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-   -   Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5 (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=118886)

TC_Halogen 05-18-2011 01:41 AM

Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Hi! Kayla (psychoangel691) and AJ (TC_Halogen) here. After our Welcome Back tournament (a GREAT success, thanks to a lot of people who helped make the prize pot over 5,000,000 credits!), we've come to FFR to spread one of DF's traditions. With that, we welcome you to Dragons_Fury's 5th Custom FFR Tournament.

You may be wondering: What is a custom FFR tourney? Well, you see while FFR was down, we put up an engine, and the community would send in charts. Community submissions meant that there was always new stuff to play while the site was down. Sounds fun, right?

Well, let's get down to business.

All songs for this tournament will be played here: www.keysmashingisawesome.com.
(You can also play in a standalone, there's a link to the .swf page on the main page.) All the charts for the tourney are new, and haven't been played. This adds to the fun, because you get to play something you haven't played before!


This tourney will be based on raw score -- we will be taking your score without the combo bonus added in. This is a no elimination tournament. We will be totaling up all your scores from each round to determine a winner. Once started, we will have a link here to a spreadsheet where you will be able to see how you are doing against others in your division(s).


Divisions will be decided based on the sign-ups we get. We will be placing people based on their level stats and will be keeping an eye on recent plays by all participants.

Rounds/Start Date

The expected start date will be Saturday May 28th at 12PM server time. Depending on sign ups and other factors we may start a little earlier. Rounds will be 3 days long.

Rules/Submission Guidelines:

1. NO CHEATING. Do not sign up with an alternate account and hope that you will get away with it. If we have a reason to believe that you are not using your main account, we will ask you. Be honest with us.

2. Be respectful to all other competitors in the tournament. Arguments will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the tournament.

3. Rounds will be three (3) days long. If you fail to submit for two (2) rounds of the tournament, you will be removed. In the case of an unexpected event, tell us. We will not bite if you have to take a leave of some sort.

----3a. Late submissions will deduct 5 goods (125 points) per day that it is late. If a round ends on 12-01-xx 11:59 PM and you submit it at 12-03-xx 2 PM, you will receive a deduction of 250 points.

4. Submissions should be in screenshot form. If you take a video of a run, be sure to grab the screenshot, or we will not accept it. For those of you who do not remember how to take a screenshot, here's some help:

Mac users:
- Command + Shift + 3: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen, and saves the image to your desktop. From there, you can upload it to a site like imgur.com and crop it if necessary.

Windows users::
- Press the print screen button. From there, open Paint (or another image editing program) and paste your image in Paint. If you'd like, you can resize it within Paint at this time. From there, you can upload it to a site like imgur.com and crop it (if you haven't done so).

- The score being submitted
- Server timestamp
- If you are using a standalone, you will include your username located on the top right corner of FFR's window in your screenshot.

An example of an acceptable screeenshot:

- includes the username, and timestamp. Since this is being played on the custom engine, we will need a timestamp included on your screenshots. There are NO exceptions to this rule.


As always, donations are always greatly appreciated. We are kicking the tourney with 300,000 credits. Please send any donations to TC_Halogen.

Brycexx 65,000
pmonibuv1 100,000
igotrhythm: 60,000
Poison: 30,000
kjwkjw: 100,000
alloyus: 345,000
ddrfeline: 26,832
V-Ormix: 50,000
AlexDest: 423,168
Dossar: 50,000

