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YoshL 11-23-2011 01:11 AM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by igotrhythm (Post 3574874)
I thought there was a changelog floating around somewhere already...could be mistaken, though. (I prefer to use the term "inexact science" when describing the development of FFR in the early days, in particular having to make stepfiles right in notepad for lack of more sophisticated tools, in response to the discussion on the last page.)

As for alternative ST get methods...I'm gonna have to agree with Bmah. (This also explains the "you did it once, you can do it again" mentality in the case of bugged-out ST unlocks. It's not meant to be dismissive, but encouraging.)

there is a changelog, i think he was talking about a seperate thing, indicating the things that are being worked on, like a TODO list for FFR with priority and stuff

Ryusei_ 11-23-2011 01:30 AM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by YOSHl (Post 3574950)
there is a changelog, i think he was talking about a seperate thing, indicating the things that are being worked on, like a TODO list for FFR with priority and stuff

This exactly

Emithith 11-23-2011 02:55 AM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by Velocity (Post 3574230)
You have to remember that when FFR was first created back in 2002, only AS1 existed. Flash 7 and AS2 were released in 2003. Back at that time, actionscript was still very basic and people made due with what they had.

The only real problem is that over the years, FFR was never changed internally to support the demand for more extensive features, and everything was built around it. The fact that Synth was even able to make a rhythm game back so long ago that played smoothly was a big undertaking.

Part of the reason flash lags is honestly flash itself. The graphics engine they use up until Flash 11 and it's Stage3D is complete crap.

If I were to spawn every arrow in a song, and have them move, the old Flash graphics engine would scan EVERY PIXEL to check if it moved which makes total sense, and update accordingly. The happens every frame of course. But, flash also checks every pixel even if it's not in the view port, so if I were to spawn all the arrows, the area that contains the arrows would be massive and would check every pixel in that area. Which is slooooooooooooooooooooooow

Also Actionscript 3.0 added limited support for hardware acceleration (DirectX, OpenGL).

What Synth did was actual smart, by only rendering notes that need to be visible, it prevents a massive amount of lag.

TL;DR: Flash Graphics were and still are garbage except Stage3D that was included in Flash 11. Also Synth is smart and did the best he could years ago.

And just to understand how garbage Actionscript 1/2 are compared to Actionscript 3:

var i = 0;
var extrememememememememememelyLongVarName = 0;

in AS1/2, exemem...VarName is referenced slower then i.
in AS3, both of these are the exact same speed and length doesn't matter.

Interesting. I've always liked learning the quirks of engines. Re-coding would be well worth the time and effort, but it's not even really important. I mean, if you are gonna even think about starting on it you're pretty much gonna have to drop all your current projects for it, because anything you start now will be probably way easier once you get it all finished and polished up.

The one thing that stands in the way is brainstorming the proper approach to this new "engine". I.e. What is wrong with the current way the game reads and sends arrows, and what can you do to destroy that problem.


Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3574697)
Alternatively, you can look at it as a high goal one can strive to accomplish. Up to you. *shrugs*

I personally view player goals as [Heavy] -> [Oni] -> St. Scarhand. I like that format, and anyone who wants to play SHand can go on SM, anyway.

Velocity 11-23-2011 11:25 AM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by Emithith (Post 3575010)
Interesting. I've always liked learning the quirks of engines. Re-coding would be well worth the time and effort, but it's not even really important. I mean, if you are gonna even think about starting on it you're pretty much gonna have to drop all your current projects for it, because anything you start now will be probably way easier once you get it all finished and polished up.

The one thing that stands in the way is brainstorming the proper approach to this new "engine". I.e. What is wrong with the current way the game reads and sends arrows, and what can you do to destroy that problem.

Surprisingly enough, the projects have been in development for a long time. R^2 was started back in September, and the complete site recode even before that.

So dropping all projects really isn't necessary, we're just pacing ourselves so things are done right the first time. It's the amount of work to get everything redone is the worse part.

How the game loads notes into play along with spawning hasn't changed much at all. KBO uses an SM file encoded into an xml file. The engine itself converters ti to both frames, and MS timings. The engine spawns the notes according to the frame number and judges compared to the ms timing. Thirdstyle and even the old R2 from awhile ago did the same thing in essence.

It's really about optimizing all the code that runs during the level, more code/graphic update = more lag.

A small thing I forgot to mention about how the old graphic engine rendered things. Instead of picking the top layer and rendering that, flash renders every layer even ones that can't be seen. Movieclips have a option call "Bitmap Cache" that caches the image into memory instead of rendering the movieclip each time even when it hasn't changed. In order for the bitmap cache to be updated, it has to pass a tolerance level of how many pixels have changed from my understanding. If it passes this point, it updates.

Things that are constantly moving are slower is bitmap cache are used since it has to render it, then cache it. while things that are layered but don't move gain from it. Which means in terms of FFR which has few layers and many moving things, using the bitmap cache is slower then not using it.

qqwref 11-23-2011 03:37 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
Would it be possible to not delete "used" notes, but simply move them to another array? That might make it easier to move around in a file. (Or actually... how about just using a pointer in the note array, and then incrementing the pointer rather than deleting notes? Can that be done?)

