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-   -   League of Legends [v2] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=132864)

Razor 11-4-2013 07:27 PM

League of Legends [v2]
The old thread here, hit 10,000+ posts, yay! Although, since the OP is never updated, I'll go ahead and manage it here from now on.

If you would like to be added to this post, please post your summoner name, summoner level, and Solo Queue ranking for others to add and/or play with you in-game. If you also have a Skype account, (which a majority of people use to make calls with) that'd be even better! This way, we can circlejerk ARAM every now and then. NOTE: I'm not going to list smurfs here, if you have one, cool. Main accounts only please!


Q: What is League of Legends?

A: It's a freaking awesome game of 3v3 or 5v5 where you control a champion and bash other people's faces in with magic or lampposts, pushing down towers until you finally infiltrate the enemy base and gloat in their faces.

No seriously though, it's basically DotA or HoN, if you know those two, but this game is completely free to play. If you don't know what those two are, it's basically World of Warcraft meets Starcraft. And if you don't know what those two are, it's basically a game of strategy, but with role-playing game elements, such as leveling up.

In the beginning, you're really playing for the feel of the environment, but once you get more experience, you'll see that it is a very deep strategy game that is constantly being adjusted and updated, keeping you on your toes.

Q: Why can't I just play HoN or DotA?

A: You could, but this game is free, which means it's that much easier to get your friends to play. Graphics, while worse than HoN and DotA in comparison, are still good enough that it won't affect your gameplay. You'll still have the whole experience without being interrupted by bad graphics. But if your concern is that you WANT to spend money, well, that is also an option if you want. There are certain things in the game you can buy with money, but nothing that'll give you an advantage in the game itself.

Q: Hmm, I'm not totally convinced.

A: There are tons of features in this game that you'll never get bored of. Masteries, in-game items, summoner systems, runes, over 60 champions to choose from, 2 maps, tournaments and events, different queues for both casual and competitive gamers, it'll keep itself fresh forever. If anything, just try it. If you don't like it, uninstall it. Not everyone will like it, but since it's free, the only thing you have to lose by trying it is a little bit of your time. And that goes for anything else you try.

FFR Name // Summoner Name // Level // Solo Queue Rank // Roles Preferred

• Razor // Max Vayne // 30 // Platinum III // ADC & Support
• ReikonKeiri // DragnMasterSwain // 30 // Platinum II // Mid & Support
• L.B.D.D (mi40) // Mejai // 30 // Diamond V // Jungle
• DarkZtar // Tyzerra // 30 // Diamond IV // Top, Mid & ADC
• Litodude // Litodude // 30 // Platinum V // All
• xferrarix // ferrarri // 30 // Gold I // All
• WTFBrandon // Black NA // 30 // Gold III // All
• .dot // Leigh // 30 // Gold I // Mid & Support
• The Fifth Moon // The Fifth Moon // 30 // Platinum V // Jungle
• IcyWorld // IcyWorld / /30 // N/A // All
• TK_Unreal // Infathomize // 30 // Bronze I // ADC, Mid & Support
• Krunkykai22 // Krunkykai22 // 30 // Silver 5 // All
• phe0nixblade // lxDarkMagicxl // 30 // Silver V // All
• PriestREA // Scarhand // 30 // Bronze I // All
• xMUSICxMASTERx // Volupture // 30 // Silver V // All
• All_That_Chaz // AllThatChaz // 30 // N/A // All
• Winrar // Asleep // 30 // Gold V // Mid, ADC & Support
• .Gazelle. // Haik // 30 // Bronze I // All
• Elite Ninja // Geo Stelar // 30 // Silver 5 // Jungle, Top, ADC
• Lumphoboextreme // SluggishShark // 30 // Platinum V // Top & Jungle
• Karumordu // Karumordu // 30 // Platinum V // Mid & Support
• MinaciousGrace // MinaciousGrace // 30 // Platinum III // All
• Stargroup100 // CosmoVibe // 30 // Platinum IV // Support
• Paexaea // Paexaea // 30 // Bronze I // All
• Nu0n // NU0N // 30 // N/A // All
• runescapedude1124 // Rukde Songrider // 18 // N/A // All
• BOSS_pjpaveloffga // azramako // 30 // N/A // Support
• Becky8 // Beqi // 30 // N/A // All
• p4rty_b0y // Bleakkk // 30 // Gold III // All
• Pseudo Enigma // Daisuika // 27 // N/A // All
• Evascythe // Evascythe // 30 // Bronze IV // All
• pmonibuv1 // pmonibuv1 // 30 // Silver V // All
• Magicturbo // SillyKana // 30 // Silver I // All
• FFR4EVA_00 // Stepman // 30 // N/A // All
• vantillburg // Struggle Buggy // 30 // Platinum V // All
• Xiz // Wait Im Lagging // 30 // Gold V // Support & Mid
• Wineandbread // Wineandbread // 30 // Gold V // All
• darklordsarumon // Ochronosis // 30 // Silver V // All
• xVinylScratch // Megamon88 // 30 // N/A // All
• Deathly Phoenix // Deathly Phoenix // 30 // Silver III // All

