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YoshL 01-30-2011 02:40 PM

The 100 Doors: [Game On]
This is sad, that many people do not actually know how to roleplay well... Please make sure to try, or I won't really feel like responding...


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The 100 Doors

MMMMMYou rub your eyes groggily as you slowly rise out of slumber. It’s funny, you don’t recall ever actually going to sleep. The bright light makes it difficult to open your eyes immediately and you blink gingerly, allowing your eyes a few minutes to adjust. When you finally manage to get a good look at your surroundings your body freezes as a wave of panic floods over you.

Where the hell am I?

MMMMMYou find yourself on the floor in a gigantic room, the size of a large warehouse. The ceiling is at least 30 meters above your head and there are innumerable large fluorescent lights beating down on you. As you forcefully hammer down the panic trying to well up inside, you notice the inordinately large amount of doors. There must be at least 100, maybe more. An enormous digital clock attached high up on the far wall reads 10:23:57:27, the last number counting down in 1 second intervals.

MMMMMUpon further inspection you notice a number of others scattered about the room coming to in a similar fashion. They look vaguely familiar, but you can’t put your finger on why or where you think you might have seen them before. From the looks on their faces you surmise that they’re in the same boat as you, completely bewildered, without a clue as to where you are or how you got here.

MMMMMBefore you can talk to anyone, or even get to your feet, you see one crazed young boy dash toward the nearest door. You think you can just make out a number “84” painted on it, but it’s too far away to be sure. Without warning or hesitation, the youth turns the door-knob and pulls. For a split second relief washes over you as nothing happens. Maybe the door is locked or stuck or something. But a moment later the door gives way with a loud creak and begins to open.

MMMMMA sense of dread, immediate and profound, grips you tightly. It probably grips the guy who opened the door too, but it is too late for him. His body is engulfed in a fiery flash that instantly incinerates him, leaving only a cloud of ashes to float gently to the floor.

MMMMM The shock of what just happened doesn’t sink in right away. It was too sudden and too unbelievable to take it all in. You and the others look around at each other looking for answers in each other’s eyes, but no one has anything to offer. Everyone is just as perplexed as the next guy. The same thought thunders through our head once again, this time much more intense.

Where the hell am I?!



MMMMMM - You are “you”. You don’t have any powers you don’t have in real life. If you’re 12, then you’re 12 in the game. If you’re 35, then you’re 35 in the game.

MMMMM - You cannot make up anything at all about the game world. Go on what I give you. If you want more detail, then you’ll have to have yourself do some searching around. I’ll tell you what you see and then you can further choose to interact with whatever you find or see.

MMMMM - If there is stuff that everyone can know just by looking around from their starting spot, I will post that here, so everyone can see. If your character goes snooping around by him/herself then I will PM results that should be known only to your character.

MMMMM - In general, real world physics applies with one general exception: All conversations players have with other players can somehow be heard by everyone, no matter how low they whisper and no matter how far away they are. So if you want to keep a secret, you have to keep it from absolutely everyone. If you tell one person, you tell them all. You can, however show someone something, in which case only they could see it. You’ll probably want to do that through me.

MMMMM - You can all feel free to talk to each other at any time. Share what you know. Whatever you want. But if you want to do something other than interact with the other players you have to do it through me. For simplicity’s sake simple things like walking across the room can be role-played out by the player. You don’t need to check with me to make sure you make it across the room safely.

MMMMM - I urge you to play the game for the interactivity and fun of it. Enjoy the roleplaying aspect, because compared to that, the puzzle aspect might leave you somewhat disappointed. In other words, if you’re just hear to solve the mystery as fast as possible, you probably won’t enjoy this nearly as much as someone who embraces the world and actually acts as if they were transported to this room against their wishes. I say this because I know I’m better at creating story than I am at creating tricky and mind teasing puzzles to solve. But hopefully, if things work out, the puzzles involved will be plenty satisfying in their own right. Hopefully is the key word.

It begins...
MMMMM After a minute or two your senses return and the paralyzing fear and shock subsides just enough for you to regain control of yourself. The dreadful events took place so rapidly that you question whether they even happened at all. The sheer absurdity of the situation prevents any sort of sadness or sympathy from welling up inside you. You feel almost completely separate from this reality in which you find yourself an unwilling resident.

