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Xiz 03-22-2020 04:03 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Hey pro tip

If you are getting your information anywhere besides the CDC you are wrong, and spreading misinformation.

This is coming from someone who is recovering from corona.

Please stop spreading youtube reviews or NYT/Fox/CNN articles for information unless In the article it’s literally coming directly from the CDC. Please.

I literally work in Hollywood and the media and words and videos are twisted so easily in pretty much all cases here. You pick up on this when working here. Please just stop.

Dinglesberry 03-22-2020 04:48 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4721810)
So yeah, if you're talking about the Average, non-smoker, Healthy & fit individual, with absolutely no underlying health complications of any kind, then chances are it's no higher than 0.5%, between ages of 20-50.

survival of the fittest

Dinglesberry 03-22-2020 04:51 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4721829)
Please stop spreading youtube reviews or NYT/Fox/CNN articles for information unless In the article it’s literally coming directly from the CDC. Please.

I literally work in Hollywood and the media and words and videos are twisted so easily in pretty much all cases here. You pick up on this when working here. Please just stop.

how in the world does a professor/doctor from rutgers university become uncredible, unless u think he has some sort of agenda to push

Sanjixcon 03-22-2020 06:03 PM

Re: Coronavirus

MixMasterLar 03-22-2020 07:05 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4721829)
Hey pro tip

If you are getting your information anywhere besides the CDC you are wrong, and spreading misinformation.

This is coming from someone who is recovering from corona.

Please stop spreading youtube reviews or NYT/Fox/CNN articles for information unless In the article it’s literally coming directly from the CDC. Please.

I literally work in Hollywood and the media and words and videos are twisted so easily in pretty much all cases here. You pick up on this when working here. Please just stop.

damn I was under the impression you just had the (boring variety of) flu I'm sorry to hear this.

MixMasterLar 03-22-2020 07:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Rebirth0 (Post 4721686)
MMR: wait what. so your job is medical related and your boss forced you to move to one of his properties because he thinks his property is aids free and if you didn't move you wouldn't have the job anymore?

Sounds like a lawsuit when this is all over.

Medical is what I have to put on tax forms, but I'm basically an overglorified overnight babysitter.

Can almost promise you in Florida that is not a lawsuit; but yeah, the underlying implications were either do that or don't come in to work with possibility my services wouldn't be needed after this is over so he absolutely is playing hardball with us. My buddy Justice works for him too and turned the offer down, so we'll see what happens.

But you gotta realize my mom is here as well. She's his POA and they share like the same half acre of land (she bought his second house a few years ago) and he just wanted us to stay on site. It's not near as much of a bitch the quick story would have you believe and as much as she is stressing about it I would likely be over here anyway.

This way, I'm getting way more money then I normally would and since first posting here he informed me I'll have two weeks paid vacation so that's sexy.

I still hate myself though I'm use to living alone and not sharing space so much

TC_Halogen 03-22-2020 08:06 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4721829)
Hey pro tip

If you are getting your information anywhere besides the CDC you are wrong, and spreading misinformation.

This is coming from someone who is recovering from corona.

Please stop spreading youtube reviews or NYT/Fox/CNN articles for information unless In the article it’s literally coming directly from the CDC. Please.

I literally work in Hollywood and the media and words and videos are twisted so easily in pretty much all cases here. You pick up on this when working here. Please just stop.

I do hope your recovery is a simple one and you don't struggle as badly as others are.

I agree that it's worth not trusting mainstream media, but I'll go one step further: even if articles are utilizing CDC/WHO as their source, those sources themselves should be checked to ensure that the data is being extrapolated properly - as they will cherry-pick any sort of information for the purpose of sensationalizing. It's best to go right to the source of the information being provided.

However, I very strongly disagree with not trusting any source outside of the CDC. Unbiased aggregators of data are also worthy of following so long as all of the data comprised within the aggregator can be verified and validated. The flow of data coming in from across the world is simply too fast to be kept up with by these government agencies. As an example, the CDC refers to utilizing WHO's data, and the two most recent situation reports from WHO indicate no change whatsoever in cases and deaths in the United States.

I'm fairly certain you can agree that's demonstrably false, and it takes mere seconds to find local reports from areas that have had substantial spikes in cases/deaths (i.e. New York... +5,400 cases today shown through multiple local NY papers/sources... ) to showcase that even data coming from "the source" isn't always being reflected as necessary.