If I missed you, sorry. Post your info and I'll edit the OP at a later time.

Have fun! :o

Don't forget to join the FFR League Chat Room!

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4016192)
join the "FFR" chat room which will be on 24/7!

this is to make finding games easier, and generally we can now have a place to all chat!


in the CHATROOM function, join "FFR"


hi19hi19 11-4-2013 07:33 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Should probably include which server you are on as well

league name: hi19
30 NA server
Silver IV (actually i might have decayed to silver V at this point, look at all the fucks i give)
mid & support

Also your formatting is broken, you have an unclosed [center] tag at the top <3

Guest15937 11-4-2013 07:43 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Summoner Name: Guest15937
Level: 13
Solo Queue: uhh unranked? :p
Roles: Top/ADC

clasko1000 11-4-2013 07:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Twans, NA, Gold 3 Adc/Support

Can you make the players a table, its so hard to read between the lines.

L.B.D.D 11-4-2013 07:49 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
can you also add in the OP in big letters

join the "FFR" chat room which will be on 24/7!

this is to make finding games easier, and generally we can now have a place to all chat!


in the CHATROOM function, join "FFR"


L.B.D.D 11-4-2013 07:50 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
*make sure to tick Autojoin on Startup, so you don't ever have to deal with joining the chatroom again!

colt.45 11-4-2013 07:56 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
league name: XsaffyX
Silver IV (About to be III)

Razor 11-4-2013 08:14 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
oh yeah that ffr room, ill join that asap

i keep forgetting lol

25thhour 11-4-2013 09:04 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
25thhour - I Beat Eggs - NA - Bronze 3

Xiz 11-4-2013 09:06 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Cool look at all the people I can add.

Also a google doc should be made, to sort by roles, ranking, etc.

L.B.D.D 11-4-2013 09:18 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by 25thhour (Post 4016259)
25thhour - I Beat Eggs - NA - Bronze 3

rofl are you the guy whose name was "I Beat Nigs" until it got changed to "I Beat Eggs" by riot

speeddemon 11-4-2013 09:37 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Tasgal Gold 3 any role, really.

NA, since I forgot there were more servers.

XelNya 11-4-2013 10:13 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
my original account was under eiddiM but the name that should come up is "XelithNya" though I do have an alt I fuck around on which is this account name "XelNya."

Silver 2 last I played.

thesunfan 11-4-2013 10:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
basically exactly the same as hi19, interestingly enough, other than my name, which on League is lhqwiegjegr.

L.B.D.D 11-4-2013 10:51 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
you should also add streams for people like lito, tyzerra

mine is http://www.twitch.tv/ssx_f

arcnmx 11-4-2013 11:18 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Guess I'll throw my summoner name in here, arcnmxxy. No league/division, I'm too lazy to play enough ranked games to get out of placements. Already joined that chatroom, I'm a professional lurker.

Litodude 11-5-2013 01:02 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
holy fuck fix that list jesse that shit is garbage to read


L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 01:09 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
is there a way to make like a neat, lined up list

can somebody good with graphic design make a cOOL listing

L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 05:20 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ranked 1v1/2v2 coming to you soon in season 4

get fucking HYPE

Samwais 11-5-2013 05:52 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
League Name: Pelastaja2010
Level 30
Solo rank: Gold 1
Roles: All
Server: EUNE

I do also have an account on NA by the name Samwais but it's only lvl 3 I believe.

xAlphaWolf 11-5-2013 08:06 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Name: tasilla123456
Level 30
Solo Q: Silver V (just played 20 ranked..)
Roles: Support(main) , Ad Carry, Jungle
Server: BR (not a troll..)