Current Prize Pool


  1. nois-or-e
  2. TC_Halogen
  3. psychoangel691
  4. MaxGhost
  5. Hakulyte
  6. Xx{Midnight}xX
  7. ScarletSky
  8. remedy1502
  9. Velocity
  10. ~Zeta~
  11. alloyus
  12. Brycexx
  13. samurai7694
  14. Frederic54
  15. KeeYooSong
  16. xXAll-ProXx
  17. .Gazelle.
  18. Haste.
  19. hi_top
  20. pmonibuv1
  21. krunkykai22
  22. ic0slayr
  23. New_Pr0
  24. Kozary
  25. Tarrik
  26. kjwkjw
  27. YOSHl
  28. Sweet_Feet
  29. iironiic
  30. Zekramcross
  31. bballa48
  32. retching oesophagus
  33. Elite Ninja
  34. Niala
  35. rusty_spoons
  36. kmay
  37. who_cares973
  38. SocoNhydro420
  39. bob bob
  40. Everr
  41. blindreper1179
  42. Mans0n
  43. woker-X
  44. VarleyisDance
  45. awein999
  46. XXXsmittyXXX
  47. Gun92
  48. Poison-
  49. AlexD
  50. Swagged
  51. Sweagen
  52. xBBx Takedown
  53. FFRGreen
  54. unkanown444
  55. FFRBlue
  56. RB_Quackies
  57. T-Force
  58. 00Razor00
  59. hcmushroom
  60. emulord
  61. NocturneAunamic
  62. V-Ormix
  63. LJRox
  64. Belugawhales
  65. Thatskier
  66. Darkbird
  67. Plan_Bsk81127
  68. MrMagic5239
  69. Tidus810
  70. Sephiroth28
  71. DossarLX ODI
  72. evanescence_death4ever
  73. warriormag17
  74. sjoecool1991 v2
  75. ddrfeline
  76. badman7772
  77. flashpantss
  78. XKiNGXkILLaX
  79. Xayphon
  80. One Winged Angel
  81. Reshiram
  82. TLW

Spontaneous Contest #2: POP TART [COMPLETED]

Achieve the lowest score you possibly can while still passing "Nyanyanyanyanyanya!". Winner gets 2,500 credits!
This spontaneous contest has been concluded. Congratulations to remedy1502!

This round will conclude on June 7th, 5:00 PM SERVER TIME.

Division 1: Moon River
Stepartist: iironiic

Division 2: Power Rocket
Stepartist: justin_ator

Division 3: Watch Out Pt. 2
Stepartist: Halogen

Division 4: The Bird's Concrete Nosedive
Stepartist: Dossar

Division 5: Erasermotor Maximum

Stepartist: Dossar & Halogen

Division 6: do i smile? (nope)
Stepartist: Halogen


This round will conclude on June 4th, 4:00 PM SERVER TIME.

Division 1: Snowfall
Stepartist: Reshiram

Division 2: Pink Pop
Stepartist: Dossar

Division 3: Hands to Hide the Shame
Stepartist: Foilman8805

Division 4: Endeavor
Stepartist: Niala

Division 5: The Birds Poisoned Bathwater
Stepartist: Xayphon

Division 6: Waltz no. 17 in g minor "waltz of the big dogs"
Stepartist: o


This round will conclude on June 1st, 3:30 PM SERVER TIME.

Division 1: Reflections
Stepartist: TC_Halogen

Division 2: Sunless Daybreak
Stepartist: Niala

Division 3: In and Out
Stepartist: SKG_Scintill

Division 4: Firepower
Stepartist: samurai7694

Division 5: Spirits
Stepartist: SKG_Scintill

Division 6: Evil Sweeper Evolution
Stepartist: SKG_Scintill


This round will conclude on May 29th, 3:30 PM SERVER TIME.

Division 1: Hell
Stepartist: Xayphon

Division 2: My Name is Skrillex
Stepartist: alloyus

Division 3: I'm a Raver
Stepartist: SKG_Scintill

Division 4: Radical Faith
Stepartist: bob bob

Division 5: Libera Me
Stepartist: Niala

Division 6: This Could Have Been Nice
Stepartist: SocoNhydro420


This round will conclude on May 26th, 3:30 PM SERVER TIME.

Division 1: Necropolis
Stepartist: TC_Halogen

Division 2: Wings
Stepartist: Niala

Division 3: System Split
Stepartist: ~Zero~

Division 4: Rainbow Tylenol
Stepartist: TC_Halogen

Division 5: Sarada Shabadaba
Stepartist: kjwkjw

Division 6: Ivaltek [Oni]
Stepartist: TC_Halogen

All songs are located in the MISC genre of the engine.
Engine: Page | Direct .SWF link



DossarLX ODI
One Winged Angel




bob bob


retching oesophagus


Elite Ninja
sjoecool1991 v2




xBBx Takedown







Congrats to all the winners!

