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x_Dragun_x 11-16-2010 08:16 AM

Re: League of Legends
Or with me =p I usually dont play seriously unless its ranked XD

Sadly i didnt have this game SS'd, But it was so fun on Malphite, Reducing Trist's attack speed to .23 with her attacking me. She didnt have any attack speed items, But had about 500 dmg, and a black cleaver -.-

P.S. Click the names for the builds

P.S.S That site is AMAZING for theory crafting your champion of choice if you dont know about it already ^.^

masterhickle 11-21-2010 11:29 AM

Re: League of Legends
Two questions....

Why are people so quick to put down an item build that is off of the beaten path? (which leads into....)

Why are people so quick to put the blame of a loss on the player using said unique item build, even though they are doing well?

I draw these questions from two games I played as AP Miss Fortune. Yes, AP. The first question applies to both games, but the second question applies to the second game (we obviously lost).

Game one: All game long, our Kassadin was telling me that we needed a DPS. No matter how much damage I did, it wasn't enough. It was only enough when I was left to defend a tower (by myself) against the entire enemy team. They made the mistake of clustering around the tower.... I dropped Make It Rain and hit Bullet Time to try and buy time for my team to get there. Result? Near penta-kill. From hitting two buttons. No auto-attacks. As a result, my team rushed in and aced them. We quickly pushed into their base down and got a surrender soon after.

Game two: Ok, it just wasn't pretty, even from the get-go. I was something like 2/2/5 and it was my fault we were losing. Apparently I have bad ult placement when someone jumps the wall next to them with Flash. Apparently I don't do enough damage when I can't kill Shen in 5 seconds. Stuff like that was being thrown at me all game.

People both sadden me and piss me off =(

Kibblre 11-21-2010 11:32 AM

Re: League of Legends
Me and my friends decided to try an all tanky team yesterday with great results. We went Malphite (me), Blitz, Garen, Olaf, and Shen. It was ridiculous. Team kills were 25/2 with a prompt 25 minute surrender.

Sullyman2007 11-21-2010 11:38 AM

Re: League of Legends
I've learned that this game really isn't that much fun. LoL is very stressful and it isn't worth the small amounts of fun and entertainment you SOMETIMES earn.

Litodude 11-21-2010 12:13 PM

Re: League of Legends
game sux play hon

x_Dragun_x 11-21-2010 12:33 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by masterhickle (Post 3347291)
Two questions....

Why are people so quick to put down an item build that is off of the beaten path? (which leads into....)
Why are people so quick to put the blame of a loss on the player using said unique item build, even though they are doing well?

And the rest of the comment, The reason why you dont play MF as AP, is because after you do those 2 spells, then what? With max CDR you would be sitting around for 9 seconds, doing next to nothing. And if they move out of your spells, and you maby only hit half of your shots, then you are pretty much useless to the team in a team fight, Granted her impure shots scale from ap, It is only a 100-5 ratio, and that isnt very good scaling with ap.

Its just like a AP yi, He is amazing, and horrible at the same time, His alpha strike scales 1-1 with AP, his heal scales 1.65-1 with ap, But what do you do after that alpha strike? attempt to kite while they get free shots on you? or auto attack for a whole 80 damage end game at most every 1.4 seconds with highlander on, If they have any form of lifesteal or shield your auto attack wont break the shield, or do enough damage to out lifesteal them, He is fun, And viable if stacked early, since when he kills someone, his cooldowns refresh, and so he can alpha strike up to 5 times in 5 seconds, But if he dosent, then he is useless. And if he was stacked that much early on anyways, he would be doing the same thing, except physical, and doing ALOT more damage.

And yes there are occasions where ap MF would work, Like if you had a gallio/amumu /morg on your team, that happens to stun/taunt there entire team so you can get both your spells off, and devistate the team. But that would require very very good cordination on both the MF and ____ and a bad team to not cleanse/stun you out of your ult, or flash out asap. And if they do see that they are lining up for that, they wouldent make it easy for you or ____ to let that happen, Jumping on MF and killing her would be very easy seeing as how she has no escape mechanic, And with cleanse/flash, you get out of 1 person's cc, but not the other 4.

P.S. If you basicly say TL: DR, read this

Basicly, after you do your 1-2 moves that scale with ap, and if they happen to flash out, or dodge it, then what do you do? sit there and /dance? where as if you go physical, its a sustained dmg, that will be higher after 3-4 seconds then if you were ap, that they cant just "Flash" out of.

P.S.S Litodude, Have fun with your imbalanced game, that someone can tower dive at level 6 past 3 towers, kill you, and run through all those towers again, and continue to farm without backing... and if they happen to have fixed that, i doubt they have fixed some of the champions i have heard about, with the right items/build can perma keep you in the same spot for as long as they want... literally... as long as they want...


Originally Posted by Kibblre (Post 3347294)
Me and my friends decided to try an all tanky team yesterday with great results. We went Malphite (me), Blitz, Garen, Olaf, and Shen. It was ridiculous. Team kills were 25/2 with a prompt 25 minute surrender.

Ah yes, games that are ridiculous like that are so fun. If you can get those 5 going again, i have a few fun comps for you to try.

