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-   -   hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=153541)

hi19hi19 09-10-2021 08:19 PM

hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/za0dnz...+We+Waited.zip
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JhW...1Jv7joi_N/view
Etterna Online: https://etternaonline.com/pack/101104
Thanks to Foxfire for the Drive and EO mirrors. Any additional mirrors are very appreciated.

No, this is not a joke. It's been over five years but I got there. Pack six, baby!

The theme of this pack is "files that were finished 8+ years ago that really should have been released sometime before now." Many of the files in this pack are oldies but goodies, but I had to throw in a few exceptions to also keep the pack feeling fresh. So really there is no theme at all, I guess. Oh well.

Big thanks go to AJ for his guest file, which sits at the top in alphabetical order and makes the pack look better than it actually is. Also thanks to Nathan for our two collabs, and Luis for his guest file that he has patiently waited five years for me to release. Meanwhile I don't think blu and dag12 even remember making our three-way collab... but I did, so shoutouts to them too haha

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who made graphics - given it's been over five years, I forget everyone (and forgot to keep a list) but just know I am super appreciative of everyone who contributes graphics. Special thanks goes to Kraezymann for putting up with even more gfx requests than most.

Files are essentially rated according to the MSD algorithm, with only a few manual changes. The ratings are definitely not perfect so be warned, there will be some curveballs.

Act V - The Battle at Mammoth Mountain - An ancient file from the Dragon's Fury engine, and AJ's special contribution to this pack. 150bpm four-note jacks and 300bpm stream bursts are the main features, but also tons of technical color note work, soloing, time signature changes, the works. An incredible file when it was first stepped and it still holds up today. I'm honored to have it at the top of alphabetical order in my pack where it can sit and make the pack look better than it is at first glance :)

Apple - Some jazzy K-pop. An easy technical file with some very pretty piano parts... watch for the trills!

Battle on the Big Bridge - Another ancient file that I stepped back in 2008. Everyone hated the 135bpm chordjacks because they were too hard so it got shelved; it was definitely a little bit ahead of its time. Quite acceptable patterning these days, though.

Bochka Bass Kolbaser - Very high NPS dumpfile to a classic gopnik bop. Features an extremely high quality quadwall, I really channeled my inner NVLM_ZK on this one. One of my earlier dumps so not quite as fluid as I would like, but should still be fun.

Bring the Rain - This was intended for the epic trailer music round of my Delicious Tournament, but it wound up not being used. A very cool file with lots of fun polyrhythm sections.

Champion (Freeverse) - A late 2000s collab that never saw the light of day because all three people who stepped it quit FFR at roughly the same time. This was dicksync'd before DDReam was even a thought, so it probably would have been pretty impressive if it was released back then. Still a fun easier file! Shoutouts to the version Carlos stepped for FFR - as far as I know he made it completely independent of the three of us, and his file also slaps.

Chopin Ragtime - A chart that was used in a Dragon's Fury Tournament. Fun little swing piano file... watch for the trills!

Clash on the Big Bridge - An updated version of my FFR file. I kept it as similar to the FFR chart as possible, but fixed some layering and pitch relevancy issues and added some holds where appropriate. Oh, and I addressed the atrocious sync of the FFR version. One of the stipulations of the FFR permission was no cuts which is why you get the full four minutes complete with the extended intro. But the song is an absolute classic, so I don't mind the length...

collapse feat. mippai - When J-NERATION 3 came out in 2015 the YouTube algorithm was quick to recommend it to me. I heard this song and opened the editor immediately. Absolute banger song and my file wound up being tons of fun on rates.

Crystal Weed - Dragon's Fury tournament chart. 32nd bursts and 140bpm jacks. haha 420 smoke weed

Dancando No Paraiso - Hiromi Uehara is kinda awesome, no? I stepped this many years ago and deluded myself into thinking I would step all 7+ minutes of the song... years later common sense won out and I cut it to just over a minute and a half long. This makes for a much more digestible - if not as epic - little piano file.

