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rayword45 05-19-2015 12:49 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 169: And Their Refinement Of The Decline by Stars Of The Lid (Album Choice: Trogdor!!!)

Yup, I'm sure you can guess what kinda situation I'm in when I'm choosing to listen to this album. If you need a hint, I'm 17. Another hint, I'll be completely sober though many would recommend a stimulant. Maybe coffee.

There is a time and place for this kinda album.

I don't know if that time is now, but I guess this album is okay. Would be better on some strong painkillers. Also if it was a tad bit shorter.

Best Track: The Daughters of Quiet Minds
Rating: 6/10

Trogdor!!!! 05-19-2015 11:35 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
I don't even know why I recommended this album specifically, but going off of your previous scores for ambient albums I'm not surprised by rating at all. Also I agree this album is exactly one album too long.

rayword45 05-21-2015 08:09 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 170: The Sound Of Madness by Shinedown (Album Choice: MsKitty)

I have no patience for this.

Best Track: Uhhh....
Rating: 3/10

rayword45 05-24-2015 01:22 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 171: Us and Them by Shinedown (Album Choice: MsKitty)


Best Track: Nope.
Rating: 3/10

rayword45 05-24-2015 02:00 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 172: ...And They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness by Ólafur Arnalds

A very pretty, glassy album. The dude dropped his more electronic, breakbeat tendencies for post-rock and minimalism and it works considerably in his favor.

Sadly, there were a few dull moments, but the peaks of this album were peaks for sure.

Best Track: Hægt, kemur ljósið
Rating: 6.5/10

Wayward Vagabond 05-24-2015 05:16 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
can i still make recommendations

rayword45 05-24-2015 09:00 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

rayword45 05-25-2015 11:40 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 173: The Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest

Turns out I've never listened to this one. Huh. I'm actually surprised I haven't, I thought I would have. Strange... Anyways, someone recommended Midnight Marauders and I have to listen to this first, don't I?

Judging everything by pure subjective standards with no regard to era or context, this album is pretty damn good. Very cool, relaxed vibe, flows are silky-smooth and subject matter is pretty varied. There are a few shitty lines here and there but they get lost in the grand scheme of things. This one is probably a grower.

Best Track: Scenario
Rating: 8/10

rayword45 05-26-2015 02:56 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 174: Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album Choice: Xtreme2292)

Quoth totally not myself: "The idea that there are people who don't have a listing on the Sex Offender Registry that listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers is baffling to me"

Best Track: Well... I do have fond memories of playing Suck My Kiss on Guitar Hero III. However, I think that was really just 13 year old me glad that I could impress girls with a video game when I was on a cruise ship. 13 year old me was pathetic and thirsty, moreso than 17 year old me is pathetic and thirsty. I didn't even have my first goddamn kiss until I was 15 okay now I'm projecting like an asshole I should stop now. On that note, I saw Tame Impala and Beck live and I impressed a bunch of hippy college chicks with my formless shameless hippy sway dancing for the former and my complete knowledge of lyrics for the latter holy shit I'm a goddamn loser.
Rating: 2/10

Wayward Vagabond 05-26-2015 07:01 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

The Elkcloner - The Elkcloner

rayword45 06-2-2015 07:26 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 175: Quadrophenia by The Who (Album Choice: Olex K)

Well, this is certainly one of the more famous bands that I've never actually listened to (you can throw Led Zeppelin, Stone Roses and Talking Heads in there. Maybe replace the second one with Television.) My closest thing to any encounter with this band would either be the inclusion of My Generation in Polkas On 45 or Timmy from Home Movies. Not counting that shit, nada.

Hey guys, just read my review of Frances The Mute. All criticisms apply here and there despite being completely different music. The only difference is that these guys are a bit less wanky though no less self-indulgent, and subjectively better songwriters.

Best Track: I've Had Enough
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 06-3-2015 07:37 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 176: Galactic Melt by Com Truise (Album Choice: Arkuski)

Look, I'm as much a nostalgia junkie as the next cretin, but I can only handle so much ironic reminiscing and campy synths before the whole "I'm retro like your VHS" mentality grates on me worse than Madonna's sexuality. Besides, the old cassette shtick has been done by Boards of Canada with less pretense of so-called "synthwave" movement for losers who long for the good old days of analog media.

Best Track: No cuts today
Rating: C-... I mean 4/10

rayword45 06-5-2015 08:24 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 177: The Bones Of What You Believe by CHVRCHES (Album Choice: NinjaKIWI)

It's been long enough since I've listened to any synthpop to the point where I DON'T feel physically ill at the thought of listening to another sugarfest.

Uh, yeah, this is synthpop alright. The melodies are dreamy and pretty, and the female vocals are pleasing.

This is synthpop.

Best Track: You Caught The Light
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 06-5-2015 09:18 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 178: Back to Oakland by Tower of Power (Album Choice: FoJaR)

I think this is the first funk/soul album I'm reviewing, which is a genre where my knowledge is almost completely made up of Prince and radio hits. And also funk metal, but the last thing I want to listen to is rapey frat-boy music, so I'm gonna ignore any knowledge of that because I doubt this is gonna make me feel sleazy. Let's see how I like this.

Uh... I have no idea how to review this. I would fill this up with some filler, but I don't have any filler to write. Goddamnit.

I hope these guys aren't giant assholes like Prince. Yeah I really have no idea how to fill up this review. They're competent musicians and songwriters, that's for sure.
The production seems a little tinny and empty, though.