Both sides need to keep an open mind here. Data should be validated, but it needs to require common sense and legitimate judgment. By all means, yes -- stop looking at CNN, NYT, Fox, WaPo, (insert partisan-flavored media outlet here), and do your best to go not only to the sources of all of the information, but also all of the local sources who have their own government and reporting systems as well.

bmah 03-23-2020 03:30 AM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by ULTIMEGA (Post 4721755)
Even worse is that - and this is just speculation - the economy is tanking because of the virus, and from what I've seen companies are struggling to keep up with demand. It's ridiculous. The pandemic has put people in a blind panic and most of them are too blind to see the kind of economical damage they're causing. The two week quarantine that was ordered doesn't help much either, because people who are used to going out every day - which is roughly 80% of the global population - are freaking out because they don't know what it's like to live in isolation from everyone else.

So the way I see it, the whole virus thing is one of those apocalyptic things that people get mixed up because the virus isn't as deadly as people are making it out to be. It only really effects those who have weak immune systems, like the elderly or those with an immunodeficiency problem that makes them susceptible to even the most basic of viruses. If people would learn to not be blinded by the media who controls them and instead break away from it and learn to educate themselves, none of these problems would even be a concept to most of us. Since people in general are stupid, they jump the gun and make assumptions based on what the media tells them instead of doing the research themselves and calling bullshit, which is 90% of the problem and people don't realize this.

The whole thing is just a clusterfuck of unnecessary drama. I know I sound pretty disgruntled about this, but given what's been going on the last few weeks and not seeing much progress in making things better, I feel I have a reason to be. I can't just beat around the bush and say everything is fine because we all know it's not fine, and it's only going to get worse. And no one knows when the situation will get resolved if it ever does get resolved at all. I just hope people start waking up soon and maybe, MAYBE things will get a little better.

Anyway, that's my ten cents on the whole thing. My two cents? I got no reason to let you know about that because at this point, fuck it.

What an upsetting post.

I'll start by saying that the world economy may not necessarily be tanking because of the coronavirus, but rather that the coronavirus was the last straw. There are a number of other factors that are tanking the economy such as political rabbling over commodities such as oil (e.g. Saudi Arabia vs Russia) and especially things like debt from banks. Yes, people are in a panic, and rightfully so. I frequently see people mixing up "appropriate ways to respond to a crisis" (i.e. calm vs panic) with "dismissing the seriousness of the situation altogether." While I agree that the best way of handling the crisis is not through outright panic, let's not dismiss people's well-founded anxieties about what is to become a very uncertain future.

I commonly see your argument on "the coronavirus affecting only the elderly and compromised folks" on Facebook communities, and this argument is always extremely shortsighted. This is not one of those cases where dumb/ignorant people can take their own risk while leaving others unaffected (e.g. people deciding to stay home during a hurricane and not evacuating). The coronavirus situation demands EVERYONE'S cooperation, because even if you personally won't die or even become sick from it, you're still a perfectly susceptible host to the virus and can transmit it to others. How do people not see the logic in this???

In addition, more recent studies showed that the coronavirus is increasingly affecting young adults as well, in some places in excess of 50% of the local demographics. The virus affecting only the elderly and the compromised is now old news.

Finally, why would you be more concerned about verification of facts brought on by the media than your own health and safety? This isn't a time to politicize things. There are other issues you can afford to be skeptical about, but one that revolves around your personal health shouldn't be treated with skepticism. Even if this coronavirus was some sort of "media brouhaha" (which it is not), there is no harm in believing the warnings if it's a matter of health and safety. There's another case to be made about verifying facts instead of believing the media, but I think right now this is an issue of people not getting their priorities straight (or it may also be plain arrogance).

You're not seeing things progress better because the situation will get worse before it gets better - it's going to take some time. And it'll take longer if skeptics resist doing their part in stopping the spread of the virus.

mi40 03-23-2020 04:21 AM

Re: Coronavirus

the 31st coronavirus patient is responsible for at least 5000 of 8800 currently infected patients in korea, that's 56%

people who don't listen or say "it's not really my business" are just going to make it worse exponentially

don't be that person

Panic4Me 03-23-2020 07:25 AM

Re: Coronavirus
It's been a while... hope everyone is well.


Originally Posted by Rebirth0 (Post 4720927)
My job is at a convenience store and is apparently essential so its business as usual. 48 hours a week, "we will be there for our customers"

At least if I or anyone in my family gets anything they will pay entirely for the medical expenses and I get 100% paid sick leave for as long as it takes.

