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SCWolf 09-3-2012 08:30 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by jductape (Post 3761548)
How'd you hurt your wrists?

Now a question for anyone, with the creatine that I'm taking it's just the standard micronized creatine powder. I only lift every other day, but I've been told to take it every day. If I don't do any physical activity one day but still take the creatine, is that bad?


Not sure how your creatine dosage is supposed to be divided, but I usually take 2 scoops post work out, then 1 scoop on off days.

Poison- 09-3-2012 08:33 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
I haven't worked out in two weeks because of my stupid shoulder and now my neck. I swear I have the most fragile body ever.

Reincarnate 09-3-2012 08:51 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Getting frustrated. Weight doesn't seem to be dropping. Weight currently fluctuating between 225.5-230, tending to the lower end of that spectrum if I cut out carbs.

Wondering if maybe my BMR is screwy? I've been pretty good about counting the calories. Thinking maybe I've been eating so shitty for so long that I'm overestimating my numbers. Going to try lowering them more to see what happens.

Maybe my lifting routine sucks? After all, I am pretty much just using dumbbells and I admit idk wtf I'm really doing. (gym has a tricep/bicep machine and a bunch of freeweights, no barbells)

Wayward Vagabond 09-3-2012 09:11 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
keep the same calorie deficit and just exercise more

ssbmchamp 09-3-2012 10:16 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate (Post 3761621)
Getting frustrated. Weight doesn't seem to be dropping. Weight currently fluctuating between 225.5-230, tending to the lower end of that spectrum if I cut out carbs.

Wondering if maybe my BMR is screwy? I've been pretty good about counting the calories. Thinking maybe I've been eating so shitty for so long that I'm overestimating my numbers. Going to try lowering them more to see what happens.

Maybe my lifting routine sucks? After all, I am pretty much just using dumbbells and I admit idk wtf I'm really doing. (gym has a tricep/bicep machine and a bunch of freeweights, no barbells)

Fact: Muscle weighs more than fat...if you're working out and gaining muscle and losing fat your weight should stay around the same if not increase depending on how much muscle you're trying to gain.

Reincarnate 09-3-2012 11:07 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Cutting though, not bulking

Senip 09-3-2012 11:21 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Doesnt matter, you'll still gain muscle and muscle weighs more. Look in the mirror, weigh yourself only once a week or something.

Also, write down everything you eat (amounts, etc) in a journal somewhere. Keeping track of what you eat makes it easier to cut things out and stuff.

Dont starve yourself, you'll just retain the fat that you have and burn off any muscle you gain. Just give it time, this is a marathon not a sprint.

For the creatine question: 5 grams a day will do you. I do slightly more because I take a prewo supp that helps with pumps etc and it suggests 2 doses at my size, and I also take it in postwo. 5 grams off, 10ish on.

SCWolf 09-3-2012 11:38 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
EDIT: I take this back.

kmay 09-4-2012 06:39 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 3761734)

Like Senip said, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Patience is key (which sucks because I have none).

didn't you start working out like 5 months ago?

looks like you've been at it forever.

Reach 09-4-2012 07:25 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Saying muscle weighs more than fat makes no sense. A pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat.

Muscle has a higher density than fat, albeit barely.

The reason he's not losing weight has nothing to do with muscle. He's not building any muscle running maintenance or lower calories.

If you're not losing weight, you're eating too much or weighing yourself inconsistently. To avoid any problems with weighing and calorie counting, why don't you just take whatever you're currently eating and shrink the portions a bit. It has to work.

And stick with something solid for awhile, don't keep changing it. You're bound to screw it up if you do.

Also, you could try something called IF, or intermittent fasting. You'll eat whatever you currently eat, just in a smaller time frame. Generally this involves eating breakfast really late or skipping it, and eating a smaller dinner, and then not consuming anything else for the rest of the evening. I found this helped me immensely, but it's personal choice. It's certainly not a magic solution.


On a different note, I actually have a question for once. I'd like multiple opinions on the matter because it is effecting certain movements in the gym (ie; Inclined DB Bench, Flyes and all other movements alike). Essentially what happens is, when I do a full rotation, push, or fly motion with my arms, my shoulder will give out a loud *pop*. Believe me, I can feel it. It's even worse when doing above mentioned movements. Any tips or ideas on what may be causing this? I'm thinking it has to do with my flexibility, but I'd like more opinions.
Very likely your shoulder joint. I have the same issue.

General consensus here is that if it doesn't hurt, it's not a problem, but I'd be careful because it probably increases your susceptibility to shoulder injury, and you really don't want that to happen. Don't try lifting more than you can handle with these movements, and if it ever hurts, make sure you stop what you're doing.

kmay 09-4-2012 09:00 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread
yea my knee would pop if i bent it too far to fast, and look what happened. be careful buddy its not something you can just ignore. try taking some glucosamine or something to help your joints out

Bahamut-X 09-4-2012 09:23 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Any consensus on whether or not it is beneficial / detrimental to do cardio before an intense weight lifting session? The way I usually go about it is spend about 30 or so minutes on the elliptical (unless I'm doing HIIT, which usually runs about 15) and then spend maybe 40 to 50 minutes lifting. Is this harmful or at least sub optimal?

