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m0de 12-7-2012 10:01 PM

Why are some cops complete a-holes?
cop story time with mr. m0de. its a bit of a read, but its interesting. has some lulz in it. and i think you guys would find it interesting.

i couldnt renew my license because i had a couple tickets. i had planned to pay those tickets, and renew my license on wednesday (5 days from now). so i have been driving to and from work with an expired license. although i do have a state ID. after work i decided to stop at the gas station to get cigarettes and there was a city cop there. this city is extremely small so i know all of the cops since they come into my work often, except the cop that was at the gas station. he rarely comes in.

I get my smokes and leave while he was still in the gas station. i drive maybe 2 mins before realizing there is a cop right on my ass, and he hits his lights. i pull over, he approaches my car, says the reason he pulled me over was because "my license plate sticker has been expired for over a year. i ask him "what date is on the sticker now?" and he replys "its a different color than the correct sticker you have, so its been a while"

whats fucked up is that the sticker is good for one year, and about 3 months ago i just put a new sticker on there.. so either some asshat decided it would be funny to take the sticker off, or the sticker somehow fell off. anyways..

i give him my state id, insurance, and told him my registration is in my glove box, but i cant get the glove box open. its broke. he says "ok, ill be right back". he goes to his car and checks my shit out. come back and asks me to exit my car. "ok no problem" i say.

(keep in mind here, ive NEVER been arrested before in my life, just had minor traffic violations. nothing serious at all.)

he then slams me up against my car and tells me to put my hands on the hood of my car, puts one hand on my back pushing me towards my car while he puts on leather gloves. tells me not to move. im freaking out now cause i didnt know what was going on. why was he using so much force for a small traffic stop? after he puts on his gloves, he starts ripping everything out of my pockets and tossing it to the side. he tells me that he knows i have "something" and to just tell him where it is. "i have nothing on me, and there isnt anything in my car" i said. (a sheriff pulled up and joined him at this point but didnt get out of his car yet). as he is patting me down, he like uppercutted my balls trying to see if i had stashed anything down my pants. i like winced over in pain cause im a guy and that shit hurt. as i did that he yells "if you tense up one more time im taking you to the fucking ground". he gets done and the sheriff approaches asking me to step in front of my car about 15 feet and turn the opposite way of them.

they begin searching my car and eventually get to the broken glove box, and ask how to open it. i tell them "i dont know, its broke and my registration is in there you can break it open if you want" (cause shit, ive needed to get my registration out of there for a while now) the sheriff asked me a few questions while this was going on, but i cant remember what they were.. i just remember them being wise ass questions.

once they finished up trashing my car, the cop that pulled me over says "you arnt under arrest but i need to place you in the back of my car. do i need to put you in handcuffs?" at this point i really wanted to be an ass and be like "i dont know im kinda into that kinda stuff, are you coming back there with me?", but instead i just said "no sir".

he escorts me to the back of his car, and then explains to me that the car is going to be towed. i asked him if i could have someone come pick it up, and he said no, that the sticker was expired it cant be drivin. he begins doing paper work while trying to find the comfiest position to sit in.. literally switching positions/adjusting every few seconds until he was comfy. dick. so i ask him "can you get my phone and wallet from my car", and he replies "you can wait until i finish the fucking paper work, ok?" eventually he tells the sheriff to grab my stuff. i then ask him if he could just drop me off at my work (which is right across the street from the police station. go figure.)

we get back to my work and we are in the parking lot as he is writing up my tickets. the sheriff pulls up next to his window while hes doing so:

sheriff: "this was the guy at the gas station that parked next to you?"
cop: "yeah.... i dont know what kind of fucking idiot would park next to a police officer with expired tags."
cop/sheriff: lololololkekekeke^_^
me: :/

he finishes writing the tickets, i sign them. (me signing them doesnt mean that i agree to being guilty to each ticket). when hes done, he lets me out, and tells me to "take care". fucker.

soooooo after that cop made me his bitch, i went back into work and told my coworkers what had happened. the next day (today) i had called one of the cops that works with the fucker that had pulled me over. his name is jimmie, and hes an extremely nice guy. he comes into my work often and we bullshit. i told him the story, and he was pretty disgusted with the cop that had pulled me over. there was a $150 "police hold" on my car that was towed to a tow lot. meaning not only do i have to pay $200 to the tow lot to get my car out, i have to pay the police $150 to get the hold removed.

my cop friend jimmie, told me he will remove the hold, and drop 2 of my tickets since that cop was a dick. which was a huge sigh of relief. he also said that he will contact the judge that i have to see in january and let her know of the cop that pulled me overs acts. he then told me that my 3rd ticket MAY get dropped also, since apparently this judge really dislikes the cop that pulled me over.

