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hEaLiNgViSiOnAnGeLicMiX 05-24-2004 08:53 PM


At the arcade I go to, it's evenly divded between boys and girls... But all of them play on Heavy, which makes me and my friend look horrible doing Afronova on Light when they're doing Maxx3000... we've only been playing for a month, but still... x______x We're just bad XD
Not you're not bad. Everybody starts somewhere. You look at those people playing Max300, you'll know that sometime ago, they were just like you. Lookin up to the pros ;) It all comes with practice and you'll be one of them. *thumbs up*

Strike_Vanisher 05-25-2004 06:17 AM

A good friend of mine (who is a girl hopefully soon to be my gf o_O;) has recently started to get into DDR. She still plays on begginer and light but that's fine, we just play and have fun... Alot of the time I like to do light with her just to have some fun lol sadly though we dont have an arcade around here so whenever some one wants to play DDR they call me o_o

Tsuguri 05-25-2004 12:47 PM

I found a girl from florida at the arcade a couple of months ago, who was spending her springbreak up here in Bumblefuck (schaumburg), IL, who was plausibly equal to me in skill. Actually, it was like, I could do some of the harder songs she couldn't do, but she could do better on some of the easier songs. It was quite fun and enjoyable. ^_^

salinka 05-26-2004 07:35 AM

oh yeah i just got this one girl into ddr and she is like a ddr goddess she automatically started playing on standard first time ever playing and she did better on standard than me at the time but now i play every song in heavy and ive played ddr for about 3 months now but she is doing some heavy and gets a better score ive like fallen in love with her to bad she has a bf and im thinking about beating him up and taking her away.

Novacaine 05-27-2004 06:46 PM

.. no hard feelin Heal

hEaLiNgViSiOnAnGeLicMiX 05-27-2004 06:57 PM


oh yeah i just got this one girl into ddr and she is like a ddr goddess she automatically started playing on standard first time ever playing and she did better on standard than me at the time but now i play every song in heavy and ive played ddr for about 3 months now but she is doing some heavy and gets a better score ive like fallen in love with her to bad she has a bf and im thinking about beating him up and taking her away.
Gahaha aww how cute. Reminds me of this one time, I was at southland mall (mad_poodle would know where that was) and there was a group of teenagers from estevan hanging around the arcade. They were on a band trip or something, and they were just having a 3 hour break or something...i can't remember that well. anywho, none of them had ever tried DDR before, but one kid was actually trying to play. He couldn't figure out the footer ratings so I came over and helped him and he seemed pretty happy. Afterwards I asked if I could play one turn and give him the machine afterwards and he was ok with it. Heh, all of his friends just came over and went like "WOAH" fun stuff ^_^ i was kinda blushing at the time. afterwards I got off and I was about to leave and get into the theatre to watch a movie, and that same kid asks me for my msn O___O! It was really sweet of him lol.

ddrchik4u2 05-30-2004 03:18 PM

Where I live, hardly any girls play. I play, I'm on standard mode. Which is pretty good because I have only been playing for 2 months. I have noticed that more guys play DDR than girls do. No offense, but I would've thought it would be the other way around o0;;. My best friend Lonnie got me into the game. Then I got all my friends into it.....then my family. And that's about it. I have a question. How long did it take you all to get on Heavy mode?

hEaLiNgViSiOnAnGeLicMiX 05-30-2004 03:25 PM


Where I live, hardly any girls play. I play, I'm on standard mode. Which is pretty good because I have only been playing for 2 months. I have noticed that more guys play DDR than girls do. No offense, but I would've thought it would be the other way around o0;;. My best friend Lonnie got me into the game. Then I got all my friends into it.....then my family. And that's about it. I have a question. How long did it take you all to get on Heavy mode?
Some people come with it naturally. When I started, I went straight to standard because Light was simply too easy. It's like that for some people, but for others, it takes much longer. Some people work themselves all the way up from Beginner mode all the way to Oni/challenge mode. I'm a solid 8 footer heavy player now, and it's taken me about 9 months for me to be as good as I am now (which still isn't all that great ^^ ;).

