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rzr 04-1-2008 12:48 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
You're kidding, right? That's completely unfair. Besides, there have been several games just since I started where people knew eachother. Seriously, I say everyone who is or has played togther should be exempt.

rzr 04-1-2008 01:29 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Ok, here's what I propose:

Myself and argo are exempt from this ridiculousness. From now on the rule is to be enforced ten fold. Before obviously the rule was blown off. However, given that both of us have proved our worthy to not only play TWG, but have both hosted at least one game, we should be aloud to still play.

However, I would like to suggest a penalty be enforced upon the two of us for any information relating to the game being exposed in the game. If by chance we do gain information via real life about the game, we are not aloud to share it.
It'd be like in court (American) when [for example] the defenses council asks an obscene or unrelated question, the plantiff's council could call objection and the information and/or question are disregarded. With further interruptions of that nature, they are put in contempt.

How is this?

Makilaz 04-1-2008 02:21 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.

Originally Posted by rzr (Post 2099296)
Ok, tell rule 5b to go **** itself up the ass. Me and argo have been playing here long enough that you can't enforce it on us now, it's be pretty ****ed up if you did.
If you want to start enforcing it now, then it doesn't apply to us. Granted, we should withhold or discard information obtained outside of the internet, you still cannot force us to stop playing.
Nuff said.

What makes you possibly think you can be exempt from it just because it's already happened? We can and will force you guys to not play in the same game. There's a very good reason that the rule is in place, namely because when you have IRL friends in the same game, all sorts of interference can happen. It doesn't work. Period.

If you still think you two should be allowed to play together in the future, write up a good reason why, not just "we've already done it." That's not a good reason.

Also: We're not trying to ban you from TWG altogether. Just barring you both from being in the same game at the same time. One or the other, but not both.

rzr 04-1-2008 02:31 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Ok, I believe my last post should be adequate. If not, I've gathered some new information to back it up.

devonin 04-1-2008 02:35 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
What information to back it up? It isn't relevant. There are perfectly reasonable and logical reasons why people who know each other IRL and interact IRL closely shouldn't be allowed to play in the same game. Nobody is saying you should be retroactively punished for having done it, so I don't even get why this is such an issue for you.

The rules apply to everyone. If you get to be an exception, then every single other case where someone is afoul of the rules and doesn't want to be is going to result in them asking for an exception to be made.

The two of you not being able to play in the same game even though you want to whine about it versus having to listen to every single person who doesn't -like- a rule plead a case about why it should apply to everybody except them.

Also, do you not see how patently ridiculous it is to say "So...I should be exempt from this rule...but we should REALLY start enforcing this rule"?

Edit: Also, can I run against rzr for the next open TWC spot? *grin*

rzr 04-1-2008 02:46 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Ok, sorry for the dramatics here but whatever. I told argo this thread was going on and what's in it right now, if even he doesn't want to reply screw it.
Seriously, I'm sick of it. You guys can have him play as much as you want. I quit. Tell me who wants to take over hosting and I'll give them the roles of the players and what not.

Really though, let the guy who admittedly hacked another players account WHILE a game was going play. Whatever.

devonin 04-1-2008 02:47 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
So because the rules apply to everybody equally, you're going to quit in a huff, including abandoning a game that you're in the middle of hosting?

rzr 04-1-2008 02:56 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Yup. I'm sick of it. Shall make a list here?
Ok, I've had fj on my ass constantly though we had a good talk.
I had thunder COMPLETELY lose it on me in Chit Chat. Though it looks like we're doing better now.
I've been accused of hacking.
I've HAD my account hacked.
I have sully saying my game sucks.
I have lito being a dick on AIM.
I have heavy saying I'm a ****ty played.
Now I have you to put up with?

Yeah, rofl, seems like a fair trade. If you guys want my proof why we should be aloud in together, I'll gladly still give it to benefit the others. But as of now, it seems like I'm not wanted, so why should I stay? o.O

Makilaz 04-1-2008 02:59 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Give it. You've done nothing to prove that you should be allowed to play the same game in Argo apart from tell us that it's already been done, and overall bitching about TWG in general. You claim you have proof; stop complaining and give it.

devonin 04-1-2008 03:04 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
What's the proof you could possibly provide anyway? A list of games you played in where you promise that you didn't share any info? It is pretty much physically impossible to prove that you aren't going to do something in the future which is what the purpose of applying the rule to everybody is.

