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-   -   Sleep issues (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=130785)

EzExZeRo7497 06-30-2013 12:47 AM

Sleep issues
I've had sleep issues for the longest time, mainly it's been getting worse and worse.

Lately, I've been having issues just laying on my bed and relaxing. I end up changing sleeping position to make myself feel comfortable or just having far too many thoughts (not negative nor positive) running in my head. Even if I do manage to sleep, when I wake up I feel absolutely restless and it's as if I've never had any sleep at all. That feeling does shrug off after a couple of hours, but personally I shouldn't be having this feeling for such a long period of time.

I usually listen to music whenever I go to sleep, usually ambient or drone. I put it to a volume low enough that it won't interrupt my sleep but I can still hear it, but every time I just lay on my bed I kept seeing things related to the tracks I'm listening to and due to that I couldn't really sleep. It didn't really happen until recently (3 days ago). Turning off my playlist doesn't really help because I mainly use music to get rid of other thoughts out of my head, usually negative or depressive ones (I have bipolar disorder and mild depression), so it would give me worse sleep than I already have.

Main reason why I made this thread is because the effect of my sleep deprivation has been so bad it's been taking a toll on my performance (academic and physically) and my behaviour in general, (I've became more hot-tempered and always been wishing for some time alone) My finals are coming up very soon (2 months) and I really don't want to flunk them due to the fact that I couldn't concentrate because of the lack of something so trivial such as sleep, despite the fact that I've been studying pretty well.

Any advice? I was wondering if anyone has the same issues as I do so that I could have a good night's sleep for once.

Vacolate 06-30-2013 12:49 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Choofers 06-30-2013 12:50 AM

Re: Sleep issues

also if you can find any, melatonin or diphenhydramine, spenner told me about diphen and it works wonders with helping me sleep. doesn't knock you out, like ambien does. only downside is grogginess if you don't get a full night of sleep.

mi40 06-30-2013 12:51 AM

Re: Sleep issues
if you work out before bed (aka get yourself really exhausted and tired) and then shower to get rid of all that sweat, you'll fall asleep in bed really easly

so dont browse internet last 3-4 hours, work out & get tired on purpose - you'll fall asleep so much faster and get sw0le too

icontrolyourworld 06-30-2013 12:52 AM

Re: Sleep issues
rotate and or flip your mattress every 1-2 months so that it wears evenly

DontBanMeYet 06-30-2013 12:53 AM

Re: Sleep issues
okay heres a list of possible remedies

smoke weed a couple hours before you go to sleep

Have an alcoholic drink(or drinks) a couple hours before you go to sleep

take 5mg of melatonin before you go to sleep

hit yourself in the head with a brick when you want to go to sleep

stop browsing the computer a couple hours before you want to go to sleep.

any combination of these may or may not prove to be successful.

Snowcrafta 06-30-2013 01:12 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Get the fuck off your computer, it does god damn wonders. Think you aren't addicted? Go to bed right now

EzExZeRo7497 06-30-2013 01:25 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Choofers (Post 3930017)
also if you can find any, melatonin or diphenhydramine, spenner told me about diphen and it works wonders with helping me sleep. doesn't knock you out, like ambien does. only downside is grogginess if you don't get a full night of sleep.

Probably going to find some melatonin soon yeah.


Originally Posted by icontrolyourworld (Post 3930020)
rotate and or flip your mattress every 1-2 months so that it wears evenly

I already do this, it's not really a mattress issue as far as I know haha.


