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blahblah18 01-30-2005 10:51 AM

Night 1 - Not in Our Quiet Little Town

Now here in this little Italian village not even 5 miles from Naples lies a very small, tightknit community. They in Angiono have always been sufficient by fishing off the Tyrrhenian Sea and selling it in the big city of Naples. One day however, a letter was found in the middle of town square. It was a listing of the 17 members of the Town Council. The letter demanded that Angiono concede 80 % of their fishing earnings or else the town council will slowly die off one by one. The note was signed simply at the bottom with Don Mafioso. The Council quickly met in a closed door meeting to discuss what, if anything should be done in response to this threat. They decided then and there to pay no heed to this supposed threat because 80 % of their earnings would surely kill them all anyways, and to just go on with their daily lives, but not one member on the council slept soundly that night....

The Members of the Town Council are

PM's are going out now. They will be 1 word PM's and will say

It is now night 1, I need Choices from Seer,Wolf,Devil, and Guardian.
Good Luck Everyone.

blahblah18 01-30-2005 09:29 PM

RE: TWG X - An Offer Refused - Night 1
The next morning the town council reconvened to continue the discussion about how best to remedy their current problem, however, after waiting 15 minutes, StretchyPanda was still not in attendance. The council decided to go to her house. As they approached to enter, they saw that the door was already unlocked. calling out to her yielded no response, so the townspeople searched every room. And in her bed, there she was, stabbed in the chest, with a note through the knife that only said "That was the first--- Don Mafioso" After close examination of the house, they saw there was absolutely no sign of any forced entry in any way. As the council pondered this mystery, someone stepped up and said, "It must be one of us, we are the only ones with keys to all the houses in the village" There was an initial outrage, but after much heated discussion, it was concluded that this indeed must have been the case. So the decision of the council became that they must stop any detracting forces from within the council before they all wound up dead. So now council, it is upon your shoulders. Weed out the members within you that are working for the Don and bring them to swift justice.

You ahve 48 hours to make your decision and this will lock at 11:59 EST (NOT FFR) time Tuesday night.

blahblah18 01-30-2005 09:34 PM

RE: TWG X - An Offer Refused - Night 1
By the way, for all the people that didn't really read my campaign speech.
The Devil is a character that is human, but works for the wolves. Devil wins if wolves win, humans do NOT need to kill devil to win. Devil looks at a person each night and I tell them their role. If the seer sees the devil, he comes up human. I think that's about it. Ask me if there are any more misunderstandings or confusions.

GuidoHunter 01-30-2005 09:37 PM

you BASTARDS! Her death will not go unavenged...



evilbutterfly 01-30-2005 09:40 PM

RE: TWG X - An Offer Refused - Night 1
Argh, time for that part of the game we all hate: Day 1. And now, I'll ask the question I always ask: why stretchy? I know she has "connections" with Guido, and from the chat she seems to be friends with Jurs. Of course, it's usually not about connections, even though I always ask that.

Oh, speaking of chat: aim:gochat?roomname=TWG+X Come and join. Interesting things get said.

And yeah, to you new people: don't vote right away. That's bad for the humans. Refrain from voting so discussion can go on and wolves can be found. I dunno about these two newbies' TWG experience, so I figured I'd just give a word of advice.

whorlichan 01-30-2005 09:42 PM

First thoughts: Stretchy is SMART. But unlikely to be guardianed with some more advanced players in the lot. She's like Roopert was in an earlier game: A good kill for the wolves, because it's hard for us to gather much information from her death.

Suspecting Guido is pointless; he's much too intelligent to go after his own girlfriend night 1. I wish the wolves weren't so smart, I would have liked to have an easy vote on day 1.

stretchypanda 01-30-2005 09:54 PM


I'm going to assume I died because of what Whorli said -- that I'm smart, and not just because the wolves were like, "OMG THIS WILL MAKE HER BOYFRIEND LOOK SUSPICIOUS."

Sigh. Have fun. =(

EDIT (because it has to be done):
Blah (12:26:34 AM): heh
Blah (12:26:44 AM): i assigned no wolves
Blah (12:26:48 AM): i felt like killing you


evilbutterfly 01-30-2005 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by whorlichan
Suspecting Guido is pointless

That's what I was thinking, but there's also Jurs. Plus, I was hoping maybe a stupid wolf newb would come along and claim Guido did it so we'd have somebody to vote for, which is why I didn't say that earlier.

And stretchy, we all know you're smart. Especially when you're a wolf with alain. Oh that was a good game.

GuidoHunter 01-30-2005 10:58 PM

I can't believe that either one dumb wolf would be able to make that move with the consent of two other veteran wolves or that there are three dumb moves.

Looking at this from a wolf's perspective, killing stretchy and trying to pin it on me would be far too wasteful. Getting me lynched wouldn't (well, shouldn't) work, so why waste the free kill?

The only person who I can see having an actual interest in killing her is alain, simply because they worked closely and she might be able to figure him out, but as of right now that's no reason to vote for him. I stay voteless.