Best Track: Below Us, All The City Lights
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 06-6-2015 11:00 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 179: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space by Spiritualized

I was dead-ass tired for the majority of this album and I think it worked in its favor because I mostly loved it. However, I was wide awake for the last two tracks and Cop Shoot Cop is annoying self indulgence. Still less wanky than Wayne Coyne.

Best Track: I Think I'm In Love
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 06-7-2015 12:02 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 180: Cunning Stunts by The Cows

I've listened to Peacetika by these guys before. It was good though frontloaded.

Like Peacetika, this is good, I'd argue this one is slightly better due to more variety. Like Peacetika, it's a bit front-loaded. And like Peacetika, the stupidity gets a bit repetitive after a while. But still, recommended if you like noise rock.

Best Track: Heave Ho
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 06-11-2015 09:25 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 181: Damnation by Opeth (Album Choice: sonicman68)

So I'd have to listen to a smidgen less than 200 albums by this Sunday to make it to 365 by a years time. That mission is failed. Regardless, I'll push on, let's aim for the end of the summer, and failing that the end of 2015. Anyways, this is a prog rock album from a technical death metal band. I'm not optimistic, but I've been wrong before.

To me this just sounds like Candlemass-lite. Not a bad thing, I love Candlemass. I expected to sigh and groan at the album (I mean come on, death metal attempts melodic prog rock? That sounds like disaster!), but my preconceptions were thankfully wrong. This is a decent album. Not the greatest album ever, and in fact I'll probably never listen to it again, but it's not bad at all.

Best Track: Windowpaine
Rating: 7/10

TheRapingDragon 06-11-2015 11:17 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Is that the first time you've listened to Opeth? There's a reason that album sounds like it does. At that time in their career they had released 5 albums of progressive death metal and Mikael Åkerfeldt wanted to move the band away from metal. So they recorded two albums at the same time: Deliverance (to appease the fans) and Damnation (to test the waters so to speak). Damnation was the light stuff whereas Deliverance was the heaviest stuff they had ever written.

After that, they continued mixing more progressive elements into the metal until, at this point in time, completely abandoning metal. It wasn't so much that they were 'attempting' a different genre at the time as much as they were 'purposefully trying to shift their entire sound in that direction and didn't want to alienate all their fans'. It still ended up pissing off a lot of fans but Åkerfeldt explained his reasons why (when asked if he would make music like they did at the start of their career):

"It's impossible for us to do that, and quite frankly I would think of it as boring to be in a band that plays just metal music. We're not afraid to experiment, or to be caught with our pants down, so to speak. That's what keeps us going."

rayword45 06-16-2015 09:21 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 182: Solace by Earl Sweatshirt

Because of the fact that I have practically zero time, I decided I'd just review the top EP of 2015 according to RateYourMusic.

Unfortunately I can't find the top EP in my very quick shallow search so the second best EP will have to do for now. Metá Metá, you're next on my list.

This is pretty good stuff. Murky beats, emotional lyrics, and creativity everywhere. Best of all, it's not horribly marred with Odd Future-isms or Tyler, The Creator. I'm mad at myself for not listening to this 2 months ago. If his next album is loaded with shit like this it'll be a near-masterpiece.

Best Track: what
Rating: 9/10

Deadlyx39 06-16-2015 09:26 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
For how many reviews you do I'm surprised it still has not that many posts by others

rayword45 06-22-2015 05:25 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 183: Gomba Reject Ward Japan by Five Starcle Men

Decided to listen to this upon reading. Equal parts Ween, Residents, Black Dice and DXM. Atonal, structureless, bizarre, stupid music. Me likey.

Best Track: Stutterer
Rating: 7.5/10

rayword45 06-27-2015 09:13 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 184: The Sacred Mushroom by The Sacred Mushroom

For an album with an incredibly badass band name, an incredibly badass album name (being titular and all) and an INCREDIBLY badass cover, this is some really run-of-the-mill white boy blues rock. Not enough psychedelic flair, heavy tones or crazy distortion for my completely tasteless tastes, but it doesn't suck as bad as Eric Clapton. Very little does.

Best Track: Catatonic Lover
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 06-28-2015 10:33 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 185: High Violet by The National (Album Choice: Gus V.)

It's BINGE DAY! Or, well, I hope it's binge day. I usually get derailed on these days and do only 2 or 3 albums. But it's a rainy summer day. I have very little to get derailed with. These guys are pretty well known in the realm of modern indie rock. Most modern indie rock is pussified to all hell, but some of it is pretty decent. Hopefully this falls into the latter category.

This band doesn't sound particularly wimpy, but they certainly have all the ingredients to be the most sissyish band ever. Man my English in this review is TERRIBLE.

This band doesn't sound sound particularly gutless, but they certainly have all the traits of another 21st century emasculated guitar pop band. Slow tempos, smooth glacial guitar licks, subdued drumming with lots of toms and almost no cymbals, milquetoast chamber pop songwriting, and the cherry is the most bland art-school album cover I've ever seen. Saving this band from being too spineless is the baritone singer. And just barely.

Have I mentioned before that I never care about voice? That's a lie. I hate The Smashing Pumpkins.

And then sometimes a cool voice can save really shitty music. I don't think that's the case here (these guys are way too inoffensive to be truly shitty), but a cool voice is a plus I suppose.

I have that argument all the time though. If Neil Young had any other voice, he wouldn't be freaking Neil Young and I don't care if it would be technically "better" because where did the soul go? And then we have bands like The Mountain Goats and Silver Jews and the mothereffing Jimi Hendrix Experience. Anyone who says that Jimi Hendrix's music would be improved with a better singer needs their ass kicked.