Originally Posted by mi40 (Post 3930019)
if you work out before bed (aka get yourself really exhausted and tired) and then shower to get rid of all that sweat, you'll fall asleep in bed really easly

so dont browse internet last 3-4 hours, work out & get tired on purpose - you'll fall asleep so much faster and get sw0le too


Originally Posted by Snowcrafta (Post 3930034)
Get the fuck off your computer, it does god damn wonders. Think you aren't addicted? Go to bed right now

yeah I'm debating on just not using the computer for a while and just to read a book or just take a jog outside late at night or something.

also sleeping at 2pm is probably going to fuck up my sleeping schedule l0l

Thanks for all the advice, really appreciate all of it.

mi40 06-30-2013 02:02 AM

Re: Sleep issues
back in my junior year i had sleep issues too but i was really exhausted each day so i took a nap @ 1pm or 2pm for <1 hour and then slept again at 12:30 or 1am after a few hours of non-computer related work & job

being exhausted in a non-artificial way (aka anything not computer related/electronics) is the best way to naturally fall asleep, because your body sleeps when you need to rest

Spenner 06-30-2013 02:54 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by EzExZeRo7497 (Post 3930014)
Any advice? I was wondering if anyone has the same issues as I do so that I could have a good night's sleep for once.

For a second I thought I'd posted this and then forgotten-- these are very similar issues to what I've been facing the past year. I started being unable to sleep for 4+ hours, then not at all, despite being very physically exhausted from the sleep deprivation. My mind felt fried all the time too, going days without decent amounts of sleep. I ended up being prescribed mirtazapine to induce sleep which worked very well but I do not recommend it at all unless absolutely necessary. You will feel zombified, but you'll have some wicked dreams.

Good on ya for listening to ambient music to relax the mind; it really helps to cleanse the racing thoughts that cycle, and especially the ones that connect with negative emotions. Those thoughts usually keep me up the most.

These are two/some of the most useful songs I've helped myself sleep with:

(I don't know if it's in these zip files i once uploaded to mediafire... but I'd download it, tracks by Steve Roach, which are all pretty amazing for sleeping to, except his tribal songs)

^But yeah if it's not in there, "Darkest Before Dawn" is an mesmerizing track to sleep to. Focusing on the breathing of the track feels like it just lulls you right into sleep, and before doing so you get pulled into this strange hypnogogic state... which is actually the track's intention o_O

Other than music, there's getting into the frame of mind to meditate alongside these songs. If you're turned off by "meditating" then try to just think of it as clearing your mind, putting yourself in a space where the thoughts are still.

This may or may not help you, but look at some of the stuff on this youtube channel, search for topics that relate best to you. Go to bed early and close your eyes and just listen to his words, try to relate it to your own life. Some of the most useful and real advice I've heard has been from these videos. Don't take it in a spiritual way necessarily, take it however it makes sense to you.


Yeah FYI I'm not telling you to become buddhist lol, I'm not buddhist myself. I just find there's a lot of valuable information in what's spoken through it. This has been validated to me through learning the concepts on my own and later in life realizing that it's a widely recognized way of thinking. Ultimately, it's helped me relax and walk towards sleep with calmness and positivity rather than pessimism, which stops me from any potential rest. For quite awhile I'd fall asleep listening to these videos simply because the positivity was beaming through me, and just felt good to hear the bald dude's calming words.

Lastly for now, droogz to use, melatonin is fine, but take it at lower doses. Cut the 5mg tablets in half; in my experience, 5mg or more will stimulate the mind and will keep you awake longer. Mind you, dreams will be more vivid because the mind is essentially more observant on a subtle level, but it comes at the cost of being aware of your mind at stages close to sleep, keeping you awake. So, lower doses is what I'd recommend for it.

Buy a bottle of generic brand Diphenhydramine/benadryl pills if you're in Canada, take 50mg to help sedate you. Long term, you won't have side effects to worry about. If you're in the States, however, definitely buy generic brand Doxylamine if you can find it. It's under the brand name Unisom, but make sure it reads DOXYLAMINE. Unisom sells a lot of pills that are just diphenhydramine. Dox is objectively the best OTC sedative there is, and it's worked the best for me after being off Mirtazapine.

Weed works for a lot of people. For me, my mind is generally far too stimulated to work properly for good sleep. If you can use the headspace to actively push away all thoughts, then it works well. Depends on you.