Kilgamayan 01-30-2005 11:32 PM

To further emphasize the point

We all remember what happened when Kefit was killed Night 1 and everyone said "omg kilga did it", right?

Yeah that worked out SO GREAT FOR THE HUMANS

alainbryden 01-31-2005 03:32 AM

Hehe, yeah guido, I wolfed stretch so that you couldn't talk to her for the remainder of the game, meanwhile I can rack up the brownie points ;) Yep yep, well blah said that he would redo the roles if anything was unfair, so we can be certain that there is at least one compitent person on the wolf team, and not three fools. This being said I think we can assume that the strategy used was to wolf someone not connected to any of the wolves. Stretch is linked to a few people, but probably not one of them are wolves. It would obviously be foolish to vote guido, because that would be TOO obvious. I think by the same logic, you can remove any idea that my connections with stretch place me under suspicion for this wolfing. This is just the type of subltle misleading that the wolves will have planned. If we're looking for someone to put near the top of the list, I would say that it would exclude anyone that can be obviously connected to this kill. Unless, of course, you beleive in double reverse psychology...

alainbryden 01-31-2005 03:49 AM

I wanted to add a seperate thought. The general trend is that one of the more obsessive players (Tass, me, blah, eb) attempt to pursue everyone to come to them with information and form the alliance. I realise after the past few games that this is the most effective strategy for the player in question, but not for the team. I believe that the alliance should be formed by the seer. This is the best strategy for the seer. Keep seeing people, but never tell that you are seer until the following happens: Each time you see someone and they come back human, ask them their role, but don't say yours. If you see two people, and both admit to being masons and can vouch for eachother, then you can tell them that you are the seer and begin the alliance with the three masons. This ensures that the seer will not be tricked into giving himself away to the devil (the somewhat master wolf in this game.) If you follow that plan, you run no risk of the name of the seer falling into the wrong hands, short of the devil by change viewing the seer. Hopefully by the time this happens the seer will already be established.

There is also another interesting strategy, and if the seer sees me and generally trusts me at some point in the game, as well as knows the masons, it is a great strategy that combines the power of the four to practically guarantee the humans a subsequenly swift win. I will say more on aim if given the opportunity.

If odds play out fairly, the seer should be able to be in alliance with the masons by the end of the third night.

There are 16 players left in this game, 12 humans. I'm going to assume that the wolves win when 3 humans remain, not four, because the devil doesn't count as a wolf in terms of killing. This means that the game can last a minimum of 5 nights and a maximum of 8 I belive. By the fourth night, let alone the fifth, it is almost guaranteed that the seer is in with the masons, unless an unlucky wolfing got the seer by random by then. If my strategy were then implemented and successful, it would be easy to take out a wolf each night after that without fear of missing one. I'm hoping this one is in the bag. Have a good day everyone.

mead1 01-31-2005 04:01 AM

^ What you said is a very good point. But also something that should be pointed out: This is TWG X. The 10th one. I think by this point the wolves have gotten a bit smarter than to use the same patterns that they are expected to use. Perhaps stretchy's relations were just obvious enough to be overlooked by us. This is pure speculation, but as of now I am not ruling Guido or Alain out.

alainbryden 01-31-2005 04:39 AM

Well of course I'm not ruling anyone out, that's just silly. I'm pretty sure what I brought up was a new level of strategy, as I try to outdo the thinking of each previous game. I'm just saying there are some things a wolf never does and setting themselves up by voting their girlfriend is pretty much something a wolf never does. Analysing connections are always the most popular passtime of TWG players directly after the day 1 lynch, because there's nothing else to go on, so the wolves don't have much choice of strategy with which to play either on this first night; they try to vote someone sure not to be guarded, someone with no connection to any of the members, and if possible, someone with misleading connections to other players. It's always been the same.

I'm interested as to how the poor wolves will ever know if they accidentally wolf their devil at one point :P

On a side note, I'm betting that after last game, many of us will be less quick to form our usual non-chalant personal alliances with other players. I know I had a reality check after Blah has taken the skill of friendship trickery to a new level after last game, and it's why I think we need to take a more cautious approach to forming alliances, especially the main one, as stated above.

mead1 01-31-2005 05:35 AM


Your second post didn't show up while I was typing up mine...

I was responding to the first post.

HansSky 01-31-2005 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by stretchypanda
EDIT (because it has to be done):
Blah (12:26:34 AM): heh
Blah (12:26:44 AM): i assigned no wolves
Blah (12:26:48 AM): i felt like killing you


Oh. Well that was easy.

Anyways. On to the topic at hand. Of course, pinning a wolf right now is damn near impossible, so we'll have to wait a bit until everybody posts, and then go from there. Alain, you have good ideas. They should work out pretty well(if all goes as planned, of course). But I really don't have too much to say right now, so I'm going to stop before I start rambling.

Matthew4444 01-31-2005 07:53 AM

While I hate to make accusations so early in the game, I suspect evilbutterfly to be a wolf. This is based on a short AIM conversation I had with him. In the main chat, I made a comment about "I'm gonna go now, but not because I'm sending PMs to blah" (or something like that). EB then contacted me in a separate window about how I should be more careful. He also casually asked if I had a special role. While this didn't seem suspicious at first, I soon realized that it was usually only wolves who got so friendly so early without being certain of roles. So basically, I'm paranoid because someone tried to get me to trust them.