Diamante Spectrasplosion - Untitled Etterna Pack re-release. Everything is the same as in that pack, but I did fix the displaybpm: on cmod this file is just 150bpm, and all the BPM changes are just artifacts of having to account for the weird time signature changes. As usual for my collabs with Nathan he did like 80% of the work and it's very generous of him to still call this a collab.

Doppelganger - Very similar to the FFR file, but I made a few minor fixes and added a bunch of holds in tasteful places. One of the LeaF-est LeaF songs out there, in my opinion.

DRAGONLADY - I only added holds to this one, it's identical to the FFR file if you play with holds off. Get those split jumpjack practice sessions in!

Elusive Reaches - I still can't believe FFR has blanket permission for Ensiferum and as of writing this, this is the only song from that band in the game. Missed potential, for sure. This file is just 200bpm layered percussion and vocals, a handful of 16th streams, and a tricky solo section.

endless maze - A file I stepped shortly after making {Rose} and then submitted, several times, to FFR. It was rejected each time and... okay, I realize it would have been very cancerous with avmisses, but after avmisses were fixed I don't get why it couldn't be accepted. It did wind up being used in a Dragon's Fury tournament, and as I gave up getting it into FFR 14 years ago, here it is to enjoy on Stepmania.

ENDYMION (long edit) - Finally in the sea of positively prehistoric files that makes up most of this pack, here's one I stepped only a few weeks ago! I intended this to go in FFR but apparently I can't read permission terms, so instead I'm releasing it on Stepmania. One of the best files I've ever made. Please play this.

Energizer - This file started life because I thought doing a [12] and [34] based jumpstream to the main melody would be cool. It was, so then I finished the rest of the file. Yes, I know this song is overstepped as hell, but it's still an absolute banger.

HAELEQUIN - Another old collab with Nathan, but this time I have to say I actually did like 50% of the work. Amazing. At the time this released I was super proud of this file... in hindsight it's a little janky. Still lots of fun though, even though the difficulty curve is much more weighted to the end of the file than I prefer nowadays.

Infernoplex (medium) - The classic FFR stream file, presented unchanged. I know this has a soft spot in the memories of many FFR players, so like {Rose} in my fifth pack, I felt I would be remiss to not include the original file in the Stepmania release.

Infernoplex (heavy) - What resulted from me stepping this song from scratch using modern charting sensibilities, but trying my best to keep to the original layering scheme. A much more technically proficient chart, surely, but does it have the same soul as 2007 hi19hi19 did? You be the judge!

Karate - Chibi djent [12] jacks. I accidentally kept this unreleased until it got giga nerfed in the MSD algorithm so now nobody can farm it. Sorry.

Kollegah the Boss Engine - A short dump 400bpm stream file I made on the request of Staiain, way back in a time when the best option out there for 400bpm stream practice was TV Static. Though I will say, is this song really that much better...

La Copa De La Vida - Minty 4 re-release. I actually originally stepped this for my sixth pack but I sent it to lofty because it fit really well in Minty 4, and now I am re-releasing it in the pack I originally stepped it for. 254bpm light handstream.

M.A.G.I.C Speed Ball - Minty 4 re-release. Same exact situation as Copa De La Vida. I will reiterate: I firmly believe these are the best two charts out there for this song despite how many files exist for it. Do note that the challenge chart is hilariously under-rated by the MSD system: "Yeah this is a 25" yeah I don't believe that.

Megalovania (Undertale) - Minty zFarts Pack 1 re-release. Just like the above files, this was also intended all along to go in this pack, but it was released without my permission in zFarts. Honestly not bothered at all that it was, but I figured it deserved a proper official release in my own pack. A pretty comfy and fun dump if you ignore all the parts that are dumb :)

MY DOG DONT GIVE FUCK ABOUT APOCALYPSE - The other guest submission in this pack, a mashcore by file samurai7694. Apologies to Luis for holding his file hostage for half a decade and not releasing it until now. File slaps though, except I don't think I've ever once hit all the 4-note jacks all in one run.