Na account: Puppy Boi ( lvl 12 I think)

xlonenobodyx 11-5-2013 10:01 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Just started playing again like a year or so ago. And keep getting more and more into it. So yeah, I'm pretty low and still learning.

Account Name: xlonenobodyx
Level: 16
Solo Rank: Don't have one yet
Roles: Support / Tank (Sometimes)
Server: NA

clasko1000 11-5-2013 11:10 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4016533)
is there a way to make like a neat, lined up list

can somebody good with graphic design make a cOOL listing

Ill do it when i get home today.

MracY 11-5-2013 11:24 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I might want to start competing in this game, but I don't know how to play.
Are there any groups here that sometimes do unranked games that I might play with sometime, or someone that is willing to take the time and effort to teach me how to play?

xAlphaWolf 11-5-2013 11:44 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by MracY (Post 4016714)
I might want to start competing in this game, but I don't know how to play.
Are there any groups here that sometimes do unranked games that I might play with sometime, or someone that is willing to take the time and effort to teach me how to play?

You can learn how to play watching people streaming on twitch.tv, for me it's best way to learn lol, but if you want my Na account is low level, I could teach you basic things

Coolboyrulez0 11-5-2013 11:46 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
any nigs play on euw

im best blitz eu (ign cbrx)

clasko1000 11-5-2013 12:25 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by MracY (Post 4016714)
I might want to start competing in this game, but I don't know how to play.
Are there any groups here that sometimes do unranked games that I might play with sometime, or someone that is willing to take the time and effort to teach me how to play?

Over the next month, ill probably be playing pickup games with players from the FFR chat group.

Elite Ninja 11-5-2013 02:04 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Oh I'm already in the OP o.o

Well you can add mid to mine as well. I rarely get to play mid but I actually prefer it over all roles recently.

ReikonKeiri 11-5-2013 02:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
LOL dude team builder on 1v1. LOL


omfg lol

>Lose 1v1

-paexaea- 11-5-2013 02:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
One day, I'll be able to play with you nignogs again, and finally find some drive to actually get better.

Litodude 11-5-2013 03:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by MracY (Post 4016714)
I might want to start competing in this game, but I don't know how to play.
Are there any groups here that sometimes do unranked games that I might play with sometime, or someone that is willing to take the time and effort to teach me how to play?

i give lessons hmu in game or on here

L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 04:02 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by ReikonKeiri (Post 4016781)
LOL dude team builder on 1v1. LOL


omfg lol

>Lose 1v1

5v5 me fgt

MracY 11-5-2013 04:22 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4016860)
i give lessons hmu in game or on here

Could you perhaps come online at a fixed time every week to teach some people the basics, then?

lumphoboextreme 11-5-2013 04:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
kinda pumped for 1v1/2v2 if i ever get my computer fixed. this laptop will never handle league qq

L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 05:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by MracY (Post 4016888)
Could you perhaps come online at a fixed time every week to teach some people the basics, then?

join the FFR chatroom and people will prob be willing to give you tips/help whenever

also it'll be easier to catch lito on

Litodude 11-5-2013 05:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i am a lone wofl

i run alone

fuk u

Litodude 11-5-2013 05:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
3s plz

L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 05:10 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
woof woof

L.B.D.D 11-5-2013 05:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
also let's play 3s before season ends

i want 3s border

Razor 11-5-2013 05:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
we're too busy playing 5s l0l

also make new list plz, will add names later

ReikonKeiri 11-5-2013 06:20 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
yeah shit 5s is intense. so little time

WolfXhunter 11-6-2013 12:58 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ign: Wolfxhunter
level 30
Yolo Q: Gold V
Roles: Fill
Server: NA

Tokzic 11-6-2013 03:34 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Tokzic // Cryptexitium // 7? // ??? // Terrible At Everything

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 03:36 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
tokzic doesn't even play the game don't add him

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 03:36 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
go back to defense of batriders

Litodude 11-6-2013 03:52 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
if anyone has an unranked smurf alias dat wanna duo w me to d1 for s4 lmk

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 04:18 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
how do i make smurfs, leveling is so painfully slow

xAlphaWolf 11-6-2013 04:48 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4017454)
how do i make smurfs, leveling is so painfully slow

XP boost makes you level up faster hue

Litodude 11-6-2013 05:00 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Unlock Your Ancient Chinese

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 05:07 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Chinese XP Farms

Tokzic 11-6-2013 06:16 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4017443)
tokzic doesn't even play the game don't add him

lies and slander i play on rare occasion when i need to play a moba but dota is too hard