As far as the idea of clicking on a time and playing the replay from then, how about this: remove all arrows and replay hits before that frame, then essentially start playing only the part of the chart from there to the end. You would have a ~30 frame empty spot at the start before the notes start to appear, and with some clever mp3 manipulation it might be possible to get it to display on sync. I'm not a flash expert, but from your description of the arrow spawning engine it seems like it could work.

Velocity 11-23-2011 04:03 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by qqwref (Post 3575378)
Would it be possible to not delete "used" notes, but simply move them to another array? That might make it easier to move around in a file. (Or actually... how about just using a pointer in the note array, and then incrementing the pointer rather than deleting notes? Can that be done?)

As far as the idea of clicking on a time and playing the replay from then, how about this: remove all arrows and replay hits before that frame, then essentially start playing only the part of the chart from there to the end. You would have a ~30 frame empty spot at the start before the notes start to appear, and with some clever mp3 manipulation it might be possible to get it to display on sync. I'm not a flash expert, but from your description of the arrow spawning engine it seems like it could work.

The idea could always work, but the amount of code I would need to throw into it would be more then the gameplay itself. Which is why I said it was impossible.

The easiest why to make it work is kinda what you said and I don't even need to play with the mp3, I just have to go to the frame in the level swf and flash knows what to play.

TheSaxRunner05 11-25-2011 12:19 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
Suggestion - Whore tokens less than 1 bil in a day

200,000,000 - Random new token song
500,000,000 - Random new token song
750,000,000 - Random new token song
1bil - VROFL

Edit:// Edited due to my misunderstanding, this is what I meant

TC_Halogen 11-25-2011 12:19 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
The lag issue is not within the control of the coders of the game - remember that the game is entirely coded on Flash.

As far as removing old engines, which ones are you referring to? The one in the FFR_the_Game.php is the legacy engine, and /~velocity/(etc.) is the current engine. There are a few really old engines, like one that has no note colors (not sure if it was removed at any point), and the av-miss engine still on the site.

EDIT: -1 for Heavy/Oni score unlocks

TheSaxRunner05 11-25-2011 12:23 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
I thought 1 bil already unlocked Oni once you posted it in that thread

TC_Halogen 11-25-2011 12:23 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by TheSaxRunner05 (Post 3576352)
I thought 1 bil already unlocked Oni once you posted it in that thread

1 billion in a day unlocks vROFL.

bmah 11-25-2011 12:24 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
the heavy/oni tokens are to represent a milestone in your skill

it's not to commemorate whoring

TheSaxRunner05 11-25-2011 12:37 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
Oops, sorry I had the tokens mixed up, sorry for the misunderstanding

Edit:// But maybe add some whoring tokens? that was the idea

Edit2:// I edited my first post for what I meant, sorry for the confusion

bmah 11-25-2011 12:58 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
IMO, whoring isn't exactly something that should be rewarded/encouraged, nor is it very productive.

Darkbreezee 11-25-2011 01:05 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3576354)
the heavy/oni tokens are to represent a milestone in your skill

it's not to commemorate whoring

get you can add ST.Scarhand there as well.. xD
although it has to be only one song , yet, i think it is a milestone as well.

TheSaxRunner05 11-25-2011 02:05 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 3576375)
IMO, whoring isn't exactly something that should be rewarded/encouraged, nor is it very productive.

Lower amounts could be obtained just by going through the level ranks, which is very productive.

As for scarhand, I disagree there, like they said, it would demean the value of the token to add whoring req. I was suggesting whore only tokens.

bmah 11-25-2011 02:21 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
You weren't specific anyhow. If by "whoring-type tokens" you're referring to playing a particular song/group of songs many many times, I'm against it. If you're talking about attaining a certain grand total or something, then maybe...but I still don't like that idea very much.

Darkbreezee 11-25-2011 02:23 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
same here...
arrow mashing is far from true skill, and that is what you do if you want to get a total amount of points during a small time cap.

justin_ator 11-25-2011 03:54 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
But something you guys have to think about is that a whoring token encourages people to play more, and a lot of people don't just whore mindlessly...it's a good way to rack up some gt points, and also to exercise your stamina abilities. I think gamewhoring tokens are a decent idea. What is the worst that comes from whoring tokens? The arrow guessing game gets harder?

Seriously though...what are the real disadvantages? Whoring 1bil points isn't going to hurt the game or community any, just might provide me some discomfort. I agree mashing songs mindlessly is not productive towards building skill, but a token or two for racking up points isn't going to make people mash for life. I think it's an interesting new idea for more tokens and shouldn't be shot down too quick.

Good idea, Saxrunner

SeraphinEveles 11-30-2011 01:09 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
I'd like to take a minute, and clarify what i was talking about, since vel seems to be thread watching now.

Okay so, on everyone's profile there's this:

however, as far as i understand it, this no longer shows AAA/FC count for TOKEN songs.

what I'd like to see, is an additional "game-play stats" for AAA/FC of token songs.

also, on that note, a number counter (in place of TP) for number of tokens unlocked. yes i know, you can always look at the tokens and count them, but it'd be nice to see it in xxx/xxx format.

does that clear it up?

rayword45 11-30-2011 04:43 PM

Re: FFR Suggestions
Either I'm missing something, or there's no Left/Right turn mods.

And I don't see why not, since the LD engine has them.

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