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jujo07 01-22-2005 12:58 PM

Corrupt a Wish Game
This game's pretty fun. The whole idea is to corrupt someones wish. So here's an example:

Random person 1: I wish for a cat.

Random person 2: You get a cat, and the little demon chews all the cables for your computer, and dies, but only after destroying all your computers.

and then person 2 wishes for something in return to be corrupted.

So I guess I'll start it off...

I wish the snow would keep falling to give us a snow day on Monday.

bobb5 01-22-2005 01:26 PM

Re: corrupt a wish
to bad its acid snow and burns the whole world in acid..ness! :twisted:

jujo07 01-22-2005 03:40 PM

Dude, you have to:
1. Fufill the wish
2. Corrupt it
3. Then wish for something that you would like to happen.

Bahamut-X 01-22-2005 04:11 PM

I wish this thread to be deleted because it sucks.

Squeek 01-22-2005 05:03 PM




Matthew4444 01-22-2005 05:33 PM

(Edited to include both wishes)
This thread gets locked, but it's only because someone who hates you hacked into a mod's account (or was a mod). They systematically lock every single thread you post in, until a petition is signed to get you banned.

You get a pony. You try to ride the pony, but apparently it's afraid of cats and bucks you off then tramples you to near death. They then put the pony to sleep.

I wish for a flawless wish.

Mindfields 01-22-2005 06:26 PM

Whoever is up in the sky misread your wish and thought you said "flaw full wish" and sent a copy Maunea Kea(sp)+Pacific Ocean at your front door.
I wish for a Subway in my room with horrible service so that I have to make teh sandwhiches myself.

jujo07 01-22-2005 08:07 PM

You get your Subway in your room and it even has unlimited sandwich fixings, but all your friends are jealous because you're so greedy with it, so you start loosing all your friends. Despite how much you say you're sorry, your friends don't believe you so they poison the sauces and you end up dying.

I wish for an unlimited supply of popcorn...cuz like popcorn totally pwns!!

hydrojakep 01-22-2005 09:18 PM

You get the popcorn, but it has carmel on it.

I wish for a higher postcount.

flypie743 01-22-2005 09:30 PM

You get a higher post count but then it goes away because its MAGICAL OR SOMETHING LOL.

I wish for butter.

JurseyRider734 01-22-2005 09:40 PM

You get butter but it's poisoned and you die.

I wish for your mom.

Squeek 01-22-2005 09:50 PM

You get my mom but it's not really my mom because I lied to you.

I want to find the solution to world hunger.


Squeek 01-22-2005 09:50 PM

You find the solution to world hunger but kill millions in the process.

Now I want a pony that fears nothing.


tnyhwk900 01-22-2005 09:59 PM

You get a pony that fears nothing, but you fall off of it BECAUSE YOU SUCK AT RIDING PONIES LOL NOOB.

I wish for a double 19" LCD monitor setup. Yummy.

ddrruler 01-23-2005 12:00 AM

You get the double 19 inch set up,but it is made from cardboard box. =)

I wish that all of you would drop dead.

Squeek 01-23-2005 12:04 AM

But we don't.

I wish you all learned how to type with near-perfect grammar.


ddrruler 01-23-2005 12:16 AM

We all learn how to type wth near-perfect grammer,but we don't use it.

I wish that you cant corrupt this wish.

Matthew4444 01-23-2005 08:56 AM

You get a wish that isn't corrupted, but nothing else comes from it and you lose your once-in-a-lifetime wish. The regret caused by this puts you through expensive therapy; the bills prevent you from paying your mortgage; being kicked from your house makes you homeless.

I wish for an actual DDR/any Bemani/any rhythm-game machine to be somewhere in my area.

jujo07 01-23-2005 02:47 PM

You get a DDR machine just 5 minutes away from your house. Unfortunately you're so excited you are on it all day and become completely obsessed with it so you do nothing but sleep and play DDR. Which in turn makes you become anorexic because you forget to eat.

I wish that all the older cartoons would come back..such as the Smurfs, Flintstones, Tex Avery, and Jetsons.