(you're going to need to update your sick burns btw, batrider's base damage got gutted this last patch)

Coolboyrulez0 11-6-2013 08:51 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
report him for toxic player

Deidara837 11-6-2013 11:11 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Summoner Name: Gradeus (see my profile for why, it's not from here haha)
Level: 30
Roles: Mid, ADC, Top
Rank: Provisional (lazy, but MMR is somewhere mid/low Platinum)
Server: NA

clasko1000 11-6-2013 11:47 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Deidara837 (Post 4017538)
Summoner Name: Gradeus (see my profile for why, it's not from here haha)
Level: 30
Roles: Mid, ADC, Top
Rank: Provisional (lazy, but MMR is somewhere mid/low Platinum)
Server: NA

Just tell me how you figure your MMR is mid plat? That would put you in the top 5%~ of all active ranked players.

Fission 11-6-2013 11:51 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
league isn't that hard of a game and there is so many shitty players. what's so crazy about somebody saying their MMR is mid/low plat?

clasko1000 11-6-2013 11:58 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Its just a little bit of a stretch. I mean, i can sit here and claim im Diamond because i regularly play against diamonds in duo Q. But, I was Demoted to Gold 4 last night because of a losing streak(against plat/diamond players).

Fission 11-6-2013 12:01 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
if somebody says they have diamond MMR i would be skeptical since the percentile is a lot smaller. 5% is a lot of people considering how many of them are absolutely terrible (full disclosure: i barely ever play league l0l).

clasko1000 11-6-2013 12:06 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Yea, there are lots of bad players rated much higher than they should be. Struggling through the system is the only way to win... Which means more games than are necessary to rank up. I should just go back to SC2. 1v1 much more reliable.

Plat 5 is top 8%
Diamond 5 is about top 1.5-2%

Source: Lolsummoners.com

Deidara837 11-6-2013 12:33 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I have a bunch of friends who are also Plat (all divisions, but mainly 3s and 4s), and I've been consistently matching (or surpassing) their performance levels, so I'd say I'm where they are for the most part.

clasko1000 11-6-2013 01:01 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Im not saying your bad, but normals are very different from ranked.

Deidara837 11-6-2013 01:13 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
We do games more like customs where we all play each other and whatnot. Normal Queue is usually a roflstomp, if a random'd teammate or two are able to do their basic duties. In ranked, it seemed that most people were just miserable all the time. :/

xAlphaWolf 11-6-2013 01:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
What's difference between normal(draft) and ranked? It's the same thing, same way to play, same trolls... Lol, also its more like that time, since new players(100 normal vit) play ranked to try to get elise or something. Hue

intensez 11-6-2013 01:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i used to think that way until i really sat down and grinded ranked

it's not the same. at all. blind/draft are more of a jokingly, more casual way to play league of legends. it is just a game so don't get me wrong; i'm not making this game sound "sportsman-like". I'm just saying that the people who want to make their way to the top as in the people that really care about their elo are going to be up in mid/high plat. this game is not about if "you can beat a plat 1 player", because i beat a diamond 3 in mid lane on a ranked 5s team.

elo represents how much you can carry 4 other people. ultimately that revolves around your own mechanics on your lane and your decision making. some people have really bad decision making but superior mechanics while some have really good decision making but bad mechanics. the goal is to have both and thats what separates challenger from diamond, diamond from plat, plat from gold, etc

clasko1000 11-6-2013 01:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by intensez (Post 4017581)
elo represents how much you can carry 4 other people.

Im going to use this from now on.

Ranked is just a whole different game, And its very frustrating to play in. Dont go into it if your going to get mad. Winning or losing is not up to you.

xAlphaWolf 11-6-2013 01:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
True, that's why I said '' this time '' well there's people that dislike playing ranked and play more normal game, and if you play 5v5 with friends it's not very easy to win against enemy team.

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 03:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
it also depends on time of day btw

blind pick: usually trolly
blind pick after say, 11PM PST: less trolly, all the kids are going to sleep

draft pick: actually more serious, regardless of hour

ranked: pretty serious most of time, but also depends on your division/MMR
ranked after midnight PST: way, way less trolly

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 03:47 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
btw those are arbitrary hours that i picked but the later it is, the less trolly people get

from my experience

Deidara837 11-6-2013 03:50 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]


Originally Posted by intensez (Post 4017581)
elo represents how much you can carry 4 other people.