Tps222 01-31-2005 09:57 AM

I doubt the wolves would kill stretchy and try and get people to link her to guido, that's just too obvious, unless they are trying some of alain's triple reverse pyschology stuff. I was in the chat for a while, but most of the chat was just bs'ing around, and really was pointless, though i did see some relations with jurs and stretchy. Right now, i'm going to put a random vote out. Yay for generators. Roopert

JurseyRider734 01-31-2005 11:39 AM

Me and Pander are close because I <3 her, so suspecting me at this point would be a little irrational on your part, buttfly. Anyways, the only person that seemed sketchy to me in the TWG X aim chat was Matt, but I do not have enough conclusive evidence to make a vote just yet.

eyespewgreekfire 01-31-2005 11:55 AM

There really is not much to go on at this point, which everyone has said. I agree with what everyone has said so far about alliance strategy. However, one should be wary of any seer that comes, since it could be the devil. I would say that the seer should find a mason, and then vote in proxy for whoever that mason wants, after giving the mason all seer data. I see nobody suspicious at all as of yet. A noob at this point could go after guido, jursey, or alain, but I believe that they each have a average chance of being human as of now. One thing which I think will help people out in this game is to list all the people that do not post during the previous day. On day 2 (if there are any) I'll post a list of everyone with no posts, if people would be intersted by this.

mead1 01-31-2005 12:20 PM

That would be quite helpful for the slackers eyespew (Namely Me).

Anyway, at this point there is little if anything to put stock in. Matt made a good point that speaks to me: eb might have been attempting to control the two noobs by being a nice guy. However, I feel unless I see evidence otherwise supporting his being a wolf, I think he was just being a nice guy.

Eyespew also pointed out another thing that has thusly went unmentioned: The Devil kinda throws off the safety of an alliance. That stratedgy is no longer nearly as safe, or as reliable.

I think I'm in a bit over my head now

whorlichan 01-31-2005 12:27 PM

Mead: The devil is almost as bad as the Master Wolf was in previous games. He is seered as human, so the alliance might take him in--but he also can't wolf anyone. All he can do is try to convince the wolves that he is in fact the devil, and give them ideas as to who to kill. If they don't believe him, though, they might just kill him.

Matt: EB is attempting to be the missing Tass/Blah of the other games. Assuming he is human, he would naturally want to know if you had a special role so he could involve you in the alliance he's trying to put together. If you go right off the bat and assume he's a wolf, does that mean ANYONE who asks about special roles is a wolf in your eyes?

And Tps...you've played before. You know random votes are bad for the humans. Don't do it. Think of SOMETHING to say and vote for someone based on that, even if it is sketchy evidence.

evilbutterfly 01-31-2005 01:18 PM

Matt, as a newb, I figured it best to advise you on the game. You said you weren't sending PMs to blah, in the midst of a bunch of talk about wolves and special roles needing to send PMs to blah, which would imply that you weren't a special role. But why would anybody in their right mind say such a thing? I took it to mean that you were sending PMs. A wolf wouldn't be stupid enough to announce this (at least, I'd hope not) so I figured I'd contact you about it. If you do have a special role, which may be the case, you need to be MUCH more careful. The Devil may look at you first, or perhaps the wolves will kill you just for insenuating you have a role (unless that special role is that you are a wolf, which is also possible). I'm not trying to "be the missing Tass/Blah," I'm just trying to be helpful to the new-comers.

And so what if I want to know the special roles? We all do. Wolves want to know them to kill them, Humans want to know them so they can form an alliance and weed out the wolves. And of course we all ask in a friendly way. If you force the issue people assume you're a wolf and lynch you.

And Jurs, I wasn't trying to say you were a wolf, I was just pointing out connections. It's all I know how to do on Day 1. I'm vary wary of accusing anyone or doing anything, because more than likely I'll kill a human. I STILL feel bad for lynching Chardish (a mason) in that one game, even though it helped lead to the human victory. The last thing I want is to run out and accuse people and get them killed wrongly.

And whorli's right. Random votes are bad for the humans (I think I said this before, but whatever). We need to continue on in discussion and hopefully somebody will slip up and reveal themselves. Using slight suspicions (as Matt tried to do) in order to provoke a response is one thing, but flat out random voting accomplishes nothing at all.

And as far as suspicions go, the only person who strikes me as slightly suspicious is mead1. It's already been established that it wasn't somebody closed to Panda that did it, or at least that they didn't kill her just because of being close, but mead1 said it was possible anyway. Not much to go on, but it's just a thought, and definitly not worthy of a vote.

Afrobean 01-31-2005 02:26 PM

OK, all I really have to say that a double or triple reverse psychology would be PERFECT right now. You all are saying "oh it couldn't have been Guido because no one would be that stupid." Did you ever stop to think thta maybe Guido is a wolf and he was counting on you all responding like that?

