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DarkZtar 01-26-2012 11:23 AM

Re: League of Legends
tbh it's not really practical to compare yourself to that chart aside from the first 15 mins or so, cause after then the game generally becomes more objective/teamfight oriented, so people won't be farming as much. (unless you farm and push towers all day and dgaf about anything else) xP

Reach 01-26-2012 02:21 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 3624936)
Wow after looking at that cs chart I must not be very good, I can always 100 by 20 mins but rofl thats usually enough to be leading the game in cs.

Uh yeah I suggest working on your CS then bro

Max creep is retarded and never realistic. I've almost NEVER seen someone break even 100 @ 10 minutes, and when I did I think it was Chauster, with exactly 100, and scarra on Karthus once.

From practicing and observation of higher level games, if you can get 70 CS by 10 minutes and 150 by 20, you're doing really well.

I'd say aim for these numbers, realistically, if you have a solo lane. If you can hit them you'll out-cs pretty much everyone up until the high-elo domain.

70 @ 10
150 @ 20
230 @ 30
310 @ 40

Anything extra is icing on the cake. I can usually hit 70 @ 10 in a normal if I have a solo lane, but almost never 80. I've hit 90 though in a practice game ^^

If you're running a duo lane these numbers are meaningless. It's usually a free-for-all there.

And you should still be farming well past the 15 minute mark, especially if you're carrying. This is a huge mistake I see people make all the time. They stop CS'ing, waste time fail-ganking, and end up really underpowered late game and get trashed by someone that was farming the whole time. Don't do it. =/

If I'm playing someone like Tryndamere or any champion that snowballs hard it's pretty essential I farm for the whole game.

Anaru 01-26-2012 02:27 PM

Re: League of Legends
That's the ideal creep chart (meaning, you don't leave lane, and last hit 100% of the minions..)

But one should aim for at least 75 @ 10 if you're an AD carry (or at least, 60 + some champ kills). Support 0 cs hehe.

darklordsarumon9 01-26-2012 02:29 PM

Re: League of Legends
So Shyv in 3's with Wriggles/Mogs is pretty much nuts.

Anaru 01-26-2012 02:58 PM

Re: League of Legends
the 3s premade team with Lee Sin, Singed, and Tryndamere begs to differ

hi19hi19 01-26-2012 03:08 PM

Re: League of Legends
Sejuani seems like she'd be good in 3s. Is she?

sayuncle990 01-26-2012 05:21 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 3625079)
Sejuani seems like she'd be good in 3s. Is she?

I feel like she wouldn't be that great, since she doesn't deal too much damage.

Anaru 01-26-2012 05:48 PM

Re: League of Legends
trynd shits on sejuani in 3s

hi19hi19 01-26-2012 06:15 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Anaru (Post 3625177)
trynd shits on sejuani in 3s

trynd shits on anything that moves in 3s
tell me something I don't know


Originally Posted by sayuncle990 (Post 3625157)
I feel like she wouldn't be that great, since she doesn't deal too much damage.

Oh? I haven't played in a while, she seemed like she had decent enough damage when I was watching people use her on streams, guess not

Anaru 01-26-2012 06:17 PM

Re: League of Legends

Anyone want to play ARAM or something?

I might make a new thread for League of Legends: Matchmaking
since there are a lot of people on FFR that play LoL but rarely do we play with each other.

anyone think it's a good idea? i can add timezones, roles, in-game names, preferred modes, and organized all of that stuff into a new neat thread.

personally, i just want to play some inhouse ARAM with FFR members 8-)

stargroup100 01-26-2012 06:38 PM

Re: League of Legends
it's not that those cs numbers are unrealistic, it's just that if you're in a lot of skirmishes or pressured in lane and can't afford to freefarm the whole game, then yeah you'll be behind a bit. however, if given free reign to freely farm without pressure, 100 cs should be easily attainable by 10 minutes

but realistically in a game there's only one thing that matters: whether or not you have more farm than your opponents.

pmonibuv1 01-26-2012 06:50 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Anaru (Post 3625198)

Anyone want to play ARAM or something?