I work at a convenience store in New Hampshire, not far from the Massachusetts border. We have gas, diesel, a coffee shop and deli, which sells sandwiches and sliced meats/cheeses. We are told we are "essential" during this pandemic. There is currently an "outbreak" that was reported at a high school just a few miles down the road. Local news reports are showing a handful of new cases confirmed in our county almost daily. Our corporate headquarters that calls all the shots is located in Texas. They haven't announced any plans to close, so it's business as usual.

A few of my coworkers will, without a doubt in my mind, die if they get this. We sanitize and clean EVERYTHING as often as possible but is that really enough? The fact that you can carry this for days without knowing has sent my anxiety into high gear the past couple weeks. I have had multiple anxiety attacks at work brought on by the thought of contracting this and possibly spreading it to, and ultimately killing, some of my coworkers. We joke that "If one of us has it, we all have it." which is why we all continue to show up for work. (Nobody has any symptoms) That, and the fact we need our paychecks. Unemployment is an option, but the system is being overwhelmed right now, so why bother when the job security is there?

I have been asthmatic since contracting RSV as an infant. I have been overweight most of my life, although I have improved my lifestyle and lost a considerable amount of weight over the past two years. I quit smoking cigarettes almost five years ago but still smoke marijuana daily. Everything I see on social media or the news says I should be afraid for my life right now. My boss tells us the media is blowing everything out of proportion and we will all be fine if we continue to follow careful sanitary procedures.

There is currently no shelter in place order. In an effort to slow the spread, people are being asked to stay home unless it is essential that they go out. Let me tell you.... I worked last night and more than half of my customers had no need to be there. Most people wandered through the store for 5-10 minutes with no clue what they wanted before finally checking out. A lot of them paid with cash. Some people sneezed/coughed without covering while others used their hands to wipe their noses. We have a sanitizer dispenser mounted to the outside of the front door which less than half of them used (probably less than a quarter, but I wasn't counting)

I am to the point that I sleep in gloves filled with lotion. My hands feel like scales because I wash and sanitize so often. My airways feel irritated, which I have been hoping (and reassured) is due to breathing sanitizing solution for most of my shifts. I have been monitoring my temperature daily and have so far been normal. I am as careful as I can be, but I am constantly interacting with people that are treating this like a big joke.

Charu 03-23-2020 11:24 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Our governor in Michigan about a hour ago just issued an order where everyone can't leave their homes unless for essential purposes. However after giving the order a look over, it more or less just closes the rest of all the
non-essential business' because it still states everyone's free to go outside and do whatever they please. They just now have to exercise social distancing a lot more strictly because the law can now enforce it by giving a misdemeanor.

Well, they say if we're going to go hard on it, we might as well go hard now and bear the consequences at the end of it rather than getting everyone sick. Pretty tough decision to make for anyone I think, no matter how much power you may have to make that call.

DossarLX ODI 03-23-2020 01:31 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by bmah (Post 4722098)
What an upsetting post.

I'll start by saying that the world economy may not necessarily be tanking because of the coronavirus, but rather that the coronavirus was the last straw. There are a number of other factors that are tanking the economy such as political rabbling over commodities such as oil (e.g. Saudi Arabia vs Russia) and especially things like debt from banks. Yes, people are in a panic, and rightfully so. I frequently see people mixing up "appropriate ways to respond to a crisis" (i.e. calm vs panic) with "dismissing the seriousness of the situation altogether." While I agree that the best way of handling the crisis is not through outright panic, let's not dismiss people's well-founded anxieties about what is to become a very uncertain future.

I commonly see your argument on "the coronavirus affecting only the elderly and compromised folks" on Facebook communities, and this argument is always extremely shortsighted. This is not one of those cases where dumb/ignorant people can take their own risk while leaving others unaffected (e.g. people deciding to stay home during a hurricane and not evacuating). The coronavirus situation demands EVERYONE'S cooperation, because even if you personally won't die or even become sick from it, you're still a perfectly susceptible host to the virus and can transmit it to others. How do people not see the logic in this???

In addition, more recent studies showed that the coronavirus is increasingly affecting young adults as well, in some places in excess of 50% of the local demographics. The virus affecting only the elderly and the compromised is now old news.

Finally, why would you be more concerned about verification of facts brought on by the media than your own health and safety? This isn't a time to politicize things. There are other issues you can afford to be skeptical about, but one that revolves around your personal health shouldn't be treated with skepticism. Even if this coronavirus was some sort of "media brouhaha" (which it is not), there is no harm in believing the warnings if it's a matter of health and safety. There's another case to be made about verifying facts instead of believing the media, but I think right now this is an issue of people not getting their priorities straight (or it may also be plain arrogance).