Not saying I'm especially suspicious of Guido, it just pisses me off that you don't think a wolf would pull double reverse psychology when it is an almost fool proof plan.

I've got nothing right now, but a little bit of suspicion on the newbs. I'm sure that at least one of them is a wolf.

JurseyRider734 01-31-2005 02:27 PM

I can't believe that the double reverse psychology from the Matrix TWG I proposed is still being used. -_-

CypherToorima 01-31-2005 02:36 PM

I agree with afrobean. I don't suspect anyone right now, but everyone is like "let's rule out guido and alain and jurs" and if even one of them was a wolf, it would be perfect for them (the wolves, that is). But as of now, no one is coming up on my wolf-dar (or perhaps...gangster-dar)

CypherToorima 01-31-2005 02:38 PM

Also, jurs I came up with that a long time ago, even though I was wrong.

Matthew4444 01-31-2005 02:41 PM

Maybe I should clear something up. I'm not as much suspicious of EB for asking if I had a special role, I'm more paranoid of how friendly he was getting. From reading the postgame of Infiltration it's clear that easily placed trust (in blah at least) is an easy way to get manipulated by wolves. I guess I just overreacted, though.

GuidoHunter 01-31-2005 03:24 PM

@Afro: Of course we can't completely rule out obscenely complicated reverse-psychology tactics, but I'm going to give some credit to the wolves.

Recall from my last post when I said that it wouldn't be worth it for the wolves to try such a tactic. Night 1 gives them a practically free kill. Why waste that on such a risky strategy? Why try what's been tried before?

Reverse psychology is a fine tactic for the wolves to use, as it's worked once and almost did again on night one. Double reverse psychology just goes over the cliff. If double works, then triple or quadruple could, too, and then you've got yourself thinking in an endless circle. As a wolf, I wouldn't try anything to possibly put suspicion on me on Day 1, as it's a free day.

C'mon, Afro, give me some credit. I'm not asking you to believe that I'm a human from this, but killing stretchy and then putting myself into the open to try to get the humans to do something that's hurt them before in the off chance that I could convince everyone of my humanity on Day 1 is just a bit farfetched.



Afrobean 01-31-2005 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Guido
C'mon, Afro, give me some credit. I'm not asking you to believe that I'm a human from this, but killing stretchy and then putting myself into the open to try to get the humans to do something that's hurt them before in the off chance that I could convince everyone of my humanity on Day 1 is just a bit farfetched.

I don't think it's farfetch'd at all (lawl pokemon). Imagine that you are indeed a wolf. You would be in the BEST possible position as a wolf, with everyone saying "oh he wouldn't do that if he was a wolf." Double reverse psychology is not as complex as you make it sound.

By the way, just so I'm 100% clear on this- I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here. I don't have any more suspicion on Guido than on anyone else. I'm only fighting for this, because it's stupid for you all to accept Guido as human for something that a wolf very easily could have done.

GuidoHunter 01-31-2005 04:03 PM

If I were indeed a wolf, there would have been MANY much better options for me, most of which would cast NO suspicion on me, so why, in God's name, would I choose this one? Like I said before: FAR too risky for me.



HansSky 01-31-2005 04:06 PM

Wow, Guido, you're getting awfully defensive of yourself. Sounds wolfish to me...

Of course, people may actually think that. But I do agree with you. This whole double reverse psychology ordeal is very possible, but like Guido said, there are plenty of better things to do. And ESPECIALLY on night one, when everyone is completely clueless already. There is no need to play mind games with anybody at this stage in the game.

Matthew4444 01-31-2005 04:28 PM

Now that I've spent more time analyzing everything, I'm posting more paranoid suspicions. It seems that Afro, EB, and Cypher are in a three-way alliance. Afro and Cypher are both using the similar arguement that makes Guido look guilty, while at the same time they're just saying that Guido shouldn't be ruled out. This has lead me to believe that the ACE group is either the Masons or the Wolves, and that they want Guido to stay as a suspect so people don't rule him out as a lynch target.

GuidoHunter 01-31-2005 04:39 PM

Haha, funny you mention that, Hans, since, if you recall from Manhunt, my NOT flipping out and being extremely defensive was used against me (quite correctly, as I mentioned in the postgame) to get me lynched. The only other time I had to do so I was human, too.

Of course, yeah, I could have realized this and changed my ways, blahblahblah, but I was ecstatic to find out that I was human this game, and I'm not going to go down without a fight.



evilbutterfly 01-31-2005 04:52 PM

Matt, the ACE Group was a joke. Nobody would seriously come out and say "Me, Afro, and Cypher are wolves. We're the ACE Team!"

Seriously, you keep looking into what I say waaaay too much or overlooking the obvious...

alainbryden 01-31-2005 04:59 PM

Do not vote Guido tonight. He is too valuable to the humans to make a mistake of lynching him. I'm sure he will be seen tonight , and then work can spread of whether or not he is a wolf, but do not make this your dar one lynching, or you are sorely on the wrong track in this game. Since we absolutely have to take out someone today, if there is no good evidence against anyone, which I beleive is impossible since it is the first day, I will be voting for the least active player. I hope others follow the good example.

aperson 01-31-2005 05:06 PM

Hi guys, sorry for not posting earlier... I've been out getting a sports physical (Turn head and cough etc...) and just got back, not to mention the tetanus shot has made my mousing hand feel like a goddamn brick.

