Thread: So I'm Sick...
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Old 04-18-2020, 04:05 PM   #1
FFR Player
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Age: 31
Posts: 16
Unhappy So I'm Sick...

For the past 3 days I've been sick as a dog. Throat is swollen to the point where it's hard to breath, and I feel like I'm swallowing razor blades even if it's water I'm drinking. Had a fever top out at 103 until this morning. My fever finally broke (thank god because fever dreams suck), but my throat is only getting worse. Had to gargle salt water this morning to clear out my throat and a bunch of infection and blood came up. Only thing that helps is drinking hot coffee. It hurts like hell, but eventually it makes the swelling go down a little. I work with the public, and even though my job is super strict (taking temps everyday, constant hand washing/sanitation, constant surface/touch point sanitation, constant glove changing, and no human direct human contact) I still caught something. Also it should go without saying, but I'm not working and am under quarantine until I get better. I don't want to get tested for covid-19 because if I test negative I'm literally walking into place with a high chance of others actually having it. If I get worse I have no other option but to get tested though. Not saying I have covid-19, but if I do it's the worst throat pain I've ever had, and the fever was so bad I had constant cold sweats, and was shivering so bad it made my whole body hurt. For the love of god be safe out there

Last edited by Twiznitch; 04-18-2020 at 04:06 PM..
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