OWA Raged at Home Run Derby
OWA Raged at Kurorak for Making OWA Raged at Skeletor
OWA Raged in Vegas (Fuck Bees) - All three of these files are presented without changes as they are in FFR. Have a Enjoy!

Pistolero - Stepping Stones re-release. A very hype song with light layering befitting their original use in a beginner-focused pack. The challenge chart has some pretty fun color note rolls and minijack sections.

Quad Queens - Just like DRAGONLADY, this is identical to the FFR file if you play with holds off. As a note, I'm still very thankful to AJ for his suggestion on how to more lightly layer the final stream - he definitely saved this file from being incredibly bottom-heavy in difficulty curve.

Rengoku-Purgatorium- - Heavy is version 2 from FFR, and challenge is an even stupider version intended for a project with AJ that unfortunately seems to be cancelled. Did you know there's actually 12ths in the 32nd bursts in the Behold Jawten Victorious Chuck Norris section? Now you do!

Secret Robes - Man this Chuck Norris guy really gets around huh

Seif Al Din - Intended for the female-fronted symphonic metal round of my Delicious Tournament, but didn't get used due to difficulty curve reasons. Finally seeing the light of day now.

Shard (Combat) - Video Game Megapack 4 re-release. One of the files Staiain played at the infamous GDQ Stepmania demo. I actually stepped it on request for that purpose, and only submitted it to VGMP4 afterward because I thought it fit nicely there. Now it gets a home in one of my packs too.

The Marriage of Figaro - Another file released in Minty zFarts Pack 1 before I thought it was ripe. Challenge is actually slightly different from the version in that pack - I fixed a few errors, which also happened to make the file that much more cancerous in those areas. Besides that, it's still the trill and runningmen disaster that you know and love. Meanwhile heavy is an entirely new chart with no trills or runningmen at all... instead it's merely one of the most cursed 300bpm stream files to read in existence. Tradeoffs.

This Will Be The Day - A Dragon's Fury stepcon submission. Pretty proud of it still even though I realize the vocal parts are very inconsistent and it definitely deserved the middling score it got as a result. This file was actually one of my earliest experiments with using BPM changes to force color theory.

Thunderstorm - I remember that probably like 8 years or so ago I was trading files back and forth with Carlos (back when he went by who_cares) and we had a pretty good score rivalry going when it came to most files. But I absolutely could not touch his score on this file - he just absolutely demolished my best attempt every run. It was super frustrating! ...Yeah that's my main memory of this file. But the chart and song themselves are very cool and you should all give the file a try, no memes, nothing out of the ordinary here.

Valkyrie Dimension - FFR Community Pack Summer 2012 re-release. The ending of the highest difficulty chart is very extremely stupid and I am so sorry. We all make mistakes and that pattern is certainly one I made. Everything else in the file is still very fun though. Check out the BPM tricks if you are an xmod gamer.

I hope you enjoy the pack!


Aquellex 09-10-2021 08:21 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

ToonE156 09-10-2021 08:22 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by Aquellex (Post 4770817)


ToonE156 09-10-2021 08:22 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
NO WAY. let's go. Im def gonna download this next time I get on Etterna

VisD 09-10-2021 08:25 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Flossy_ 09-10-2021 08:25 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
no fuycking way holy shittt

aperson 09-10-2021 08:26 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
wtf wow

FlynnMac 09-10-2021 08:27 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Wind0ze 09-10-2021 08:27 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Elekton 09-10-2021 08:28 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

ToonE156 09-10-2021 08:29 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
This thread is going so fast holy shit. I clicked so fasttt

Pizza69 09-10-2021 08:30 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

hi19hi19 09-10-2021 08:31 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Big Pog it still fits in my signature

ToonE156 09-10-2021 08:36 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I've never seen a FFR thread go this fast before holy carppppp

Zeta64 09-10-2021 08:37 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

-Tim- 09-10-2021 08:37 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED


AutotelicBrown 09-10-2021 08:39 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Matthia 09-10-2021 08:39 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED


.Gazelle. 09-10-2021 08:39 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
broth momento

Bobini 09-10-2021 08:40 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Omg, I'm gonna return to 4k for a bit just to experience this.