This game is taking an interesting turn already, but I'd like to propose a thought:

This 'double reverse psychology' game will get all of us nowhere... The reasons why are pretty simple:

The game of reverse psychology is a chain; All you are doing by playing this game is guessing where the 'chain' has ended. You see, you can speculate all you want whether it's a single or double-reverse psychology loop, but theoretically it is impossible to back up this logic. In essence, by taking a stance either way based on double or single-reverse psychology you will be taking a 50/50 stab at best since it is impossible to determine the motives the perpetrator had for the action (whether they were internally thinking of a double or single chain). If we want to eliminate the wolves we have to approach this way of sifting through information and events differently.

roopert 01-31-2005 05:11 PM

Well this is an interesting first night kill. You can only wonder why they would pick Stretchy when there are so many other people I would have picked over her. (no offense) In any event, it doesn't give us much to work with on day 1 other than what has already been said, so I am a bit lost on who to vote for. However, assuming Stretchy wasn't the guardian, the guardian really has a tough job on choosing who to protect. There is no super-power in this game (except maybe alian) so everyone if basically fair game. However, it does seem they are trying to lynch people that will leave us little to work with, or at least be confused, so I would recommend protecting players such as EB, Guido, Myself, Cypher, etc. I don't mean to sound too wolfish saying "OMG PROTECT ME PLZ!". All I'm asking is the guardian really think about who to protect. We'll find out after tonight if they plan on lynching the most active players like in Infiltration, or if they would rather aim for the lower-risk players. The first day is always the hardest.

alainbryden 01-31-2005 05:22 PM

It's hard to tell just how the wolves with play. If they start going after all the good players, and one of the good players happened to be their devil, then they just kicked themselves in the shins, bad. I therefore don't think they'll be doing this. I think the wolves will realise that their best strategy is to vote low-key, human seeming players, so that, even if they do accidentally knock out their devil, at that level of player it won't be all that much of a loss to them. I don't think the wolves are will risk taking out the most skilled players just yet, because it could potentially harm their one advantage in the game. This doesn't mean I don't think I shouldn't be guarded ;)

evilbutterfly 01-31-2005 05:26 PM


You can only wonder why they would pick Stretchy when there are so many other people I would have picked over her
Notice how wolf kills always follow that pattern on Night 1. They don't want to give us anything to work with. Looks like they did a good job.

And it's been said before, but really all we have to go on are voting patterns, and Day 1 we have none. Hopefully we get lucky and hit a wolf today, but I doubt it =\

JurseyRider734 01-31-2005 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by evilbutterfly

You can only wonder why they would pick Stretchy when there are so many other people I would have picked over her
Notice how wolf kills always follow that pattern on Night 1. They don't want to give us anything to work with. Looks like they did a good job.

And it's been said before, but really all we have to go on are voting patterns, and Day 1 we have none. Hopefully we get lucky and hit a wolf today, but I doubt it =\

Meaning the wolves aren't any old dumbasses. It's probably two experienced players and a newer one, since blah said he'd change it if it were unfair (3 newbs or 3 vets). I'd say look for some of the ones who are more devious. Guido and Hans were sneaky wolves in Infiltration. I'm not saying that it's definite, but there could be a possibility that they're going to pull another quick one. (ex. get more than one kill in a night, make us believe that someone who is a human is a wolf, while wolfing another one during their turn)

alainbryden 01-31-2005 05:42 PM

Still not a safe risk to vote one of the better players on day one I feel

Tps222 01-31-2005 05:42 PM

Okay, people are just saying the same thing over and over again, about this whole double reverse pyschology thing, while it may be a possibilty, it is not going to help us at this point, because it is almost impossible to figure out, so I'm not sure what to go off of right now.

@whorli: No vote is ever random ;). I purposely voted Roopert because he is known to be rather quiet, and we need all the people we can get to be active as possible, think of the vote as kind of a boost, and, I wanted to see how he responded. Remember, in TWG 8 LD was a wolf, and went along his whole "I always random vote, so i'm not suspicous, and later on he ends up being a wolf, I just don't want the same thing happening with Roopert.

mead1 01-31-2005 06:26 PM

Well, I haven't posted in awhile, so here's my two cents.

Personally, since I have nothing better to go on, I like the double reverse psychology-thing. Reverse psychology may be an endless cycle, but I believe it ends on double. I personally do not feel strongly enough to vote on it though.

I also think that we are not going to really get anywhere until Day 2, so we are just grasping for straws. I don't want to lynch a human, no one does (wolves aside of course) but we are very likely going to do just that. The wolves are not stupid, and they would need to have an I.Q. of 4 to make an obvious mistake on Day 1.

Don't mean to be so negative, but it's a little depressing

Anyone else wondering where Kefit is?

Afrobean 01-31-2005 06:30 PM

Kefit's working or something. I think it's the same for Kilga.