I might make a new thread for League of Legends: Matchmaking
since there are a lot of people on FFR that play LoL but rarely do we play with each other.

anyone think it's a good idea? i can add timezones, roles, in-game names, preferred modes, and organized all of that stuff into a new neat thread.

personally, i just want to play some inhouse ARAM with FFR members 8-)


Wineandbread 01-26-2012 06:54 PM

Re: League of Legends
Just for future reference once again

I made a LoL Chatroom for FFR (called FFR) that you can idle/autojoin upon login
But it's pretty dead atm

Now that there seems to be a little more attention for LoL on FFR, I thought I'd mention it again so maybe some more people would idle in there.

pikakirby123 01-26-2012 08:06 PM

Re: League of Legends
Hey guys, I play League as well and I finally saw this thread. My main account name is Pikakirby and I have one alt named Pichu3333.

Anaru 01-26-2012 08:10 PM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by pikakirby123 (Post 3625264)
Hey guys, I play League as well and I finally saw this thread. My main account name is Pikakirby and I have one alt named Pichu3333.

You should post more information in the matchmaking thread.
That way, you can actually get in touch with people who are active players of LoL on FFR!


darklordsarumon9 01-28-2012 03:33 AM

Re: League of Legends
About to blow my brains out.

5's, Laning bot as Sona with Trist vs Cait and Garen.

We have a jungle Amumu, mid Akali and top Riven.
They have jungle Tryn, mid Malz and Kass.

All's going well. I get FB after Cait think's she can dive me at lvl 3 not realizing I can you know, just heal. I'm buying wards doing the usually support shiz. Never get ganked once. Lane phase ends, we win a few fights. I pink ward Baron and it runs out. We get killed all except for Amumu, who decides to push mid lane (which had both t2 turrets down on each side) while they take Baron. I'm screaming my head off at him to delay them as our team was about to spawn..."STFU SONA U BAD"

Me: 2/3/17
Him: 1/7/14

Whatever, they get it. We d around our base while I throw some wards up in our jungle. One ward catches Cait and them right as they were coming for us so we back up THANKS TO ME. So now our whole team is on our mid base turret and three from the other team are just sitting in a warded bush. Without warning, no ping or nothing Amumu just runs in and ults while everyone else just follows. Oh! Yeah, the other two from enemy team just run up behind them and kill four while Im sitting there like yeah you ****ing idiot mummy just to be told "OMFG SONA U SUX Y NO FIGHT OMFG"

I don't think I've ever raged so hard. Amumu failed many ganks while I did my job, which was sitting Trist who had the highest CS.

He would also come take our blue AS I was doing it.

So after we lose he decided to be all "LOL LOOK AT UR BUILD LOLOLOLOL"

I build aggressive AP Sona which is why my lane usually demolishes. Ring-CDR boots/wards-Wand/Giants Belt - Rylai's.

Why Rylai's? It gives me everything I'm looking for in an AGGRESSIVE SUPPORT. Health, AP and a slow. So when we're team fighting, throw out a Q-Ult when needed and then E. They're slowed, we're sped up. Remember, I play AGGRESSIVE SUPPORT. Not that pussy mp5/gp5/aura-whore shit.

tl;dr I can't win a game to save my ****ing life. About to blow my head off.

LoL is the only game that I've actually gotten THAT mad at. I've uninstalled it about three times and tonight was almost a fourth. **** everything.

darklordsarumon9 01-28-2012 05:51 AM

Re: League of Legends
Also, Reginald leveling an EU account. I started watching in the middle of the game, but about 12 min in he was 11-0. He gets 4 man ganked and their Yi takes his double buffs. Vlad kills Yi and Regi goes "Vlad, just die so I can take double buffs back"

Vlad goes "....." and charges into Volibear....and kills him. Mind you Vlad was at like 1/4th health. Regi is like "Come on bro just die" hahahaha so hilarious.

darklordsarumon9 01-28-2012 06:13 AM

Re: League of Legends

"I'm such a troll, sorry guys"

stargroup100 01-28-2012 07:33 AM

Re: League of Legends
you win some, you lose some, no need to get pissy over it

darklordsarumon9 01-28-2012 07:42 AM

Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 3626034)
you win some, you lose some, no need to get pissy over it

Just venting my rage. No matter how hard/well I play, I always get ****ed over by some idiot who decides to just rush in ect ect. Need more IP for runes to effectively play any sort of champ that could just carry the team (although that's really not my style, Im mainly a support)

So how about it guys? Who's a ranged ad (Trist/Cait/Graves/Sivir/Vayne) that wants to get fed bot with me? :3

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