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Please Pray for my Dad!!!
Posted on: December 10, 2008, at 09:55:17pm

Well I have had a hectic life so far when my Dad who is in the National Guard was ordered to go to Afganistan. He left right before school started and wont come back till July 29th. He will have a 2 week RNR (which is 2 weeks of coming back home and then going back to Afganistan) in February. What the problem is is that he has been in very close calls of death. 1st time he was in a helicopter and on his way back to Bagram some gunfire from the ground came at them and so they shot of some flares to be protected. Atleast he said they were to high for them to get hit. The 2nd close call was one time my Dad was in a building and then he moved to another building and while he was in that building, the building he was just in was hit by a bomb. I really believed God has protected him! The last close call was just yesterday. He was inside a building in a place that I think is called Sharono or something and there was gunfire outside the building. There were a lot more enemies then normal and they have never been attacked at that base for 3 years and they just happened to have it that day. I know God will keep him safe over there. Your prayers for him and my family would be very great. Thanks for all your help!

  1. God is definitely watching out for your dad, and we will definitely keep praying for him.

  2. Thanks you this means alot.