Jam930 05-31-2004 05:44 AM

I am now onto the heavy ones. I can do about 1/3 of the heavy ones. I've cleared all the light and standard. I've played for only 1 to 1 1/2 months really... But a lot.

mad_poodle 05-31-2004 10:48 AM

I've played for...3 months i think. I can't play any 9 footers yet *sadness*...well, I haven't really tried those yet. I started on the faster light mode songs (can't stand playing slow), and yeah I too basically play the 8 footers aswell. Sadly, I can't play for a couple of weeks since...well...let's just say... you shouldnt play DDR with a sprained ankle...I messed it up even worse

hEaLiNgViSiOnAnGeLicMiX 05-31-2004 12:32 PM


I am now onto the heavy ones. I can do about 1/3 of the heavy ones. I've cleared all the light and standard. I've played for only 1 to 1 1/2 months really... But a lot.
Oh? So you can clear ALL of the standards, and yet only like 1/3 of the heavies? Do those standard songs include Max 300, Legend of Max, Maxx Unlimited, Sakura, etc...?


I've played for...3 months i think. I can't play any 9 footers yet *sadness*...well, I haven't really tried those yet. I started on the faster light mode songs (can't stand playing slow), and yeah I too basically play the 8 footers aswell. Sadly, I can't play for a couple of weeks since...well...let's just say... you shouldnt play DDR with a sprained ankle...I messed it up even worse
Only 3 months?! O______O! Holy shit and you're as good as me!!!111oneone! That's insane, it took me like 7 months for me to get as good as I am now (not that it's THAT amazing either). Funny thing is that I wasn't one of those people who started from beginner mode either. It just took me a helluva long time to get from standard to heavy.

Oreoninja 05-31-2004 12:36 PM

Check it out, I can do all 9 footers and about 3 10 footers and I've been playing for a year, but theres a new breed of DDR players coming up. With the home games getting popular, these kids can play forever with no consequence for losing, unlike when we started, our limit to play was how much money we had.

blinkddrfan 06-10-2004 11:59 AM

haha i'm a chick and i've been playing for a year now... so therefore i'm on heavy/ challenging mode.. wherever you live you have some messed up guys cuz all the guys in my town are cool about girls who play ddr and some of the girls here are better than the guys so thats gay if guys call you names just because you like playing ddr and shit like that anyways the music is good... and ddr is an addiction to everyone.. it's always been the same.. theres gotta be like 1 or 2 more girls that play ddr than there are guys cuz guys are afraid to be made fun of if they fail and girls aren't ... hahah guys are stupid


Oreoninja 06-13-2004 10:54 AM

shut up brittany, guys aren't scared they are made fun of, have you ever seen me fly off the machine on a break in the middle of Lets groove and jump over some little kid, only to make it back just in time to hit the chaos steps, yeah what....
anyway, it is true that new guys wont play, or girls for that matter... Some kids watched me, cody and a couple of springfield kids play for hours without even trying, and they hopped on when we were leaving.

now only if I could remember the words to white lovers..
wait, they're not in english,.... but so addicting.

tina_goes_doo 06-13-2004 11:45 PM

The nearest DDR is 2 hrs away so i'm still on standard. I havn't seen another girl do anything better than that tho. Usually it's a whole group of asian girls laughing and playing beginner, then squealing when they miss a step :P

hEaLiNgViSiOnAnGeLicMiX 06-14-2004 04:50 PM


The nearest DDR is 2 hrs away so i'm still on standard. I havn't seen another girl do anything better than that tho. Usually it's a whole group of asian girls laughing and playing beginner, then squealing when they miss a step
I may be asian, but I certainly don't squeal when I miss something... I just like have a tantrum for a while, then I shut up so I can keep going lmfao.

sakura19 06-14-2004 06:16 PM

i gEt wHat YouR tRyiN tO sAy>>
bUt iM a ToMbOi wHo gIvEs
JusT iGnOre tHem>>k??

spiffay 06-14-2004 10:00 PM

i'm a girl and i've only been DDRing for...almost 2 months? i'm not too great but i'm already better than almost all of my friends who DDR, and they've been doing it for way longer then me n_n

Jam930 07-2-2004 01:10 PM

OMG woooooooo!

I got a B on "Let's Groove" (DDR MAX) Heavy mode!

I have been playing for a few months.

Kagome 07-2-2004 01:23 PM

Good job Jamie

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