ToonE156 09-10-2021 08:46 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
This shit literally has everyone on FFR now holy shit

LeiN- 09-10-2021 08:52 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
nani the fuck

poco0317 09-10-2021 08:53 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

foxfire667 09-10-2021 08:53 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Oh my god it's finally out! I can't wait to play through this!

Coolboyrulez0 09-10-2021 09:02 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Holy shit!!!

samurai7694 09-10-2021 09:08 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

hi19hi19 09-10-2021 09:17 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Ah there's the error. "Clash on the Big Brige" banner tee hee
Too minor to bother patching but there's always one fuckup >_>

Lucien0001 09-10-2021 09:19 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

XelNya 09-10-2021 09:30 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
p a q

in all seriousness I'm pretty hyped, even if I can't play many of 'em rofl

-paexaea- 09-10-2021 09:31 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
history right here

DeciBel1231 09-10-2021 09:31 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by Bobini (Post 4770836)
Omg, I'm gonna return to 4k for a bit just to experience this.

same lol

PixlSM 09-10-2021 09:33 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
no way its real

Cataclysm- 09-10-2021 09:36 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
yooooo i can't believe this

ToonE156 09-10-2021 09:36 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I have witnessed history like 30 seconds after it happened

hi19hi19 09-10-2021 09:40 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4770848)
in all seriousness I'm pretty hyped, even if I can't play many of 'em rofl

Yeah I gotta say, every year it gets harder to cater to a wide variety of skill levels in just 39 files. Admittedly this pack nearly every file is single-difficulty, but it's still pretty wild how big the spread of skill has gotten in the community. My apologies to the people looking for stuff under 15MSD and over 30MSD, I just couldn't fit too much in this pack for you guys. In the future I'll try to get more for you folks!

LeftyRighty 09-10-2021 09:42 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
oh HELL yes

Sakisagee 09-10-2021 09:48 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
okay that was unexpected

-paexaea- 09-10-2021 09:49 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
God bless the corn man

sock_eater 09-10-2021 09:52 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

gold stinger 09-10-2021 09:52 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
god damn

FirstMaple8 09-10-2021 09:53 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
i thought the day would never come

icontrolyourworld 09-10-2021 09:55 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Hype19 gogogogo!

Shxfted 09-10-2021 10:11 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Dugatee 09-10-2021 10:17 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
interesting pack
might download this one

hi19hi19 09-10-2021 10:46 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Looking forward to seeing everyone's scores and streams on this pack! Between this and the new Valedumps, should be a good weekend for 4key :)

TerminusC22 09-11-2021 12:11 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
dawg what

riktoi 09-11-2021 03:39 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
hi19hi19 Pack 6

Wh1teh 09-11-2021 05:00 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Jolocaust 09-11-2021 06:07 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
recovered my account just to say

Bamks 09-11-2021 07:07 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Durvin 09-11-2021 08:08 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Cornman files? Cornman files!

Black_Shield 09-11-2021 03:09 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Big Hype

Skayles 09-11-2021 04:55 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Shadow_God_10 09-11-2021 06:15 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Holy shit this is a thing

XelNya 09-11-2021 06:15 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4770856)
Yeah I gotta say, every year it gets harder to cater to a wide variety of skill levels in just 39 files. Admittedly this pack nearly every file is single-difficulty, but it's still pretty wild how big the spread of skill has gotten in the community. My apologies to the people looking for stuff under 15MSD and over 30MSD, I just couldn't fit too much in this pack for you guys. In the future I'll try to get more for you folks!