Of course, if it gets bad, like it did for me (not sleeping for nearly a week), go to a hospital and park yourself in emerg! It's perfectly okay to go and seek treatment in a time of desperation. Try not to stop yourself by feeling bad about "not being as important as cancer or broken bone" for being at a hospital. It truly is. Worse than a broken fukken bone. But yeah, depending on the specifics of the issue, you might get prescribed a benzodiazepine (unlikely in canada), a nonbenzo like ambien/zopiclone (more likely depending on the issue) or in your case you'd probably be perscribed something like mirtazapine, seroquel, or something antidepressant.

It takes work, and it takes constantly changing mental habits, telling yourself that you can let go, and that there's nothing to worry about etc; all things that help your sleep issues will come in time. Mine have been good consistently for the past while, greatly thanks to the help of doxylamine, and a more positive outlook on life.

Goodluck bud~

top 06-30-2013 03:33 AM

Re: Sleep issues
why does it always seem like exercise is the answer to these threads

Calcium Deposit 06-30-2013 03:43 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Honestly, reading a book before you go to bed will probably be the best way.

I mean, an actual book. Not some some sort of e-book.

+ a shot of vodka, that shit puts me to sleep like a box full of kittens at an animal shelter.

Trogdor!!!! 06-30-2013 04:07 AM

Re: Sleep issues
I found it significantly easier to sleep after I got a new pillow. I didn't specifically ask for a new one, it was kinda just given to me but I felt a lot more relaxed and focused on sleeping instead of adjusting every 15 seconds. If you're finding yourself to be uncomfortable, try getting a better pillow or comforter/sheets.

Spenner 06-30-2013 04:24 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Calcium Deposit (Post 3930087)
Honestly, reading a book before you go to bed will probably be the best way.

I mean, an actual book. Not some some sort of e-book.

+ a shot of vodka, that shit puts me to sleep like a box full of kittens at an animal shelter.

Definitely this. Books are great because they take your mind off everything and you slowly just can't read anymore/toss it aside and you're out cold. Small amount of 40% hits the spot too.

Don't do more than a shot in the night though, that shit decreases rem sleep which you nEEd

PaperclipGames 06-30-2013 07:46 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Haven't read all of the whole thread, but the best tips I can give (and that mostly already seem to be given) are:

- do not use the computer later at night; if you're bored, read a book. It will tire your eyes, but not with bright light that is emitted from computer screens. Light tells your brain that it is day and thus not yet time to go to sleep. Reading a book in a room that is lit well enough to read, but not super brightly lit (for example, with only a desktop lamp on) works well. (I used to read a lot in absolute darkness, with only the light of the stars and the moon, but I'm not sure if that actually has effects on your eyes in the long term.)

- I personally am not in favour of getting any sort of medication or such. Melatonin does seem to help really well, but a good alternative are things such as chamomile tea. I think quite a variety of (herbal) tea works in a relaxing way and will thus help out. Warm milk with anise works really well, too.

- Do something physical before sleeping. It doesn't even have to be very exhaustive. A nightwalk can do miracles. Though, if you are dedicated, then running and/or working out works well too. Having tired feet and then diving into bed right after a shower is great. (Also, fap, lol.)

- I'd suggest to not do stuff like weed or alcohol to get to sleep, if you'd do that on a regular basis it's likely to not work as well as before and you don't want to end up getting dependent on that shit.

Staiain 06-30-2013 07:55 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Playing video games less than 4 hours before sleep messes me up bigtime, I have the same issues as you with overwhelmingly many idle thoughs going out of control normally but I fixed this by watching tv-shows/anime until I fall asleep. Even hen you close your eyes you can still follow what's going on and that'll distract idle thoughts so eficcient that it feels like I never had these issues to begin with, try it.

DotKritic 06-30-2013 11:46 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Unisom sleeptabs. It's an orange/white box. I take 1 1/2 and I go right to sleep.

Psittacosis 06-30-2013 05:45 PM

Re: Sleep issues
Melatonin works wonders for me. @_@ I know it's already been mentioned quite a few times, but yeah. It's pretty amazing.

DontBanMeYet 06-30-2013 10:09 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Spenner (Post 3930096)
Don't do more than a shot in the night though, that shit decreases rem sleep which you nEEd

I think this varies between people because i have had many lengthy dreams after big nights of drinking.