Also: Allowed. Sweet Jesus.

GuidoHunter 04-1-2008 03:08 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
In no way should IRL friends be allowed to play, regardless of how many times it's been done.

We used to allow that (read: "we've done it before, so why stop us now?"), and several accounts of game-breaking issues arose, such as LD IMming me with "hey, fellow mason" when Amanda was reading over my shoulder at my computer. As such, we barred that from happening again.

Nobody cares how many times y'all broke the rules and played together, rzr; that's ancient history. We're saying now, though, that you can't anymore.



rzr 04-1-2008 03:12 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
There's technically no way to PROVE we're aloud to play together. I can do two things; prove why I should be admitted into the TWG's instead, or make a case for flexing the rule in this particular case. I'll do both.

For why myself and argo should be aloud to play together:

The only adequate defense is that it's been done before. I looked into it and remembered that einherjar and halleysfifthconcerto both knew each other while playing, as well as pnt.
Then there's the fact that heavy said she's played with her brother, a far more closely connected team than argo and I.

That's all I have for that particular part of the 'why we should be able to play together' piece. Except I can propose a solution that does not end in taking one of us out.

Like I previously stated, make any information obtained off of the internet illegal and unusable. Also, provide a penalty for those who do attempt to present evidence or information TWG related to a game that was obtained in real life.
Set a precedent for future players and current ones. For example, say I tell argo I'm a wolf and he tells the thread I said it. Make an automatic replacement and game ban.

As to why I should be aloud in and not him, I'd really rather not stab my friend in the back, but if I had to I'd simply say because of the hacking incident. Though it'd be more fair to say who ever signs up first gets in.

Nonetheless, I still say we should be aloud to play together.

rzr 04-1-2008 03:17 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
It's not proof, it's a compromise. I'd figure you guys could be big enough to do that. If not, you're right. I'll finish my hosting because it's fair to the other players. But argo got me into this game, he deserves it more.

devonin 04-1-2008 03:19 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
1/ We already said that it matters ZERO whether it has been done before or not. There was a time when slavery was legal, and when it was being made illegal all over the world, was "But it has been allowed before" a good defense? Extreme example, but you've done what's called an appeal to tradition, and it's logically worthless.

2/ It is impossible to prove that information you have -didn't- come from knowing someone IRL. You just claim to have had an AIM conversation and suddenly you have legality. It is much easier to simply forbid it than to try and police it every time it comes up.

3/ You'd rather not stab your friend in the back, but you will in order to keep yourself in and playing? Nobody is saying you two can't play TWG, they are saying you can't play in the -same- game at the -same- time. How is that so difficult to deal with?

4/ Allowed, for the love of God.

5/ EDIT don't double post. This isn't a TWG game thread, you're allowed.

Heck, just take turns alternating between TWG and jTWG and the problem solves itself.

argo15 04-1-2008 03:22 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
i really don't mind taking turns going between twg and jtwg. It's just a game and it isn't worth it to get rzr mad at me. He's my friend.

GuidoHunter 04-1-2008 03:24 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.

Originally Posted by rzr (Post 2099779)
The only adequate defense is that it's been done before.

It's been done before...


YES, it's possible to play just fine, as you've pointed out by listing those people who (presumably) didn't cheat.

However, we don't want to take that risk for the sake of everyone else.

Suck it up like the rest of us did and alternate games.



rzr 04-1-2008 03:25 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Look, you've played one game. Technically not even that until it's over. Just let the TWC take it from here. No rudeness intended, it's just getting out of hand.

devonin 04-1-2008 03:26 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Haha are you playing the "Devonin isn't allowed to have an opinion because he's not a veteran" card? Like 4srs?

GuidoHunter 04-1-2008 03:29 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Fine, take my word for it, rzr. A dozen or two games and membership on the TWC; it's not gonna happen.



rzr 04-1-2008 03:37 PM

Re: TWC Rules, Policies, Etc.
Dude, I'm not mad at you. I think this whole thing is retarded and completely pointless, but I'm not mad. I'm frustrated with 2 super moderators ganging up on me, but it's... yeah I've got nothing to say to be optimistic, rofl.

Ok, I'm tired of arguing about it. Honestly, I don't friggin care enough to fight with you guys about it. See ya later :)

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