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Old 10-24-2019, 10:23 AM   #4
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Default Re: Game development is exploitative

Game development is a saturated market, product-wise. It has become so easy to make games that getting your game out there is a massive task. However here's the catch: if you want to compete on graphics and have your game be runnable on latest technologies, you're almost certainly doomed before even starting. That type of game development requires a lot of ressources (good machines and maybe good artists for high resolution graphics), which isn't suited for indie most of the time given no revenue.

Now that's not news though, so many will try to succeed in other types of games or bring some specific, less expensive style to the front (like the low poly trend). When such an opening happens, it's the right time to go big. Other than that, it's usually very, very hard to succeed (lack of publicity, nothing to pay devs/artists, short deadlines because don't wanna die as a company, etc).

So in the end, yes, it makes sense that the game development market has such poor conditions: it doesnt generate enough money due to saturation. The music industry is very similar; the money little artists get is terribly low. Is it bad ? Well yes it kinda is (musicians suffer even much more due to illegal downloads), but at the same time, it's just normal; if you want to work in an industry with that much competition, you better be hella good at it.
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