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All about that bass
Author: Me
Type: Other Video Games Videos
Description: ye
  1. wait crap i can't read

  2. This doesn't look like Audiosurf 1, is this the second game?

  3. I'm also by no means saying it takes no skill at all to click or hold so i can gather extra blocks. It's true to a certain extent. When i first started "Mono Classic" i had no idea i had a minion and couldn't break any top 10 score. Now i'm in the top 1-3 for just about everything. Maybe i should try and make some normal mono videos?

  4. Yeah this is Audiosurf 2, i was gifted it for my birthday. Emu, This mode allows the ship. You click and chose when it comes out. It's only out if you click. You can very easy hit greys and lose stealth. I'm not just left click auto-playing. If it wasn't meant to be used, why is it there?

  5. Audiosurf is still around? Never liked it

  6. now do it without the hold left click autoplay.