Oh yeah, the album. Meh. Passable. Will never listen again unless I walk into a particularly chic hipster restaurant on throwback night.

Best Track: Lemonworld
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 06-28-2015 11:33 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 186: It Just Gets Worse by Anal Cunt

I rarely do these reviews while reading lyrics. I have better things to do than focus on some garbage angst-filled poetry which probably includes more painful rhymes than baby's first book. Exceptions to this would be most rap albums, a great deal of folk albums (though certainly not all of them) and then there's bands like Anal Cunt. These guys are, for the most part, nothing but tuneless noise and tasteless lyrics. Like early Cows if the Cows woke up to a nice Ambien and cocaine macchiato and also hated the world. Their only purpose is to enjoy the refuge in audacity, and to do that you have to read their lyrics. Thus I chose their indubitably most offensive album, and I'll be reading DarkLyrics the entire time.

Actually yeah I've heard most of this album, just not as a complete package. I'll probably listen to a second Anal Cunt album after this because I have nothing better to do. Or maybe some GG Allin.

Musically this album is utter garbage. The blastbeats all sound the same and the guitar is muddy and sounds like the tremolo picking of one bass chord (they probably used that guitar tone to mask the fact that they had no bass player). The vocals are the only saving grace... Or not. I mean, they're just as objectively awful as the rest of the music, but they're FUNNY. I don't really care how twisted I am, but they are especially hilarious when you understand the vocals, if only because of shock value.

Also, when an actual riff appears (I Convinced You To Beat Your Wife On A Daily Basis, I Paid J. Howell To Rape You, I Lit Your Baby On Fire, Into The Oven), they're actually pretty good riffs. With a better bass tone and less ridiculous vocals, this band could be your life! Or just, you know, okay to listen to.

To note as well, one strong point of the lyrics is that many of the songs have ridiculous endings, which makes them all the more amusing (See I Lit Your Baby On Fire, I Ate Your Horse, I Sold Your Dog To A Chinese Restaurant)

And when the lyrics get REALLY dark (I Pushed Your Wife In Front Of The Subway, I Made Your Kid Get AIDS, So You Could Watch It Die, Connor Clapton Commit Suicide Because His Dad Sucks), there's a certain appeal to such horrid nonsense which makes those songs rise above the others.

Last note, this album will give you a headache by the halfway point. Just read the lyrics, feel guilty for laughing at the lyrical nasties, and then go to sleep.

Best Track: Musically, Into The Oven. Lyrically, THEY'RE ALL WINNERS!
Rating: 2/10

rayword45 06-28-2015 01:32 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 187: Perdition City by Ulver (Album Choice: csd/Casey D.)

I was gonna listen to Tri Repetae but after the musings of Seth Putnam I need something lighter and softer than Autechre. Thus, I took the logical route and chose a black metal band.

Well, actually, these guys only released a couple of black metal albums and this particular album is electronica but whatever. Here we go.

This is EASILY the best album I've listened to today. Dark, moody, groovy, bassy, jazzy, emotional, cathartic and above all BEAUTIFUL, this album has the right traits for either a palate cleanser or a deep listener. I don't need to write much for this one.

However, sometimes, the vocals and vocal samples get really corny. Dead City Centres for example. Still a damn fine album and a definite keeper.

Best Track: Porn Piece Or The Scars Of Old Kisses
Rating: 8.5/10

rayword45 06-29-2015 01:42 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 188: Hunting High And Low by A-ha (Album Choice: Phillip S.)

I have a fairly long list of songs that give me post-traumatic stress disorder attacks. Yellow Submarine brings back haunting memories of bible camp. Livin On A Prayer makes me think of elementary school douchebags (also it's an awful song). Don't Stop Believin terrorizes me with flashbacks to lonely people and bar karaoke.

Not every song on this list has a story. One song with no story would be Take On Me. That song just sucks. And it's the first song on this album.

Luckily the rest of the album just breezes by. It's ridiculously 80s but ridiculously inconsequential.

Best Track: And You Tell Me
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 06-30-2015 09:48 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 189: Los Sounds De Krauts by Colour Haze

I think I've made it pretty clear that I hate most jam bands, but Colour Haze is the most explicit exception to the rule, seeing how they're incredibly jammy in the studio as opposed to Ween or Akron/Family.

This album is wonderfully structured and makes great use of the immense song lengths (two songs over 17 minutes!) and the double CD length. Also the opener is my new favorite song of theirs, beating out previous champ Aquamaria.

I have no complaints to file.

Best Track: I Won't Stop
Rating: 8.5/10

rayword45 07-1-2015 03:59 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 190: Mother Mother by O My Heart (Album Choice: Tokzic)

Terse and honest, that's the goal. The horrible album cover, genre description and first 10 seconds of this album gave me some really depressing expectations. I don't like most generic indie pop like OK Go so I had no reason to hope for better.

However, the first few songs were actually pretty damn good. Nothing to drop dead over, in fact everything sounds vaguely derivative of bands like The New Pornographers, but these guys can write a song.

Unfortunately, they get too precious. In almost every way possible. Harmonies go way too high, instrumentation becomes superfluous while dense (What the fuck is this? A banjo in a 3 chord power pop song?), misspellings in song titles are trite, unnecessary reverb and chorus applied liberally, you name a crappy small time mistake and they've probably commit it.

