games.

ReikonKeiri 01-30-2014 12:46 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
3rd try for plat promo gogo

Samwais 01-30-2014 01:42 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA (Post 4067613)
TL;DR: Want to play ranked and get good but too afraid that'll I screw up and have other players angry at me. I want tips on how to get better and drop this fear.

There's no need to have any fear really. You should just look at your own gameplay and realize firstly what goes wrong when you have a bad game and secondly what you do right when you win games.

Another thing is to have comfort champions in every role. It helps immensely in soloque. I've got two or three comfort picks for every role so if I get forced to pick something other than support or adc I'm not instantly fucked.

If you do still have a bad game due to just being plain outplayed for example, there's no reason to go on tilt because people are flaming. At that point your teammates are just frustrated and you are just as much a target as any other player on your team. The best solution is to just keep calm and keep playing. Also you should look into play tactics that minimize damage done to you and your team (turtling, freezing, turret farming etc.).

If you can pinpoint a mistake that you expressly made, then it was your bad and there's no changing that in that particular match. For the next match you should admit to yourself that you made mistakes and then learn from them.

I should know all about flaming since I play in EUNE where every game is "Report my team" "No, report this ******" "Faq u" "U suk" etc. <_>

tl;dr Look at your strong and weak points, don't take flaming seriously and keep playing.

ReikonKeiri 01-30-2014 03:12 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I feel bad for all the enemy teams that had to deal with me tonight lol. So unfair for me to play against golds when I'm tryharding lololol

plat again




lumphoboextreme 01-30-2014 01:37 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I'm in Teemo's scouts. :(

clasko1000 01-30-2014 02:21 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Im got placed into urf's oceans.

PriestREA 01-30-2014 02:29 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Ziggs's blades.

clasko1000 01-30-2014 02:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I was actually joking. I decided not to play ranked yet, every troll and their parents are like OMG S4 PLAY RANKED. Ill probably start this weekend. Then the run for diamond begins.

lumphoboextreme 01-30-2014 03:01 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
If I can get the skip from p3 to p1 I got a real shot at diamond.

lumphoboextreme 01-30-2014 05:17 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Riot pls

revolutionomega 01-30-2014 05:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Yo lumpy add me up!


Miss you cats, but I don't FFR :(

revolutionomega 01-30-2014 05:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Double-post for the oblig status:

Gold III last season, having trouble with provos with all these trolls hobbling around and promising the GF we'd play through them together. 1-4 currently, gonna attempt to wreck stuff tonight and the next couple days to get out of provo hell. Then shall move towards plat.

PriestREA 01-30-2014 06:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by revolutionomega (Post 4068894)
Double-post for the oblig status:

Gold III last season, having trouble with provos with all these trolls hobbling around and promising the GF we'd play through them together. 1-4 currently, gonna attempt to wreck stuff tonight and the next couple days to get out of provo hell. Then shall move towards plat.

6-4 gogogo

lumphoboextreme 01-30-2014 10:25 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol dodging out of series is the worst feel ever.

lumphoboextreme 01-31-2014 09:40 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Got promoted to P2 only cause I dodged series l0l gg

clasko1000 01-31-2014 12:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4069294)
Got promoted to P2 only cause I dodged series l0l gg


Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4069111)
lol dodging out of series is the worst feel ever.

You make no sense, this is why your good at league.

clasko1000 01-31-2014 12:25 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Im starting my ranked tonight. My goals are get P1 by summer and work toward diamond.

lumphoboextreme 01-31-2014 01:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol I meant I was in p3 and trying to skip to p1 cause my mmr is somewhere in diamond. but I dodged series to keep all wukong games cause dedication so then I couldn't skip and won series next try but only go to p2. :(

Snowcrafta 01-31-2014 03:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I'm silver 4 weeee

lumphoboextreme 01-31-2014 04:51 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Carrying diamonds np.

Snowcrafta 01-31-2014 05:17 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
why does leona have ignite

clasko1000 01-31-2014 05:21 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Snowcrafta (Post 4069645)
why does leona have ignite

Leo and if you notice thresh have ignite because at higher level play on aggressive supports, their main focus is to get the kill no matter what, because they can take full advantage of the gold and exp gained to snowball their lane. A passive support, such as one with a heal could take exhaust and be just fine.