Velious 01-23-2005 09:20 PM

they all come back, but new voices so theyre dumb now :(

i wish for 4 dollars handed to me personally by gorbichoff

torres1287 01-23-2005 10:18 PM

you get the 4 dollars from gorbichoff, but anthrax on the dollars kills you...

i wish for my ex from a year ago to leave me alone

buttonkiller 01-24-2005 11:42 AM

your ex from a year ago leaves you alone but by doing so you become die a horrible death

i wish i could be more annoying then i already am

torres1287 01-24-2005 02:04 PM

you become more annoying, but you drive everyone nuts and they all gang up on you and brutally kill you...

I wish I could become a concert pianist

Layla-Day 01-24-2005 02:27 PM

you become a concert painist, but while bowing the weight of your big ass head pulls you forward, and you wake up not remembering the password to your swiss bank account, which alone holds one thousand million dollars.

AND 73 cents.

I wish money DID grow on trees.

torres1287 01-24-2005 02:36 PM

money grows on trees, but the dollar becomes just as valuable as toilet paper making it worthless as such...

I wish students today actually cared about their future.

Matthew4444 01-24-2005 02:43 PM

Students DO start caring about their future, only to commit large acts of terrorism to stop pollution. Only the eldest populations feel fit to be the future, so they kill everyone under the age of 50. No people fit to reproduce = no people.

I wish for a genie to grant ALL of my wishes.

prayerbassist15 01-24-2005 03:19 PM

you get your genie but he's Jafar and so he doesnt really care what you wish for just as long as you kill Aladin but................you die in the process of killing the "Street Rat" by following him to a dungen where he locks you in and his monkey Abu naws on your flesh for the rest of your life which only lasts 5 minutes because he naws into your jugular vein.

I wish for Highschool life not to feel like Elementary life.(ex. He said she said crap.)

Layla-Day 01-24-2005 03:30 PM

no more he said she said crap, but instead before finding out the whole story, they send their big cousin Pebbles to kill you and eat your toes.

I wish Bush would die.

jujo07 01-24-2005 03:51 PM

Bush dies, but in turn someone more conservative/stupider/all around worse than Bush gets re-elected.
^Good wish by the way :p

I wish I had more "free time" in my life, lately anymore all it consists of is eating, sleeping, and like 7hours of homework...

Layla-Day 01-24-2005 03:54 PM

too much free time = TOO much homework,eating, and sleping, so you become a fat bastard, you are smart but no one likes you and all that because no one is at the club on monday thru thursday.

I wish everyone would die, and it was up to me and a cute boy to restart mankind.

zajac 01-25-2005 12:06 AM

Everyone dies, but instead of a cute boy, you are just left with a Polak, being me, to restart mankind...

I wish Zildjian would please stop trying to convince me to eat out my g/f... Sick bastard... lol

buttonkiller 01-25-2005 09:07 AM

zijlidan stops trying to make you....but by doing so she dies and you r no longer able to restart mankind

i wish i could become enorexic

Afrobean 01-25-2005 02:37 PM

You become annorexic, but you become so thin that everyone makes a big deal out of it. They kidnap you and do one of these interventions. You get very pissed off at all these people who kidnapped you and you end up killing all of them brutally with a plunger. You get tried for murder and you get life in jail. Then, rather than dying, and ending your terrible life in jail, you live forever, somehow, in jail, and you must forever live with being buttraped by large black men every night until the end of forever.

I wish that I'd die right now. (ha! try and turn that around on me, and don't try the "but your bowels empty" line. I've already realized that with death comes the emptying of bowels. Also, please note that I actually have no desire to die, I'm just trying to have a little fun with this game.)

buttonkiller 01-26-2005 11:00 AM

i can turn it around on you...

you die but then you come back to life because god said so and then you watch all your loved ones slowly being mutulated and must watch it all and cannot even blink, then you attempt suicide but fail and the vision of them dying is constantly in your mind...

i wish i could win a dollar

Matthew4444 01-26-2005 12:36 PM

You win a dollar, as your prize for winning the Heart & Stroke foundation lottery. Now how much did that ticket cost you?

I wish for 1337-admin powers.

buttonkiller 01-26-2005 12:40 PM

your wish comes true but then you become corrupted and slaughter little bunnies everywhere but then they gang up on you and rip your flesh off of you ALIVE

i wish that i wasnt so popular

Layla-Day 01-26-2005 01:13 PM

you arent popular anymore, but then no one pays attention to you, and then you die lonely and unhappy and you are forced to leave your fortune to your twelve cats Me Me, Ke Ke, Meow Meow, Whiskers, Le Le, Oliver, Missy, Tori, Candi, Catnip, Gabby, And Killer.