Well said by the way, makes a ton of sense

Razor 11-6-2013 05:30 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i play against diamond AD carries in ranked 5s and make more gold than them @ end game, that must mean im diamond eh

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 05:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
u aint shit til ur doublelift level !!

placements to d1 in 30 games

DarkZtar 11-6-2013 09:09 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ranked 5's ffr squad wat

L.B.D.D 11-6-2013 09:15 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
good luck !!

hi19hi19 11-7-2013 12:40 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
u ever come across a champ that just doesnt make sense to you

i love my first 2 melee AD mids, zed and khazix (even after their reworks), but i recently got talon and ???

i dont get this champion

when i play against decent talons they make him look totally viable, but when i play him i just dont do damage then die
im doing his combo properly (yes i know to AA then Q tiamat reset and all that shit and im not missing Ws), im building properly as far as i can tell (tiamat, brutalizer, hexdrinker if needed, LW, really basic stuff)
i just dont get how the champ is supposed to lane without just like, dying ._.
am i just fundamentally fucking up his positioning or something? do i have to play like way more of a bitch than i think i do (im already giving up lots of the ranged creeps early on usually) against anyone ranged? idk maaaan this champ

Razor 11-7-2013 12:55 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol Diamond 1 Ezreal was pretty trash, p much cheesed him with full AP support Fiddle and op as fuck Caitlyn

L.B.D.D 11-7-2013 12:56 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
u play him vs people who don't have consistent poke & can't react quickly

ex. veigar, anivia

hi19hi19 11-7-2013 01:04 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4018158)
u play him vs people who don't have consistent poke & can't react quickly

ex. veigar, anivia

that... actually makes a shitton of sense

i'll be more careful who i pick him into

also after looking at a replay, i am not reliably getting BOTH parts of W and R and i think im losing a huge part of his combo damage from that
i dont position properly to get the return of W or the return of R to also hit them, gonna have to learn that positioning
part of my problem is that E puts you right behind them, like butthumpingly close, and it's hard to get the return of W because they can just walk the other way after you throw it
i mean i guess you can wait to throw W so they cant juke the return trip as easily, but then you miss out on your passive...
not getting return on R is probably just me not doubletapping it for the fast return >_< not used to that

speeddemon 11-7-2013 10:02 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Honestly I just go for a q focused build and that usually seems to work fine. Jump in, w-q, ult as they run away from their team. Usually they make it far enough away that you're safe after popping out of your stealth.

Get cleaver triforce bt lw and ga, just in case. I was also toying with the idea of iceborn, because of his passive, but it's probably more of a situational thing/not worth the money compared to triforce.

PriestREA 11-7-2013 10:08 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Razor (Post 4018156)
lol Diamond 1 Ezreal was pretty trash, p much cheesed him with full AP support Fiddle and op as fuck Caitlyn

double locket op?

TwistedPhoenix 11-7-2013 11:31 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4018167)
that... actually makes a shitton of sense

i'll be more careful who i pick him into

also after looking at a replay, i am not reliably getting BOTH parts of W and R and i think im losing a huge part of his combo damage from that
i dont position properly to get the return of W or the return of R to also hit them, gonna have to learn that positioning
part of my problem is that E puts you right behind them, like butthumpingly close, and it's hard to get the return of W because they can just walk the other way after you throw it
i mean i guess you can wait to throw W so they cant juke the return trip as easily, but then you miss out on your passive...
not getting return on R is probably just me not doubletapping it for the fast return >_< not used to that

I remember when I got Talon forever ago. I can't use him very effectively either, but the guide I followed said that while it's recommended to max W first, if you can't hit it reliably you're better off just maxing Q first. Also, if you're wondering why people always say Talon is THE counter to Kass, it's because his silence outranges Kass' silence (and he does physical instead of magical damage). That guy tries to poke you and you can now let loose your combo on him before he can send his silence out.

The silliest build on Talon is boots and five Bloodthirsters (Last Whisper only needed if they build lots of armor). Not only do you nuke any squishy carry that gets within range, you can lifesteal half your health back in no time at all, which is great for right after your combo when everyone else tries to kill you. Not recommended for ranked play, but if you're checking him out in normals and get a nice lead, try it out.

Razor 11-7-2013 11:45 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA (Post 4018290)
double locket op?

yeah our diamond 1 jungler likes to troll a lot but its k cause he make da playz happen 8-)

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