.Gazelle. 01-31-2014 06:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
city blackout during ranked, yay.

Razor 01-31-2014 08:33 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I love when my supports have ignite.

Go ham or go the fuck home.

lumphoboextreme 02-1-2014 01:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Well my record went to shit. I can already tell so many people bought plat/diamond. lmfao

MinaciousGrace 02-1-2014 01:36 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4070035)
Well my record went to shit. I can already tell so many people bought plat/diamond. lmfao


Razor 02-1-2014 03:45 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4070035)
Well my record went to shit. I can already tell so many people bought plat/diamond. lmfao

lmao ever since I bombed placements (by bomb I mean duo), I've been getting this comment left and right, it's rather hilarious

lumphoboextreme 02-1-2014 06:08 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ya but i know you're a good adc. like these players are just OBVIOUS bought accounts where they clearly don't know game mechanics and are silver/bronze players. Also kinda rebounded after hitting 0 lp

Razor 02-2-2014 12:52 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
yeah its just a matter of grinding the games out (which im too lazy to do) so someday ill get back up there, i mean, i still have an entire year lol

also nice stuff! one trick ponies are pretty cool to see climb the ladder

ReikonKeiri 02-2-2014 01:16 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ouch. thats pretty cold

Razor 02-2-2014 01:36 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
thats how you get famous tho

ReikonKeiri 02-2-2014 01:54 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
no u get famous by being good

basicdrummerman 02-2-2014 02:56 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
yo ill join this

summoner name grizzlytime was silver 4 lvl 30 play mainly jungle and support but been playing a lot of mid and top recently

lumphoboextreme 02-2-2014 10:43 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
You can get famous by being like top tier really good or being a one trick pony really :)

lumphoboextreme 02-2-2014 02:53 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I think they disabled loss forgiven... I just had a game with 4 dc's and was no loss forgiven. (3 us, 1 them) horrible...

ReikonKeiri 02-2-2014 06:29 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
being a one trick pony doesnt make you famous at all what the fuck

cause everyone knows about this guy http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/36573862

so famous look at him 1 tricky pony wow

hi19hi19 02-2-2014 08:51 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Blue trinket has a 66% win rate in LCS


Deidara837 02-2-2014 08:57 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 4070486)
I think they disabled loss forgiven... I just had a game with 4 dc's and was no loss forgiven. (3 us, 1 them) horrible...


Loss prevention was only up from 3:15pm to 3:39pm. Unlucky :(

TwistedPhoenix 02-2-2014 10:14 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
You know you're in Bronze when you can get more gold than your ADC as a support. Not dying was pretty cool though.

Had to dodge the next match or else I'd be in Silver. Don't want that happening.

Razor 02-3-2014 12:31 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

clasko1000 02-3-2014 10:31 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
dude, 20 stacks on your mejais....
y u no have?

lumphoboextreme 02-3-2014 01:57 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
P1-P2 is true elo hell. there are so many people that bought D5 and just troll. I don't see how anyone gets over 60% win rate there. when someone goes 0-10 and this is consistently happening it's just not possible to carry

megamon88 02-3-2014 11:40 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
gold 5 lolwut

phe0nixblade 02-4-2014 07:38 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
still need to fix my pc arghhhasdfhasdf

ReikonKeiri 02-4-2014 09:33 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
megamon is in the same league as deathkrit and im pretty sure they dont even know each other damb yo

also apparently my aram AD shaco is the hypest thing, carry every game all day and Ive only played him on SR like once over a year ago

lumphoboextreme 02-4-2014 10:15 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
HERE WE GO 5th try at p2 to p1 promos LOL

EDIT: lost 1-2 for the 4th time other time was 0-2. Final game had a boosted yi lmao

clasko1000 02-4-2014 12:37 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
dam it i need more time to play...

lumphoboextreme 02-4-2014 01:57 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
LOOOOOOOOL going for 6th p2 promos loss

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