MMMMM As the gigantic red digital numbers of the clock display continue their lifeless countdown, you begin to take notice of your surroundings a little more clearly. The room you’re in is truly enormous. Bigger than you even realized at first. It must be half a kilometer long and nearly as wide. There are doors lining three out of the 4 walls. There must be at least a hundred of them, all the same bland modern style door you might find in every office building anywhere. Each of the 4 walls is made of a different material, brick, plywood, plaster (which you note seems to fit in perfectly with the office door theme), and concrete. All of the walls, save the one made of brick, are in disrepair, with large chunks either discolored or falling apart. The room is almost perfectly empty except for a shoddily constructed shack of sorts built up next to the only wall without doors.

MMMMM You begin to struggle to stand up when you finally notice the floor, perhaps the oddest part of the whole room yet. You’re standing on a brilliantly crafted tile floor. The arrangements, patterns and quality of workmanship are all masterful. But stranger yet is that it only a few yards away the floor is an excellent hardwood, and the two seem to blend into each other perfectly. As you ponder this oddity you spin around and realize that across the entire room the floor is comprised of totally random patches made of different materials. You can see stone, concrete, bamboo, even what looks to be a patch made up entirely of legos.

MMMMM The other people around you are also taking note of this most curious development. No one quite seems to know what to make of it exactly. You see a few people taking their first ginger steps onto a different patch, first touching every so lightly to make sure the waters safe before jumping in. After a few more minutes pass by most people are confidently striding around the different patches as if nothing could be more normal than to have a floor made of cobblestones rubbing up against a floor made of thatched grass.

MMMMM Enough time has passed to quell your fears. The time has come to figure out just where the hell you are and how on earth you get out of here. By the looks on your de facto companions faces, they’ve arrived at the same conclusion as you. Who are these people? Is there something that binds you all together? You’ve got hundreds of questions, at least 10 for each of these blasted doors, and it’s time to start getting some answers.

The Perspective

Sorry, I forgot this:



actions in italics

"speech in quotes"

green for out of character questions and such.

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 02:55 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
walks up to the door the earlier guy pulled to check which number it is.

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:00 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
From what you see, it is most definitely door 84. There is a pile of ashes on the floor in front of the door.

TC_Halogen 01-30-2011 03:02 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
examines discolored patches/scrapes

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:04 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen (Post 3408154)
examines discolored patches/scrapes

I'm assuming that you're looking at the walls.

The patches of boards ripped off from the wall look like they belong to the structure on the north wall. Behind it, a completely solid brick wall stands. It doesn't look like you could get out this way.

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 03:04 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
walks up to the shack to determine if I can see what's inside.

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:06 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408160)
walks up to the shack to see if I can see what's inside

As Arctic_counter walks up to the shack, he notices that it's not too much a shack, but a wooden... thing leaned precariously up against the wall. It's about 6 feet tall, so you would probably have to bend down to stand comfortably to see inside. As for the inside, it's a bit too dark, even in the bright lights, to see inside.

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 03:12 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
I decide to kick at mid force on that wooden thing in order to see if there's any reaction from the inside. Not wanting to finish like the guy who turned into ashes, I step back fearfully after the kick.

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:16 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408169)
I decide to kick at mid force on that wooden thing in order to see if there's any reaction from the inside. Not wanting to finish like the guy who turned into ashes, I step back fearfully after the kick.

You kick the structure, and almost immediately after, you hear a shout from inside. As you step back, out from the shack emerges a red faced, angry midget, wielding a pipe.

"Git back, you no good, blasted kid! What do you think you're doing, kicking my house and all?"

He swings his pipe in your general direction, and angrily mumbling to himself, he returns into his shack

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 03:27 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
While keeping a distance from the midget's home I try to engage conversation with him from outside his home.

"Excuse me sir. Even though you are in every rights to not believe me, I didn't want to cause you trouble. I didn't knew someone lived here. It's just that I've recently witnessed the death of someone and I'm pretty much in shock. Please forgive me."

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 03:30 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
After observing the midget indecent I ask people to help me.

"I think he's hiding something in there... anyone want to help me get in there?"

I show obvious fear of what could happen if something were to go wrong in my plan to take over the midgets "shack"

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:30 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408193)
While keeping a distance from the midget's home I try to engage conversation with him from outside his home.