SKG_Scintill 07-1-2013 05:17 AM

Re: Sleep issues
lol EzEx, isn't that what everyone has?
keep on thinking, but don't try to think with a voice in your head. listen to your thoughts, don't be the one talking.
also, start drinking coffee in the morning, waking up gets worse with age

dore 07-1-2013 03:37 PM

Re: Sleep issues
All good tips in here. One thing that I noticed for me:

I switched between listening to music and not all through my life while sleeping. I've mostly settled on not listening to music and just trying to be really tired before I go to sleep and it usually works. Sometimes, however, I still want to listen to something as I fall asleep, and that's OK. However, contrary to what may seem right and what you mentioned you do, listen to the music semi-loud. This may seem counter-intuitive and I found it kinda annoys me in the morning, but as long as you don't thump da bass it works better for me. You actually more actively listen to music at softer levels because your ears have to work harder to actually hear what's going on. If you play it louder, you don't have to work so hard at it, and that helps me shut my brain up and get the fuck to sleep, because I have had some of the same issues you have with sleeping.

Also, instead of music, I find talk radio or a podcast or something like that to be effective as well. Make it so you're listening to someone else instead of holding a conversation with yourself.

mi40 07-1-2013 03:41 PM

Re: Sleep issues
try ASMR (http://www.vice.com/read/asmr-the-go...ne-can-explain)


^ only watch the bob ross ones, a lot of asmr vids are p. garbage

Arkuski 07-2-2013 04:50 AM

Re: Sleep issues
I didn't sleep at all last night (first time ever) because something was hardcore tickling the back of my throat. I feel like a zombie/drone.

hi19hi19 07-2-2013 04:54 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Bob Ross cures all sleep issues. ASMR reactions or not, his voice is just the kind of voice that makes you go to sleep.

I went through high school listening to Bob Ross to go to sleep and I'd probably have failed if it weren't for him, legit.
I have every single season of Joy of Painting torrented and after a while I felt so bad that I stole them that I bought all of them too.

Cavernio 07-2-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Try sleeping on a hard, cold floor.

Spenner 07-2-2013 10:30 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Dore is right about semi-loud music, I remember falling asleep to Geogaddi by BoC when it was at a good volume, because I was able to totally lose track of all thoughts other than the music. Really strips your mind bare and you can fall asleep easily, just make sure your playlist stops within a decent time. Some nights I keep getting woken up though, but I just end up stopping the music and passing out.

mi40 07-2-2013 11:40 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 3931271)
Bob Ross cures all sleep issues. ASMR reactions or not, his voice is just the kind of voice that makes you go to sleep.

I went through high school listening to Bob Ross to go to sleep and I'd probably have failed if it weren't for him, legit.
I have every single season of Joy of Painting torrented and after a while I felt so bad that I stole them that I bought all of them too.

this so much
thank you based bob ross..

Snowcrafta 07-2-2013 12:58 PM

Re: Sleep issues
Books on tape will put you to sleep so fast as well

Pseudo Enigma 07-2-2013 01:13 PM

Re: Sleep issues
I just wanna give my 2cents

1. ANY lights in your room will probably hinder your sleep. You don't think it does, but it will. That includes things like digital alarm clocks and all that. If you have to, cover them or point them away. For me this isn't enough, I just turn everything off. (Luckily I've got a good sleep rhythm and wake up at the same time (or earlier) every morning, so I don't need an alarm clock.)

2. Try to get into the habit of sleeping at a specific time each night, or around a specific time. For me, even if I'm playing videogames right into the night I usually crash at around 2AM and my brain/body wont let me continue. This is because it's become a habit.

3. the mattress/pillow/blanket switcheroos are a good idea. Keep everything fresh and clean. It matters more than you think it does.

4. A bedtime snack will work wonders too. Try drinking a cup of tea. Take a bath at the end of the day. Just get in the habit of soothing your nerves before you sleep

In the end, if these don't work, it's your technique for sleeping you need to work on. Which, it really sounds like is the problem here. Try just relaxing all your muscles and force your body to stop using them.