As someone who barely plays 16+ on Etterna I'm still hyped to even get to look through it / or get to watch someone who can play the stuff I can't have a good time with it

Lots of ways to enjoy a pack release now luckily, or dunno maybe I wasn't really looking that hard before



foxfire667 09-11-2021 10:27 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I played literally every file, here's an album.
Imgur album of hi19 6 play through

Skayles 09-11-2021 10:35 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4770856)
Yeah I gotta say, every year it gets harder to cater to a wide variety of skill levels in just 39 files. Admittedly this pack nearly every file is single-difficulty, but it's still pretty wild how big the spread of skill has gotten in the community. My apologies to the people looking for stuff under 15MSD and over 30MSD, I just couldn't fit too much in this pack for you guys. In the future I'll try to get more for you folks!

On the harder end, I would argue that a majority (or at least a decent amount) of >30 msd plays are achieved by rate-modding anyway. Definitely no need to apologize or feel like you're not catering to people when I think they'll be more than happy to make necessary changes to make things as difficult as they want. (:

hi19hi19 09-12-2021 01:44 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by foxfire667 (Post 4770917)
I played literally every file, here's an album.
Imgur album of hi19 6 play through

Wow with full reviews and everything, thanks for this!

About Clash on the Big Brige sync, I checked and ugh somehow I lost the BPM offset I had for the opening. You're definitely right - that was specifically something I changed (I even said so in the readme) and I think I saved over it >_<
This file is a disaster between losing the opening BPM changes and the banner typo. Not coincidentally, the last file I added into the pack. Really should have checked it over more.

I agree with the sort of overall sentiment that these are not my strongest files, definitely not compared to say Pack 4, but a lot of this stuff was pretty old files that people had wanted released for years. That's not an excuse for the lower technical quality, just an explanation for it. Will try to do better in the future.

Also yeah I don't use many holds, fuck holds, all my homies hate holds :)

Wiosna 09-12-2021 02:52 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
i hate holds

Aquellex 09-12-2021 06:06 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

XelNya 09-12-2021 08:51 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by Wiosna (Post 4770923)
i hate holds

I hate holds when combined with other holds in close proximity to the hold before it

People who do that should be taken out back

See mlg can can’s ending

AutotelicBrown 09-12-2021 11:42 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by Wiosna (Post 4770923)
i hate holds

don't hold back

XelNya 09-12-2021 08:57 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
So I wrote short reviews for as many files as I could play tonight / I couldn't resist the train meme. Written in order played, some files were played more than once back to back.


Fun easier tech file that will be an absolute BLAST to practice on higher judges. Only thing I think is wrong with it is during the hopld heavy sections the notes on the left should be on the right, but I'm sure there's a reason you have it where it is.

8 / 10

Bring the Rain:

Comfortable jank. Some of those patterns threw me a loop, and I haven't gotten nerves playing a file like this since playing FFR for tourneys.

8.5 / 10

Champion Freeverse:

I usually play this song muted (I don't like the song, fuck we are the champions but lol preferences.) File fixes a lot of what I thought was wrong with the FFR one assuming I'm remembering that one right. I don't remember there being minijacks in there, and they're damn satisfying.

8 / 10


I played this on mirror after getting slapped with left jacks dear god that's rough but so technically right I love it. General comments are more like, I think you missed some nice grace oppertunities in the opening riff to more prepare someone who plays this sightread for the jacks. Equally, I think a slightly easier file for this would be dope, and a longer version would be absolutely brutal, but really fun for a higher player for the jack control practice.

I did enjoy it though, I am looking forward to some downrate plays later to slowly build the left hand.

8.75 / 10

(Also side note, I was actually expecting a file to irritate me somewhere by now, but I'm actually having a good time.)

Kollegah the Boss Engine:

I can't play this, but fuck it makes me laugh so goddamned hard. I do love me some 24ths tho.

