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hi19hi19 12-4-2013 04:07 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
OGN on pre-season patch

pretty cool

EDIT- ok dont watch SKT S vs NB rofl the suffering of longpanda continues in season 4

Litodude 12-4-2013 06:12 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
hi im nasus nice to meet you

oh you have mana?

that's nice

Razor 12-5-2013 04:54 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
played with my "bot" buddies, vayne/leblanc though, we put that twitch so far into the trash can he was level 1 for about 5 minutes, then afk'd cause every time he came back into lane, he died... must've been embarrassing for his platinum 2 support that he was duo'd with fucking rofl

hi19hi19 12-5-2013 06:30 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
That poor Syndra, clearly beat up the Ryze really hard but all her other lanes fed


Litodude 12-5-2013 06:39 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Oh hey OGN what's up

Oh I see everyone using that blue trinket

Oh wait

Litodude 12-5-2013 06:42 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Lee sin too stronk current meta am so excite

Welcome back taric I missed ur diamonds

hi19hi19 12-5-2013 07:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4037853)
Oh hey OGN what's up

Oh I see everyone using that blue trinket

Callin' it now, after the buffs someone is going to use it and everyone's going to realize like, hey that isn't that bad after all.

Litodude 12-5-2013 08:07 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Hmm... That would be an interesting change to make that closer to clairvoyance. That direct TF need doe

colt.45 12-5-2013 09:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Not sure if anyone saw this:

Litodude 12-6-2013 12:47 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i didn't think it was anything special >_>

this doe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmJvKx1n8TE ........fuuuuuu

NFD 12-6-2013 01:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
yeah a lot of good it did

ReikonKeiri 12-6-2013 02:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
both of those videos impress me, but the 2nd one for a different reason

Litodude 12-6-2013 02:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by NFD (Post 4038462)
yeah a lot of good it did

jungle flash for mid lane flash? yea that was really fuckin good actually this is why you're still silver

ReikonKeiri 12-6-2013 03:33 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
as much as i like making fun of NFD for being bad I can' say that's an amazing trade. id be happier getting my dick in scarra's mouth rather than mids flash personally

colt.45 12-6-2013 04:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Just thought these were funny

Razor 12-6-2013 04:34 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4038495)
this is why you're still silver


Litodude 12-6-2013 06:57 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
stream's up

edit- low elo for now, plat+ later

DarkManticoreX2 12-6-2013 11:06 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Found this online and found it hilarious. Bahahahaha.

Razor 12-6-2013 11:16 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
holy shit that 1v1 as Vayne mid vs. Riven's Faker

that was godly

Razor 12-6-2013 11:21 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

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