Another method, is to clear all your thoughts out of your head (this rarely works for me). Since this doesn't work for me, I try the opposite, focusing my thoughts on one thing. For example, I start thinking about what I'm going to have to do tomorrow, and how I am going to do it.

I hope this works out for you man. Doing drugs is probably the last thing you want to do, since you're going to have a hard time if you suddenly can't get your hands on it.

YoshL 07-3-2013 07:27 AM

Re: Sleep issues
try a noise maker i.e. white noise or rain

the sound of rain gives me the best sleep (personally) and it's what I used during a semester where I started suffering from insomnia and it helped alot.

kommisar 07-3-2013 07:41 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Melatonin definitely helps a bit, but still doesn't help the mental aspect of it

When I was your age I went through a pretty stubborn phase of insomnia that lasted me a couple of years. I was staying up till 3-4 am every night going to school the next morning playing counter-strike trying to phase out other thoughts and eventually collapsing for 3 hours before waking up for school. It was the only way I could get any sleep.

The best way I got rid of it was by having a change of lifestyle. I changed my diet, started caring a little more about my health, did some more exercise, etc. After a while your mood in general improves and you're less haunted by the anxiety of not being able to sleep. Mental health is an incredibly good way to improve your sleep. You'll eventually stop thinking about not being able to sleep and your mind will naturally drift off to sleep.

I also had started taking vitamin b50. It helped a lot for some reason. Also having a steady routine helps your body know when it's time to sleep. Also don't eat before bed. Some tea maybe, but anything your body digests overnight hinders your ability to sleep and the quality of it.

top 07-3-2013 07:59 AM

Re: Sleep issues

this has helped me before, maybe it can help you

Spenner 07-3-2013 12:13 PM

Re: Sleep issues
If you have an iPod or android phone/music player, download Naturespace. Best app I've used for sleeping with music; there's free tracks that it starts with which are perfectly okay, but by now I've bought the entire catalog. Rain into Water is my go-to song.

Ohaider 07-3-2013 12:27 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by top (Post 3932001)

this has helped me before, maybe it can help you

Their songs of the day have introduced me to like so much good shit haha, love this site

popsicle_3000 09-14-2013 08:56 AM

Re: Sleep issues
So a few things people have mentioned:
Alcohol before bed
Exercise before bed
Tea before bed

Don't do this...

Alcohol might help you fall asleep, but the quality of your sleep will be a whole lot worse
Exercise pumps you up, making it harder to fall asleep. Exercise is good, but make sure you end at least 2hrs before you want to go to bed to give your body time to wind down.
Tea has caffeine... need I say more?

edit: you posted the link in SM scores to this, but all this is months old??
edit 2.0: got it... was for staiain

kommisar 09-14-2013 10:08 AM

Re: Sleep issues
try to turn your brain off as much possible. don't use electronics an hour before bed. get yourself in a calm mindset, don't think of anything. turn on rainymood. wonders.

Litodude 09-14-2013 01:48 PM

Re: Sleep issues
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

PPACA 2013

Spenner 09-14-2013 03:21 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by popsicle_3000 (Post 3975617)
Tea has caffeine... need I say more?

A tea connoisseur I see. Sleepytime tea consists of things which have no caffeine, and plants such as velarian root, st johns wort, hops, peppermint and lavender, etc.

So, just be careful what tea you choose to drink. I find sleepytime tea relaxes me very well, I'd recommend that. The aroma more than anything seems to be the most relaxing, but physically I feel heavier afterwards too.

SpoOkyMagician 09-14-2013 03:33 PM

Re: Sleep issues
Yeah, I had the exact same problem. However, after some trial/error/changes to my lifestyle, I seem to sleep just fine now. I just recommend experimenting and see what helps/doesn't help. I like listening to these videos:

8 Hour Box Fan
1 Hour Rain Tent

Only problem is that the light can cause you to not go to sleep... Which is why I also created this...

1 Hour Brown Noise

Full screen this so there is no light and your good.