"Excuse me sir. Even though you are in every rights to not believe me, I didn't want to cause you trouble. I didn't knew someone lived here. It's just that I've recently witnessed the death of someone and I'm pretty much in shock. Please forgive me."

You hear an answer float out from inside the shack.

"Whatever. as long as you darn kids stay out of my shack."

More indescernable grumbling comes from the shack that you can't interpret. Probably just the midget cursing or something.

Note, that if theres just one person continually posting *cough artic cough* then i'll probably start ignoring just so that that one person doesn't get too far ahead.

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 03:33 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
talks in the direction of the shack

"If I light your pipe, will you answer some of my questions?"

nois-or-e 01-30-2011 03:33 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Being rather amused by midgets, I offer to help hurley with this endeavour.

"We need to find out what this place is, and why does he live here.

I'm not quite in the mood for being incinerated today. . ."

bob bob 01-30-2011 03:36 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Bob bob
asks others for their opinions on the situation

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:36 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3408204)
talks in the direction of the shack

"If I light your pipe, will you answer some of my questions?"

not that kind of pipe. Like, a lead pipe. That can actually seriously hurt someone.

"What kind of idiot are you? Obviously you have no hope of getting out here. None. At all." (says the midget)

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 03:40 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
oh whoopsies

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 03:43 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Very interested in the conversation between the midget and pmonibuv1

Turns to noisor-e

"he's hiding something in there... or he at least knows something about all of this, we need more than just two people, there might be more midgets in there...anyone else willing to help out? This might give us some answers..."

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 03:45 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
tries to reason with the midget

"Why are you so angry? Is there anything I can do to make you less angry?"

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 03:46 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Listening to Hurleyisgod

"I don't think that's a good idea. At this rate, he's our only hope of learning where we are and how this... place... works. I don't think we should force him. We need to have another approach."

bob bob 01-30-2011 03:48 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
bob bob
Agrees to help out Hurley/nois

"They are bound to know something, and if they dont, we will get something intersting out of them anyway....."

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:48 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3408215)
tries to reason with the midget

"Why are you so angry? Is there anything I can do to make you less angry?"

No response comes, but from the center of the room,

"Hey! Over here!"

As you look over, you see a guy, looking like he's around 25 years old, frantically waving his arms

"No need to come over, just trying to get your attention. Anyways, welcome, I guess, to this... Place. I still have no idea really, even after being around for 3 cycles. And don't worry about the cock. Once it reaches zero, it just resets back at 11 days, and more people appear. This room is... weird, to say the least.

Also, ignore Archie there, he's just grumpy that you woke him up from his nap most likely."

EDIT:: Gahahah! first to notice gets 1k credits :P

NixXSkate 01-30-2011 03:51 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
scales the perimeter to check for anything that can be removed from the walls
lol YOSHI said "cock"

bob bob 01-30-2011 03:51 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
lol cock

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 03:52 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
walks over to the 25 year old guy

"So, mind if i ask you some questions?

First of all what is your name?
Second, if you have been here for 3 cycles, how have you been getting food, water? Is it from one of those doors?"

YoshL 01-30-2011 03:52 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by NixXSkate (Post 3408221)
scales the perimeter to check for anything that can be removed from the walls


something i wanted to warn against, i kinda forgot about this.

If you're gonna scale the perimeter of the place, it's gonna take a while. this is a HUGE room. Also why I encourage more... small scale checking. If you really want your results, you'll probably have to wait around 15 minutes. at a comfortable pace scanning the walls, it would take around 5-6 minutes to traverse the longer wall.

Edit, and i'll give the to bob bob, mostly because Nixx edited his post. Nixx can get... half?

reuben_tate 01-30-2011 03:54 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Turns to Hurleyisgod.

"I think you're right. This mysterious midget living in this mysterious shack is giving me creeps and I think this is something that we ought to talk about as a group. Also, I don't think this midget is one of 'us.' "

NixXSkate 01-30-2011 03:54 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
scales the west side of the wall to check for any removable plywood*

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:00 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3408223)
walks over to the 25 year old guy

"So, mind if i ask you some questions?

First of all what is your name?
Second, if you have been here for 3 cycles, how have you been getting food, water? Is it from one of those doors?"

"Oh sorry, didn't even introduce myself. The name's Bud. And as for your second question, it's actually pretty simple how i got food. I just ate the other people."