D6A Winners

1st - Dossar
2nd - Halogen
3rd - Xayphon


1st - alloyus
2nd - kjwkjw
3rd - Plan_Bsk81127


1st - xXAll-ProXx
2nd - kunkykai22
3rd - flashpants


1st - ~Zeta~
2nd - SocoNhydro420
3rd - 00Razor00


1st - Elite Ninja
2nd - warriormag17
3rd - Sweagen


1st - Poison-
2nd - emulord
3rd - Ic0slay3r


1st - xBBx Takedown
2nd - MaxGhost
3rd - who_cares973


1st - YOSHl
2nd - Sephiroth28
3rd - .Gazelle.


1st - Thatskier
2nd - Everr
3rd - hcmushroom


1st - Darkbird
2nd - Kozary
3rd - Zekramcross

Special thanks to all the stepartists who made this tourney possible <333

iironic, Halogen, justin_ator, Dossar, Reshiram, Foilman8805, Niala, Xayphon, 0, Scintill, samurai7694, alloyus, bob bob, SocoNhydro420, ~Zero~ and kjwkjw

nois-or-e 05-18-2011 01:43 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Approved and in ;D

MaxGhost 05-18-2011 01:48 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 01:53 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Good to be doing another one of these. Everyone please make sure to read the OP so you understand how this tourney is run. Thanks <333

Hakulyte 05-18-2011 01:56 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In. (lol 3:00 am)

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 01:57 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Lol yea you can thank our 2 month old for that XD

Xx{Midnight}xX 05-18-2011 02:00 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In as ****

Edit: <3333333333333333

ScarletSky 05-18-2011 02:01 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

remedy1502 05-18-2011 05:11 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 3469309)
Lol yea you can thank our 2 month old for that XD

Holy crap it's been 2 months already? Sheesh. Time flies. I feel old >.>

Also in. This time I'll submit... ;=;

Velocity 05-18-2011 05:29 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
in and stuff

~Zeta~ 05-18-2011 05:33 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Always in.

alloyus 05-18-2011 05:38 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In :3

Brycexx 05-18-2011 05:41 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
always down for one of yall's tourneys. in also donated 65000 creds

~Zeta~ 05-18-2011 05:42 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by alloyus (Post 3469334)
in :3

beat you to it!

samurai7694 05-18-2011 05:44 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Frederic54 05-18-2011 06:07 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In !

KeeYoonSong 05-18-2011 06:12 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In just for kicks.

xXAll-ProXx 05-18-2011 06:17 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

.Gazelle. 05-18-2011 06:20 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
So in

Haste. 05-18-2011 06:37 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In please.

hi_top 05-18-2011 06:43 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

pmonibuv1 05-18-2011 07:12 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)

EDIT: Lol. Start date is right in the middle of Anime North.


My credits ;_;

xXAll-ProXx 05-18-2011 07:21 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3469355)
Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)

EDIT: Lol. Start date is right in the middle of Anime North.


My credits ;_;

Hmm. someone's nice :)

but then you're gonna win and get all your creds back anyway, nice strategy lol

krunkykai22 05-18-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Ahh, so a Real tournament is being held?

Shit, I'm definitely in for this one :)

ic0slay3r 05-18-2011 07:47 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by krunkykai22 (Post 3469359)
Ahh, so a Real tournament is being held?

;__; I was just about to post my tournament.


New_pr0 05-18-2011 07:47 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
I agree with Frankie. I'm in.

krunkykai22 05-18-2011 07:56 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Hey Slayer, I know ...

Its the Phantom Slayer Summer Tournament or whatever right? I'll join that one too XD hahah

Kozary 05-18-2011 08:27 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Tarrik 05-18-2011 08:41 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In since Kozary is in.

kjwkjw 05-18-2011 08:43 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
You know I'm in for this ;3

YoshL 05-18-2011 08:54 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Sweet_Feet 05-18-2011 08:59 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
never tried a DF tourney before so definitely in

edit: the link for your example of a proper screenshot seems to be broken on the OP btw

iironiic 05-18-2011 09:03 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In :]

Zekramcross 05-18-2011 09:05 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
This sounds like fun. I'm in. I read the rules and it appears that I can only sightread the chart and not resubmit a score. Is that right?

bballa48 05-18-2011 09:11 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

retching oesophagus 05-18-2011 09:19 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

ic0slay3r 05-18-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by krunkykai22 (Post 3469366)
Hey Slayer, I know ...

