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Josemba 03-18-2020 01:16 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Friend from Boston told me he saw lot of people buying guns wtf.

First case in my city and people went crazy, gasoline only for ambulances, delivery cars and pharmacies, toilet paper is gold, people are not buying masks because the cost (30 dollars only 10 masks), government increased the tax unit a 2000% and asking for help obviously they don't have money for this situation.

People not working and minimal salary is 5 dollars in Venezuela, this is a chaos lmao.

MixMasterLar 03-20-2020 04:32 PM

Re: Coronavirus
County closing almoat everything
DeSantis is refusing ti close beaches because he wants that sweet sweet fucking tourist money. We're over 400 cases and the state is dicking about

My county is picking up the slack and posting copa everyone to keep people out of beaches. Most fiod joints are either close or take out only

My boss, being the age group that would insta die from this, has asked us all to just self quarantine with him and my mother (they have a house apiece on the same property basically) and it was either that or dont show to work

My job is technicallly medical so between freedom to catch viruses and never be paid and that offer, I accepted

Its day 2 and i hate myself


Originally Posted by Rebirth0 (Post 4720927)
My job is at a convenience store and is apparently essential so its business as usual. 48 hours a week, "we will be there for our customers"

At least if I or anyone in my family gets anything they will pay entirely for the medical expenses and I get 100% paid sick leave for as long as it takes.

Rebirth its good to hear from you again but wish it was under better circumstances

Funnygurl555 03-20-2020 08:16 PM

Re: Coronavirus
yeah I read that the dumb spring breakers are still spring breaking so some businesses wanna keep their beaches open

greedy selfish and dumb

Rebirth0 03-21-2020 10:28 AM

Re: Coronavirus
I don't really feel like these are bad circumstances. I'm not afraid of any of this whatsoever, and the fact that my job remains somewhat normal is fine with me. Just makes me money to buy stocks while they're down and take advantage of the "crisis."

MMR: wait what. so your job is medical related and your boss forced you to move to one of his properties because he thinks his property is aids free and if you didn't move you wouldn't have the job anymore?

Sounds like a lawsuit when this is all over.

tosh 03-22-2020 12:44 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Haven't technically lost my job, but on a 60 day furlough as a result of this.

In a good enough spot to weather it if need be, but would rather not so I guess I'm job searching.

i love you 03-22-2020 02:19 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Hey guys. It's been a while.

I am currently self quarantined at my own house working from home. I got bored and thought I would check out this place. I hope the rest of you guys are doing alright.

mi40 03-22-2020 02:58 AM

Re: Coronavirus
all around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces

gold stinger 03-22-2020 06:15 AM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by tosh (Post 4721719)
Haven't technically lost my job, but on a 60 day furlough as a result of this.

In a good enough spot to weather it if need be, but would rather not so I guess I'm job searching.

Best of luck to ya, the job search is pretty suckish over here.

Lots of people's businesses are being forcibly closed due to mandatory measures & actions from governments.

When it's 'only grocery stores, government support businesses, government structure buildings, and other jobs required to keep society working (such as post office, hospitals, or pharmacies); The large sum of people working minimum wage in non-essential positions are flooding the job market for the essential locations. It's completely backed up. Wal-mart where I live has told me to look elsewhere, as they have a queue of 50+ people with accepted resumes, waiting for a position. Can only assume it's like this elsewhere.

Really sucks for people living paycheck to paycheck. And depending on how long this epidemic lasts, it's going to put a fair amount of strain on multiple local governments across the world.

awein999 03-22-2020 07:27 AM

Re: Coronavirus
hey i love you good to hear from you and that you can work from home. stay safe!

iCeCuBEz v2 03-22-2020 08:12 AM

Re: Coronavirus
I work at Whole Foods and we have gotten a pretty much unlimited amount of overtime coupled with a temporary 2 dollar raise with overtime now being double. I’ve just been going to work and going home and working on school since school is all remotely done now for the rest of the semester. I’ve been getting things gradually to stock the apartment with necessities and groceries. We are pretty prepared for anything now. I’m more worried about the people than the virus itself.

ULTIMEGA 03-22-2020 10:58 AM

Re: Coronavirus
The whole fear about the virus I think has gotten way out of hand. Obviously, you all know about the toilet paper/paper towel crisis going on and people are panic buying that, as well as cheese, milk, meat products, and it's honestly disgusting to me. It literally gave me a reason to hate society in general. My mom works at Walmart and she keeps telling me about these people who just go in, grab their paper towels and bail, then turn around, come back in and try to buy more out of greed. It's wild as hell.

What pisses me off about the whole thing is the fact that these people who are doing the panic buying aren't leaving much of anything for the kids and the elderly. How fucked up do you have to be in the head to not care about your own kids, let alone your elders? These people need these things more than anyone else, the kids because they're still developing and need as much crucial nutrients as possible and the elderly because they can't bounce back like the rest of us can due to them being so old.

