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Old 02-26-2012, 08:46 AM   #2866
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Default Re: League of Legends

So I have a question.
I just got Udyr, and I played 4 games with him, 3 of which my team sucked, so we would always lose our team fights (I play TT) but the one that I had won, I used this build. (Lantern + Merc Treads [Usually will get Merc or Ninja Tabi] Madreds, Wits End and that is all I got done by the time it was over, and I was 10-3.
Now one of my losses, our Lee Sin thought he was too underleveled when our Kennen and I were level 8 [Solo XP'ing] so he just sat in fountain to chill. We would do 2v3 fights, in which I'd give Kennen all the kills [Cause I'm a nice guy]. We ended the game losing but Kennen went 12-3 and I went 9-3. My build was: Ninja Tabi, Lantern, Madreds, Warmogs, Atma's [I only did this at the end, to see what my AD jumped to, I know that Crit does nothing for Udyr since his Turtle Stance gets rid of any crit.] and a Thornmail.
Anyone have any better builds, I usually go Solo Top, and do a mean job at it while stealing jungle?

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