You're not seeing things progress better because the situation will get worse before it gets better - it's going to take some time. And it'll take longer if skeptics resist doing their part in stopping the spread of the virus.

While I may be preaching to the choir here, a big part of the problem is the obsession of "facts not feelings" nonsense being spread on social media.

The "facts not feelings" is, in itself, hypocritical because people still force their own biases (whether they realize it or not). For example, saying that the flu last year affected millions of people and has more deaths than covid19 is doing at least the following:
- leaving out important information (covid19 has a higher fatality rate, has no vaccine, etc)
- is using total numbers as opposed to the significance of the disease (going back to not mentioning the fatality rate)
- shutting down something because the total numbers are not as high
- assuming people do not care about other diseases, when in fact this is not the case (flu, heart disease, and many other things are still a problem and covid19 is put on top of all that)
- not mentioning the fact that having more people hospitalized from covid19 means less hospital resources -- you don't want to exhaust medical resources

In other words, the bias here is that those people are forcing their bias of total numbers to try shutting down people, when in fact there are many other things to consider (resulting in information left out).

And when it comes to social media? Accuracy isn't important, nor is respect. What's important is saying something that gets attention. That is usually inflammatory and controversial posts -- and people who are able to post within the first few minutes and get upvoted and retweeted have a better chance of appearing at the top of the comments in the post. Social media algorithms that place these comments to the top are a big consideration as to why you see sites like Twitter operate the way they do today.

M0nkeyz 03-23-2020 02:23 PM

Re: Coronavirus
I don't want to downplay the virus, because I take it very seriously. But the effect this economic shutdown is going to have on businesses, economy and communities far outweighs the fact that some people might get sick. We are going to go into a recession because of this.

We should isolate the vurnerable and protect them as much as possible, meanwhile the healthy people that don't pose much risk to eachother should be cautious, but go on with their business.

We can't just shut down the whole economy for months/years. These policies will destroy people's futures.

MixMasterLar 03-23-2020 02:46 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by M0nkeyz (Post 4722104)
I don't want to downplay the virus, because I take it very seriously. But the effect this economic shutdown is going to have on businesses, economy and communities far outweighs the fact that some people might get sick. We are going to go into a recession because of this.

We should isolate the vurnerable and protect them as much as possible, meanwhile the healthy people that don't pose much risk to eachother should be cautious, but go on with their business.

We can't just shut down the whole economy for months/years. These policies will destroy people's futures.

I agree but until we get a handle on this thing we probably can't overreact

I woke up to like 400 more cases in my state this morning and being Florida a lot of people here really are vulnerable. I'm kind of trapped into having to take this as serious as possible.

I think a good start to what you are saying is that people who still have their income should not try to horde the stimulus check if/when that gets passed and sent out. No one spending money will absolutely not help here

psychoangel691 03-23-2020 03:03 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by M0nkeyz (Post 4722104)
I don't want to downplay the virus, because I take it very seriously. But the effect this economic shutdown is going to have on businesses, economy and communities far outweighs the fact that some people might get sick. We are going to go into a recession because of this.

We should isolate the vurnerable and protect them as much as possible, meanwhile the healthy people that don't pose much risk to eachother should be cautious, but go on with their business.

We can't just shut down the whole economy for months/years. These policies will destroy people's futures.

So how exactly do you isolate the vulnerable when they rely on other people? Live with other people? The more people exposed to one another the more risk of it being brought to a vulnerable individual. NOT TO MENTION it does affect some healthy individuals badly as well, you just don't know until it happens. The occurrences are lower than those who have underlying conditions and are older, but it does happen.
This virus is new, we don't know the full extent of what can happen with it, you're willing to take that risk rather than slow it down now to give us more time? People who've recovered are showing scarring to the lungs, some with reduced lung capacity up to 30%.

If we acted faster things wouldn't be shut down as long but guess what? The US dragged its feet and now it's going to be worse than it would've been had we acted faster. Can't even get an accurate representation of how bad the spread is because we don't have enough tests.

There's a LOT I could say about the whole economic aspect of this but that'd probably get too political but pretty sure a bunch of these CEOs could afford to not take a fucking payday for a little while to support their employees and companies, look at what Mark Cuban is doing.

DossarLX ODI 03-23-2020 03:18 PM

Re: Coronavirus
That's also another thing about the "recover" statistic... it's not entirely clear what that means. Scarring to the lungs is really bad even if the person didn't die.