Bud makes a lunge towards pmonibuv, and pmonibuv jumps back hurriedly. Bud begins laughing

"hahahoohoo... I had you there, didn't I? Humor's the only thing that will keep you sane here. Anyways, just like this room, and its seemingly never ending countdown, it's like you seemingly never go hungry. I haven't eaten in about 33 days, and I don't feel like eating either. Same goes with injuries. They tend to heal very quickly here.

Also, the way I see it, that guy searching the wall over there is one of the smarter. Actually searching for clues and whatnot. But, this is your show, ain't it? I'm not too good with anything really, so I tend to stay out of other people's ways."

Try not to edit your posts if you can, because I don't often look back. I just go from my previous update :/

reuben_tate 01-30-2011 04:03 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Glances around the room to see if there is any visible light switch.

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 04:11 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
acting like the 15 year old i am, i walk over to a lego patch on the floor and try to take apart the lego floor.

NixXSkate 01-30-2011 04:11 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
places all removed plywood from the west side wall in the north west corner, for anyone to use.

reuben_tate 01-30-2011 04:16 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Checks to see my attire. Checks to see if I'm wearing the same clothes as before I woke up in this room. Checks to see if my pockets have the same content as before.

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:18 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by reuben_tate (Post 3408251)
Checks to see my attire. Checks to see if I'm wearing the same clothes as before I woke up in this room. Checks to see if my pockets have the same content as before.

You don't remember what you were doing before you got into this room, so naturally, you shouldn't have anything in your pockets. (Logical fallacy?) You're wearing mostly the same clothes that you would wear everyday.

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:18 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Walks over to the clock to see if it is plugged in anywhere

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 04:19 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Walks over to the east wall and examines the discoloured patches using sight, smell, touch, taste.

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:19 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Seeing reuben_tate checking his pockets, tells everybody to do the same thing, in order to check if anyone has anything to help us in some way

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:22 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Shikari (Post 3408257)
Seeing reuben_tate checking his pockets, tells everybody to do the same thing, in order to check if anyone has anything to help us in some way

Unfortunately, as all check frantically in their pants, nothing seems to be available of use.

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 04:23 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talking to Bud

"Hey there. Mind if I ask questions too ? Well, you said you've been here for 3 cycles, so what happened to the other people and how in hell, do they even got there in the first place ?"

lol. Might have been beaten with a lead pipe.

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:28 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408264)
Talking to Bud

"Hey there. Mind if I ask questions too ? Well, you said you've been here for 3 cycles, what happened to the other people and how in hell, do they even got there in the first place ?"

lol. Might have been beaten with a lead pipe.

"sure fire away."

Artic asks his question

"Hmm... Well, except for me an' Archie, all the people i've seen appear in this room tried to get out through the doors. This is by far, the biggest number of people that have appeared at once, and also, the least amount of deaths in the first 10 minutes of being here. Usually, people lose their heads and try to get out all at once, which... doesn't work.. So far, they've all been incinerated like that poor guy."

He gestures at door 84

"Oh I almost forgot, there also... Emma...."

He pauses, and closes his mouth, as if he touched on a forbidden subject

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:28 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Walks up to door number 81 to try to take the numbers off the door

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 04:29 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Knocks on the shack

"hey, come out here and give us some answers. I dont want to have to come in there with these guys and drag you out"

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:29 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Hey, Yoshi, just a quick question: What's the material of the floor? Wood? Metal? It can be escavated, broken or anything?

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:30 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
asks to the midget:

"Is there something we can do for you, in order to have you helping us? You have been in here for 3 cycles, you must know something useful."

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:32 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408275)
Walks up to door number 81 to try to take the numbers off the door

Nothing seems to happen. The numbers are welded to the door.


Originally Posted by Hurleyisgod (Post 3408278)
Knocks on the shack

"hey, come out here and give us some answers. I dont want to have to come in there with these guys and drag you out"

All of a sudden, Archie comes charging out and swinging his lead pipe at all gathered around the shack. It catches Hurley on the arm, and he falls, clutching his arm in pain. Archie shoots a menacing glare at the group and goes back inside.

Bud- "Please, guys, don't disturb him... He's really a nice guy, but again, he's napping. Once he's woken up, he'll probably get around to answering things. Also, he's been around here for longer than I have. ALOT longer. Also, don't worry about that arm." Gestures at Hurley "It'll heal."