Tps222 01-31-2005 06:31 PM

He is probably working, many people have lives outside this game, and he could be busy, but he might be a good night one lynching, so we can minimize our losses.(if he is human of course)

GuidoHunter 01-31-2005 07:04 PM

I CAN'T agree that lynching Kefit or Kilga would minimize our losses. I still maintain that we need to take this to the deadline to make the most educated vote we can. After that, though, it's up for grabs. I personally would vote for Matt or Mead simply because I don't know what they're capable of (anyone recall my Day 1 vote for roopert in TWG II?). Heh, funny thing is that I rolled a die in the chat room for the sake of seeing for whom my random vote would be and it came up as Kefit.



evilbutterfly 01-31-2005 07:08 PM

mead keeps advocating this reverse reverse psychology junk. I'm tempted to vote Matthew, but his PM business may be due to a special role, and I'd rather not risk killing a special person. Also, don't take this vote too seriously. It's mostly just that I don't know when the day ends and I don't want any phantoms ;D

mead1 01-31-2005 07:12 PM

I'm not saying to vote off Kilga or Kefit to minimize our losses, I just happened to muse about Kefit's whereabouts directly after that rant of hopelessness. Just some wacky coincidence. I didn't know Kefit was working and I am sorry if my statement appeared to imply anything.

GuidoHunter 01-31-2005 07:22 PM

I was talking about what TPS said, both here and in the chat.



Kefit 01-31-2005 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tps222
but he might be a good night one lynching, so we can minimize our losses.(if he is human of course)

I don't really have much to say as of yet. Analyzing the night one kill isn't going to get us anywhere, mostly for the reasons that aperson gave. Besides that, no one has said anything or done anything that strikes me as odd.

Well, actually, the Tps quote that I just provided does. Aside from the fact that he is trying to raise suspicion against me for an invalid reason (for the last freaking time, inactivity does not equal wolfishness), the way it is worded strikes me as odd. He is stating that I might be a "good night one lynching" under the assumption that I am human. Lynching a human is never a good lynching.

I'm going to hold off on my vote for now, but I am watching Tps closely.

HansSky 01-31-2005 07:49 PM



I don't care if we have no leads. We can't just go and vote off the inactive people just because we don't want to lose someone that is available for this 24/7. If we do that, we might as well just give the game to the wolves, right here and now.

evilbutterfly 01-31-2005 08:12 PM

True that. Inactivity has never been shown to prove wolfishness. But I think what TPS was saying is that most likely we'll vote of a human, so we might as well vote off somebody who isn't coming to the forefront. The wolves will be killing all the people who add to discussion, and if we lynch those people too the thread will become very inactive and nothing will happen except we'll all die and the wolves will win. Voting off an inactive player is a good bet because random chance shows they could be a wolf, but if they are a human then at least we didn't kill somebody who is contributing a lot.

Not that I agree with his reasoning, just that it's more than "he's inactive, he must be a wolf."

JurseyRider734 01-31-2005 08:13 PM

Yeah, Hans has a point.

It's Day 1, you can't really tell too much out of anything except if you talk to the person privately, and I doubt that they will really say anything too sketchy because they're trying to be really cautious. It seems more things start to spill after a few days have passed, so it's best to just try to pick up little things by yourself until you and others can come to a consensus about who has racked up the most "suspicious points" and lynch them. It's THEIR fault for acting like an idiot and suspiciously.

blahblah18 01-31-2005 08:15 PM

voting ends in 25.5 hours to clarify...
Carry on.

Kilgamayan 01-31-2005 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by GuidoHunter
I CAN'T agree that lynching Kefit or Kilga would minimize our losses.

alainbryden 02-1-2005 06:28 AM

evilbutterfly has the right idea, but it doesn't mean it's necessarily going to have to happen. We can chill on the voting, because we still have lots of time. I would rather we take a 1/4 chance on one of the less active / helpful posters then go on really bad reasoning and take out one of our valuable players, like guido or kilga, or kefit.

Kilga said activity doesn't mean wolfishness. That's true, but that's not the point. The point I want to make no is that activity doesn't not mean useseless. Kefit and Kilga are both good players. I think those chats are a good idea, because there are a couple of people who act like jackasses the whole time and avoid any real talking. These people could be wolves. Then there are people that act entirely too serious and get mad when people go off topic - overdoing it essentially - this is suspicious. Then I'm sure there's the completely perfectly blended in wolf that is serious when he needs to be, and a jackass when he can eb. *be ;)

mead1 02-1-2005 06:31 AM

I would like to agree with Kefit's suspicions on tps' statement. Note how if you read his statement and apply it, he saws if they were wolves, it would be a bad lynching. That was really, really, badly worded, or it was the mistake I said that the wolves would never make. Tps is also on my radar now.

Also, I am no longer suspicious of Guido. When tps suggested the "damage control" lynching, it would have been the perfect time to come up with some inane support of it that might get a few of us to join up too. I really don't think a wolf would pass up an oppurtunity like that. Then again, he kilga and kefit could all be wolves, but I'm not going there.

