Flash Flash Revolution Video Database

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Author: me
Type: StepMania Videos
Description: whoa
  1. upgrade keyboard and quad that shitty file.

  2. upgrade keyboard and quad that shitty file.

  3. oh

  4. that last tap is beautiful :')

  5. it's a chinese earthquake brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr

  6. omg I love desk taps.

  7. gay

  8. whoa

  9. I love the last notehit

  10. sounds like michael j fox in a suit of armor

  11. upgrade keyboard and quad that shitty file.

  12. Now try Disregard I wanna see a glass desk shatter from that song, It's broken 4 mugs 1 tobacco pipe and 1 hole in a wall 8)

  13. gay

  14. Thank you for your opinion and I have been training keytapping from Eze Ho Ee Jie

  15. also nice DESKtaps

  16. why is there a box of tissue on your desk.