Its the Phantom Slayer Summer Tournament or whatever right? I'll join that one too XD hahah

Slayerific Phantominizer Tournament - when I'm hosting

Phantom Slayer Tournament - when dani's hosting.

I was gonna post it today in the morning, but yeah this one is already running. So we are gonna wait a little bit to post ours now for a few reasons 1) donations 2) dani and me will have more time to play the new songs and get some skill back, since we haven't play in a while.

So yeah coming soon - Ic0/Mfdat Summer tournament xD

iironiic 05-18-2011 09:22 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by bballa48 (Post 3469386)

Bring it >:]

Elite Ninja 05-18-2011 09:25 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
long time no see :P. Ill join and try to get my skills back in this tournament. I have no idea whats been going on with FFR lately.

Niala 05-18-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
You know I'm in this shiiiiiiiiiit!

rusty_spoons 05-18-2011 09:35 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In :D

kmay 05-18-2011 09:40 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

remedy1502 05-18-2011 09:53 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by ic0slay3r (Post 3469392)
Slayerific Phantominizer Tournament - when I'm hosting

Phantom Slayer Tournament - when dani's hosting.

I was gonna post it today in the morning, but yeah this one is already running. So we are gonna wait a little bit to post ours now for a few reasons 1) donations 2) dani and me will have more time to play the new songs and get some skill back, since we haven't play in a while.

So yeah coming soon - Ic0/Mfdat Summer tournament xD

No Kidney Stone this time... I my dear ****ing Jesus. Or at least don't put me in the highest division again x]

who_cares973 05-18-2011 10:00 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
in for like D3 or something

SocoNhydro420 05-18-2011 10:02 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
you already know im in ;)

bob bob 05-18-2011 10:19 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
in o0o0o0o0o0o0

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 10:32 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3469355)
EDIT: Lol. Start date is right in the middle of Anime North.

ffffff I forgot about that


Originally Posted by ic0slay3r (Post 3469361)
;__; I was just about to post my tournament.

D: I didn't know


Originally Posted by Sweet_Feet (Post 3469383)
edit: the link for your example of a proper screenshot seems to be broken on the OP btw

I can see it over here. Anyone else having issues seeing the screenshot on the op?


Originally Posted by Zekramcross (Post 3469385)
This sounds like fun. I'm in. I read the rules and it appears that I can only sightread the chart and not resubmit a score. Is that right?

You can play charts more than once it's just that we're using stuff no one's seen previously.

Everr 05-18-2011 11:27 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
im alittle confused on the engine like i play on standalone but the site wont load for me but it loads on my stand alone. it wont be recorded on ffr right? so that means i just need to have the ffr username screenshot in the upper right corner plus the time and date an all that? im in btw and this sounds fun (: 49 and 50 difficulty? holy ;)
anyway sign me up! i hope it starts early!

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 11:31 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by Everr (Post 3469463)
im alittle confused on the engine like i play on standalone but the site wont load for me but it loads on my stand alone. it wont be recorded on ffr right? so that means i just need to have the ffr username screenshot in the upper right corner plus the time and date an all that? im in btw and this sounds fun (: 49 and 50 difficulty? holy ;)
anyway sign me up! i hope it starts early!

The site has been acting a little quirky lately I don't know why. But the .swf page always loads fine. It's probably better to play with the .swf anyway for lag reasons. And you are correct scores do not record to ffr so we will need that stuff in the screenshot ^_^ And yea lol there's some hard stuff on there. Need to keep people like AJ, Dossar and Luis on their toes. XD

blindreper1179 05-18-2011 11:38 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Mans0n 05-18-2011 11:42 AM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
I'm in.

woker-X 05-18-2011 12:15 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In :p

igotrhythm 05-18-2011 12:33 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Between school and various other projects, I don't think I could take the stress of a full-blown tournament. Still, I'm kicking in 60K for the pot.

Good luck, everyone!

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 12:46 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Awww thank you <3

VarleyisDance 05-18-2011 01:14 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

awein999 05-18-2011 01:29 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

TC_Halogen 05-18-2011 01:37 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Loving all of the entrances to this tournament!

Thanks for the credits, guys.

XXXsmittyXXX 05-18-2011 01:39 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Count me in.