Tps222 02-1-2005 09:46 AM

As I said in the chat, probability is that we are getting a human night one, so it is better to off someone who isn't contributing much. I know that there isn't too much talk about, but it would be nice to be around. Kefit has been a little more active, so he should stay, since he is a good player, but I am going to have to stay with my inactivity vote for night one, which I will change as soon as I get home from school. We need the most active people as possible, not talking does not help us.

Tps222 02-1-2005 09:54 AM

As what Mead is saying about my post, I meant that it would be a plus if he is a wolf, and we got lucky.

evilbutterfly 02-1-2005 01:35 PM

Tps, if you're a wolf, you're reaching too far for a lynch. If you're a human, you're doing a really bad job or presenting your ideas and coming off extremely much like a wolf. I think the only reason I understand what you're saying is because I sat and read all that got said in the chat, and others did not do that. Even if they did, you're putting strange ideas out there and it's gonna cost you if you aren't more careful.

Speaking of which: alain, at least I get votes/suspicion for acting devious and smart rather than acting careless and stupid. ;)

Kilga: more of a rebuttal than that would be good. At least Kefit posts real stuff when he's off of work and can post, whereas you just put that picture. If people were going with Tps's idea and voting for you, that would definitly NOT help your case at all.

mead, who I voted for before for trying to get people started on Guido, is now going with everybody else and going after Tps. Let's quote mead's own words on wolf tactics:


it would have been the perfect time to come up with some inane support of it that might get a few of us to join up too. I really don't think a wolf would pass up an oppurtunity like that.
Everybody seems to be turning onto Tps, so may be mead is looking to pull for a vote in order to gain support and kill Tps. Assuming Tps is human (which I'm not assuming, I'm just setting the situation up), mead switching to support his lynching is the perfect thing to do. Go for people that everybody is going for, and you look less suspicious, right? I might suspect Matt because of his flip-flopping (aight, Kerry), but when he realizes it he seems apologetic and like a newb. Probably because he is and just doesn't know how to take things. I understand that. mead, on the other hand, just switches and adopts other people's logic as though he made no previous mistake.

Then again, may be I'm just fishing for reasons because I'm a bit more suspicious of him than anybody else. Of course, being Day 1, that's about all we have to go on: slight suspicions. Thus, my vote stands, but again, it's nothing too serious, I just have nobody else to vote for.

mead1 02-1-2005 01:39 PM

Tps, another problem with the "damage control" lynching is this: One of the main things you can catch a wolf on is by how they vote. If the humans voted for Kilga/Kefit, the wolves would bandwagon, then we would be exactley where we are today, only one less human (assuming they are human). There is no good reason to purposefully lynch someone whose only crime was inactivity, and whom we have no evidence against. You are a player with more veterency than I, and I know you would see this. Therefor, my vote goes to Tps222*.

*Vote is subject to change due to new evidence

aperson 02-1-2005 01:40 PM

Hey guys, just checking in today to see how things are developing. Since activity is a big issue now and people might get suspicious if I'm not here: I'll be gone from 6pm to around 10PM CST because I'm playing poker with some friends.

whorlichan 02-1-2005 01:53 PM

Whorli's Awesomely Cool Totally Not Ripped Off From Anyone Voting Guide:

evilbutterfly (1) - Matthew4444
mead1 (1) - evilbutterfly
Tps222 (1) - mead1
roopert (1) - Tps222

I think we need a bit more than this. Four different people with 1 vote each is not going to get us anywhere. That said, I still really don't have enough suspicion on anyone to want to vote for them.

Edited to add eb's vote, which I missed on the first look through.

GuidoHunter 02-1-2005 02:04 PM

I'm expecting this to go to the wire, whorli, and because of that I expect an increase in posting in the later hours.



aperson 02-1-2005 02:17 PM

OnlineHost: Phonem Recursive rolled 1 16-sided die: 6

Ensuring I don't get a phantom vote...
I'll change for sure if I get home before ending (which I should)
Plus you're gay eyespew :P... eyespewgreekfire

JurseyRider734 02-1-2005 02:19 PM

Can someone put up a voting chart please?

whorlichan 02-1-2005 02:20 PM

Uh, Jurs? Look up a couple posts.

JurseyRider734 02-1-2005 02:25 PM

Ugh, sorry. It didn't stand out to me because it wasn't an excel screenshot. But i'm going to vote for Tps222 because he's making himself look suspicious, and if he is a human, it's his fault for being an idiot and acting like he isn't one.

evilbutterfly 02-1-2005 02:27 PM

Don't people usually respond when people vote for them? mead, have anything to say?

aperson 02-1-2005 02:41 PM

JurseyRider suddenly looks suspicious now...

The whole time in chat she has been offtopic and I honestly don't think I've heard her say a single thing relevant to TWG and usually disappeared when convos got on topic. Judging from her jTWG history and the generally stupid and silly way she acts I think this could go each way, but she definitely appears green all around the ears. If she's a wolf, she's not a very smart one. If she's human, she's even dumber. I don't trust her either way right now... The tps bandwaggoning. She asks for the voting list then votes for the person with the most suspicion cast upon them (posts again 6 minutes later, seems like just the right amount of time to read the thread).

