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Old 08-2-2013, 11:00 AM   #1806
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Cavernio View Post
You can't even read a paper in 10 minutes. The controversy with GMO's is far deeper than people just worrying about them being zombie food (this is the first I'd heard of that myself actually). It was sprung because some studies found that they ARE in fact harmful. The shit-storm that has ensued from that is spectacular, one side saying the studies were so poorly done as to be useless, and then having them removed from peer-reviewed journals, and then firing people over them, while the other side claims that they are being silenced and bullied by Monsanto. Whatever side you believe is one not have found the controversy and explored both sides is quite another. I hope this wasn't university/college level work you did.
Beyond that though, there is a huge social aspect to this because Monsanto, the main proponent of GMO's, has strong-manned their way into the agriculture of developing countries. This outwardly is fine and all, to offer their own seeds for people to use, but then it goes and ensures that if the farmers want to switch back to their old product, they can't because they aren't allowed to keep their old crops' seeds. Lack of diversity in agriculture is really risky, if some disease attacks the crop, it'll get ALL the crop. It's also death to the soil, always producing the same crop.

By far the biggest problem that I see with most GMO's is that they're produced by the same company that then sells round-up, (that pesticide that's killing all the bees), and of the course the GMO plants are modified so that they don't die when sprayed roundup. You have 1 company basically selling to itself, and taking control over large swaths of agriculture. I myself am worried about other issues, that some of the GMO plants that kills insects that eat the plant could also damage other animals including people, but I at least can understand if you aren't worried about that given the studies we have access to.

My opinion is that Monsanto is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, much like Eli Lily did when it made Prozac, picking and choosing what studies to present to the FDA, and are actually being aggressive towards people who say otherwise.
ugh it's like you've read approximately nothing and formed an opinion

and i wrote a 30 page paper on the ethical permissibility of GMOs, so it might be college level work but iunno you can tell me if you want
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