7.5 / 10

This Will Be The Day:

I dunno if I really like this file because I think it has issues, but I don't hate it either? But I might be biased a fair bit considering this is the old stepcon file and I partook and might be biased due to that. (I have played mine recently to be realllllly fair.)

6-7 / 10


Isn't this file old? I had a score on this but can't recall where I played it.

Fucking spikes got me good, and fuck that last jump in particular. A pretty good time though.

7 / 10

Quad Queens:

There's a missed grace note on a 23 jump early on i'm pretty sure, would need to editor it to confirm, but we're not going that deep here.

File's a fucking blast. Probably my second favorite as of where it is in the list.

8.75 / 10

Seif Al Din:

File is great, and that ending 32nd trill is a dick move and you know it. FUCKING pattern bias to fuck here. But also the parts you've tamed down to keep this file where it is was super tastefully done.

Though, a harder one wouldn't get lost anywhere on this structure imho. (Not that it needs it.)

Need to video play this song.

8.75 / 10

Shard (Combat):

I didn't finish my playthrough of this because I'd rather do so when it's a run I'm happy with - but I got most the way through it, and it's pretty fun. Don't have any complaints.

8 / 10

My Dog Don't Give Fuck About Apocalypse:

Jesus I have no stamina, and I feel like I just played a Goreshit song. Can't really comment a lot on how it plays but it's engaging mostly, though could with some more mine art at points.

8 / 10

- Part 1 End -

I fully intent to finish the rest of what I feel are the approachable files (for me), but I'm a bit strapped for time tonight rofl.

Seriously I had a pretty damn good time playing these. What they might have in technical errors, or mistakes, it makes up for by just being a good time imho.

ToonE156 09-12-2021 09:39 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4770928)
I hate holds when combined with other holds in close proximity to the hold before it

People who do that should be taken out back

See mlg can can’s ending


Like how tf am I supposed to read that shit

hi19hi19 09-13-2021 11:23 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Okay, can I ask what's the deal with several people now claiming that I apparently "copied" another file for ENDYMION (long version)? In particular, I've been accused of stealing the file from Project Alpha.

Let me just say, I didn't, until hearing of this, even know that pack existed. I literally have not even seen the name Sheenoboo before. For what it's worth, I basically don't download other packs. I just make my own files for fun in my little bubble and release them every half decade.

Being curious, I went and downloaded the file.
How the fuck is this in any way similar to my file?

It's over 3.5 MSD harder than my file.
It has 533 more arrows than mine, not to mention the 38 mines, or the fact it uses holds at all.
It has completely different layering and patterns in nearly every single section.
I would say the only thing it shares is the fact both our files are sycned correctly, but they very accurately dicksynced the 80.108 violin squeals and I didn't, and they also unambiguously fucked up the quantization in the section at 234.729 (it plays fine but those are 12ths bro). So not even the sync on our files is the same.

Are people just mad that someone else dared to also step the same song? Am I missing something? Can someone explain this so I stop getting DMmed about it?

In case people are wondering - yes, I'm salty. When I release something I've worked hard on the last thing I want is people claiming I stole something I didn't even know existed. Please stop spreading this lie. And if anyone knows who started it, tell them I say go fuck yourself. Thanks.

EDIT- For the record, now that I've downloaded it I can say the Project Alpha file is also a banger. Really fun to play and I would even recommend it over playing mine on high rates if you are looking for a file to the song in the 23+ range. But for fuck's sake can people stop accusing me of having stolen stuff from it

tosh 09-13-2021 11:58 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
It should be mentioned that if someone actually looks at the .sm files in notepad they'll see very stark differences in terms of offset, bpm changes, etc. Intros are patterned kinda similarly, but it's easy to see how multiple people would step it that way (though the one in Project Alpha has noticeably heavier layering).

Also you used a different mp3 file than the one used in Project Alpha.