If these don't help, try looking around/try something else.

edit: Stay away from caffeine/sugar. You be surprised how easily this can keep you awake...
edit: Also, if you have acid reflux, like me, I highly recommend staying away from soda or anything with acid... This can seriously effect your sleep. (experience)

~ SpoOkyMagician

popsicle_3000 09-14-2013 06:23 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Spenner (Post 3975764)
Sleepytime tea consists of things which have no caffeine, and plants such as velarian root, st johns wort, hops, peppermint and lavender, etc.

ah sweet. just drink that :P

Choofers 09-14-2013 08:34 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

PPACA 2013

maybe because going to the doctor costs money ????

maybe people have had a similar experience and can give their insight ????

Arkuski 09-14-2013 09:26 PM

Re: Sleep issues
Okay, I can help you because I have experience not sleeping. Here are a few tips that you can use:

(1) DO NOT TAKE NAPS!!! I mean it; naps, if taken too late or for too long, can likely mess up your entire sleep cycle.

(2) Go to bed at around the same time every night, and wake up at around the same time in the morning. Having a sense of regularity in your sleeping is vital. Also, get enough sleep, but not too much.

(3) Do not spend time in your sleeping quarters not sleeping. I once made the mistake of spending an entire day studying in my dorm.

(4) Try to stay in a dark area for at least an hour leading up to bedtime. It is preferred that you do not look at a computer screen for that time.

(5) Exercise during the day so that you are not restless. Even on my off days, I run and stretch just to stay active.

(6) Reading a book right before you go to bed can help.

(7) White noise. I have a fan blowing right next to my head when I sleep. Don't build up a habit like this lady though:

(8) Do not spend more than a half an hour awake in bed. If you find you cannot sleep, go do something else and try to return to bed later.

In addition to these I would advise you not to take sleeping medication until you are positive nothing will work. Seriously I wouldn't mess with that.

EzExZeRo7497 09-16-2013 03:00 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

PPACA 2013

For the record I did, that was after I made this thread though. Got some drugs for that now. Also yeah what Mike said

also what the fuck is PPACA is that an american thing

Though I still have sleeping issues (albeit not as frequent), some of the tips here definitely helped me out, thanks guys.

(ps I linked this thread for Stian initially but it's great that you guys gave your own insight on it even though I'm not really having these issues that often lately)

ilikexd 09-16-2013 03:01 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

PPACA 2013

this smh

mi40 09-16-2013 03:03 AM

Re: Sleep issues
i told u asmr and 3rd force ok ??

EzExZeRo7497 09-16-2013 03:07 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Bob Ross didn't really help all that much though :oops:, his voice is great for concentration and such though thumbs up

mi40 09-16-2013 03:09 AM

Re: Sleep issues
damn..................... ...
how bout 3rd force though

Hateandhatred 09-16-2013 03:09 AM

Re: Sleep issues
This thread

GammaBlaster 09-16-2013 03:31 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

ppaca 2013


Mollocephalus 09-16-2013 04:18 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

it's because you american ******s legitimately think that for every little thing going wrong the best and only solution is swallowing pills. It's very clear that such issues can be solved with a lifestyle/habits change.

PaperclipGames 09-16-2013 04:21 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Mollocephalus (Post 3976646)
it's because you american ******s legitimately think that for every little thing going wrong the best and only solution is swallowing pills. It's very clear that such issues can be solved with a lifestyle/habits change.


Going to the doctor when you have severe issues is legitimate, though. Having a heavily impraired sleeping rhythm can have all sorts of negative results, and if normal, "home-made" solutions don't work at all, then a doctor visit is probably the best thing to do.

But yeah, the American lifestyle seems to be a lot about going to the doctor whenever you have a pain or discomfort, and in the end you take 20 types of pills together with your breakfast cereal.

Actually that's quite exaggerated... I hope.

AlexDest 09-16-2013 04:23 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Mollocephalus (Post 3976646)
it's because you american ******s legitimately think that for every little thing going wrong the best and only solution is swallowing pills. It's very clear that such issues can be solved with a lifestyle/habits change.