Even worse is that - and this is just speculation - the economy is tanking because of the virus, and from what I've seen companies are struggling to keep up with demand. It's ridiculous. The pandemic has put people in a blind panic and most of them are too blind to see the kind of economical damage they're causing. The two week quarantine that was ordered doesn't help much either, because people who are used to going out every day - which is roughly 80% of the global population - are freaking out because they don't know what it's like to live in isolation from everyone else.

So the way I see it, the whole virus thing is one of those apocalyptic things that people get mixed up because the virus isn't as deadly as people are making it out to be. It only really effects those who have weak immune systems, like the elderly or those with an immunodeficiency problem that makes them susceptible to even the most basic of viruses. If people would learn to not be blinded by the media who controls them and instead break away from it and learn to educate themselves, none of these problems would even be a concept to most of us. Since people in general are stupid, they jump the gun and make assumptions based on what the media tells them instead of doing the research themselves and calling bullshit, which is 90% of the problem and people don't realize this.

The whole thing is just a clusterfuck of unnecessary drama. I know I sound pretty disgruntled about this, but given what's been going on the last few weeks and not seeing much progress in making things better, I feel I have a reason to be. I can't just beat around the bush and say everything is fine because we all know it's not fine, and it's only going to get worse. And no one knows when the situation will get resolved if it ever does get resolved at all. I just hope people start waking up soon and maybe, MAYBE things will get a little better.

Anyway, that's my ten cents on the whole thing. My two cents? I got no reason to let you know about that because at this point, fuck it.

awein999 03-22-2020 11:35 AM

Re: Coronavirus
firstly no this isn't only a threat to the weak and elderly and this pandemic is going to continue to get worse as the cases continue to grow exponentially and continue to overwhelm healthcare systems across the globe. i have family who work in the healthcare system and there are many facts not known about the virus even to experts as it's so novel which is scary. some known facts are: it is incredibly contagious, it is 10-15x more deadly than the flu. this is why we are socially distancing because this is growing exponentially.

secondly what's your point based on what you believe? fuck the elderly and the weak, lets continue business as usual and let ppl die?

the american media was downplaying it for months from january through early march until it suddenly hit and now it is a big deal obviously and justifiably it is getting 24/7 coverage. of course people are scared and it's not a shock people are, it's warranted. this is not drama, this is not unnecessary, this is not a drill, and this is not blown out of proportion. this will get a lot worse before it gets better.

psychoangel691 03-22-2020 01:16 PM

Re: Coronavirus
"Only affects the elderly and weak"

Tell that to the 30 something nurse who's been in ICU
The marathon runner in ICU
The healthy guy who thought he just had the flu is in his 40s in the ICU

I'm also sick of that argument cause fuck you, the elderly and weak matter too you know. I read about a woman who beat stage 4 breast cancer, that's fucking rare at only to die to this fucking virus leaving her kids behind.

We're at 14,461 deaths worldwide right now and while sure you can say well in comparison to the population that's a small percentage, but fuck you if you think those people's lives had no value. This is someone's parent, grandparent, child, uncle, aunt, sibling, whatever.

You think you're disgruntled? if everyone would stop being fucking stupid about it and had actually practiced distancing forever ago we wouldn't be facing as many challenges as we are, things wouldn't be getting worse and worse. All these fucking idiot's "It's just a bad cold, it's just a flu. I don't care I'm going out anyway" I'm so beyond pissed at the shit I see going on in my own city let alone all the other places like the spring breakers in FL.

Anyway, that's my rant I guess.

psychoangel691 03-22-2020 01:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Oh and thanks for basically saying that people like me don't matter, if I get this I'm fucked and I have two people in the house still forced to go to work that could be bringing it home.
Haven't even been able to breathe well as is lately.

TC_Halogen 03-22-2020 01:30 PM

Re: Coronavirus
The number of people who are being sent to ICU/critical care as a result of COVID-19 who only present the most trivial of respiratory cases as an underlying issue is troubling. The spread of "oh, it won't kill you" across social media has been nothing short of absolutely infuriating to me and I've literally gotten into arguments and went off on other family members for their unending stupidity.

Anyone who is continuing to trivialize the issue seriously needs to fucking stop.

Last night, I read through this Twitter thread from David Lat, a seemingly prominent social media voice with regards to the law -- he posted his experiences as someone who not only tested positive with COVID-19 but also spread it to someone else.

The other person who caught it was his husband. His symptoms? Practically nothing.