They're pretty good songwriters, they just need a little more restraint. An EP on a more stripped back setup would suit these guys fine.

Best Track: Burning Pile
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 07-3-2015 11:33 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 191: Dopethrone by Electric Wizard

Seminal stoner
Surprisingly never heard
Sleep is better band

Best Track: Dopethrone
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 07-3-2015 07:41 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 192: Since I Left You by The Avalanches

It's telling of something that this album isn't even remotely high on my list of "Wait, what do you mean you've never listened to that album?" albums.

I just don't know what.

What I do know is the fact that I've heard naught ONE song from this album is a testament to how utterly lame the clubs I go to are.

Best Track: Frontier Psychiatrist
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 07-9-2015 07:54 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 193: The Specials by The Specials

I felt like exploring some different genres, even though this is pretty punk-feeling and I listen to a fair amount of punk. I hate Sublime and reggae typically bores me though that's only marginally related to ska. This album gives me the urge to review more DDR music.

The production on this album seems horribly limp. Bass sits uncomfortably on its own feeling unmixed, leaving the treble frequencies to overpower everything. Vocals are often buried in the mix under too-quiet instruments. And emptiness just fills every space. Did any of that make any sense?

There are some good tracks on here, undeniably, but like many albums, the production makes it hard to enjoy the album (Hello there, Avey Tare). The second side is the stronger of the two sides. I don't have much to argue for that except Stupid Marriage, Too Much Too Young and Little Bitch all kick ass. Especially the last one I mentioned.

Also this album has way too many misogynistic undertones.

Best Track: Little Bitch and that is not just nostalgia
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 07-10-2015 02:08 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 194: Everybody's Rockin by Neil Young

I still haven't listened to Rust Never Sleeps, Sleeps With Angels, Time Fades Away, Harvest Moon, Psychedelic Pill, the self-titled debut, or even Zuma for that matter.

But I like being different, so I went straight for the second-most maligned album in the Neil Young discography, not counting Arc because that's stupid.

And this album turned out to be hilarious! Completely listenable! Adequate! Better than Harvest!

Funniest album I've listened to in a while.

Best Track:Betty Lou's Got A New Pair Of Shoes
Rating: 7/10

Crazyjayde 07-10-2015 03:17 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Can't find the time myself for much of anything new but I've been listening to Ulver and Colour Haze recently. Crazy satisfying to meddle in.
Did I ever recommend you anything? I found some good recs through your thread and I'm thinking I could give the favor back.

4mat - Nadir (2014)
Alameda 5 - Duch tornada (2015)
Akufen - My Way (2002)1
Built to Spill - Keep It Like a Secret (1999)
Clark - Totems Flare (2009)
Innercity Ensemble - II (2014)
Jesu - Jesu (2004)
Matt Elliott - Drinking Songs (2005)
*Shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo (2011)
Terminal 11 - Tracing Structures (2015)

So what did you think of Grandaddy anyway?

PS: Also your Solace rating on RYM reads 1/5 instead of 4.5/5.

rayword45 07-12-2015 07:32 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 195: Solid Gold by Gang Of Four

This is a better record than Entertainment.

I like my punk dark, shoot me.

Best Track: What We All Want
Rating: 8/10

rayword45 07-13-2015 10:11 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 196: Pansoul by Motorbass

So I just left a party, walking home, and the first thing I think of is "goddamn that was some awful music" because WHY would you put Of Monsters And Men on a party playlist? Who do you think you are? Arrogant hipster white boys make me disappointed with my generation.

So continuing on, I'm walking home with a friend. It's pretty same dark outside, so I wanna put on some music. I notice this album on here and wonder "Wait, when the hell did I get THIS?" before remembering I was on a 84 hour House freakout a few months ago. Never actually listened to this one.

I put it on while walking and HOLY SHIT is this some good music! It's danceable, yet dark and murky. I felt like I was dancing in the Paris underground clubs, but really I was just visualizing and looking like an ass in the street. Good, good album. I need more dark house I'm on a binge.

Also I started reading On The Road (should I capitalize a book title? I mean bold?) and this works perfectly as a backdrop. This actually is the worst goddamn "review" I've ever written. This would get me an F in a music theory class.

Best Track: Flying Fingers
Rating: 8/10

rayword45 07-19-2015 10:44 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 197: Untrue by Burial (Album Choice: Contrapasso)

As much hate as I give Christgau, lord knows he's a true lifer. Decades of music reviews, and he purportedly listens to every album he reviews 5 to 10 times.

5 to 10 times! I'd be damned to go past first impressions.

That doesn't excuse his thesaurus-happy shitpile writing but he's better than I in that aspect. One time listening is especially dubious when, like in the case of this album, the setting is questionable. Public transportation hurts my ears enough.

Also he has way more money than me. But whatever, good album.

Best Track: Shell of Light
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 07-24-2015 09:22 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 198: Currents by Tame Impala

These are the shittiest headphones of all time. Also Cause I'm A Man is the only single I bothered to listen to and it sounded like vaporwave. So I guess lofi would be a benefit, I suppose?

It's not a benefit. This was the worst idea ever. But good album, I dig the new stylings and whatnot.

Also Six Flags needs to stop smelling like child vomit.

Best Track: Cause I'm A Man (#nostalgiajunkie)
Rating: 7/10

Shadowcliff 07-29-2015 11:50 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Eye Contact by Gang Gang Dance

rayword45 07-31-2015 06:20 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 199: Tangram by Reso (Album Choice: Jonlovesddr)

I never actually put this recommendation in my spreadsheet. It took me like 12 minutes to find out who recommended me this album. This music is called brostep? What the hell is that shit anyways? The only time I remember listening to brostep was on YouTube and it was dire, dire stuff. That is definitely in my bottom 5 genre names, alongside djent, shitgaze, PBR&B and coon song. Only the genre names for the record, not the actual music.

