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Old 02-18-2017, 11:04 PM   #425
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Default Re: Misc. progress thread

Today was a disappointing day. My plan was to try to get a 300lb bench, but my inability to do plate math took away my chance to give it my best effort. While warming up, I did paused singles at 225, 245, and 265. Initially I was planning to do 285 next, but decided to up it to 290 to ensure that I would get a PR today. However, instead of putting 45/45/25/5/2.5 on my side, I put on 45/45/25/10/2.5. My friend who was loading the other side put on the correct weights. So, I have a bar that weighs 295lbs and is off balance. Somehow I didn't really notice or figure out that something was wrong during the rep. I lowered the bar to my chest, paused, and began pressing it back up. It was harder than I was expecting but progress was being made and I was on my way to finishing the rep. As I was about to lock it out my left arm began lagging behind and the weights started to slide. I freaked out and lowered the bar in an attempt to straighten it and let my spotter know to help but it was too late to save the weights. A few fell off the left side and you guys can probably predict the chain reaction that started. Luckily no one got injured and my spotter was able to help me handle the bar as the weights tumbled off.

Afterwards I was kinda shaken. I dropped the weight to 275 for another single in an attempt to regain confidence. It was really easy and made me begin to question why 290 had been so difficult. Then it hit me that I'm an idiot. I remembered putting a 10 on my side. I then attempted actual 290 and got it without too much difficulty. However, after that rep my chest started tightening and when I finally attempted 300 I barely got the weight off my chest.

For anyone wondering, yes I started using clips after my fail.

Last edited by Shouka; 02-18-2017 at 11:16 PM..
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