His story was posted on the 17th of March. He talks about his general health, saying that he has exercise-induced asthma -- a lighter case than regular asthmatics as it actually takes significant work for him to require his inhaler. Now he's in critical condition, fighting for his life while on a ventilator. He's run multiple marathons, and does weekly exercise including 25 miles of walking and multiple high-intensity interval training classes at his gym.

This legitimately rattled me. I've got a tank of an immune system, and studies are apparently supporting the fact that O-blood type individuals experience even less in the way of symptoms. I've got O-negative blood, and have no issues with asthma. This means that if I catch this shit, I'm almost certainly going to feel like I'm an asymptomatic carrier, since this shit had to of course proliferate right around the time of seasonal allergies.

Kayla is immunocompromised. My mom is a smoker. Breathing issues run in the family. I've gotta go into office half-time as a result of the job that I am doing specifically. I'm not okay. It's hard to go throughout the day not reading this shit, but I'm really wishing I could just tune it out.

Charu 03-22-2020 02:00 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Surprised Michigan hasn't joined in the lockdown like some other states are employing.

Yesterday our governor came back on and ordered a closure to some more businesses, but everyone is still free to go wherever they wish if they follow social distancing.

Today, we just reached over 1000 cases. Admittedly it's due to the tests being perform much faster than before, but it is a very alarming number that hasn't stopped growing.

TC_Halogen 03-22-2020 02:11 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4721776)
Surprised Michigan hasn't joined in the lockdown like some other states are employing.

Yesterday our governor came back on and ordered a closure to some more businesses, but everyone is still free to go wherever they wish if they follow social distancing.

Today, we just reached over 1000 cases. Admittedly it's due to the tests being perform much faster than before, but it is a very alarming number that hasn't stopped growing.

Country-wide, we've already tallied over 14,000 new cases today alone. It's not even clear if we're starting to hit that upward peak that data modelling from statisticians/scientists have produced.

The healthcare system in the US is already straining as it is, as seen with the unending cries of help for hospital essentials. It's going to get scary, fast. And the rate of which things increase will substantially increase until a national lockdown happens.

Something that people who say "it's overblown" are failing to understand: as this is a day-to-day environment that is continuing to change and suppression techniques to keep people in place are going to seem extreme. If over the course of months, it continues to seem like it's overblown, it's because the techniques being used to mitigate the spread are working.

Dinglesberry 03-22-2020 03:08 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Opinion on this vid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9qDKcUaPUo (I know its a normie clickbait vid but still)

I watched it last night and it made me feel more positive, but I'm still scared about it overall

If healthcare and hospitals are straining because of too many people, could it not be because people are overreacting? I've seen so many reports about people who have gone to the hospital and then been sent to self-isolation, so idk what to base my opinion on

I've heard stories of people who have had it with literally zero symptoms, and I've heard that once you recover from it, you basically become immune to that "strain" of it (but that new ones might come back)

I agree with shutting everything down and keeping distance/self-isolating, but at the end of the day, based on what I've seen, I feel like if an "average" person (not too old, decently healthy, no major health issues) gets it, then they will be really sick for a bit and then recover and be immune, so it does seem over-hyped to me tbh, but I worry for the people who are forced to continue working, who have health issues, who have bad immune systems etc (so obviously I'm gonna keep self-isolating)

edit: also I want to add that atm I have a pretty terrible cough and extremely stuffed up sinuses and typical flu-like symptoms but I think it's just the flu, I've been in bed and haven't left my room for around 3-4 days at this point, because I don't want to infect my family (even though I doubt I have it)

gold stinger 03-22-2020 03:38 PM

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Dinglesberry (Post 4721802)
I agree with shutting everything down and keeping distance/self-isolating, but at the end of the day, based on what I've seen, I feel like if an "average" person (not too old, decently healthy, no major health issues) gets it, then they will be really sick for a bit and then recover and be immune, so it does seem over-hyped to me tbh,

Obesity increases risk from the virus, same with high blood pressure, same with asthma, or sleep apnea.

Hypertension = High Blood Pressure. If you have it, your chance of dying just increased by 6%.

If you have any chronic issue with breathing. Whether it's asthma, or sleep apnea, or get winded easily, your chance of dying just increased by 6%.

Doctor's around the world are still looking at how that translates to obesity based on severity of obesity, and don't have results for it yet. But, it's being speculated that it will drastically increase chances of dying in comparison to numbers above.

So yeah, if you're talking about the Average, non-smoker, Healthy & fit individual, with absolutely no underlying health complications of any kind, then chances are it's no higher than 0.5%, between ages of 20-50.

gold stinger 03-22-2020 03:43 PM

Re: Coronavirus
What I'm trying to get at, and what some people don't understand, is that people think major health issues are the only influencer in this (a.k.a, immunocompromised, older generation people more susceptible to problems).

There's a lot of data showing that minor health issues such as these also contribute to the issue drastically.

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