Flash Flash Revolution

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-   -   New to FFR? Say Hello Here! (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=116784)

kirkfan2255 09-14-2017 07:27 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi, I'm new, but that's kind obv ^^'

(mostly getting the 5 posts for PMs lol)

inDheart 09-14-2017 07:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by kirkfan2255 (Post 4585731)
Hi, I'm new, but that's kind obv ^^'

(mostly getting the 5 posts for PMs lol)

huh i forgot it was a thing for PMs

hi kirk :D

Lucaromew 09-14-2017 11:36 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I have been here about a month now. Hi~! <3

Kori_RBLX 09-15-2017 02:16 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I have been here for some time but never really post anything. Hello.

Eli Way 09-16-2017 10:14 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
sup yooo

QueenAshy 09-16-2017 03:31 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello everyone, my name's Ashley, but I go by Ashy most of the time.

I very much like vertical scrolling rhythm games and this seemed like a cool one to get into. I'm a 3000pp osu!mania player, so i'd say i'm doing pretty good at this game so far.

PrawnSkunk 09-16-2017 05:20 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome! o/

pqr 09-23-2017 12:36 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello! I have timing issue can anyone help?

Moria 09-23-2017 12:44 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Courtesy of YoshL (Step 3 is all you need, but follow from start if you desire)

Welcome to FFR!!

pqr 09-23-2017 02:07 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
thank you :)

Travis_Flesher 09-23-2017 05:59 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello kirkfan2255! you got your 5 posts so let's make this the new..

Arielbananate7 09-30-2017 04:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey all!! Just remembered this was a thing. I'm sad that my old PMs seem broken.

DeciBel1231 10-31-2017 01:22 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi, I play Etterna exclusively, not gonna lie. Planning on releasing some charts so I need to boost my post count to link stuff I guess lmao.

Thinkmanno 11-10-2017 02:16 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Howdy people. Enjoying the game but running into a credits problem, guess I'll have to scour the forum for an answer. :/

aRTycH 11-10-2017 12:43 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

gumiya 11-12-2017 01:56 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Aleks Snow 12-13-2017 10:56 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

PrawnSkunk 12-13-2017 11:25 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome everyone! :)

g.o.ry 01-10-2018 10:27 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Firstly, let me just say I'm floored I found such an active forum! Secondly, that was a grueling 24 hour wait but I'm very glad to be here.

Meru! 01-10-2018 10:46 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

who_cares973 01-10-2018 11:08 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by g.o.ry (Post 4604832)
Firstly, let me just say I'm floored I found such an active forum! Secondly, that was a grueling 24 hour wait but I'm very glad to be here.

"active forum" this makes me sad but HELLO


Originally Posted by Meru! (Post 4604833)


Moria 01-10-2018 11:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by g.o.ry (Post 4604832)
Firstly, let me just say I'm floored I found such an active forum! Secondly, that was a grueling 24 hour wait but I'm very glad to be here.

Welcome to the community dude, enjoy your stay~

a pleasure to see new users enthusiastic about forums honestly, feels like these days any medium for reasoned discussion or formal exchange of ideas is considerably archaic to most. I prefer forum experiences, especially considering there's so many social media platforms for the public to use and essentially every single one of them is festering with some level of repugnant meme pollution or people consciously avoiding sense and sensibility

fuck discord

and fuck anime, too

neither are improving the situation

oh also welcome Meru: )

g.o.ry 01-11-2018 12:05 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by who_cares973 (Post 4604835)
"active forum" this makes me sad but HELLO

Sad day I know.
I haven't really seen any out there that have any recent posts. Sometimes not for 4 months at a time which is crazy to me even though I do prefer instant messaging...
but forum culture has a different set of unique strengths and traits.

Leosnia 01-20-2018 07:54 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Well hello! Good to know there is still a big active community here. :)

R666 01-31-2018 02:14 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello to all the great folks here!

i'm not an alien even though i have one as my avatar ayy lmao

Shodzzy 02-6-2018 09:12 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I'm a racist and don't accept aliens.

hey hi hello welcome my dude

SICKOVENOMOUS 02-7-2018 12:23 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
So late but watever, I'm a boi who chartz shit

akoyaa 02-8-2018 02:42 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
never bothered to check forums but am pleasantly surprised that it's active. only took me, like, a year to introduce myself

Chrono_Dave 03-3-2018 07:21 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Finally made the jump to make charts for arrow smashers :)

Casey2069 03-3-2018 09:19 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

drizzleRomanceGirl 03-3-2018 12:07 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Casey2069 (Post 4611107)

hi :) it's nice to meet you

Casey2069 03-3-2018 06:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

mrpreggers 03-4-2018 02:06 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
welcome folks

Skikamukazi 03-16-2018 07:34 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey all, just wanted to pop by to say hello! Glad to be back after an 11 year break!