ANYWHO~ there are some really nice cops out there, and then you have dbags like the one i dealt with.

got pulled over.

cop uppercuts my nuts, and tells me to stand still or he will take me to the ground.

cops lol at me for parking next to them with expired tags.

good friend cop of mine drops 2 of my tickets, and puts in a good word to the judge i will see next month.

some cops suck. some are great.

Netjet! 12-7-2012 10:05 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
What a fucking prick, people like that shouldn't have the ability to be employed in law enforcement. That sucks hard.

qqwref 12-7-2012 10:08 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Before I read your story - there are a lot of people who go into law enforcement because they want power over people, simple as that. There are good cops, but the bad ones are grown-up, much more powerful versions of high school bullies. There's little to no oversight and cops can generally get away with stuff that would be totally illegal for anyone else, as long as they can make some kind of excuse about your behavior that "justifies" the force used. To that kind of person, I can imagine it seems like a pretty desirable career...

Choofers 12-7-2012 10:19 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
When some people get put into positions of power, they go on a powertrip.
This is true for literally every field of work.

m0de 12-7-2012 10:19 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by qqwref (Post 3814850)
Before I read your story - there are a lot of people who go into law enforcement because they want power over people, simple as that. There are good cops, but the bad ones are grown-up, much more powerful versions of high school bullies. There's little to no oversight and cops can generally get away with stuff that would be totally illegal for anyone else, as long as they can make some kind of excuse about your behavior that "justifies" the force used. To that kind of person, I can imagine it seems like a pretty desirable career...

agreed. i have only heard other peoples stories about the "bad" cops. once i was put in their situation, i can see how people dislike cops. although this doesnt change my opinion on cops in general, seeing as i know a handful of cops that dont abuse their power. its just fucked up that they can get away with power tripping and abusing their power.

Sweet Angel 12-7-2012 10:21 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Same thing happened to my bro about a week ago here, some young police officer decided to pull him over for his car having a loud muffler or whatever the cop said. The cop pulls him out of the car, patted him down hand-cuffed him and put him in the back of his car. Had my bro in the back of his car for about 30 minutes even though he never did anything wrong :| Asks him if he has drugs or guns and if he street races -.- Finally let's him go but every time we drive down the road he patrols the same cop car literally follows him.

ddr_f4n 12-7-2012 10:21 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Well glad to see that you got bailed out by your cop friend and that you're likely gonna get the third bailed out looking at the cops reputation with everyone. Guess you definitely aren't the only person who was treated like this by that cop in the city eh?

Razor 12-7-2012 10:23 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

m0de 12-7-2012 10:25 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by ddr_f4n (Post 3814861)
Well glad to see that you got bailed out by your cop friend and that you're likely gonna get the third bailed out looking at the cops reputation with everyone. Guess you definitely aren't the only person who was treated like this by that cop in the city eh?

everyone around the small town that he patrols, knows that he is a complete asshole, and they arnt shy to admit it. even my cop friend that works with him in the small town said that half the police department cant stand him.

i work at a restaurant, and alot of the cops come to my work to eat. my friend said that no one ever invites him to go out to eat because hes a dbag.

rushyrulz 12-7-2012 11:03 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
what a fucking dick..

EnR 12-7-2012 11:04 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
What are all your tickets for? I learnt my lesson after my 4th. Since I only have one point on my license left I can't risk losing it since I drive every day and need it.

I had called the police once when my dad was threatening to break my bedroom door down with an axe because I locked myself in and he didn't want to "talk through a door", so once he hit my door with an axe once I called the police on him and they came and told me it was my fault because my dad puts a roof over my head and I didn't have a job at the time so I was worthless in their opinion. I was 18 at the time. During this my dad smashed a door sized mirror I had hanging on my door and the police made me clean it up. Even though there was a fucking hole in my door they told me that I was mentally ill and that my dad didn't do anything. They even went downstairs and asked my brother and his friends if I "talk to myself or have any friends".

