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Old 06-27-2018, 09:48 AM   #5
FFR Veteran
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Default Re: MinaciousGrace quotes

mina-focused thread.. dude i can't say i really care enough to compliment your thread, but the premise is dumb enough to see opportunity to ride my tangential shitposting as far as i can be fucked

some thoughts on mina, then maybe other stuff after idk
your quote is gonna get buried in there too eventually cause there no free rides fucker

always kinda cute to see someone with an online crush tbh, though dude; if you admire him that much why not just find and say hi to him instead of trying to hoard mementos of his past? i wouldn't say anything anyone hasn't already thought, thread just has a touch of creepy adoration behind the appreciation is all. a pretty no-challenge thread too; there's value one way or another in everything he posts. kinda funny that even the no-effort shitposting has enough quality behind it to waste the time typing it.

i dont give enough fucks to get to know him (or anyone really), but from what i've seen from the dude; he's a man capable of enough self-respect not to speak without a logical and reasoned foundation to support him understanding the most practical or realistic direction to take. he might stir the emotional pot of others but there's still a wise man holding the spoon.

with optimism (or probably just weed) i like to think he actually cares about people in an indirect sense. kinda fun to imagine he's clever enough to have the clarity necessary to see all the logical flaws, redundancies or other stupid shit that stops stuff from being as good as it could be. maybe he realises nothings ever as good as its capable of being and that misanthropic wit of his people tend to find endearing is just him venting frustration

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
imagine if people made files worth playing
Even shit like this ^
might seem like antagonistic white noise at first glance; but you shouldn't even really need to consider the subjective nature of individuals giving value to shit that doesn't matter before it's obvious none of this shit wasn't ever really objectively worth anything.

everyone has their own independent models of experience continuously growing with every new moment. its what develop their understanding of what's worth their value. each one's moments are perceivable only as their own. just as subjective and as exclusively unique to the individual as the moment it succeeded and never any less irreplicable than the last

the reality is (((i use the term "reality" to be expressive of truth rather than an ontological descriptor to generalize anything with 3 dimensions and some mass, criteria of what qualifies as real. pretty important distinction to be aware of if you're still killing time reading this.))) the concept of reality is often interpreted as nothing more than periodic things sharing existence within a physical universe without considering there's no mutual property or dimension shared in the relationship between a universe and the very ideas responsible for the word we use to communicate our understanding and ideas of what the universe and existence is.

but wait moria! are you telling me that my very thoughts are on a dimension completely independent from everything existing within the universe..? yet develop solely on whatever experiences i was able to appercept using the physical cognition i'm bound to? :O

so that every interactions sparking influence within existence ((including all forward-consciousness, yes really)) was already anything other than what i thought it was the moment i was aware i had thought it was?

One hand feeds the other. your independence is a codependency of mind and body. neither was ever without the other.

You are your thoughts, just not as you know them.
You'll never know. You can't. conditions required to know directly conflict with the conditions needed to be yourself. you say you are, therefore you are no longer.
consciousness is for doing, not for thinking. to do is to know you do. you have all the time in the world for doing, and none for thinking. Thinking never needed it

thinking though
thinking is the only way you'll ever understand the things you know.

yet you've nothing more than a burden to gain from knowing what you already understand.
despite the inequality; knowing does have a use
knowing you can.

when you know, you're already doing. cause you can, and always could.
so don't doubt yourself. if you're uncertain then there's something to gain from thinking
but if you're thinking you've already stopped sending attention to what you're doing.
doing needs time, and the only time you can do it is right now
the present

just remember, thinking doesn't move forward with time; life does.
you've heard enough from me for today, i hope anyone reading this understands what they need to do,
cause there's just no time like the present

get fucked

na u coo man jk

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