A big lesson to learn from this (there are many), is that "facts not feelings" is nonsense. You had some assholes on social media trying to shove total numbers of cases of the flu to downplay people's concerns and look at how that went.

A fact is a piece of information. Nothing more, nothing less. And for the flu cases and deaths: put covid19 on that, you'll have more people at risk to also catching the flu if people are not taking their safety seriously, which means more hospitalized people, and if the healthcare system is clogged that puts more people at risk.

The entire approach was just incorrect. Comparing this to the flu was a bad idea from the start. It's another problem on TOP of the flu -- combined, we have more injuries and deaths in general from disease.

Rapta 03-23-2020 05:22 PM

Re: Coronavirus
For the first time my shift has been cancelled due to corona virus. Time to relax and learn more Spanish

xXOpkillerXx 03-23-2020 05:25 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Rapta (Post 4722108)
For the first time my shift has been cancelled due to corona virus. Time to relax and learn more Spanish

Yeee, focusing on japanese here woot~ glgl

rayword45 03-23-2020 05:41 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by ULTIMEGA (Post 4721755)
The whole fear about the virus I think has gotten way out of hand. Obviously, you all know about the toilet paper/paper towel crisis going on and people are panic buying that, as well as cheese, milk, meat products, and it's honestly disgusting to me. It literally gave me a reason to hate society in general. My mom works at Walmart and she keeps telling me about these people who just go in, grab their paper towels and bail, then turn around, come back in and try to buy more out of greed. It's wild as hell.

What pisses me off about the whole thing is the fact that these people who are doing the panic buying aren't leaving much of anything for the kids and the elderly. How fucked up do you have to be in the head to not care about your own kids, let alone your elders? These people need these things more than anyone else, the kids because they're still developing and need as much crucial nutrients as possible and the elderly because they can't bounce back like the rest of us can due to them being so old.

Even worse is that - and this is just speculation - the economy is tanking because of the virus, and from what I've seen companies are struggling to keep up with demand. It's ridiculous. The pandemic has put people in a blind panic and most of them are too blind to see the kind of economical damage they're causing. The two week quarantine that was ordered doesn't help much either, because people who are used to going out every day - which is roughly 80% of the global population - are freaking out because they don't know what it's like to live in isolation from everyone else.

So the way I see it, the whole virus thing is one of those apocalyptic things that people get mixed up because the virus isn't as deadly as people are making it out to be. It only really effects those who have weak immune systems, like the elderly or those with an immunodeficiency problem that makes them susceptible to even the most basic of viruses. If people would learn to not be blinded by the media who controls them and instead break away from it and learn to educate themselves, none of these problems would even be a concept to most of us. Since people in general are stupid, they jump the gun and make assumptions based on what the media tells them instead of doing the research themselves and calling bullshit, which is 90% of the problem and people don't realize this.

The whole thing is just a clusterfuck of unnecessary drama. I know I sound pretty disgruntled about this, but given what's been going on the last few weeks and not seeing much progress in making things better, I feel I have a reason to be. I can't just beat around the bush and say everything is fine because we all know it's not fine, and it's only going to get worse. And no one knows when the situation will get resolved if it ever does get resolved at all. I just hope people start waking up soon and maybe, MAYBE things will get a little better.

Anyway, that's my ten cents on the whole thing. My two cents? I got no reason to let you know about that because at this point, fuck it.


Originally Posted by Trogdor!!!! (Post 4262125)
I also enjoy being a ladies' man, since I have a fair number of girlfriends. Most of them don't really talk to me much, but that doesn't really bother me at all. You might not believe this (and many of you won't) but I have a total of 36 girlfriends. (I know what you might be thinking: "There's just no way! You're obviously trippin' on somethin'." If I can get that many girlfriends, so can you.) I'm not just a ladies' man, either: I actually understand what a girl wants from a guy quite well; better than the average Joe. I also like to play hard-to-get sometimes, because a lot of the girls that I've met tend to do the same thing. In other words, I just play it cool. I'm also interested in trying out for a band, or starting a band of my own. I don't really know what you have to do for that, but I'll figure it out eventually. If it ever does happen, I'll be like wow.

also fuck nattydaddyvirus

XelNya 03-23-2020 08:11 PM

Re: Coronavirus
They just announced a shelter in place here. TLDR: Stay the fuck home or we go the next step.

Fun stuff. Time for the wave of shopping MK. II

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