Jurs, you got some explaining to do...

Kilgamayan 02-1-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by evilbutterfly
Kilga: more of a rebuttal than that would be good. At least Kefit posts real stuff when he's off of work and can post, whereas you just put that picture. If people were going with Tps's idea and voting for you, that would definitly NOT help your case at all.

I did it to be silly.

And it worked, as at least Guido appreciated the humor over AIM.

I do have one suspicion that stands out above the rest, but I'm waiting until a later period to vote, because the longer the game goes without evidence to the contrary, the better I feel about making the vote.

Afrobean 02-1-2005 03:20 PM

Is it just me or is Jurs in both this and jTWG?

Wasn't it decided that doing so wasn't allowed?

blahblah18 02-1-2005 04:02 PM

blame Chardish he was running signs up :p
Kilga, I definately laughed

Kefit 02-1-2005 04:59 PM

I'm going to be leaving for work in a few minutes, and I won't be back until after voting is over. I still don't have anything more to go on than my suspicion of Tps, so he gets my vote.

CypherToorima 02-1-2005 05:15 PM

Sorry everyone, but I am not going to be able to get on for the rest of the night, so I'm going to vote for aperson. It's nothing against him, it's just that I don't think he'll get enough voted to pull into the lead. If I somehow cause his lynch, I am going to apologize in advanced (unless he's a wolf, then I'll just say "I told you so" )

Kilgamayan 02-1-2005 05:25 PM

All right, since the dealine draws near, I'm going to place my vote on HansSky.

Every game he has some crazy magical clairvoyant gut feeling that always turns out to be partially correct. So far in this game, he's posted two or three times, meaning he's around and paying attention.

So where is it?

Afrobean 02-1-2005 05:31 PM

My random integer function on my calculator tells me that Whorlichan is a wolf.

PS for those who don't know, that's a random vote, and it's subject to change whenever I feel like it.

whorlichan 02-1-2005 05:44 PM

Whorli's Awesomely Cool Totally Not Ripped Off From Anyone Voting Guide:

Tps222 (3) - mead1, JurseyRider734, Kefit
evilbutterfly (1) - Matthew4444
mead1 (1) - evilbutterfly
roopert (1) - Tps222
eyespewgreekfire (1) - aperson
aperson (1) - CypherToorima
HansSky (1) - Kilgamayan
Whorlichan (1) - Afrobean
JurseyRider734 (1) - Whorlichan

So Tps has 3 votes and is leading the count because...well, let's see the reasoing:

His posts seem to lead to the conclusion that he thinks voting off a wolf would be a bad idea, (paraphrasing blatantly stolen from mead1) and that he wants to vote off inactive people. We already know inactivity =/= wolfishness, so people are getting on his case.

Jursey voted for him because she thinks he's acting dumb not very human-like. Personally, I don't think she's acting all too human, or too smart either for that matter. Part of this game is reading closely what each person says, and she glossed over my voting guide without even bothering to read it. What if I'd said something important? (Not that I think my voting guide isn't important, but there wasn't much discussion in that post.) She would have missed it. Not only that, she is creating a bandwagon situation by jumping right on what mead has said.

Kefit is suspicious of Tps and has been from the start; he quoted him on page 4 as

stating that [Kefit] might be a "good night one lynching" under the assumption that [Kefit is] human.
And to quote Kefit himself,

Lynching a human is never a good lynching.
This is a good reason to distrust him; however I'm not completely certain that Tps isn't just an ignorant human.

And while I was typing all this up I got voted for. Afro, haven't we decided that random votes (which you say yourself it is) are pointless? I'm not inactive enough for you to want to use this vote to call me out, and you can't say that my very presence here is wolf-like, as I had very good real-life reasons to be inactive when I was a wolf (also the other games I played in, in which I was ALSO human).

I don't want to place a revenge vote, as Afro has done nothing to seem suspicious to this point, and voting for me is not a good enough reason. Having read Jursey's posts closely (as she does not seem to have done for anyone else), I'm convinced that she is a wolf.

EDIT TO ADD: Okay, not "convinced." Bad phrasing. But I am more suspicious of her than I am of anyone else at this point.

HansSky 02-1-2005 06:07 PM

Some crazy clairvoyant gut feeling? Eh. I did, in fact have one thus far. But my strongest one did not say who was a wolf, but actually, who was a mason. But I have had some feelings about a wolf, but logic tells me differently. About that one person.

But there is one person that logic tells me is wolfish, and I have not been comfortable at all talking to about the game to. I have been going back and forth of who to vote for, and I've decided that my vote goes to Jurs.

I've been getting somewhat annoyed with Tps and his bad logic about voting for inactive people, and aperson has rolled dice to place his vote? People, I really don't think this is how the game should be played. But do what you gotta do, I suppose.

But with Jurs, she has been acting the way I was acting in Infiltration. Especially in the chat. I tried to avoid talking to people in the game, so I could just avoid lynches by just flying under the radar. It seems to me she is trying to do exactly the same thing.

I just hope I'm right.

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