Originally Posted by Shikari (Post 3408281)
asks to the midget:

"Is there something we can do for you, in order to have you helping us? You have been in here for 3 cycles, you must know something useful."

No response is heard

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:36 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talks to everyone around the shack

"Lets kick down the door, steal his pipe and make him give us answers"

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:38 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408295)
Talks to everyone around the shack

"Lets kick down the door, steal his pipe and make him give us answers"

Bud - begins wringing his hands and talking in a worried manner

"Oh please, don't do that... it's not going to get you anywhere. You can't really threaten him, because even if he does get hurt, nothing will happen. Anyways, I'm here, you can ask away, and i'll tell you stuff I know. Just... Why resort to so much violence? It's not going to get you anywhere. Promise."

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 04:39 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
talks to varley

"I dont think its a good idea. Bud has been here for 33 days and he knows Archie, I think we should just listen to Bud and keep looking around for clues for getting out of here."

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:39 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talks to Varleyisdance:

"Let's listen to the bud's advice and wait the midget to wake up from his nap. In the meantime, we search for more things inside this room, without opening any door."

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:40 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talks to Bud

"What is on the wall behind the shack?"

TC_Halogen 01-30-2011 04:40 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
examines clock

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 04:40 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
"No offense bud, but I don't see the need for trusting you, you've been here for 3 cycles and you have yet to get out, we have to take action. I'm not saying i trust everyone here, but at least we are trying to get some answers."

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:44 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408302)
Talks to Bud

"What is on the wall behind the shack?"

"Ah, nothing but brick. People have attempted to get through, but even if they did manage to get a brick out, it would just be replaced. weird, huh."


Originally Posted by Hurleyisgod (Post 3408305)
"No offense bud, but I don't see the need for trusting you, you've been here for 3 cycles and you have yet to get out, we have to take action. I'm not saying i trust everyone here, but at least we are trying to get some answers."

"I'm sorry, I've given up hope. Being stuck in here for a month will do that to you. Sorry."

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:44 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talks to Hurleyisgood:

"Easy, man, don't rush things, it may be bad for all of us. He's been here for 3 cycles, so he automatically has more experience and things to share than us. He will help us leaving this room, we will help you him todo the same thing. Let's search something else in the room and wait for Archie to wake up, ok?"

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:45 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Talks to Bud

"So you say yourself, archie, and Emma have been in here for at least 3 cycles, does that mean everyone else has died? and where is this Emma you speak of?"

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 04:46 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
to Shikari

"Fine.... but i still don't trust this guy, or anyone really... but I want to get the hell out of here"

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:48 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408310)

Talks to Bud

"So you say yourself, archie, and Emma have been in here for at least 3 cycles, does that mean everyone else has died? and where is this Emma you speak of?"

Bud - "She has a way of.... hiding..... It's actually quite uncanny how she can make herself disappear while still being in plain sight. And sadly, yes. Everyone has tried to open a door, and get incinerated by that... fire stuff."

Shikari 01-30-2011 04:49 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
to Hurleyisgod:

"Everyone in here wants the same thing, man. Let's cooperate and we will get out of here quickly. Trust me."

Examines the clock, search for some crack or mark, or anything suspicious, and wonders if something happens in the room in a determinated hour of the day

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 04:51 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talking to Bud

"Yep, I too would like to know about that Emma. Also, what do you mean by: appeared at once"

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:51 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
To Bud

"Where is she hiding? explain yourself better"

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 04:52 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
"Hey Bud, Do you remember which doors previous people have opened?"

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:54 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408314)
Talking to Bud

"Yep, I too would like to know about that Emma. Also, what do you mean by: appeared at once"

"Well, they sorta, just... appear. Nothing really special. they just... appear. I don't know any better way to describe it"


Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408315)
To Bud

"Where is she hiding? explain yourself better"

Shrugs "I'm not really sure."


Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3408316)
"Hey Bud, Do you remember which doors previous people have opened?"

"Oh gosh. That's the one thing I hate. I can never remember anything. Never been good with numbers, nope. Can only remember that multiple people have tried 1. They all... well, of course."

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 04:55 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

"Do the doors pull open or push open?"

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 04:57 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
sees TC-Halogen and Shikari looking at the clock and follows to observe

YoshL 01-30-2011 04:59 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by VarleyisDance (Post 3408320)

"Do the doors pull open or push open?"

