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Old 02-26-2012, 11:32 PM   #2900
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Reach View Post
On dominion certainly, but on SR? Definitely debatable.

I don't think AD Sion beats or can even lane against any popular solo mids, so you would have to run him top, and I can't think of a lot of solo top champions I would want to run AD Sion against. Singed, certainly, or Cho'Gath or other 0 lane threat farmville champions, but that's about it.

Also, running him AD is contingent on: 1. Getting to late game, and 2. Getting to late game against a team without hard CC. Nukes aren't so much a problem, since that can be overcome with flash-stuns and good positioning...but getting disabled or knocked out of a fight can shut down AD Sion completely.

But assuming you get to late game and you are good on the criteria basically win.

IIRC I've gotten 3 penta kills in LoL. One was as Vayne and the other two were as AD Sion.

Edit: After thinking about it, you could probably run AD Sion in jungle, but I've never seen it. Anyone know anything about how viable this is?
AD sion in the jungle is nuts, its the only way i play him
he gets a huge boost in the jungle from his E for AD and his w or whatever for shielding damage, and then he comes out of a bush with his flash ready and stuns the person and just goes to town, and can also deal with most junglers 1v1 for invading
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