I wish easy-mac came in bigger boxes.

Afrobean 01-26-2005 01:15 PM

Easy Mac comes in bigger boxes, but it costs a lot more.

I wish that this game was more fun.

Layla-Day 01-26-2005 05:36 PM

the game is more fun, but then stupid postwhores come and flame the whole thing, and the mods get so pissed, the close the whole website. (very unlikely)

I wish I could stop wishing and start getting.

buttonkiller 01-28-2005 11:54 AM

you start getting but then your mom catches you and are brutaly punished

i wish the hell and heaven could become one

Layla-Day 01-28-2005 01:45 PM

hell and heaven become one, but then everone will start killing and stealing, and no matter what, they get away with it.

I wish I had every cd in the world.

jujo07 01-29-2005 02:58 PM

You get every CD in the world, but they're all broken into little tiny pieces so you can't listen to them, you just have them.

I wish guys would see me as a girl, and not "just another one of the guys"

VashtheGunman7 01-29-2005 04:08 PM

You get seen as a girl until someone sees your penis

I wish that I could blow up people with the touch of a finger by hitting pressure ponits in there body

HansSky 01-29-2005 04:33 PM

u blow urslf up lol gg noob

i wish i had parnts LOL

Afrobean 01-30-2005 08:09 AM

u have parnts but tehn u nevr get nonn form teh slut down teh strett cuz ur wang is covred lolololoololololololololololololol

Wow... that was really stupid.

K, my wish is for the girl I like to break up with the loser she's going out with so I can have a chance with her.

Layla-Day 01-30-2005 08:49 AM

she breaks up with, but later on you find out that she broke up with him because she became a lesbian.

I wish I had a pony.

zajac 01-30-2005 12:43 PM

You get a pony, but later realize it has rabies so you are forced to commit the cliche 'Old Yeller' scene on it...

I wish I was a P.I.M.P.

Matthew4444 01-30-2005 01:24 PM

You become a Probably Infected Molesting Petophile. You get arrested for this. You end up sharing a cell with Michael Jackson.

I wish I could take any item I wanted from anyone without them, or the law, caring.

bobb5 02-2-2005 06:05 PM

you get a item for free from Walmart SuperCenter. A thief sees u, takes out a shotgun and shoots u in the head and takes the item.

I wish I was INVINCIBLE!!!

JurseyRider734 02-2-2005 06:10 PM

You can't be invincible because I am already cooler than you therefore making it impossible for you to be invincible. Bow to your sensei.

I wish zajac would live.

zajac 02-3-2005 01:59 PM

Zajac ends up living afterall like you want, but then ends up marrying you and and you have to live the rest of your life with him until you realize it's just not worth it anymore and you become hooked on crack and go on a drunken rampage where you end up commiting suicide... ;)

I wish Jurs would live...

JurseyRider734 02-3-2005 02:42 PM

Jurs ends up living, but stabbing you in the face with a butterknife until you bleed to death.

zajac 02-3-2005 04:09 PM

Ouch... At least it's not rusty...

JurseyRider734 02-3-2005 07:39 PM

I forgot to add my wish:

I wish zajac would live and everything bad would happen to me.

zajac 02-4-2005 11:34 AM

Zajac ends up dying and ony good stuff hapens to you from now on... So your dream is ruined! MUHAHAHAHAH!

I wish Jurs would die and only good things happened to me...

JurseyRider734 02-4-2005 04:08 PM

Jurs ends up living and you get AIDS from a monkey and die.

CypherToorima 02-4-2005 04:26 PM

You forgot to make a wish

Mindfields 02-5-2005 01:50 AM

Your forgot bites you in the leg, which gives you A.D.D so that your wish leaves you.
Hey, I had to improvise, he was too unspecific.
I wish that I would get paid to say "Todos los dias hago tu madre."

zajac 02-5-2005 10:45 AM

You get paid to say that Spanish phrase, but then a bunch of Mexicans pull up in their low-rider and beat the shit out of you..... Sorry..... But that's how they roll.....