MaxGhost 05-18-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
So... how do the difficulties on the CE translate to the ones on FFR?

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 01:58 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3469538)
So... how do the difficulties on the CE translate to the ones on FFR?

We don't usually disclose that info ;) but if you play around on it you'll get the basic idea of what's what. I will warn now the custom tourneys are typically harder than normal tourneys. We like to challenge people.

MaxGhost 05-18-2011 02:12 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Uh, what? What's the point of even showing difficulties on it if you don't say what they mean? >.>

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 02:18 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
If you play on it you'll figure it out I'm sure. There's really no exact "translation" it's a different scale to try to kill of borderline files like there are here on ffr. Like for example we have a colored verson of for FFR on there. A lot of people will argue for ffr being an 11 because of the ending where as others say it's a 10. So if you go to the custom and look there look at that number that's the border of 10's and 11's. It's way too much to explain it all out. You'll be getting difficult charts that are appropriate for the division you are in.

TC_Halogen 05-18-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3469552)
Uh, what? What's the point of even showing difficulties on it if you don't say what they mean? >.>

The point of showing difficulties without saying what they mean is to prevent from players going "oh this is too easy to be xx" or "or this is too hard to be xx".

We've had this scale figured out for a while, trust me, your difficulties will be fine with where your division is. Play the engine and get used to the ratings; you'll figure out where things are (close to).

The scale isn't entirely linear.

MaxGhost 05-18-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Alright. Makes more sense :)

Edit: CE seems to have much less harsh perfect judging. Am I crazy?

Gun92 05-18-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
I will be in.

Poison- 05-18-2011 02:49 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Definitely in. Sending 30k :)

TC_Halogen 05-18-2011 03:57 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by MaxGhost (Post 3469556)
Alright. Makes more sense :)

Edit: CE seems to have much less harsh perfect judging. Am I crazy?

A lot of people said that when the custom engine was last updated. Velocity helped remove a few things that we wouldn't need in the engine (if I recall, he stopped the replay code from recording data mid-song as the old engine did), and I've normalized a good majority of the sync on the engine - most files should play on sync after you've applied an offset according to the lag on your hardware setups.

All timing windows are still the same, though.

EDIT: Thanks for the donation! :)

psychoangel691 05-18-2011 03:58 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
For those who have never participated in one of our custom tourneys before. Here is a preview video of the final round of one of them ^_^

AlexDest 05-18-2011 04:00 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
i'll try to play in this

TC_Halogen 05-18-2011 04:01 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
(hopefully, I'll have no problems with the computer and I can do more previews for you guys :))

EDIT: Also, for those of you who hadn't seen the video before, yes I was mad at D5 -- 12 of them AAA'd the first round, so that was my revenge :twisted:

and of course, Scintill raped D6 with Slashmaid, haha

swagged 05-18-2011 04:03 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
Im in

Sweagen 05-18-2011 04:13 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

xBBx Takedown 05-18-2011 04:15 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
I"ll be in. Hopefully I don't forget like I did the last time.

FFRGreen 05-18-2011 09:55 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
In as usual

unkanown444 05-18-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
I'm in, now that its summer I'll actually have time to play

krunkykai22 05-18-2011 10:49 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen (Post 3469602)
(hopefully, I'll have no problems with the computer and I can do more previews for you guys :smile:)

EDIT: Also, for those of you who hadn't seen the video before, yes I was mad at D5 -- 12 of them AAA'd the first round, so that was my revenge :twisted:

and of course, Scintill raped D6 with Slashmaid, haha

All I can say .... is that was a ****ing CLOSE round with me and ORMIX. He and I went at it like so many times .... Lol. When I saw that song on the video (even though we were living together at the time) my mouth friggin dropped and I was like .... "I'm going into the living room and beating his ass for this .... " XD

FFRBlue 05-18-2011 10:58 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

kmay 05-18-2011 11:23 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5
me and quackies had the best final ever...

RB_Quackies 05-18-2011 11:42 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

xXAll-ProXx 05-18-2011 11:50 PM

Re: Dragons Fury: Custom Tournament #5

Originally Posted by RB_Quackies (Post 3469853)


I like how you joined like a minute after you realized kmay did, or it might've just been a coincidence...

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