AutotelicBrown 09-14-2021 12:53 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
Your bg is better so your file is automatically the real one :mrgreen:

Haven't seen any of that drama myself (only saw foxfire's review mentioning the project alpha file but by no means claiming they were related) but I can see why people would end up thinking of the project alpha file (which is probably enhanced by the fact the song is a memorable banger and it's one of dour/sheen better files).

That being said, given the song structure and that both files like, actually follow the music, it's more surprising that they aren't more similar lmao.
The overall density and target difficulty are already very different for starters, then there are notable differences in patterning even when both files are following pr or representing something with rolly patterns (which doesn't give that much room for variation in the first place).
Lastly, various sections are simply very different in both approach and focus (though not the first ~30s which is probably the amount of time people spent actually verifying anything).

Also, endymion is hardly an obscure song for anyone to be even bothered by resteps (not like resteps are even a problem in the first place).

ilikexd 09-14-2021 02:31 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
when is 7 coming out?

Shadow_God_10 09-14-2021 03:24 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by ilikexd (Post 4770997)
when is 7 coming out?


VisD 09-14-2021 03:32 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
the idea that hi19 of all people would have to steal files for a pack 6

:D :mrgreen:

Mollocephalus 09-14-2021 04:00 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
finally some good fucking drama, i might even download this pack at this point

Elah 09-14-2021 05:11 AM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I Think OWA Raged At Home Run Derby Was Stolen From FlashFlashRevolution.

on a more serious note its beyond petty that someone is baselessly accusing you through DMs (or wherever) of stealing content, sorry you have to put up with bullshit. there's significant plagiarism in other games/communities that goes unpunished so for me to see you of all people getting that treatment is infuriating

katanaeyegaming 09-14-2021 12:23 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I might just come back to play this then back the hell out.


loftyb 09-14-2021 03:44 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
yay! (:

the perpetually screaming mario file should be in here js but fuck yea ensiferum

samurai7694 09-14-2021 08:00 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
@hi19 - bro I'm really sorry you had to go through that bs :/


Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4770991)
Are people just mad that someone else dared to also step the same song?

I haven't seen the DMs or anything. I stay far and away from any sort of drama these days so I am just leaving it up to the assumption that this john doe has some sort of "stepfile envy" if that even is a thing (???). perhaps in their head they "claim" a song by charting it and labeling it as the one-and-only or the superior chart. *shrug*...

moving on from this, you're an absolute boss at collecting music gems fitting for special cornman stepfiles and i have a lot of respect for you and your thought process in charting based off the awesome conversations we had many eons ago.

if I find the time this weekend, I'll probably see if I can set up a rare livestream and play through the pack even if I am rusty af

hi19hi19 09-14-2021 09:41 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by samurai7694 (Post 4771024)
if I find the time this weekend, I'll probably see if I can set up a rare livestream and play through the pack even if I am rusty af

holy shit hell yeah

Shadow_God_10 09-15-2021 04:15 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED
I'm gonna side with those of us who have said it already. Whoever started this whole "Hi19Hi19 StOlE a SoNG FoR HiS PaCK" bullshit can be launched straight out of a cannon, and into the fucking sun.

This isn't 2006 anymore, where people actually got mad about that sort of thing.

Whoever started that, I advise you to change your password to something you can't remember, log off, and fuck off into the abyss of the internet.

ToonE156 09-15-2021 04:26 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4771048)
I'm gonna side with those of us who have said it already. Whoever started this whole "Hi19Hi19 StOlE a SoNG FoR HiS PaCK" bullshit can be launched straight out of a cannon, and into the fucking sun.

This isn't 2006 anymore, where people actually got mad about that sort of thing.

Whoever started that, I advise you to change your password to something you can't remember, log off, and fuck off into the abyss of the internet.

I wish whoever started this actually sees this

-paexaea- 09-15-2021 09:50 PM

Re: hi19hi19 Pack 6 - Long Have We Waited RELEASED


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