All the cops who have stopped me for speeding have been great guys, I got off twice and have had all my tickets brought down from 30-35km over to 15-20km over. The only cop who was a dick was the ones that pulled me over after following me for a few blocks after I went through a yellow light at 2:00AM downtown. It was Easter weekend so I assume they thought they'd catch someone drinking and driving but that wasn't the case, I was just out with some chicks getting McDonalds, aha. Needless to say that Jr. Chicken cost me 340$ if you include gas, the burger and the ticket.

m0de 12-7-2012 11:15 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by EnR (Post 3814888)
What are all your tickets for? I learnt my lesson after my 4th. Since I only have one point on my license left I can't risk losing it since I drive every day and need it.

tickets were for:

driving on an expired license. (my own fault here)

expired license plate tags (explained in the story above. someone had removed/it had fallen off of my plates. registration can show when the last time you have purchased the new sticker on so im safe on that as long as i get my glove box open)

i had an air freshener in my rear view mirror. got a ticket for that. yep. mad cop was mad.

on top of the tickets.. my friend that works with him said that "dont go to silver dollar restaurant any time soon, i just arrested one of the cooks."

ichliebekase 12-7-2012 11:19 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
I've seen some rude cops before and I've seen the ones that are sarcastic and think they're hot shots, but this guy you dealt with is beyond anything I've ever seen before (and I've seen more and more lately as my brother keeps getting caught underage with drugs and booze). I give you props for not going completely ape shit on him, because I know I sure would have. With as many complaints as he seems to have, hopefully he'll be fired/suspended/transferred some time soon.

m0de 12-7-2012 11:22 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by EnR (Post 3814888)
What are all your tickets for? I learnt my lesson after my 4th. Since I only have one point on my license left I can't risk losing it since I drive every day and need it.

I had called the police once when my dad was threatening to break my bedroom door down with an axe because I locked myself in and he didn't want to "talk through a door", so once he hit my door with an axe once I called the police on him and they came and told me it was my fault because my dad puts a roof over my head and I didn't have a job at the time so I was worthless in their opinion. I was 18 at the time. During this my dad smashed a door sized mirror I had hanging on my door and the police made me clean it up. Even though there was a fucking hole in my door they told me that I was mentally ill and that my dad didn't do anything. They even went downstairs and asked my brother and his friends if I "talk to myself or have any friends".

..thats fucked up.

Riotpolice 12-7-2012 11:26 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
That is terrible. At least 2 of your bs tickets were dropped.

As for EnR's story...I personally would have gone apeshit on the cops, that kind of shit is uncalled for and really needs to be dealt with in a more professional matter. They obviously abuse their power, and they should never have been given that kind of job position.

EnR 12-7-2012 11:27 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
My biggest fear is pulling up next to a cop at a red light. I have incredibly illegal tint (15% on windows and 5% on rear hatch) and the legal limit is 35%. You can't see much inside my car.

They usually make you remove it on the spot, which means 200$ wasted or something else, I'm not sure.

Edit: He was drunk, and still is an alcoholic, but that was the first time he's done anything like that. I wanted to go to Toronto (800kms round trip and I've been multiple times on my own) for a car show with some friends and he wouldn't allow me because I wasn't working at the time. We got into an argument and he ended up removing parts from my engine bay. The best part was when all this blew over the car had problems because he didn't reinstall the parts properly LOL. So he had to spend money getting it fixed.

SK8R43 12-7-2012 11:30 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Wooooooooow, thats extremely lame of the cop to do even if he had a reason to pull you over and shit. Like really he could have been nicer and not done all of that stupid a** sh*t. Im REALLY glad that you got it worked out though and that theirs actually good cops out there in the world that dont take their job so SERIOUS and actually help people in need out. Was a really cool read even though most of it was bullsh*t LOL

DotKritic 12-7-2012 11:37 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Did he have reasonable suspicion before ripping your car apart? Consent to search?

You have the right to refuse to searches. And don't feel pressured by officers.

Am I being detained or am I free to go?

Reincarnate 12-7-2012 11:38 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Was gonna say pretty much the same thing as qqwref above.

It's unfortunate but true -- many cops are really just sociopaths who want to manipulate/powertrip/screw with people. They're like the IRL version of internet trolls who like to play things close to the line and fall back on plausible deniability later if the shit hits the fan.

However, not everyone starts out as bullies looking to push people around. Good cops can become hardened over time. The pay isn't that great, the workplace is somewhat unhappy, and the hours suck -- which means you're spending a lot of time away from your family doing something dangerous/depressing for little relative upside. Cops have to deal with the shittiest dregs of society all day long and have heard every excuse in the book. At some point, cops have to gain a certain sense of aggression if they're going to handle such things on a regular basis. Sadly, that baggage can bleed over and affect the average Joe.