Well, including the music of coon songs. Fuck coon songs.

Oh yeah, this music. It's not bad at all. I didn't necessarily expect the worst but there's as much D&B (Dave and Buster's?) in here as dubstep influence as well as some chill moments. The chill moments are the best.

I think this is the first dubstep release I've reviewed (that sounds like dubstep). For a first of a genre I'm not keen on, this ain't bad.

Best Track: The first chillwave track
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 08-2-2015 10:43 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 200: How It Should Sound, Vol 1 and 2 by Damu the Fudgemunk (Album Choice: L.B.D.D)

I chose a nice long album for my 200th review. Unfortunately I don't have much to say. These are some nice organic beats, full of warmth and smoothness.

But you don't need 27 beats in one album. A keeper but for cherry picking only.

Best Track: You Know Who!
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 08-8-2015 11:59 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 201: Tri Repetae by Autechre (Album Choice: WSCB)

This is another album I've had waitlisted for many many months. I'm gonna see them live in October so I guess now is a good time though I'm doubting these guys play too many of their classics in concert.

Each of these songs is about 30 percent too long. I understand creating an atmosphere through repetition but with such subtle use of melody and gradual changes these songs don't really feel like they all need to be 7-10 minutes.

Luckily the songs ARE all rather groovy, although I generally prefer my IDM faster paced. Shorter songs are better. I wonder how this album compares to more recent albums consider it turns 20 this year.

Best Track: Eutow
Rating: 6/10 (Are you surprised?)

rayword45 08-12-2015 10:21 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 202: Ziltoid the Omniscient by Devin Townsend (Album Choice: Lord Of Sushi)


This album has some of the dumbest lyrics ever. This guy should work for [adult swim]. He's worked on Metalocalypse I think but he should actually write some episodes.


This album is decent musically but a bit wanky for my tastes and the downtuned riffs tire out quickly behind the nonsensical opera.


The vocals are appropriately stupid considering the bombast and pomp and cheese of everything. And coffee.

Chugchgchugchugchugchugchugsjendjent wait I have no idea what djent is.

Best Track: Solar Winds
Rating: 5/10 (might go up or down if I bother to relisten)q

rayword45 08-13-2015 03:32 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 203: Midnight Marauders by A Tribe Called Quest (Album Choice: FoJaR)

This is basically The Low-End Theory part two. I should bump that album to a 9. Anyways, although it's more of the same, that's not a bad thing because these guys know their formula well. Same low beats (maybe a little bit more exuberant this time), same smooth, smart flow, same witty lyrics. The only thing is nothing stands out like Butter or Scenario. Still not a bad album by any means.

Best Track: Clap Your Hands
Rating: 7/10

Lambdadelta 08-15-2015 03:15 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Coil - Musick To Play In The Dark

rayword45 08-18-2015 12:58 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 204: Mezzanine by Massive Attack (Album Choice: korny)

I love how the album's textured and deep tone relies heavily on abstract and ambient sounds.

Okay it's obvious I don't feel like writing. This is a good album. The songs are groovy and danceable. What more do you want?

Go have sex to this music.

Best Track: Dissolved Girl
Rating: 8/10

rayword45 08-18-2015 02:03 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 205: The Elkcloner by The Elkcloner (Album Choice: Wayward Vagabond)

At first I thought this was gonna be some psybient in the vein of Shpongle but this is much more jazzy than that (although there is copious amounts of flute in here). This seems to be inspired mostly by old spy and horror films. Not a bad bunch of songs, but I can't get behind the vocals combined with the arrangements half of the time, which can get way over-the-top. It's one thing to be theatrical, another thing to be B-Movie esque.

I should say that at some points, however, this album is astonishingly beautiful, especially that first track.

Best Track: Awaken
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 08-18-2015 02:45 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 206: Chaos by Faux Paz (Album Choice: YOSHl)

Months later, I still have no fucking idea how to review acapella music. These are still covers of songs I don't like at all (Ellie Goulding? Adele?). This album is quite a bit shorter though, only 8 tracks.

The production on this album sounds fuller and more atmospheric. Maybe the group got bigger between albums? Not sure. I enjoy this album more than the last one because of that, also because no horrible rap solos.

A pleasant listen, and I enjoyed a lot of covers of songs I hate. I need to do more dense reviews.

Best Track: Figure 8, surprisingly enough.
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 08-19-2015 09:10 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 207: Dripping by Pile

5 hour bus to New York, let's knock some albums out. I'm listening to this one because I wanna see some local bands and these guys are easily the biggest ones touring right now (well, biggest within the local scene).

Some good noise here, but I prefer the more melodic songs. Definitely wanna see this live, I'm sold. Whoever decided that live shows promote albums and not vice versa? That's dumb as hell and I'm glad the times are achanging.

Best Track: Prom Song
Rating: 7.5/10

rayword45 08-19-2015 10:06 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 208: Liminal Space by Xanopticon (Album Choice: Contrapasso)

This is not Music for Bus Rides. That's not actually an album but even if it was this wouldn't be funny.