Bud - "They're all pull. What's interesting is that -"

Bud is cut off by a female voice

"Well... You can't open them by any indirect means. No clothing to grasp the handle, no nothing. It's just your bare hands that you have to use to open the doors. And about the hiding... Well, lets just say..." Varley feels a hand on his shoulder, and jumps out of shock "That it's very easy for me to hide."

As you stare at Emma, you notice how here face is young, yet bears the sturdiness of a man at war. Holding her gaze seems like it could unsettle even the toughest person.

"Also, might I say that the people who looked at the clock... are... maybe... holding out on a bit of information from you. Tut tut... Looks like group cooperation might not work out at all..."

You notice how her voice is... eerily creepy...

"Well, that's all out of me. I'll just leave you to your scurrying about. Hah! Trying to actually Leave....."

Shikari 01-30-2011 05:01 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
sees the following phrase on the clock:

"When all else is done, counting the doors the way of the clock will lead to the key."

And wonders if anyone has the "answer" for this hint.

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 05:03 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Just adding this in (it's my opinion about this game).

This thing reminds me soooooo much of "The World Ends With You". Which is why i don't trust anybody :3

Artic_counter 01-30-2011 05:04 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Talking to Emma

"Hahaha. Trying to destroys cooperation from the start ? This is bullshit, I don't believe you. Try again."

YoshL 01-30-2011 05:06 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by Artic_counter (Post 3408332)
Talking to Emma

"Hahaha. Trying to destroys cooperation from the start ? This is bullshit, I don't believe you. Try again."

Her voice floats over from somewhere

"Again, I've been here longer than your buddy boy, Bud, but less than Archie... I'm content to watch you all bumble along, and maybe throw a comment in at certain times. But until then... Move along, I'll just stay out of you way"

VarleyisDance 01-30-2011 05:09 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

"How is your arm?"

pmonibuv1 01-30-2011 05:09 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
talking to Emma

"If you have been here longer than Bud, do you remember which doors previous people have pulled?"

Shikari 01-30-2011 05:10 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Asks Emma:

'Why do you have this specific opinion about group cooperation? Did it ruined the chances of escaping from previous cycles?"

YoshL 01-30-2011 05:10 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by pmonibuv1 (Post 3408341)
talking to Emma

"If you have been here longer than Bud, do you remember which doors previous people have pulled?"

Her voice comes out of nowhere again

"This one, and that, although I don't feel like exactly telling you..."


Originally Posted by Shikari (Post 3408343)
Asks Emma:

'Why do you have this specific opinion about group cooperation? Did it ruined the chances of escaping from previous cycles?"

No answer

Dinner time for me. Try not to overwhelm with actions that I can't respond to. Also, same goes when I'm asleep/in school.

EDIT: That doesn't mean you can't post. You can, your responses will just be a bit delayed.

nois-or-e 01-30-2011 05:15 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Could swear he just saw something move near one of the doors on the wall opposite him.
In a move of pure impulse, chases over to it and opens door 13.

can tell that I am not going to have the time/patience for this :3

inb4 incinerated

YoshL 01-30-2011 05:18 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by nois-or-e (Post 3408348)
Could swear he just saw something move near one of the doors on the wall opposite him.
In a move of pure impulse, chases over to it and opens door 13.

can tell that I am not going to have the time/patience for this :3

inb4 incinerated

The same fire that engulfed the first person now engulfs Jae, and he is reduced to a pile of ashes.

The door slams shut.

Sorry, Jae, but you were right about being wrong :3

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 05:19 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Turns to varley

"It healed quickly... just like that bud guy said...."

Hurleyisgod 01-30-2011 05:22 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
Shakes head, looks away from the pile of ashes

"well... that's another door down.... so what doors have we concluded lead to death so far? anyone?"

Shikari 01-30-2011 05:25 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
get down to the floor in order to sleep. Maybe tomorrow he'll have some more ideas to share

TC_Halogen 01-30-2011 05:33 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]
walks over to shack
"Bud, do you know anything about why the clock has this writing on it?"

YoshL 01-30-2011 06:01 PM

Re: The 100 Doors: [Game On]

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen (Post 3408361)
walks over to shack
"Bud, do you know anything about why the clock has this writing on it?"

Back for a bit...

Bud - "All I know about the clock is that it counts down from 11 days... and resets. the writing, i haven't noticed. It may be a clue, but I'm not sure."

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