1. 5 Power ult tanks, (Ammumu, Galio, Malphite, Nunu, Rammus, Morgana) Preferably the first 5, And all get flash/ghostwalk. Have everyone get at least 2 sunfires, 1 banshe's vail, Merc treads, and a guardian angel. If they are heavy magic, get a Force of nature, If heavy physical, get another sunfire, extra burn FTW. With 3 sunfires on 5 champions, thats 600 aoe damage a second thats just passive. It is kinda ridiculous when all of there ults go off at once, and after that, just burn them with the sunfires. And if they happen to kill you, you all have guardian angles to come back and do the same thing haha.

2. 5 ranged physical champions. Get 5 smites, 5 flash/ghostwalks/cleanse. Have everyone rush a madreds bloodrazor. Then a frozen mallet or starks. Then a wits end. The 20% lifesteal/attack speed stacks 1ce, so you get a total of 60% lifesteal/attack speed from it if you and 1 other person has it haha. Dosent stack more then 1ce sadly. But you can take out barron as soon as you have 2 razor's out, and 3 smites. Its kinda ridiculous. Last time i did this, they all stacked armor, But the thing is... with wits end/razor, thats magic dmg, And if you get those items, you have about 2.2 attack speed. with 5 people focusing 1 person, thats 44% of there health in magic damage, and 462 mana/damage burned in 1 second. And thats besides the passive damage that your doing. Its pretty fun seeing any champion die within 2 seconds, no matter what they have (except alistar with his 60% dmg reduction on top of everything)


Originally Posted by Sullyman2007 (Post 3347299)
I've learned that this game really isn't that much fun. LoL is very stressful and it isn't worth the small amounts of fun and entertainment you SOMETIMES earn.

It all depends on your skill level, Play style, And what you play for. If you play for fun with people, Then if you lose, its like, oh, oh well. Guess they just had a better comp, and lets you see where you could improve. If you are playing with random's, and they are yelling at you because you are doing something wrong, Screw them, they are just some cocky little kids who think they know everything. They dont deserve the game any more then you do. So what gives them the right to tell you how to play how you want? Its not like they had to pay for the game, and you are ruining some epic score of there's, If you are playing with them, there hidden elo isnt that high, so they wouldent have one in the first place!

masterhickle 11-21-2010 02:35 PM

Re: League of Legends
Although, I consistently crush games as AP Miss Fortune. Remember her W's active ability? yeeaahhhh. With Malady (new version is great on her) and Nashor's, she can do a devastating amount of damage.

Also, on a shenanigans note....

I recently had a game as Malphite. I was all tanked up, until the very end. I had to go back and heal after a push. I sold my Randuin's, Force, Sunfire, Banshee's, and Chalice, and Merc. Treads. I bought Boots of Mobility and 5 Tiamats. That's over 200% splash damage with his base damage + 210 (from Tiamats) + 40% of that total from his W's active.

... I almost killed a Singed standing near the Teemo I was attacking.... Well before Teemo would have died.

MinaciousGrace 11-21-2010 02:59 PM

Re: League of Legends
thoughts on irelia anyone

stargroup100 11-21-2010 03:22 PM

Re: League of Legends
irelia is basically the exact same thing as xin zhao

as for unique item builds, people hate them because when something goes wrong they want something to blame, and the guy with weird items is a prime target, because people are unfamiliar with how they work. you should only use them when they actually provide a significant advantage to your team, unless you are very familiar with your builds

bluguerrilla 11-21-2010 04:25 PM

Re: League of Legends
Been having some fun playing as eve in my smurf acct. Usually go trinity force and madreds. Have yet to try and jungle with her but I've seen it work well.

Irelia seems pretty balanced. Haven't tried her personally so I can't say much about her.

MinaciousGrace 11-21-2010 04:46 PM

Re: League of Legends
irelia is nothing like xin lmao she's also pretty broken imo

x_Dragun_x 11-22-2010 10:40 AM

Re: League of Legends
If anything, she is a carry killer, Like akali, Has a ability to get up to the carry, And then has a ability to either massivly slow or stun the carry so it would be a easy kill

Winrar 11-22-2010 02:30 PM

Re: League of Legends
Level 12, planning on hitting 30 in a week, I'm very good with Teemo, Mordekaiser, and Cho.

Wineandbread 11-22-2010 03:54 PM

Re: League of Legends
New hero rotation
Corki, Blitz, AND Vlad? Man

Blitz is really fun to play though B)

bluguerrilla 11-22-2010 05:36 PM

Re: League of Legends
Oh vlad neat, been meaning to see if I like playing him.

I hate blitz free weeks though.

MinaciousGrace 11-23-2010 02:52 PM

Re: League of Legends

this is how u play kassadin kk

-paexaea- 11-23-2010 03:24 PM

Re: League of Legends
****ing dps kassadin LoL

MinaciousGrace 11-23-2010 03:38 PM

Re: League of Legends
pro sivir build makes a special appearance too

Kekeb 11-23-2010 03:44 PM

Re: League of Legends
MVP goes to your badimir

FFR4EVA_00 11-23-2010 03:50 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by bluguerrilla (Post 3343914)
Maybe you don't mean low elo, maybe you mean low level?

no, he means low elo
anyone with an elo below 2000 will lose every single game to noobs because of noobs


Originally Posted by Wineandbread (Post 3348369)
New hero rotation

now i can try practicing vlad again thank god

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