+w+ 03-17-2018 09:28 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Anti-Pearl 03-22-2018 06:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi, I'm new I guess? I'm bad at introductions though I'm mostly only here for TWG

Kairon 03-24-2018 03:57 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Everyone I used to know is probably dead.

Hello to all potential replacements.

PrawnSkunk 03-24-2018 04:29 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome (back) skikamukazi, +w+, anti-pearl, and kairon! :)

King of Supermarket 03-26-2018 05:29 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hiya, friends!
New to Stepmania and the likes.
Playing mainly on a pad at the moment, but I'm probably going to play using the keyboard as well at one point since I've kind of developed an obesstion.
I also (pretend to) enjoy some programming related stuff, watch anime and read manga on occasion, play some video games and like complaining about my circumstance.
Oh, and I also LOVE languages, and chitchat about stuff I'm not familiar with.
I'm also King of the Supermarket, but that's a different story. ;)

_____. 04-18-2018 12:09 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey everyone!

I started playing rhythm games around 5 months back with osu mania, and I recently found out about ffr. I'm excited to join you all in the community of other rhythm game lovers, and work to climb my way to the top

FusRoYay 04-24-2018 08:41 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
howdy nerds o/

I'm Fus. I'm a trashy player who doesn't take rhythm games that seriously, but charges into super hard stuff anyways. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I'm here to hopefully get better at 4K rhythm games in general. I also play Taiko No Tatsujin and osu!. For non rhythm games, you are lookin' at puzzle games mostly.
Hopefully I'll improve with my practicing on FFR. Hopefully I'll see you guys around!

PrawnSkunk 04-24-2018 08:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi new ppl :)

mtamburini 06-2-2018 06:03 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello everyone,

My name it mtamburini aka Tambo.

I’ve met a couple of you over the past 3 years at anime north and figured I should sign up to the forum and hang out with you more than once a year!


URL 06-2-2018 07:35 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
A fellow player showed me the game and it truly captivated me. So now I'm playing it. Hehe.

DigiBit 06-30-2018 06:43 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome from DigiBit!

sprucegrit 07-7-2018 06:31 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Anyway, there was this one time... at wolf camp... and like the sun was beatin' down and burnin' my paws just walkin' around, and there mighta even been alligators and stuff, but I cain't dance; and since my paws were burnt, well, I just started singing. Not like a canary mind you, 'cause I'm no stool pigeon, I'm a wolf. And I don't fear def. I laff at def! Ha-ha, def, you dastardly thief of bright eyes burning so brightly that then turn so pale and fail. But I didn't sing THAT song. I sang a happy song. Something about, "La la la, we got the beef!" Wolf pups luvs beef, let me tell you.

Chubisque 07-7-2018 06:34 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello here!

Adam33 07-9-2018 09:58 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hello strangers

i play werewolf like that tamburini person. hello to you in particular!

PrawnSkunk 07-9-2018 10:50 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome to the community! :)

Antori 08-13-2018 04:05 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello I'm new and loving the game so far :D i really hope it gets more attention and the community grows abit!

shrewms 08-24-2018 08:23 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
i can post!
i am shrewms.
i have done shrooms and other naughty substances
but those aren't my main interests

thenoob27 09-25-2018 11:42 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Celebelian 09-30-2018 10:49 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey, I started playing about a year and a half ago after my friend wouldn't stop talking about Stepmania. Nice to meet you all!

ClairmaiIsBack 10-17-2018 06:52 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi. Wonder if anyone on here is old enough to remember me lol.

Matthia 10-17-2018 05:09 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
A bit late on this, atleast not over a year :p


SuperBoi88 10-19-2018 11:26 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Yeah I wish it does.

RogueETJ 11-26-2018 01:44 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I can [i]Finally[i] post in this thread!

Hello! My name is RogueETJ and I am glad to join the FFR ranks. I decided to give this game a chance considering my brother
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< apparently plays a bunch. I am really into computer science, technology, drumming, fps and rhythm games, and just music in general. I am AnonymousDoge on o!m
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and EthanJ on Stepmania Etterna...
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I stream sometimes here as well >
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....hopefully you come check out my stream. Thanks and dont be afraid to message me random shit lol

SilverPaladin1 01-14-2019 01:23 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey, my son got me to try out the FFR game, I must say it is pretty fun! I was also wondering how many old timers there is on here? I am 53 btw. My current level is still in the beginner stage, but getting better!

aperson 01-14-2019 03:04 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by SilverPaladin1 (Post 4665011)
Hey, my son got me to try out the FFR game, I must say it is pretty fun! I was also wondering how many old timers there is on here? I am 53 btw. My current level is still in the beginner stage, but getting better!