Senip 09-4-2012 10:10 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread
I do 5-10 minutes to warm up for cardio.

The way I see it, if I'm going to do cardio so close to the weight lifting, might as well do it later. That way even if you're tired, all you're doing is cardio. You wont screw yourself out of maybe getting those last few reps in.

I know a few athletes who do cardio first, but again, theyre national athletes.

SC: I had that too, but I watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHx1gYTA-Rw and fixed a lot of issues with my bench. The main thing is if you aren't putting the weight over your nipples or lower, then you're gonna stress out your front delt, which leads to the popping.

jductape 09-4-2012 12:37 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Bahamut-X (Post 3761937)
Any consensus on whether or not it is beneficial / detrimental to do cardio before an intense weight lifting session? The way I usually go about it is spend about 30 or so minutes on the elliptical (unless I'm doing HIIT, which usually runs about 15) and then spend maybe 40 to 50 minutes lifting. Is this harmful or at least sub optimal?

Personally I've literally never lifted in my life without doing at least 15 mins of cardio.

This might help you out on that dilemma though! http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/t...rciseOrder.htm

SCWolf 09-4-2012 02:42 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Bahamut-X (Post 3761937)
Any consensus on whether or not it is beneficial / detrimental to do cardio before an intense weight lifting session? The way I usually go about it is spend about 30 or so minutes on the elliptical (unless I'm doing HIIT, which usually runs about 15) and then spend maybe 40 to 50 minutes lifting. Is this harmful or at least sub optimal?

Personally, I think doing cardio after would just make more sense. It's best to have all your energy going into the lifting. I just stretch before I lift.

I'll keep an eye on my shoulder. Today is chest day too, so I'll see how it goes.

ssbmchamp 09-4-2012 04:54 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 3761903)
Saying muscle weighs more than fat makes no sense. A pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat.

Muscle has a higher density than fat, albeit barely.

The reason he's not losing weight has nothing to do with muscle. He's not building any muscle running maintenance or lower calories.

Are you stupid? So if I asked you "what weigh's more, a boulder or a leaf" you're gonna just tell me "oh well you see if you have 100 pounds of each they weigh the same." This isn't English class or science class so stop trying to sound politically correct because I guarantee 99% of people would understand what was meant.

Secondly I don't know how you can conclude that not losing weight has nothing to do with muscle. It's actually pretty dumb unless you know his personal habits. You agree with me that muscle is more dense than fat correct? Well if you took 2 equal volumes and filled one with fat and the other with muscle, the one with muscle would weigh more. Okay, now let's take that and say that "volume" is his own human body. If you add something more dense to a nearly fixed volume (his body), you increase the weight (or it remains nearly constant due to the loss of fat to nearly counter it.

SCWolf 09-4-2012 09:32 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
So I can't press anything. ****ing ow.

Syhto 09-4-2012 11:02 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
not to pull a quote out of a hat but


Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9 g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weigh 1.06 kg, and one liter of fat would weight 0.9 kg. In other words, muscle is about 18% denser than fat.

Senip 09-4-2012 11:45 PM

Re: The Fitness Thread
Take a week off, SC. Do you do any rotator cuff work at all?

Saw a guy load up the squat bar and then do quarter inch squats. It pisses me off to no end to see people do squats like that, then brag about how awesome they are at squatting, while I sit there and bust my ass trying to get the form down so I can start going heavy.

Reach 09-5-2012 04:31 AM

Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by ssbmchamp (Post 3762126)
Are you stupid? So if I asked you "what weigh's more, a boulder or a leaf" you're gonna just tell me "oh well you see if you have 100 pounds of each they weigh the same." This isn't English class or science class so stop trying to sound politically correct because I guarantee 99% of people would understand what was meant.

Secondly I don't know how you can conclude that not losing weight has nothing to do with muscle. It's actually pretty dumb unless you know his personal habits. You agree with me that muscle is more dense than fat correct? Well if you took 2 equal volumes and filled one with fat and the other with muscle, the one with muscle would weigh more. Okay, now let's take that and say that "volume" is his own human body. If you add something more dense to a nearly fixed volume (his body), you increase the weight (or it remains nearly constant due to the loss of fat to nearly counter it.

Fantastic way to open a post. "Are you stupid?". I mean, really dude? Are YOU stupid? This might not be english class, but communicating your points effectively is something useful on a discussion forum. For example, what I said has nothing to do with being politically correct and your usage of the term is incorrect. I suppose I should follow this by pathetically insulting your intellect.

Making the statement about muscle makes no sense on numerous levels. Muscle takes significant time to build (most people don't build much more than 1 lb muscle per month) and requires in almost any condition to be in caloric surplus with a heavy weight training regime. Rubix has 1. Not been in the gym long with a limited program and 2. Has not been eating at caloric surplus. The claim that his weight might be recompositioning because of increased muscle mass is laughable at best and highly misleading.

Go back to lifting heavy things, dipshit. Or go back to school and learn to format some sort of coherent argument that doesn't involve calling me stupid twice in the same post.

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