Best Track: Capacitd (because with this music the crazier the better)
Rating: 6.5/10 (I'm not crazy for flashcore but for a 2003 FL studio production this gets bonus points for dating so damn well)

rayword45 08-19-2015 11:24 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 209: Panic by Caravan Palace (Album Choice: Surt)

Fun, unique album. Sounds kinda like a modern electronic-tinged update on the soundtrack of an old blackface cartoon except not nearly as offensive. Considering how cartoonish this music is, 55 minutes was a bit long, but nonetheless I can definitely see this music fitting many situations and it's quite enjoyable. It's also great as Music for Bus Rides. Why is that not an Eno album?

Best Track: The Dirty Side Of The Street
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 08-28-2015 12:59 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 210: Comfort Eagle by Cake (Album Choice: Hazel H.)

Someone called me out for not putting effort into my reviews. I think it's about damn time I changed that. Perhaps a bit more focus and effort will stimulate my brain as much as I need it to. Perhaps this could be a very healthy exercise if I was to use my intellect and writing skills more. Perhaps if my writing was of a better quality, maybe, just maybe someone from an up and coming review website will recruit me and I'll be on the path to a new career. And if you've read this paragraph, maybe you realize everything I'm saying right now is bullshit. I'm sorry I just hate effort. I will try to write at least a FEW good reviews before I hit 365 though.

But yeah this album's pretty decent. A bit too Caucasian funk for my own tastes but these guys certainly can write a catchy melody. Horns seem slightly gratuitous.

Best Track: There's no real particular standout here
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 08-31-2015 06:52 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 211: Zebrafish by Azargabra (Album Choice: Surt)

I think this may be the most obscure release I've listened to yet as a result of this challenge. This album isn't on RateYourMusic, doesn't seem to have any reviews from major publications, has no existence on YouTube, how the hell do people find out about releases like this? Word of mouth I guess?

Anyways, for a 21 track album, I'm surprised that I didn't think the album was too long. What does bum me out is after the first few songs, a lot of these tracks just seem to be sketches and soundscapes where either a more fully-formed track could've taken over or the idea wasn't worth the time. I'm not sure if this album needs trimming or reworking. Not to say I didn't enjoy most of my time.

Best Track: Wild Boar Stew
Rating: 6.5/10

rayword45 08-31-2015 09:41 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 212: Wild Light by Mount Sims (Album Choice: David H.)

I had never heard of this guy prior to perhaps 10th grade. However, a friend of mine obsesses over this guy like he's the new musical god and needs worship. As much as I respect someone who worships the lesser-known, let me list off this friend's musical faux pas. Why? Because I'm having fun. Also fuck your notion of an opinion, these are objectively problematic.

-Disses Ween
-Disses The Jesus Lizard (Understandable but not in this case)
-Disses anything with acoustic guitar
-Worships Kanye West without reason
-Thinks of Eminem and Childish Gambino as some of the finest lyricists today
-Claims a good voice counts for "51% of the music"
-Listens to Linkin Park
-Listens to effing Lostprophets
-Worst crime: Thinks Tyler the Creator is better than Earl Sweatshirt

And yet sadly, I find his taste to be slightly more respectable than 90 percent of people I know. I know a bunch of cretins. Also, most of what he listens to that isn't atrocious ends up being Depeche Mode ripoffs so that is my current expectation.

Dude, usually I'm wrong with my predictions, but this time I was completely freaking right. And this lasts 15 goddamn songs.

Well, 14 songs. The first track hints at what is to come but is otherwise a cool piece of dissonance.

David you have failed me again.

Best Track: Forest Chamber
Rating: 3/10

rayword45 09-2-2015 04:28 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 213: Plains of the Purple Buffalo by *Shels (Album Choice: Crazyjayde)

These stupid artist names piss me the hell off. After an emotional, atmospheric first track, this album meanders a bit too much for my taste. The use of silence between blow ups is a great idea for dynamics in theory (because we're all sick of crescendos), but there's too much dead air. And the vocal style is too overwrought for such a long release, not to mention the crappy "touches" here and there like acoustic guitar.

Cut out the fat, and this would be a much better album. There are a handful of great emotional tracks but this certainly does not need to be 15 lengthy songs.

Best Track: Conqueror
Rating: 5/10

Crazyjayde 09-2-2015 06:51 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

There are a handful of great emotional tracks but this certainly does not need to be 15 lengthy songs.
True. Even though I think the length is great for narrative/concept purposes, they could take a handful of their best, split them into parts and it would still hold up. I'm fond of their ideas though. Crescendocore and all, they pull it off nicely.

rayword45 09-5-2015 12:14 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 214: Twilight Cinema by Major Parkinson (Album Choice: TheRapingDragon)

Is this a solo project or a band? Not gonna bother with the research. This is described as "dark cabaret" but this just reminds me of a medieval-esque Mr. Bungle with hints of one of those progressive metal bands (in terms of atmosphere solely, there's not much metal to this at all). Like evil circus music or something with less color. The attempts at setting are a bit overwrought but this is a very, very interesting release, and quite well-written at that. I wish the voices weren't so bizarre.

Best Track: Impermanence
Rating: 7/10

TheRapingDragon 09-6-2015 09:43 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4357222)
Day 214: Twilight Cinema by Major Parkinson (Album Choice: TheRapingDragon)

Is this a solo project or a band? Not gonna bother with the research. This is described as "dark cabaret" but this just reminds me of a medieval-esque Mr. Bungle with hints of one of those progressive metal bands (in terms of atmosphere solely, there's not much metal to this at all). Like evil circus music or something with less color. The attempts at setting are a bit overwrought but this is a very, very interesting release, and quite well-written at that. I wish the voices weren't so bizarre.

