Thread: UEMP3 released!
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Old 05-3-2011, 11:38 AM   #12
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Default Re: UEMP3 released!

just ratings & small comments for now, will have personal stepper messages later

2 gorgeous 4U (EMULATE MIX) (Prof.Raine) - B-
some of the layering and hold usage confuzzles me and you still have problems getting your files to flow in denser portions (like the small part in the middle w/a synth solo or whatever that was was ruined by overlayering; choose what you're going to follow and follow it well). still a pretty fun file but those things irked me.

7/8 (Gundam-Dude) - B
Yuyoyuppe file. Gundam-Dude. good flow, nothing special.

Apentenodytes Disco (Cyrenics) - C+
at first I was like "SHARPNEL WTF CYRENICS" and then I was like, not half bad. 32nd patterns were very hard to hit but overall this is passable

Cansei de S NIK (Prof.Raine) - C
polyrhythm sections are terribly cramped, making it hard to read and hit. selective layering, guys. x-mod tricks were cool and I liked the mines for the most part, interesting file if not wholly playable. also Roar JUST made a file for this; can we stop restepping files from 2 weeks ago?

Corpse Voyage (Reshiram) - B+
minedodge file, pretty awesome. I thought this was going to be a retread of Roar's but this surprised me. points off for restepping though

Distorted God (Sora) - B
AND YET ANOTHER RESTEP. very very similar to leonid's but I honestly feel this is more appealing (probably because all the 24ths flow and nothing is really invasive). felt old-schoolish in a way other than all the freeze theory

Dream to Nightmare (Alex) - B+
AND YET ANOTHER RESTEP. I like this a lot though, alex is finding a niche with these hardcore files. x-mods were great (even though that fast part is a complete repeat of Epileptic Crisis), jacks for the most part flow. docking points for not shaking up patterns in the slow section tho

Eyes of Insanity ~ Invisible FullMoon v2 (Sora) - A-
Don, is that you? ver impressed by this, caught all the little rhythms of the song well. slightly confused by some decisions to switch between layering percussion and guitar in the solo but I'll let it slide

I Want That Cake v2 (Reshiram) - B-
wut. color note dump. good for MA.

Love-Colored Master Spark ~ Cut (Cyrenics) - B-
I was also disappointed by the lack of climax theory, especially since the beginning of the file is a bunch of pooptastic jacks. still a decent file, but feels kinda unnecessary.

Night Owl (Ferrari) - A-
best file (at least the most replayable) and gfx in the pack. sometimes it's the simple things in life~

Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World (Redox) - C+
gj trying to use freezes creatively but I didn't feel like they paid off very well here: when you use so many of them they really lose their impact. color theory was good when applied, 32nd bursts felt arbitrary, density was not applied well, layering was fine, I honestly have no idea where to rate this file so take this C+ as you will

Only My Railgun (Haru-ko) - B
formulaic but gets the job done and is overall much easier to play than Scylaax's. nice guitar solo at the end.

Quark (Alex) - B+
not sure if I like this or DTM more, but one of these is going to get bumped up to an A- later. this is simple but loads of fun and aesthetically it's near-perfect (some patterns felt redundant); what more can you ask for?

STEEL BOMBER (Kommisar) - B
I give this file a B by default; there are ten other Kommisar files like this if you look hard enough. solid all in all.

Super Nova (Yorika) - B-
loved parts of this, others left me wondering. really the entire end felt completely whacked, and the 24ths in the 12th section before that felt arbitrarily placed. you do seem to at least have an idea of what flows and what doesn't, so that's very good, but accurately capturing the music is also pretty important

The Clear Blue Sky (PiePersonOfDOOM) - A++
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