Thread: Reincarnation
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Old 11-29-2017, 08:41 PM   #5
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Default Re: Reincarnation

I'll preface this with a nice bolded "theoretically"

So...yes and no. Physically matter doesn't disappear it just changes shape, so in that regard your body will reincarnate into a very nice fertilizer. But you're not your body, you're a pilot in the skies of life; controlling a ship of consciousnesses. A mind. The mind isn't matter; the brain is. Without the brain you leave behind when you die (which is the organ solely responsibly for interpreting any conscious experiences and sensory information), there's gonna be no ability to transfer experiences to another host vessel or physical body. You'll lose everything on death, including any perception of self. By the time you've left the birth canal you don't even know what you are, let alone who you were.

Experiences are like cookies that are encrypted so only the browser that collected them can read, sure you can uninstall and go get that hip new indie browser but you're gonna lose any passwords and search history, that cache is cleared and it's not coming back.

And Deja Vu; that's just apperceptive misinterpretation. Give the experience some arbitrary numeric value, like a 10 for example. Seeing 10 for the first time and having feel familiar due to earlier memories of 2, 3 and 5. Kind of inferential, in a sense.

Last edited by Moria; 11-29-2017 at 08:42 PM.. Reason: typo'd theoretically
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