Best Track: Impermanence
Rating: 7/10

Good to see you enjoyed it. They are a group and one of my favourite recent finds. According to last.fm they are my second most listened to band of the last year (Amorphis are first).

Personally I'd go for The Wheelbarrow as the best song on the album. I'd highly recommend their other two albums as well.

rayword45 09-10-2015 07:42 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 215: Naked City by Naked City

I'm going to see John Zorn in November so I thought I may as well listen to some of his albums. This one is listed as a starting point. It's good, more engaging than most jazz.

This school year already sucks.

Best Track: Latin Quarter
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 09-14-2015 07:34 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 216: Talking Book by Stevie Wonder (Album Choice: Phillip S.)

My sister says this guy put on the best concert she's ever seen. I wonder how much the goddamn tickets cost though. Can't fathom paying more than $60.

This is the album with Superstition on it? I would've expected some epic double album loaded with filler.

I'm glad it's not the case, because that's a stellar addition to an already pretty good album. Concise enough to leave a mark without overstating it's welcome, and that guitar synergizes so well with the synth work it's crazy.

Best Track: Maybe Your Baby
Rating: 7/10

TheRapingDragon 09-14-2015 08:05 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4358804)
I'm going to see John Zorn in November so I thought I may as well listen to some of his albums.

Not sure I could sit through a John Zorn gig, depends what albums he was playing off, but it would be nice to hear a review on it once you go.

His solo stuff as well as the albums with Naked City and Masada are more miss than hit. The three Gnostic Trio albums are pretty good. Personally, I like his work with Moonchild the most. Any of those six albums are worth a listen, though the most accessible is probably Templars: In Sacred Blood.

rayword45 09-14-2015 09:57 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
If I'm correct, he'll be conducting for Simulacrum. Haven't heard the album yet but will do so soon.

rayword45 09-17-2015 04:36 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 217: A Distant Fist Unclenching by Krill

I'm seeing this guys tomorrow as they're with Pile and two other bands I do not care to look up right now. I've heard several songs and they've all been pretty decent but never a full album. Not too engaged in the local music scene I guess.

These guys are pretty great instrumentally, I have no complaints about their songwriting, and the use of irregular time signatures and weird bass grooves is awesome. The vocals are not to everyone's taste but I like them just fine.

The biggest problem I have with the album is that the production, for reasons I cannot understand, puts way too much reverb on anything, dragging the album down a notch as a whole. Also, centerpiece Tiger is pretty boring.

Still got a lot of good songs, and I'm biased to Boston bands of minor impact (whereas you couldn't pay me to listen to Godsmack and Aerosmith are overhyped as hell).

Best Track: Foot
Rating: 7.5/10

rayword45 09-17-2015 07:35 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 218: Magic Isn't Real by Pile

Jesus Christ, these guys tried really hard to sound like a 90s band here. Like, REALLY hard. The singer sounds like effing Chris Cornell on Don't Touch Anything.

Anyways, it's a pretty good album. Similar in style to the other album I've listened to, but not as many standouts and much more screaming without as much emotion.

Scratch that actually, there are plenty of standouts here, like Pets, #1 Hit Single and the aforementioned Don't Touch Anything, they just don't touch the peaks of Dripping. Still, credits for consistency, and lots of rocking, especially that outro track.

Best Track: Don't Touch Anything
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 09-22-2015 08:46 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 219: What a Time to Be Alive by Drake and Future

I really, really, really HATE this collection of songs.

That sentence was my RateYourMusic review. Now I'm going to attempt reviewing it in more depth.

Can't do it. I really, really, really HATE this collection of songs.

Best Track: NOTHING
Rating: 1/10

rayword45 09-28-2015 06:30 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 220: The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid by Stars of the Lid (Album Choice: Spenner)

I actually forced myself to listen to this one twice, because the first time I listened to it I didn't pay enough attention. Shut the hell up.

I like this one ever so slightly more than And Their Refinement Of The Decline but I can't put my finger on why. Maybe the drones are prettier this time? Nonetheless, my criticism still stands, why two goddamn hours? This would easily be a solid 8 or low 9 if you cut the album down to 40-60 minutes. Look at artists like Tim Hecker where the album lasts less than an hour. Hell, look at Basinski where his albums are often only one or two songs but the total running time never reaches 80 minutes. Maybe it's a undiagnosed attention problem I have but I can't stay engaged in drones for 2 whole hours.

But yeah I guess a ton of these songs are great.

Best Track: Mullholland
Rating: 6.5/10

rayword45 09-28-2015 10:08 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 221: Keep It Like A Secret by Built To Spill (Album Choice: Crazyjayde)

These guys made the genius decision to play three nights in a tow on Boston, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively. What kind of idiot handles the scheduling like that?

Anyways, I actually wanted to listen to this band like, 3 or 4 years ago but something put me off of it. Have no idea as to what.

Good hooks, good (indie) pop songwriting, but nothing about this release makes me go wow. The guitar playing is pretty damn impressive, but it just seems like classic rock influenced wanking over these song structures.

Best Track: Carry the Zero
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 09-29-2015 10:17 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 222: Whatever by Nai Harvest (Album Choice: ChikaraGuy)

I'm not typically down with emo but I'm in a pretty down mood. This album is probably improved somewhat by being in a down mood, but it's still too overwrought for my tastes. On the plus side, it's a pretty perfect length, since the songs almost get samey but everything is over before it gets grating.