A little unfair to generalize Americans don't you think?

popsicle_3000 09-16-2013 04:28 AM

Re: Sleep issues
also, for sleep disturbance, doctors are very good to turn to. and the first-line thing is not pills, it'll be finding out your sleep hygiene, and doing steps to improve it

Mollocephalus 09-16-2013 04:36 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by AlexDest (Post 3976648)
A little unfair to generalize Americans don't you think?

Yeah, it's actually more widespread than that. But this community is for a great part composed of american people, and i've witnessed too many times people suggesting that taking pills is the solution to anything.

Arkuski 09-16-2013 06:59 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Mollocephalus (Post 3976646)
it's because you american ******s legitimately think that for every little thing going wrong the best and only solution is swallowing pills. It's very clear that such issues can be solved with a lifestyle/habits change.

Oi m8 u want to fight? But yeah you're absolutely right.

Choofers 09-16-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by AlexDest (Post 3976648)
A little unfair to generalize Americans don't you think?


korny 09-16-2013 10:32 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Mollocephalus (Post 3976652)
Yeah, it's actually more widespread than that. But this community is for a great part composed of american people, and i've witnessed too many times people suggesting that taking pills is the solution to anything.

Taking pills is a necessity for me to sleep. For now at least. I didn't have sleeping pills last night, and I didn't sleep. Obsessive thinking is hard to curb when it entails stresses of your immediate reality. Some people have a lot of shit on their mind and don't know how to turn off the switch. What would you do in my situation? Physical activity isn't the solution that's for sure. I've been incredibly active (2nd in state wrestler) and still relied on medication. I lied in bed for 8 hours straight last night, tossing and turning with no tv or electronics to stimulate my brain. Some people just have a really hard time falling asleep. You might not "understand" and try to form some cultural reason why I'm not actually sleeping all you want, but without proper sedation to calm the storm of my mind, sleeping can become a very difficult task. Solid sleep most importantly. I rely on the pills to get at least 7-8 hours as opposed to literally 2-3 followed by tossing and turning until the light shining through the blinds rapes my face.

Cavernio 09-16-2013 10:58 AM

Re: Sleep issues
Sounds like you should be addressing how to shut down your mind instead of addressing going to sleep. Not that I know how to or know if that's even possible, but right now you're treating a symptom not treating the problem.

Staiain 09-16-2013 11:10 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 3975741)
how about going to the fucking doctor instead of asking for health advice on an internet message board

PPACA 2013

Nice attitude, I don't see anything wrong with asking people here for advice before seeing a doctor

Anyway I've been able to sleep cause of video on a laptop but it doesn't seem to help anymore that's why I brought this up a couple of days ago. At this point it almost feels like a mental block to sleep or something because no matter how sleepy I am I can't sleep, it can take hours until I manage a few hours.

MinaciousGrace 09-16-2013 11:11 AM

Re: Sleep issues
i just go to bed when im tired and wake up when im not

fuck 24 hour days they're so lame

korny 09-16-2013 11:14 AM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Cavernio (Post 3976775)
Sounds like you should be addressing how to shut down your mind instead of addressing going to sleep. Not that I know how to or know if that's even possible, but right now you're treating a symptom not treating the problem.

I honestly don't see much of a difference... I can calm my mind, I meditate regularly, but once 30-60 goes by and I realize its the same old story that I'm going to be laying here all night tossing and turning, I will turn to my thoughts because I need some way to entertain myself while resting. I often try very hard to calmly imagine a badass scenario in order for me to fall asleep into as a dream because it works from time to time (once a week mayyyybe) and once that usually fails its the same old thing. I have so much shit to do today. I did everything I could to try and sleep without sedation knowing I was going to need to be as fully rested as possible to coordinate my day without stress. The ability to sleep itself is taken for granted in a way that people just "don't understand". Kinda like with you and celiacs.

Mollocephalus 09-16-2013 04:57 PM

Re: Sleep issues

Originally Posted by Choofers (Post 3976739)

i laughed at this more than i should have :shock:

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