It's sort of like internet moderators -- the guys who beg for the job are precisely the guys you DON'T want in charge. It's a thankless job in many ways. There were some moderators on Kongregate (back when I was an active member) who dealt with trolls all day long and were no longer able to tell apart legitimate users who were just backtalking a little from dickwads who were trying to game the system... or sometimes the mods were just bored/feeling angry about something in their personal lives and couldn't resist the urge to take it out on someone vulnerable.

Hateandhatred 12-7-2012 11:39 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Dang, worse cops Ive seen just stopped me to call me names and to tell my friend she was a slut, I feel bad for you man =(

ghostykins 12-7-2012 11:56 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
always know your rights

DDRBaller123 12-7-2012 11:58 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by m0de (Post 3814845)
as he is patting me down, he like uppercutted my balls trying to see if i had stashed anything down my pants. i like winced over in pain cause im a guy and that shit hurt. as i did that he yells "if you tense up one more time im taking you to the fucking ground".


m0de 12-8-2012 12:04 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by Reincarnate (Post 3814912)
They're like the IRL version of internet trolls who like to play things close to the line and fall back on plausible deniability later if the shit hits the fan.

could not have said it any better.

Reincarnate 12-8-2012 12:04 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by ghostykins (Post 3814920)
always know your rights

Some useful quotes to remember:

"I don't consent to this search."
"I'm going to remain silent."
"Am I free to go?"

Also: Silence is not an admission of guilt and cannot be used against you in court.

Say as little as possible, but be polite and cooperative.

DarknessXoXLight 12-8-2012 12:14 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Dude, something is off with the cops lately, I swear, it's not just you. When I left work today, it wasn't me who got pulled over but my co-worker. We both literally JUST turned out of the parking lot and the cop was on her within like a few seconds. What could she have possibly done? I texted her when I got home and she said she got a ticket for speeding. There was no way in hell either of us even had the time to get past 30. Mokena cops are ridiculous.

Was this a Joliet cop? Do you know his name? I know a few cops from back when I worked for Trace, I'll see if I know anything that could get him in trouble. (rofl)

m0de 12-8-2012 12:17 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by Reincarnate (Post 3814928)
Some useful quotes to remember:

"I don't consent to this search."
"I'm going to remain silent."
"Am I free to go?"

Also: Silence is not an admission of guilt and cannot be used against you in court.

some things to go by:

yes i did give consent to search my vehicle. including my broken glove box.

i indeed told the officer that pulled me over that my registration was infact in the glove box that i myself could not open at the time. during the search of my car, as stated, they did attempt to open it, and was unsuccessful. upon opening it

Ohaider 12-8-2012 12:52 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
like professors
spend so much time having people suck up to them
stick their head in their ass

Lambdadelta 12-8-2012 09:42 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Good read m0de. Wow cops are dicks...

A cop broke my wrist once when I was 13 because he though I was resisting.

SKG_Scintill 12-8-2012 09:56 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
nope, you deserved it
you're obviously on drugs

Vanilla Mnm 12-8-2012 10:06 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
I've never met real nice/understanding cops until the other day. My girlfriend cut off a sheriff cause she's so impulsive and can't wait like 2 seconds to switch lanes, but the cop pulled us over. we had weed on us and he could smell it, he asked us who had it so i told him it was mine because i didn't want my girlfriend getting in trouble. he took me out of the car and searched me and found a boxcutter (i work in a deli) and was telling me how i could get terrorism charges cause that's what they used to hijack the planes. and then he started laughing at me because i looked concerned about that, because he was obviously joking. he then put me in the back of his car because he had to search the rest of the car, and then another cop came in the car and was doing a bunch of paperwork/on his computer thing. and then 3 other sheriffs pulled up, 1 with a k9 unit and it all turned into a huge scene, my girlfriend was taken out and searched and put in the back of a cop car and so was my friend. and then i saw my girlfriend & friend walk back to her car, and one of the cops got back in the car i was in & the two cops were debating arresting me for like 5 minutes. and then he was like 'since you've been good with me, just throw away the weed when you get home cause i've got no use for it.' and then the other cop was like 'good decision because my balls were freezing out there.' (i live in upstate ny). and he gave me back my stuff and told me if i wanted to smoke find a spot where they can't find me, like in the woods. and then we left after that 30 minute ordeal, with not even a small traffic ticket and nothing confiscated.

i came to realize, if we hadn't had the weed on us, we probably would have gotten a ticket for cutting off the cop, but since we had it, the whole situation was focused on that.