Best Track: Sitcom Fade-In
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 10-1-2015 06:40 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 223: Computer World by Kraftwerk

Unless I got scammed, I managed to score two orchestra level tickets to see these guys on Saturday for $30 a pop. Damn I love being Asian.

I dunno if I like this release more than The Man-Machine or not. On one hand, it neither has the crazy awesome atmospheric tracks (instead having some "pretty good" atmosphere tracks, which are pleasant but nearly as colorful or visual) nor any perfect pop songs ala The Model. However, it is more consistent overall, with never more than a boring minute, and the variety of atonal sounds (which are far greater in count here than in the former album) are like a goddamn endorphin release.

Either way, it's better than Trans-Europe Express so that's good.

Best Track: It's More Fun To Compute although I am quite fond of Numbers
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 10-3-2015 01:38 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 224: Radio-Activity by Kraftwerk

What a perfectly mediocre album. The skits are nothing but padding and the songs are hit-or-miss.

Still looking forward a ton for this show.

Best Track: Antenna
Rating: 5.5/10

rayword45 10-4-2015 04:19 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 225: Moon Colony Bloodbath by The Mountain Goats and John Vanderslice

What.CD freeleech treat for myself. I've mentioned that I love love LOVE this band at least 40 times now, I don't need to review this in depth, it'll just be fanboy fawning.

Best Track: Emerging
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 10-11-2015 02:27 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 226: New England Triptych by William Schuman performed by Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (Album Choice: Tidus810)

It's mad confusing when someone recommends an orchestral piece that wasn't recorded immediately after writing. I have like 5000 choices here.

I'm not gonna judge the performance for obvious reasons, but this is a pretty nice piece. Reminds me of Disney. That is literally all I can think to say.

Best Track: Uhh... The first movement?
Rating: 7/10

rayword45 10-11-2015 06:08 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 227: My Love is a Bulldozer by Venetian Snares (Album Choice: XCV)

Is this album supposed to be funny? Half of these songs sound like jokes but not particularly funny ones thanks mostly to the vocals. That album art is horrible. Not really a bad album but it seems somewhat subpar.

Best Track: Amazon
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 10-12-2015 08:59 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 228: Tallahassee Turns Ten by Various Artists

Dunno what drove me to listen to this album, but most of these covers pale in comparison to the original versions. In particular, No Children is kinda bland even if pretty, and Oceanographer's Choice sounds like bootleg Ben Folds. The only song that actually improves on the original is Have to Explode. Alpha Rats Nest, See America Right and Ethiopians are pretty nice as well. Overall, a very meh cover album to a fantastic album.

Best Track: Have To Explode
Rating: 4.5/10

rayword45 10-17-2015 08:08 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 229: Zombies on Acid by Family Farce

Sitting around by myself in Harvard Yard for a half hour, I need to kill some time. This is a short album. I absolutely loved these guys before I turned 13, but after that age I played a LOT less Stepmania. Never listened to one of their albums before, this is the only one that is on Bandcamp.

Trying my best not to let childhood nostalgia affect this review. I really like around 3 quarters of the songs here, even if they're all a bit rudimentary. Honestly I wish that a few of these tracks if not near all of them were more fleshed out. The longest track doesn't even break 2 and a half minutes, which makes sense since these tracks were meant for Stepmania. Also, vocal samples range from Anime to random profanity, neither of which I like. The only vocal sample that's legitimately funny/good is Singing In The Rain in zZz. Why do I still remember that tidbit from when I was 9?

Nice album, a bit too concise and perhaps scattershot.

Best Track: Retard Bus
Rating: 6.5/10

dfkltap 10-17-2015 08:45 PM

dfkltap be tired
day of ffring and stuff, need o relax mah fingers y'all xD

rayword45 10-21-2015 08:17 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 230: Duch Tornada by Alameda 5 (Album Choice: Crazyjayde)

Well, this was interesting. A bit too jammy for my tastes honestly. Fuck college applications.

Best Track: Sierść płomienia
Rating: 5/10

Crazyjayde 10-21-2015 11:12 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Shame you couldn't handle the jams. Fuck college.

rayword45 10-24-2015 12:25 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 231: Divers by Joanna Newsom

Really enjoyed this, moreso than any of her other albums... Not gonna bother writing more. Go to Pitchfork damnit, I'll put more effort in more obscure things.

Best Track: Anecdotes
Rating: 8/10

Jonlovesddr 10-24-2015 02:12 AM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4365830)
Day 227: My Love is a Bulldozer by Venetian Snares (Album Choice: XCV)

Is this album supposed to be funny? Half of these songs sound like jokes but not particularly funny ones thanks mostly to the vocals. That album art is horrible. Not really a bad album but it seems somewhat subpar.

Best Track: Amazon
Rating: 5/10

i'm offended

rayword45 10-28-2015 09:40 PM

Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year
Day 232: Virgins by Tim Hecker

I still listen to Harmony in Ultraviolet at least every other week or so. That album is goddamn gorgeous, and has encouraged me to see this dude live if he ever comes to Boston (or wherever I go to college).

On that note, what the fuck is this shit? Half of the songs sound like he's taking a good ambient track and just banging some piano nonsense over it, and another sizable chunk sound like the bastard child of Boards of Canada and Merzbow. There are, of course, a few good tracks in here but goddamn I came in expecting beauty and left feeling like this was a hunk of bullshit that took like 20 minutes to make.

I'm not even in a crappy mood, man.

Best Track: Radiance
Rating: 4/10

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