I wish that Jurs wasn't so mean to me... :(

Layla-Day 02-5-2005 11:11 AM

Jurs isnt mean anymore, but then she pays a lot of attention to you and her jealous boyfriend beats the hell out of you.

I wish this damn stomach flu would go away...

zajac 02-6-2005 12:16 PM

The stomach flu goes away, but then you start to have your period, and a couple bears become attracted to the menstration and claw you to death... Sorry... But bears are attracted to periods... It's a proven scientific fact...

I wish I had some Belgium Chocolates right about now...

bobb5 02-7-2005 06:01 AM

U get Belgium Chocolates and eat them, only to find out they are poisned!

I wish i could have my fish, Phred, back. :(

Layla-Day 02-7-2005 01:40 PM

Your fish comes back, but then it haunts your undies and you walk around smelling like fish all your life(stinky!)

I wish i was never hungry.

Jello 02-7-2005 03:44 PM

ur never hungry cuz my gay penis shootz you in the face

i wish i wasnt gay.

zajac 02-7-2005 06:42 PM

You become not gay anymore but then the Queer Eye For The Straight Guys or w/e start trying to convert you back... You lose... Again...

I wish I didn't have to take such a bad piss...

Spheroid 02-8-2005 08:21 PM

I wish I knew what to wish for . . .

Stoned_Panda 02-11-2005 01:29 AM

(to zajac) you're relieved of the urge to piss, but only by getting ur bladder cut out and replaced with a menacing rooster who messes up ur whole system by sending false messages to ur brain, making it think that you dont have to pee, so u piss urself infront of all ur friends and family. :D

I wish that I could fly! 8)

zajac 02-11-2005 09:25 AM

You fly but then when you have to pee, you pee, but the air is so cold you pee frozen pee, so it's like kidney stones... Then the army shoots you out of the air for peeing stones...

I wish my wee wee wasn't an inch... FROM THE GROUND! teeheehee

Layla-Day 02-11-2005 02:23 PM

Its not an inch from the ground...but thats because you are now a woman.

I wish pop came in 45 liters.

zajac 02-11-2005 03:40 PM

Pop started coming out in 45 liters and you bought one and drank it in one night and then died from some sophisticated internal bleeding or suchnot...

I wish my armpits smelled like flowers...

Stoned_Panda 02-11-2005 06:45 PM

they smell like flowers... but now not only do they smell like flowers, carnivorous greenery sprouts out of your armpits and snaps at your side until you go crazy and kill yourself.

I wish the moon was made of CHEESE!!!

kickassbuddy 02-11-2005 10:13 PM

Then the mice and the rats move there (somehow) and build a vaporizing gun to zap you!

I wish everything was anime (then guys will look sooo cool and girls will look soooooo hot) ^^

JenovaSephiroth 02-11-2005 11:20 PM

As you are playing DDR, Evil-Zukin pops out of the screen and forces you to be her secks slave for the rest of your life.

I wish that I could fly oh so high in the sky...

Rebirth0 02-11-2005 11:29 PM

Fly high in the sky only to be shot down by terrorists that think you were going to bomb them.

I wish I hadn't pissed off my girlfriend a long time ago.

JenovaSephiroth 02-11-2005 11:31 PM

You didn't piss off your girlfriend but her ex-boyfriend killed you in his sleep out of jealousy...

I wish I had all-u-can-play DDR all the time....

xGoMxMAGGOT 02-12-2005 01:01 AM

You cannot stop and eventually you get like the worst leg pains ever and your legs must be cut off.... uh yeah.

I wish Buckethead would play in my city...

Stoned_Panda 02-13-2005 12:52 AM

He plays in your city, but chops off a random audience members hand (you), and uses it as a guitar pick.

I wish cows could produce chocolate milk straight from the udder

kickassbuddy 02-13-2005 08:17 AM

But when you drank the milk it contained the MAD COW DIEASE!!!

I wish that my PS2 was online.

Stoned_Panda 02-14-2005 04:55 PM

its online but somebody uses futuristic hacking devices and blows up your ps2 from somewhere in australia... damn kangaroos...

I wish that every person i hate dies!

kickassbuddy 02-16-2005 07:25 AM

All your hated people die and their loved ones hate you so they start an angry mob and chase you down to hell. IS THAT POSSIBLE???

I wish I had a 3 screen-for-one desktop supercomputer!!!

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