justaguy 12-8-2012 11:18 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by Vanilla Mnm (Post 3815046)
I've never met real nice/understanding cops until the other day. My girlfriend cut off a sheriff cause she's so impulsive and can't wait like 2 seconds to switch lanes, but the cop pulled us over. we had weed on us and he could smell it, he asked us who had it so i told him it was mine because i didn't want my girlfriend getting in trouble. he took me out of the car and searched me and found a boxcutter (i work in a deli) and was telling me how i could get terrorism charges cause that's what they used to hijack the planes. and then he started laughing at me because i looked concerned about that, because he was obviously joking. he then put me in the back of his car because he had to search the rest of the car, and then another cop came in the car and was doing a bunch of paperwork/on his computer thing. and then 3 other sheriffs pulled up, 1 with a k9 unit and it all turned into a huge scene, my girlfriend was taken out and searched and put in the back of a cop car and so was my friend. and then i saw my girlfriend & friend walk back to her car, and one of the cops got back in the car i was in & the two cops were debating arresting me for like 5 minutes. and then he was like 'since you've been good with me, just throw away the weed when you get home cause i've got no use for it.' and then the other cop was like 'good decision because my balls were freezing out there.' (i live in upstate ny). and he gave me back my stuff and told me if i wanted to smoke find a spot where they can't find me, like in the woods. and then we left after that 30 minute ordeal, with not even a small traffic ticket and nothing confiscated.

i came to realize, if we hadn't had the weed on us, we probably would have gotten a ticket for cutting off the cop, but since we had it, the whole situation was focused on that.

that's that shit

reptile3141 12-8-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Oh wow, man. That sucks so hard. :/ Glad that other cop you know was able to help you out.

Reach 12-8-2012 12:35 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

At some point, cops have to gain a certain sense of aggression if they're going to handle such things on a regular basis. Sadly, that baggage can bleed over and affect the average Joe.
This is a pretty important point. My uncle is a cop and generally a pretty relaxed and nice guy in person but I've seen some of the shit he has to deal with on the job and it can be pretty extreme and it changes your attitude towards people in general when on the job.

That and when you're in serious trouble, cops are your best friend. I have been in a situation where I seriously felt like my life was in danger and I've never been more relieved in my life seeing the cops show up quickly.

So I can't really hate on cops. Of course some of them are d-bags, but there are d-bags in every field. Some fields just mask d-bagginess better than being a cop does.

Sweet_Feet 12-8-2012 12:37 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

SKG_Scintill 12-8-2012 12:43 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
That weed story isn't an understanding cop at all... that's just not obeying the law as a law enforcer. It's even worse than the OP-story...

~Zeta~ 12-8-2012 01:23 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Damn, I remember IL cops being pricks and such (not all of them) but not that bad lol. Nice turnout, though.

DragonIIDX 12-8-2012 01:25 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Glad it worked out for you in the end

igotrhythm 12-8-2012 04:22 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 3815097)
That weed story isn't an understanding cop at all... that's just not obeying the law as a law enforcer. It's even worse than the OP-story...

It's a victimless crime, man! D:

Plus if it wasn't for the weed, they probably would have been ticketed for the cut-off.

darklordsarumon9 12-8-2012 08:13 PM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
It's like that all over.
I had a buddy of mine be pulled over a few blocks from his house.
Cops asked him to open a locked box in his car, to which they need a warrant to open anything locked. Of course they can haul your vehicle away and hold it til you do open it but it's your right and choice to open it or not.
My buddy didn't want to open the box and for good reason (go ahead and guess what was inside), so the cops proceeded to slam his face into the side of the car and just rough him up. Eventually he said go ahead and take my car. He went home, called a lawyer and was ready to file a suit.

Now it's not like they just pushed him around or anything no, his whole face was swollen, bruised and beaten. I couldn't believe it. The police in my town did this? The people that I had met when my mom worked at the fire station (the police and fire station were in the same building) were capable of such lawlessness and disregard for safety that they would just beat up a 19 year old male?

I never did hear what happened in the suit, but I know the cops said that the video from the dashcam was "destroyed" or otherwise unrepresentable.

I do know that the cops were disciplined in some way but it still blows my mind to think about this.

Illinois cops are dicks.

UserNameGoesHere 12-11-2012 10:58 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Short answer? Because they can.

I don't think there's a lot of middle-of-the-road cops. Mostly they tend to either be really good or really bad. Just depends mostly on why they joined up in the first place.

DarknessXoXLight 12-11-2012 11:04 AM

Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?
Whenever you get pulled over, use your phone to record the audio of what happens from like your pocket or something. (rofl)

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