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Milky Blue
Author: leonid
Type: StepMania Videos
Description: y u hate me
  1. I think I may b broken after watching that.

  2. I feel sorry for that key board

  3. Totally fucking insane! D:

  4. Pinky's out!

  5. Try with one hand only.

  6. I think what disgusts me even more is you have the possibility of AAAing this

  7. What the fuck dude? @_@

  8. Hey I have a question, how do you get it so you can play "long version" songs all the way through? I can never seem to get it to work ._. and nice playing btw. :P

  9. da fuc

  10. Sick, awesome dude.

  11. sCKawaii as fuc dude

  12. Bahahaha you missed scrub. :p

  13. Reverse.

  14. I could not stop looking at your pinky... every time it would stream hard your pinky started straightening out all funny haha. Awesome though

  15. sick score leonid

  16. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  17. bah ha ha ha this is beyond sick but its to be expected from you.

  18. LMAO WHAT.