Welcome! A lot of us more old-school members are getting into their 30s now, but I think the age distribution drops off pretty quickly from there.

VictorVaeVictis 04-9-2019 09:05 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Morning all.

devonin 04-9-2019 10:43 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by SilverPaladin1 (Post 4665011)
Hey, my son got me to try out the FFR game, I must say it is pretty fun! I was also wondering how many old timers there is on here? I am 53 btw. My current level is still in the beginner stage, but getting better!


Originally Posted by aperson (Post 4665017)
Welcome! A lot of us more old-school members are getting into their 30s now, but I think the age distribution drops off pretty quickly from there.

Yup, at 35 I think I'm only specifically aware of 2 or 3 active users who are older than me, but you're in good company in terms of "not teenagers", so welcome!

Ness the Mess 04-17-2019 05:35 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello! How is everyone today? I made my account a few days ago and just wanted to say that this game is really fun (even if I'm really bad at it) and wanted to tell you all to have a nice day!

PrawnSkunk 04-17-2019 06:04 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Ness the Mess (Post 4671823)
Hello! How is everyone today? I made my account a few days ago and just wanted to say that this game is really fun (even if I'm really bad at it) and wanted to tell you all to have a nice day!

Welcome to FFR! Have a nice day too :)

advarcher 07-9-2019 09:23 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Lurked for a long time but never really posted much, just dropping in to say hi!

Yamineko0-0 07-29-2019 04:13 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello! I've been a member of this site for something like 2 years but I never actually introduced myself or something like that. I came back here because I was notified about the security breach and thought of playing some more FFR. To be honest I haven't really played 4k much until this year, but as time passed (and because Etterna existed), I started to find it fun. Also, wow, 12th official tournament, might as well give it a go :3

ilikexd 07-29-2019 07:04 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Yamineko0-0 (Post 4690035)
Hello! I've been a member of this site for something like 2 years but I never actually introduced myself or something like that. I came back here because I was notified about the security breach and thought of playing some more FFR. To be honest I haven't really played 4k much until this year, but as time passed (and because Etterna existed), I started to find it fun. Also, wow, 12th official tournament, might as well give it a go :3

scientifically speaking 4key is the best rhythm game

FFP_D0pey 08-22-2019 01:25 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello peoples. I havent been registered in ffr for that long but i hope everyone is doing great and improving!

Doristita 09-27-2019 10:31 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hiii I'm new here, I think this site is quite hard to understand but I guess I'll used to it. Btw, I speak Spanish, so that's why probably wrote some words wrong. Hope you forgive my mistakes.

mrpreggers 09-28-2019 10:18 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Doristita (Post 4699404)
Hiii I'm new here, I think this site is quite hard to understand but I guess I'll used to it. Btw, I speak Spanish, so that's why probably wrote some words wrong. Hope you forgive my mistakes.

Bienvenidos a FFR, la novia de Josemba. Es muy bueno verte. Espero que disfrutas tu tiempo aqui. Cuidate!

Dinglesberry 09-28-2019 05:09 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by mrpreggers (Post 4699471)
Bienvenidos a FFR, la novia de Josemba. Es muy bueno verte. Espero que disfrutas tu tiempo aqui. Cuidate!

Josemba basura mierda....

Sleepy-kun 10-9-2019 09:14 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hello, new and loving it. i'm not too good yet, i really suck at the songs that have a bunch of jumps in a row.
anyone know why my level and rank say n/a? it's been like that since i made my account.
if anyone wants to be friends hmu :3 <3

Arere 10-9-2019 09:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
keep updating ur levels, ur making speedy progress, average rank will come once you play enough songs

Sleepy-kun 10-9-2019 10:55 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Arere (Post 4700339)
keep updating ur levels, ur making speedy progress, average rank will come once you play enough songs

Ty! Someone told me how to update levels, and thanks for telling me that, gives me motivation :3 I'm like totally addicted right now xD I just wish my fingers were faster QwQ

misudorhueleaporro 10-10-2019 10:30 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Hi, a notice from your friendly neighborhood community manager to be friendly instead of swearing at us.

Krissycakes808 10-10-2019 10:04 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello, it's almost Halloween.

Psychotik 10-10-2019 10:13 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Greetings friends.

Dinglesberry 10-10-2019 10:45 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by misudorhueleaporro (Post 4700354)

Hi, a notice from your friendly neighborhood community manager to be friendly instead of swearing at us.


misudorhueleaporro 11-6-2019 07:11 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Dinglesberry (Post 4700367)

tus muertos que? espero que esten chill ahi enterrados en el huerto de un gitano-portugues

Zageron 11-6-2019 03:06 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
All you new people are super cool. Welcome.

katanaeyegaming 11-13-2019 09:49 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hello, I'm new to the forum but have been playing for several months now and have made myself right at home glad to be here.

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